
Ain't It Fun? [Meeting]



6 Years
08-12-2016, 02:52 AM

there were no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw

If it was one thing he hated, it was the assumption that he had done something wrong when he hadn't. Liar wouldn't say he was a perfect wolf, but his morals stood to a high standard. Since his father had been a bastardly man, he held some things close to his heart. Mates, and children - that was one thing. As Abelinda came into the discussion and the pup for once his demenor broke, he let Avalon see that. A small face of concern and also disgust as he pulled back his lips. He would like to say his fair share, but he dipped his head to Avalon and would wait for her to stop speaking before he even thought about that. Abandon, hah, if she so much as stole that pup because of her own concerns he would be angry. Liar let his breathing calm, he understood after all he wasn't trusted just yet. It was no wonder he got those looks and those thoughts.

The meeting continued, and it seemed Avalon's bad mood had something to go off of. As she mentioned pups his glare sent towards Ash - the pup had disobeyed him and he already scolded her but he was glad she publicly got to see how bad it could be. Pups were pups and should remain such and play as well as hone their skills for the future. His attention back towards Avalon as the news of a possible raid came up after the other missing wolves were touched on. Ivalice was his current home, it didn't matter his thoughts or affiliations loyalty was a huge thing. That and Avalon had already proven to be more reliable than Abelinda even. Though he doubted he himself with the business of taking care of children had tried to show an effort in which he really did want to.

"I'd like to say something." Liar spoke clearly as he looked at Avalon first. "Please if any of you find my child and abelinda let me know. I know it is very wrong of me to assume she stole the child to spite me but the woman had one mission and that was to kill a certain man. I am very much under the assumption that while I devoted myself to her and our family... she took it for granted. I'm upset." his eyes flashed - a emotion not usually shown, but his kids were the most important thing in the world to him. "I want to bring my pups sibling back to them." he looked towards them all. Wondering if they agree'd or not. Giving a sigh he turned back to Avalon. "With that being said I'm done thinking over myself and I do devote myself to Ivalice as all members should while they live here. I just wanted to let you know Avalon that I am willing to do anything for the wolves here. So I'll start being more active I promise that." and the walker - never broke his promises. He took a seat again and shut his maw, trying to return to his emotionless state even if it took some time.

TAGGED // Ivalice meeting

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-12-2016, 02:59 AM

She had never been one to be moved often, and that remained still throughout the meeting. As she was assigned mentor to Dragon - her grey eyes would search over the child. Amachi was honored, regardless of who it was and it did seem that her and dragon had a connection having met more than once across the way. The large woman would dip her head to both Avalon and Dragon - she would have to make sure to be the best mentor she could be. As Avalon continued on with the meeting there was a lot of information to be taken in. Things Amachi had heard before, a raid, members needing to be pulling their weight. There was no doubt that Amachi herself did know she had been idle. So she did need to get more out there in the world.

After Liar spoke his piece Amachi wouldn't say a word. There was nothing more to say other than she understood what was expected of her. However she flashed a smile at Avalon and tried to make herself known in that sense. She wanted the lady to know she could trust Amachi. She couldn't wait for the training sessions and otherwise the time spent with her pack mates. Making sure to keep an eye out for their missing members would be easy as well. It had been some time since she had left pack lands, perhaps she would take dragon on an outting to help her possibly track down or at least look for those under missing.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



6 Years
08-12-2016, 03:04 AM

Abeldina missing really didn't come as a surprise to Vereux. He had been a bit iffy about her joining in the first place. His ears pulled back - going missing seemed to be a common trait with the armada's didn't it? He knew he still had a lot to work out with Avalon - though that was a matter not concerning the pack. His life wouldn't even amount to all of them. As she introduced their children he sighed mildly but gave a soft smile. Vereux knew that if he was allowed to stay he'd try with all his being to be a father to them. To be a healer for ivalice. That's how it should be and well he couldn't just sit idly in his own self pity anymore. There was two facts, he loved his family(that including Avalon) and because of that - he was loyal to ivalice and would die for them at any moment.

“If anyone is interested in healing they can come to me, that or if you're sick. However if you lack the basic knowledge you should drop by, regardless of being a warrior. Knowing how to cover a wound might just save your life.” He said as he flicked his tail. “And I vow to be the best healer I can be for Ivalice.” So none of them should be afraid to drop by the medic den in the mines. Even if they just wanted to make sure they weren't going to die from a splinter.
“Vereux” “Avalon”



1 Year
08-12-2016, 03:12 AM

Ash's attention snapped towards Avalon, though a lot of the words missed her. Other than the obvious glare by her father and the scolding. She looked away with her head lowered, she got it. Don't leave the pack lands - she could get severely hurt. Who would look for her mother and sibling then? Regardless she listened to Avalon all the way through even if she didn't understand some of it. Other than there might be... bloody trouble? A fight she assumed - something she wasn't interested in. It was more into being a sneaky little brat than anything else, as a princess she had a reputation to uphold anyway.

Having nothing to say and knowing she really couldn't say anything she did exchange a glance to greed and to Avalon's children. That was something she was confused about - if they were so royalty why did they get to stand up as if they were above them. Ash frowned as she saw down, not saying a word but somehow she had spoiled her mood. So her gray eyes looked away in thought. What kind of game was dad playing with this alphess?




8 Years
08-12-2016, 03:15 AM
This swarm of wolves were all here for their mother?! That seemed kind of amazing, and even if half the things her mom said went over her head she still tried her hardest to listen. As Charm tried to press herself into Okami looking for comfort with her white sister. Charm's green eyes looked to her father as he spoke and the edge of her tail twitched. As she did still seek comfort from her sister as she was introduced to the pack the pup let shivers run down her spine. "What do you want to do when you grow up Okami?" she whispered quietly. Then looked to her mother and back to Okami. "I think I want to play with all that sticky stuff like dad - so if you get hurt I can make it all better." she smiled happily.




4 Years
08-12-2016, 10:02 AM

Ganta had heard the call, had been part of the pack since winter,yet arriving smack dab in the middle of the meeting was not something he particularly wanted. The ghostly eyed male arrived in time to hear Avalon begin speaking, late, but was there. His ears perked as he focused on her words, flicking his hair back out of his eyes as he remained behind all those currently present. It wasn’t until the woman mentioned the potential raid that Ganta spoke up, making sure his voice was clear and his intentions known. “I’ll stand at your side if you truly wish for this raid to go down, Miss Avalon. I’m all for it.” The brute sat finally. He didn’t see much more reason to speak for now. He could test his skills against Avalon as a fighter at another time if need be. Though, hearing a male say he’d be happy to train those who wanted to know healing arts piqued Ganta’s interest. He let his gaze rove over the pack, calmly waiting.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



5 Years
08-13-2016, 02:19 PM

His blue gaze would shift as something was heading towards his direction. It was a girl, a pup, of nothing but creams and he eyed her warily. What did she want from him? He knew someone else had had a litter in the pack and she didn't smell like one of his new siblings so he concluded that she must be from the other litter. She sat near him, only the gods knew why, and he stared at her for a few more moments. She said nothing so he didn't either and he finally looked away feeling somewhat unnerved. Since when did kids not talk?

Others meandered in and it seemed the last of the stragglers had arrived. Finally. He'd huff to himself. He just wanted this to be over. The beginning part of her speech Kharnage barely half heard. He didn't care about deserters and he didn't care about the pup she'd taken with her. If they didn't want to be here then he didn't care about that either. He certainly wouldn't be the one to try and find them. He also didn't care about the missing boy he'd never seen before. If he didn't like pack life either then his mother or whoever could go find him. It was her problem.

His ears perked up at the training and he scowled again. Of course they were all required to attend any training, but when Vereux had called his stupid healer training he was the only one who'd shown up. Where was the prized heir then? Where was the scolding his siblings were supposed to get? He didn't even get a thank you for showing up. He could have ignored it like the rest of them. She'd assign them mentors though and a a sigh fluttered past his lips. He'd glance towards the male known at Galahad and he wasn't impressed. He was sure that the male was family, but it seemed not even family mattered. He'd gone this long without training and so far he'd already enjoyed wandering better. He'd learned more from Regulus than he had in almost the entire time he'd been living here. He didn't see that anything would change any time soon.

She'd go on to introduce the pups and his interest would wane again as he didn't really hear her. He heard a few key words, but other than that it didn't matter to him. He didn't listen in until he heard his and his siblings names. His gaze would move towards her and his nose would wrinkled as she mentioned that she wished to talk with them afterwards. Probably to bitch at us some more. He thought bitterly.

He didn't stay to hear the rest of the pack suck up to his mother. His tall form would rise and he'd stride easily away from the meeting, eager to get as far away from it as possible so he could have some time to himself before he had to go have this awful talk with his mother.

-Exit Kharnage-

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



6 Years

08-13-2016, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 06:25 PM by Steel.)
Steel didn't know what to expect from this meeting. He vaguely remembered being at a meeting when his family had gone to Ludicael, before it'd been taken over. Nothing had struck him as particularly interesting about it - he'd likely been too young to pay much attention to anything being said, he realized now. Briefly he eyed the last few wolves trickling in, before turning his stare to Avalon as she began to speak to the group.

Her voice held a fair bit of disappointment, and he swore he heard some sadness too. All he knew was that she wasn't happy, and she wasn't bothering to hide it. The first thing she addressed was a woman, missing with her child. They wanted the child.. it belonged to the pack. For some reason - perhaps a reason he couldn't quite place - these words didn't settle well with him. He and Esarosa had discussed starting a family, and they'd started trying to make it a reality.

If they decided to leave Ivalice, he wondered, would they try to claim his children as theirs? His stony expression faltered slightly at the thought. His parents had begged to leave Ludicael when it'd been taken over, not wanting Steel to live life under the guise of being owned. The thought of his children being forced through the same sort of life was unsettling, and he leaned a bit more heavily into Esarosa.  The one thing he knew was that if they did try.. Steel would protect any future children until his dying breath. His jaw clenched tightly, though he was silent as Avalon continued. He'd have to bring that up with Esarosa later.

She spoke about another being missing, the child that Esarosa had referred to as her little brother. He frowned slightly at that, tilting his head to press his snout to her cheek gingerly. Avalon also spoke about training being encouraged and required, and Esarosa was given a rank promotion. It wasn't unexpected, and he murmured a soft word of approval as he placed a soft lick on the side of her mouth. The rest of her words were more expected, and he'd nod quietly in understanding, though said nothing still. Instead, he eyed the others as they chimed in - some far less pleasant than others - curious as to what precisely the tension was about.



6 Years

08-13-2016, 11:03 PM

The expression on Avalon's face was clearly one of serious brooding - the tiny flash of a smile that came and went as Esa arrived seemed uncharacteristic. The emerald-eyed woman wondered what was bothering the older, normally welcoming woman. As one of the first to arrive, it took time for the others to gather. While she waited, one of Avalon's youngest approached Esa to say hello, so she smiled at the youngster. "Hello there," she said gently to the pup, and before she could say more, she felt another presence at her side. Turning, she saw Valentina beside her - she grinned when she heard the woman's words, and the teasing shoulder nudge. She leaned into her friend, emerald eyes glimmering. "Hey gorgeous!" she greeted Val, returning the playful compliment while she then lowered her voice, "I'll tell you about it after the meeting." With a wink, she looked up as one after the other, pups came bumbling into the clearing. Her eyes widened slightly; she knew there were lots of pups, but seeing them all here at once made her realize just how many there were!

Suddenly Steel was at her side, and she felt complete with her two favourite wolves at her sides. Her best friend, and her mate. She leaned away from Val and pressed into her love, returning his affectionate nuzzling. When a powerful silence fell over the gathered wolves, Esa sat up straight and looked around, realizing most everyone had come. Then Avalon began her meeting. There was a lot to be said, and it was almost difficult to keep up. It seemed there were several missing pack members, including a pup that belonged to Ivalice. She noticed Steel pressing into her somewhat uneasily just then, and wondered why. Did it bother him the way that Avalon stated the pup belonged in Ivalice, even though the mother had left? It seemed a little strict, but Esarosa trusted Avalon - she only wanted what was best for the pack and the pups. She was glad when the Alphaess mentioned Itri missing; perhaps someone had seen him, or at least they would keep an eye out for him. But it saddened her that he was missing at all. Had pack life really proven too challenging for the distrustful boy? She felt Steel's supportive touch, her ears folding back and a deep sigh escaping her.

But the meeting went on, leaving no time to wallow. As mentors were assigned to Avalon's older sons, Esarosa was surprised but delighted when she heard her name called and assigned to Gryphon. And she was being promoted to Ranger. Smiling, she nodded to Avalon. "Thank you Avalon, I will do my best," she chimed in, somewhat shyly in front of all these other wolves. Had she really stood out amongst all of them? Feeling proud of herself, she smiled and glanced to Steel for a moment and then Val. She hoped they'd both earn better ranks soon, as well. Then she looked around, wondering where her new apprentice was. Actually, it seemed he wasn't present - she'd have to seek him out after.

It seemed Avalon had been brooding over many thoughts, leaving many topics to be covered in this meeting. The pups were introduced, and Esa would try to remember each name and face in turn, and would do her best to spend some time training with each of them. Then mention of a raid was made. Blinking, she wasn't really sure if she would, or could be part of such a thing. Who would they be attacking? She wasn't a strong fighter, and wasn't sure if she'd be useful in an attack like that, but she wasn't going to sit around if she was needed. Would Steel go? What about Valentina? Not knowing how to react to that she remained quiet on the subject for now.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-14-2016, 12:39 AM

It took some time, but everyone had made it. The answer his mom gave to his question just brought a scowl to his face, and he hoped she was right. He didn't want to be behind on training anymore then he already was, and if it didn't happen, he'd seek out his brothers to see if they wanted to train together. Finally, mom began the meeting and he listened quietly. She mentioned an armada missing, wasn't that the bitch that had acted all high and mighty at their last meeting? She'd left and stolen a pup? While it wasn't his business really, he supposed he had responsibility to the pack regardless, and nodded when she finished that part. She went on with more, the only parts really interesting him was the fact he now had a mentor, and could finally start training. Assuming his mentor kept up with it. Other then that, he figured he too should step up his activity and do stuff around here. Esarosa had gotten a promotion, and he flashed her a grin to congratulate her.

Alot of the meeting did interest him, particularly the part about a raid and showing off skills. When she was done with it all, he waited until others spoke up, none of it interested him, and his brother Kharnage had gotten up and left after mom said she wanted to see them after. What? His brother didn't want to raid? Raid meant fighting others, right? Why wouldn't Kharnage wanna partake? The only one that had mentioned anything about it out of those who had spoken (or not spoken), had been an odd looking male with weird long fur. He sniffed, a frown forming as he looked at his mom. "I'm up for it. Things have gotten boring, so why not try for a little excitement? We could use it as a test too right? Especially for us Novices to further prove our skills and become full warriors or whatever?" He was truly curious about that. After all, he didn't want to be a novice forever. His mom would nod to confirm it, cool! His tail wagged at the possibility of getting into real fights and earning his rank like a real warrior! Time to get in some practice!


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-16-2016, 01:15 AM

Her mom had talked about alot, though none of it she understood. The only part she somewhat cared about was the introduction of her and her siblings, and the other litter. She peered around to look, though some were too far for her to see properly. Other then that, she didn't think much on anything else until Charm had asked her what she wanted to do. It was a good question, but she didn't know exactly what she wanted to do yet...she could be a healer like her daddy, or maybe a hunter like Esarosa! Maybe even a fighter like her mom! That's how an alpha stayed an alpha, right? "I dunno...I haven't thought about it yet, Charm. Maybe I'll do everything!" Her tail wagged at the thought. She could do that, right?

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
08-17-2016, 07:14 PM
Ramsay was busy looking around at all the big wolves that were gathering in front of Ivalice, when Greed came to sit beside him. He grinned at his grumpy, sulky-looking brother, nudging him with his shoulder. "Look at all these big wolves," he whispered to Greed, "Think we'll ever be that big?" He knew his brother would probably just grump at him for such a question, but it didn't matter. He wasn't afraid of the boy, and sometimes it was amusing to just get on his nerves, since he seemed to have quite the temper. Next his brother Vadim would join them at the meeting, coming to sit at Ramsay's other side. He felt the boy's big nose press against the side of his face, letting out a snort. Chuckling, he turned to Vadim in mock annoyance, just as his brother nipped his ear. "Knock it off, Vadim!" he whined, playfully batting his brother's shoulder with an over-sized paw.

Just then he noticed Ash arrive, and he smiled back at her, but she went to sit elsewhere. Blinking, he shrugged. It would just be him and his brothers together for now, then. Which he didn't mind. It was fascinating to be amongst the large group of other wolves. When the meeting began, he tried to listen, but really it was all way over his head. He faded in and out of attention, but he did perk when he heard pups would begin training. For real?! His tail swished against the ground involuntarily. Oh, he'd definitely be getting in on that! They may be too young to have mentors assigned, unlike the older boys, but Ramsay and his siblings could still start learning cool stuff. This was going to be awesome!
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



8 Years
08-17-2016, 08:25 PM
Yep, Mama was upset. Enlil frowned, furrowing his brow as he listened to her speak. He didn’t know who the missing child was, nor the lady who was her mother, but he knew that his own mama wasn’t happy about it. He didn’t know the other missing wolf either. The little one listened to her go on about training, but distractions were a thing. He saw something flying in the corner of his eye and looked up to see a small bird {a raven} flying past the meeting. By the time he focused on his mother again she was talking about him and his siblings... As well as some other puppies!

Enlil glanced over at them but, feeling unsure, he frowned and stayed put. At least the lady next to him had been nice. When it came time for his turn to speak, or so Enlil thought {there was a pause at least} he squeaked in a happy voice. “I’mma do erry thing!” He had stood up, little tail wiggling a mile a minute. “Can I come fight at the raid-thingy too mama?” He wanted to prove himself! His golden eyes shown as he looked upon her. He wanted to make his parents, his family, and his pack proud.


08-18-2016, 05:51 PM
Esarosa's response to her question was enough to make her playfully smirk and giggle. Olivine gaze found Steel's form, and she studied him for a brief moment before everyone else had arrived and the meeting began. Avalon didn't seem very happy, and Valentina knew she was somewhat to blame. She was so unused to pack life that she forgot about the duties that came with being in one. The oddity would shrug her shoulders, she'd get on it. Maybe go on a hunt with Esa or play with the runts that were running around. What was the harm in it? She doubted she'd be having kids of her own anytime soon, especially considering her lifestyle choice and the fact she was more or less pretty picky. Then there was the fact she'd yet to come across anyone interested in someone like her. So for now, she supposed she would continue to flirt with Esarosa and maybe get on Steel's nerves with it.

The Chief went on, giving Esarosa a promotion and assigning the novices their mentors. Not much else was of interest to her, except for maybe the raid part. It had been some time since she'd gotten in a good fight, and what better way to do it then on someone else's property and biting the shit out of them? She hummed at the thought, and waited a while before speaking. One exotic looking male spoke, though it wasn't anything really important. If he really cared, why wasn't he out looking for his missing child? She shook her head, the wolves here were strange. Or maybe emotionally detached, who the hell knew nowadays. Others spoke, but none of it was really of any interest to her. Finally wheb there was an opening, she'd speak. "I'm game if the rest of you are. I wouldn't mind going around kicking some tail once in a while." Whether her vote counted or not, she had thrown it out there. Though so far it seemed, there might be enough interest. And perhaps the majority felt like they weren't ready. But she was. Game on.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-18-2016, 09:52 PM
Beware, Beware, Be Skeptical

Their Smiles, Their Smiles of Plated Gold

Nothing in the meeting was of any interest to him. Except maybe the part about his mom, and his eyes narrowed. How could they be sure she was a deserter? What if she had gone hunting and gotten hurt, and nobody had gone to find her? Surely there were lots of possibilities, and neither his dad nor the pack seemed to care. The rest of what Avalon said had gone through one ear and out the other, everything completely boring topics until she said something about fighting? His ears perked slightly, maybe that...he listened as others spoke, blue gaze narrowing on his dad as he spoke. Greed's hackles rose, he would dare bad mouth their mother in front of them? A low growl emanated, and that was when he knew his father was full of shit. "Can I fight too?" He didn't know what a raid was, but he was pretty sure he could take on anyone.

Deceit So Natural

But A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Is More Than A Warning!


Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 09:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2016, 10:31 AM by Lykos I.)
Lykos listened quietly, observing those who arrived with a stoic expression on his face. He greeted everyone with a nod and slight smile, well, those that looked at him. Dragon came, and his question made him glance at Avalon, who seemed distinctly... irritated at the question, it seemed. Hmm? Why was that? Why was she irritated by the question? For once, he actually agreed with his shorter brother. They needed the training, and Lykos would have brought it up had he not. Either way, she responded that it would be discussed, and his head turned away from her, continuing to observe and greet. He paused only for his brother Kharnage, who had a distinct glower towards Lykos. If wolves had brows, then one would have risen here; as it was, a single ear twitched as he took in his brother's expression, and he simply slid his gaze away, though it did trouble him. He ha been recieving looks like that for the past... well, since he was made heir, from Dragon and Kharnage. Were they jealous? That's what he and Gryphon had surmised long ago, and even now he wasn't one-hundred percent certain as to why. True, it was more inherent respect. True, it was a position of power. But he'd not truly hold power until his second birthday, and it would be a much more difficult task than the tasks and duties of the others. He could not see why they'd envy him, for the very reasons him and Gryph had spoken about.

And yet, if it wasn't jealousy, what could it be? A general hatred? He thought that all his siblings concurred about protecting the pack. Was it... was it that they did not agree with the view of loyalty that he and Gryphon held? Well, he had the loyalty to the pack - less to the family. Gryphon had loyalty to the family - less to the pack. Dragon seemed to be pretty normal, but Kharnage... the look of anger and indifference that was constantly on his brother's face truly troubled Lykos, though he correctly guessed that approaching Kharnage would likely be a bad idea. It seemed much of the animosity was directed at him, for whatever reason... and it absolutely frustrated Lykos to no end.

Shaking it off mentally, he let his gaze drift over others who arrived. There were many pups; he could see the 6 month old pups of Liar and Armada, who watched with a quiet intensity with only a little muttering among them. He smiled slightly, not bothering to hide it. It really was quite advantageous to be up here with his mother; he could survey all who appeared from the point he saw them until they sat, and even after that. It was single-handedly the easiest way to observe his pack - well, his mother's - that he could think of.

Like Steel. He dipped his head towards Steel, having met the man prior, though he'd been curt with him. He felt no guilt nor regret for the way he dealt with the man, though perhaps he could have... done so with a little less suspicion and abrasiveness, and he realized that a bit now. He didn't want to alienate the pack, after all. One didn't lead like that. Well, at least, Valentine didn't. He heard about Valentine's ruling, and everyone respected and liked the man in the pack, and Lykos knew he wanted to be like that, and be as strong as Mercy and as bold, too.

More movement caught his eye, and he glanced towards the motion to find one of the young pups heading towards them now - or rather, towards Vereux. Carefully remaining stoic, he regarded the pup. Distaste saturated his mind, though it remained tightly under lock and key; no instance of that distaste was allowed to slip free. He still was not fond of this litter, nor did he understand why his mother decided to breed with someone she didn't know very well. To be fair, she didn't know, but he still thought she'd ought to have learned her lesson with his father. It was too late now, however, and there was no point in dwelling on the thought.

Thankfully, Avalon started speaking then, and he listened to her without sound. His mother's sternness was something he did not quite expect, and a single ear twitched slightly, though they flattened completely at the mention of a deserter. Another traitor? Too bad it wasn't Vereux who went missing. His eyes slid to glance at Vereux; this Abelinda was related to Vereux, right? Lykos desperately wanted to believe that Vereux had something to do with the woman and missing child, but, unfortunately, there was no possible way for that to be the case, really. So he dismissed that; he knew Vereux wasn't involved - this time, anyway. Now Liar, on the other hand... he glanced at the other. Something about the wolf just rubbed him the wrong way; he distrusted and didn't really like Liar, about as much as he liked Liar's mate... not one bit.

Again, not something that he needed to worry about at that moment, and he simply looked back at his mother, who was describing yet another wolf gone missing. He stifled a sigh; would all the wolves of this pack slowly disappear? Still, he stored the information. Black with golden markings; that'd be pretty noticeable, right? Well, hopefully this Itri wasn't another traitor, another deserter. If he was Lykos might just have to hunt him down and beat him for it, used to pack life or not.

And then... training. His ears had already risen fully back on his head, and he contained the excitement that threatened to break out. Training? After all this time? Finally. He had in truth been getting annoyed with the lack of training, though even though she was mentioning it, he still felt wary of it, because he wasn't certain who he'd be assigned to. He wagered his mother, though, which would be alright, but the others... well, if he was to be assigned to someone else he'd not be the happiest; if only Mercy were in this pack. But... he didn't see the headstrong woman joining under Avalon, of all wolves. Maybe if Valentine were to raise his pack again, but if that were the case then he'd have quite the conflicted time as well.

It also rankled him that she singled him out, as if she expected him to believe he was exempt. He was not; he knew this. He was not yet two years of age; he would be considered a Novice until that point, though his official position was that of Heir. That she would specifically speak to him was... irritating, though he kept it under wraps, simply tipping his head in silent acknowledgement of her words. She moved on then, and assigned mentors to his littermates; Galahad and Kharnage, Amachi and Dragon, Esarosa and Gyphon. He was with his mother. He nodded with the choices; out of them all he most certainly liked Esarosa the most, and he actually grinned when she was given a promotion too, dipping his head toward her in respect and congratulations to her. It was well deserved in his opinion, and he was glad his mother realized and noticed her actions.

He thought she might have been finished with that, but no, she wasn't. She paused only for a second, it seemed, before continuing on... about pups. Ugh. Pups. Weird creatures that were annoying. Yes, he was once a pup. Yes, he wasn't quite an adult. But he was pretty damned certain he wasn't as annoying as most pups were, or at the very least his brothers. He wagered these pups were incredibly similar, though he tried to listen to their names anyway. His mother chose odd names for the children - though, then again, look at him and his littermates. But... Charm. Ugh. That was the worst, in his opinion. He doubted the child had any sort of charm to it.  Liar and Abelinda (if the woman was even involved) chosen even more odd names. Greed, Ash? What the hell was up with those names? Vadim and Ramsay were better - he liked Vadim's name - but Ash and Greed? He just wanted to shake his head with that. Ah, well, thankfully, he didn't have to deal with them, and now he knew who they were.

... and it seems he ought to watch out, because at least one pup had been caught sneaking out. Lykos found this all very amusing, though it'd be unprofessional to laugh at the pups for punishment. It was the same sort of punishment that had been meted out to Dragon, and in Lykos' opinion, it served them right. It served his brother right, too. It was extremely fair. They break the law, they get punished. It also pleased him that the rule was being reinforced even here, because he certainly didn't want to deal with a child being an idiot and getting lost or something. Or encountering an unfriendly wolf. Not a good situation; this way, Avalon would be able to eliminate one problem altogether.

That was when his mother paused again, and he studied her for a moment. Was she done? She hadn't dismissed them. Was she just taking a break from talking because she'd talked so much? That thought amused him. That thought proved to be right, because after a few moments of contemplation, she resumed talking. His head tilted a little bit as he regarded her. Assessment of skills? Interesting. He supposed it was necessary, if it wasn't done; perhaps he could bring up the idea that the assessment of skills occur when the wolf first shows inclination of wanting to join. Still, he was curious about what on earth she was talking about - what would let them prove themselves? What were they not ready for? What did she mean? Aaaand then she decided to just tease them with that.

Trying not to feel disappointed, he sighed quietly to himself. This meeting would definitely be long; so many wolves and so many words. There'd be a plethora of reactions, but hopefully no drama would result from this. His mother was talking about changes to some of the rules; the festivals (well, festival, now). Thankfully, the rule that bothered him so long ago was being changed into something much more reasonable - simply don't give inside information such as plans out. That made sense; no stranger needed to know that. Of course, he could think of how it could conflict, but generally it wouldn't. Like, if he wanted to tell Mercy, he probably would, but not anyone else; no one else, not even Katja, needed to know anything... like say they were going to attack someone. He'd probably tell Mercy, but no one else.

He turned his head to continue wolf-watching, though he was still listening to his mother mildly drone on about the new rules. He understood that it was important to explain them, but he did wish it involved slightly less words. Better safe than sorry, and Avalon exemplified that principal by the thorough explanations she was giving. It was so simple that even the pups could understand it, unless they were all utterly stupid. Which, there was no telling if that was the case or not. It very well could be, not that Lykos intended to spend any time with them to find out. Nope, no thank you, he'd just stay away.

He did, however, enjoy watching the wolves around him. Most seemed to be listening, some appeared bored, and some appeared angry (Kharnage), but they were all being at least somewhat patient. The meeting was giving him ample opportunity to try to understand the wolves in this pack, and to also figure out and pick at the brains of the members who were all newer. In fact, he'd get so absorbed in it that he'd only have listen, and that was precisely what was happening now. So absorbed in his studies that when Avalon spoke his name it surprised him, and he whipped his head around.

She wanted to talk to them after the meeting. Why? Were they in trouble? Did they do something wrong? Or did she want to talk to them for a different reason, perhaps maybe about Vereux, or the pack happenings? There were so many different things it could be and her tone was utterly ambiguous. She didn't sound displeased, but she didn't sound pleased. She was entirely, infuriatingly, neutral. He didn't think they were in trouble, but either way he hoped they weren't in for a lecture.

Regardless, he nodded in affirmation. He would go anyways, of course, despite his misgivings and slight paranoia of what it could be about. He hoped that it was a discussion and not a lecture, but he'd weather either or.

Thankfully, that was all she said in public. Instead she moved on - to what she said before. Curiosity flickered in his eyes, and he stared at her intensely, silently wishing she'd hurry up and get to the point... which she did, and quickly. A raid? Hmm. He sat back, contemplating the idea. He now understood why she had said she believed they were far from ready, and he quite agreed with that. A real fight, a pack vote as to which pack to raid, and then another pack vote. That was perfectly reasonable, though it would likely entail some investigation of the other packs. He might do that; after all, no one could mess with him if he were to be on the outside of the borders. They could huff and puff, but they had no authority in lands outside the borders. It would certainly test the irritability and any hubris other pack leaders had.

Of course... he wouldn't be surprised if many of the pack leaders thought they had authority in the lands outside their own. Derision nearly made his lip curl. It would be funny if one confronted him if he decided to investigate, it would certainly make his choice easy as to which pack. Whatever pack believed that they had the authority outside of their pack lands is one that needs to be knocked down.

These thoughts he kept to himself as his mother wrapped up the meeting, and he simply observed the other members, waiting to speak himself. Liar spoke first, and he coolly regarded the man. He spoke too much for too little substance, Lykos decided. And then he added about being devoted to Ivalice, and he eyed the man further. What, was he not devoted when he joined? Months after he joins, now he decides it? Hmph. Too many words, again, for something that didn't need to be said. He already knew how his mother would respond; she'd respond similar to how he would: with professionalism and a thank you, because despite the feelings on the matter, it is oftentimes not good to voice those thoughts.

Liar did eventually shut up, though, and then... Vereux started speaking. This time he truly did have to fight to keep his nigh-on hatred and distrust from showing, and he wrestled it down viciously, determined to keep a blank face that gave no indication of his true emotions. Not a single hint showed, and he thought back, again, to what Katja said. Oathbreaker. Traitor. And... a warrior. His gaze sharpened, and he eyed Vereux. That hit him in a flash; Katja said Vereux had desired to become a warrior. What, then, made him become a healer? Did he have that knowledge in Yfir? Something worth investigating, but not something pressing enough to warrant the active searching and questioning that he had done before finding Katja. Finding Katja had certainly been a blessing; to be introduced to a language that he yearned to learn more of, to meet a woman who demanded and earned respect in the first few seconds of meeting her, and to learn of Vereux' traitorous path. Yes, definitely worth it.

Thankfully, Vereux didn't speak long, and then the weird male with extra long fur on top of his head spoke. Hey, wasn't this the wolf he sparred with? Interesting. It was pretty bad he didn't notice that this wolf was in Ivalice. He needed to put more effort into meeting the members of his pack. He was the heir, after all, and if all went correctly then he'd end up inheriting - though he was still iffy about the pack in general. It was better, now, though, since he investigated Vereux and now with his mother changing the rule that bothered him so much.

Movement caught his eye, and he spotted Kharnage leaving without a word. He frowned; did he not care about what Avalon was saying? Even if he disagreed with some of it, it was still worth listening, in his opinion. Not that he disagreed with it right now. True, it was tiring listening to the sucking up, especially coming from a wolf he despised and another he was wary of. It was still important to listen. What the hell was wrong with his brother? He seemed so... callous. It bothered him, though he'd not call out. He supposed he'd figure out the source of his brother's bitchiness during their meeting with Avalon later.

Esarosa's words distracted him then, and he glanced over to see Steel - the wolf he confronted underground - pressing his muzzle into Esarosa, and amusement filled him. Okay, okay, that made sense. Mates. Still, Esarosa's words made him grin again, and that was when he stood. "We have no doubt about that," he assured Esarosa. "It was a pleasure working with you during the hunt, and this promotion is wholly deserved. We are certain that you will succeed in this new position of ranger. I look forward to hunting with you again, Esarosa." Let it be seen that he was not just a silent shadow behind his mother, and that he too would feel happy and proud of members in the pack. He was especially happy it was Esarosa, and not, say, Vereux getting a promotion; he truly did like the black female. He bowed his head to her one more time, showing her, and the pack, great respect for her promotion and what she has earned. He then sat himself down, and listened as Dragon rose to speak.

He agreed with his brother, though he presumed by the time that the raid happened, they'd be nearing being done with being Novices. It could be a final test for all novices, as well as a test for those wishing to go the warrior path in general; any wounds they received would result in the healers being tested as well. Of course, it would be best to hold this raid in Autumn or Winter, when the prey would start diminishing and hunting would become a more difficult task. It'd also be when they'd need herbs the most, and then they could raid for herb stores as well. He would definitely propose that to his mother.

His plotting and planning and general enjoyment of where his thoughts were going were interrupted by an obnoxious squeak, and he narrowed his eyes at the source of the sound. One of the new pups from his mother, and yep, exactly what he thought. Irritation seared through him, and he quickly flicked his gaze away from the thing. Pups, fighting? Ha. Idiot. Except he wasn't the only one, because one of Liar's spawn then turned around and asked the same thing. Ugh.

It was then he rose, not just to address the pups, but to address everyone. "A raid would indeed be a good indication of our fighting ability as a pack. I do agree with you, mother, in that we've a long way to go before we reach that point. I believe it would be best to hold these meetings during Summer, and commence the raid in Autumn so we may better prepare the pack for the harsh winter season. Before we do that, though, we'd need to do careful scouting of each pack to best determine which we should raid. If I recall, though, there are only two packs we are not allied with, yes? That will certainly narrow down our choices quite a bit." He then turned towards the pups, and smiled down at them. He was rather proud that he was able to force this smile and make it appear natural; in reality, he just wanted to bite them for being idiotic.. but it would not be seemly for him to show any animosity towards them, and so he'd stuff that far inside himself and show a benevolent, kind man to these things.

"I believe I can speak for this. It is too dangerous for a pup to fight. However, should the raid be held in winter, it could be considered for you to fight, since you'll then be yearlings. It will depend on your fighting skill, though, so if you want a chance then you need to train and work hard, as hard as the adult wolves." There, that ought to take care of them, while still giving them hope and perhaps making them useful. Once again, he felt a surge of pride in himself for handling that; he was actually pretty scared that he would say something wrong. He was sure he succeeded and didn't say anything wrong, though.

Feeling satisfied with his words, he sat down again, and watched once more the wolves around him. Would anyone else speak? Or was everyone else done, and waiting for what his mother would say? He supposed he would find out, and he waited patiently for her to respond.

"Speech" | Think



7 Years
08-20-2016, 12:30 AM
Galahad quickly realized how out of the picture and out of the loop he was. As he sat there listening to his sister speak and then everyone else around him speaking soon after, it was fair to say that he not only had no idea who all he shared the pack with, but that he wasn't even particularly sure how packs were run. He remembered so little of his past... Had he even been in a pack before now? He couldn't say for sure. He sat silently through the whole meeting, shifting uncertainly at certain points. He would be sure to glance toward his nephew when his sister assigned him as his apprentice, but if the boy's expression was any indication the young man wasn't entirely pleased with this development. Galahad's ears flicked and his gaze drifted back toward Avalon to continue listening. That would have to be something he would have to address later. When she spoke of raids didn't feel confident enough to vote one way or another. He didn't know what all was entailed in a raid and what little he could gather from context clues he wasn't thrilled with. Was this what being in a pack was really about? He decided not to comment just now. He would rather not speak than say something ignorant. He waited for Avalon to dismissed them to move, but he couldn't say this relieved any of his concerns. Maybe he just needed to talk to Avalon later...