
a new soul to the old hell



3 Years
08-15-2016, 07:51 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 07:51 AM by Jorrvaskr.)

jorrvaskr zii

you cannot lie to the soul

So she finally arrived. After more than a year living like a nomad, a thief, wandering to plains, forests, mountains, rivers and even the ocean, a grayish canine, with eyes yellow as gold, stopped almost in the middle of a large yellow meadow, with short grass and smell of death. She has followed the river, now in her left, until find this strange place, for more than a week. Forward, almost all the view was of green healthy grass, and a pine forest not so far. Behind the ashes colored wolf, a snowed area, which in the distance just the silhouette of an enormous mountains covered by fog and ice could be seen.

This new place was strange, with so many different smells, being the vein fluid the strongest one. Of course, there was a lot of other canine’s scents around, but since she left her home, this was very common, so the female didn’t care much. All of them where a bit distant, like they were dispersed around the plain area, but her vision could not capture any image of another wolf, or creature.

In her travel in this large island, Jorrvaskr have heard lots of rumors echoing in the air, and most of them she did not understood so clearly. But, if she was not wrong, this dead place of battles and murdering was the place most of the rogues and young homeless kids used to go, when they search for a new beginning. Just what she wanted. With a sigh, Jorrvaskrs sit over her tail to turn the muzzle to the sky, closing her shiny eyes for a moment, feelings the breeze, the warm sun over her coat and all the odd smells around. There was a lot of sensations in just a few moments.




12 Years
Extra large
08-15-2016, 08:32 AM

His patience with the lack of activity in his pack was wearing thin. Varda had not shown up to the Meeting, and as their only official hunter, he could not let that stand, especially when she hadn’t been actively attending to her duties and calling pack hunts. He needed to get out there, and search out prospective new members who would be willing to put forth their best effort.

So this was what had brought the towering crimson Archangel to the battlefield. Granted, he ought to have been coming here more often to spar, but with his mother being ill… Regulus shook his head, fathomless sapphire gaze lifting from the ground before his paws and scanning the distance ahead, ears perking to catch any sounds as his muzzle tipped up slightly to sample the air for scents.

He had heard the challenge, distantly, for Myriad. He wasn’t aware, yet, of which wolf had won, or who the challenger had been, although her voice had sounded familiar. He had meant to go, but Surreal had taken a sudden dive in condition, and that had taken all of his focus. That had been yesterday, and now Kavdaya was struggling to keep the aging Adravendi stable.

His thoughts returned to the task at paw as a figure caught his attention. And he slowed to an amiable walk as he drew near. She was a timber marked female, dominantly grey, though he thought he could spot some warmer tones in her coat. As he drew close enough for conversation, he offered a friendly smile, heavily furred tail waving above his hips in a casual declaration of his status in his pack, even if his scent fairly screamed that he was in charge of his pack.

For once, it wasn’t someone tiny, but he still towered over the stranger. She wasn’t in a stance as though she were looking for a spar, nor had he heard any calls for a fight from this direction, so he kept his posture relaxed as he greeted her with a rumble of, “Hello, miss. What brings you onto the battlefield?” His accent was a unique mixture of Swedish inflections, with English and Irish dominating the tones.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



3 Years
08-15-2016, 09:15 AM

jorrvaskr zii

you cannot lie to the soul

In short time, a voice called for Jorr’s attention, making the she-wolf lower her head again, turning to the sounds direction with ears turned up, quite surprised. In front of her, a few meters always, a wolf with the same color as blood was standing, looking calm and showing no harm to the female.

She got him her paws while he was talking. Jorrvaskr could perfectly understand this language most of the wolves used to speak outside Tamariel, but for her, was hard to use this words for herself. “Battle… Field?” She tried to reply the male’s words, doing her best to do not sound too weird. In her mind, she searched for a word similar in Dovahzul, that she could actually name this place. She looked again to the red wolf, after her pale golden eyes have turned to the ground, forcing her mind to assimilate both languages. “Frod?” Her soft voice coming out of the throat was derationed to the stranger in her company. Well, probably he didn’t know anything about the ancient language she has learned in her childhood. “You know Dovahzul?”




12 Years
Extra large
08-15-2016, 10:07 AM

Her attention shifted to him as he greeted her, and while he saw the understanding in his eyes, or at least, no sign that she didn’t understand his language, when she spoke, it was hesitant, and in a thick accent, as though she didn’t speak the common tongue very often. He nodded simply, pausing as she offered a word in an unfamiliar language.

His head cocked slightly at her last query, before he shook his head offering apologetically, “No, I’m afraid not. Can you teach me a bit, though? I wouldn’t mind learning, if it would help you. My name is Regulus Anatolii Adravendi, by the way. I am the leader of a pack southwest of here.” Was that too much too soon for someone not completely familiar with the language?

His haunches settled to the ground as he studied her curiously. Leader he may be, but he was one with a ready mind for learning, eagerly soaking up anything new to be learned, whether it be fighting techniques, hunting styles, or healing methods. And languages? He especially adored learning new languages.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



3 Years
08-15-2016, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 06:53 PM by Jorrvaskr.)

jorrvaskr zii

you cannot lie to the soul

This words used by the male where not hard at all. I her thoughts, the grayish canine was pretty proud of herself to be so used to understand this language, but quite frustrated to be so hard to put them in practice and actually say it. Anyway, she was trying her best to speak with this uncommon looking wolf, with the title of the leader of a nearby pack. Interesting, and just in time.

After he was finished, it was her time to speak, and as traditions in her homeland, Jorr did a slight bow with her head, greeting the male. “Drem yo lok, Jun Regulus.” She said with a timid smile in her mouth, making sure to be polite enough in calling him leader. “Zu’u…” She started, but already stopped after the word in Grohiikzul. “I am Jorrvaskr” In a moment of audacity, the she-wolf decided to approach a few steps to the pack leader, lowering the head a little bit to make sure he understood she meant no harm. “You’re Jun… Leader. I am… Rogue. Seeking new home.” There was actually no words in Dovahzul for ‘rogue’, so this one she have learned by first, since was the only thing Jorrvaskr heard others calling her. She hoped that, even speaking so badly, this alpha would understand that her intentions were of, possibly, join his group, with unknown territory for the outsider female.


Grohiikzul - Language spoke by the wolves (any other idiom besides Dovahzul)
Jun - Pack leader, chief.



12 Years
Extra large
08-15-2016, 06:43 PM

He listened with interest as she answered, smiling gently as she showed her respect to him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Jorrvaskr” The words she spoke weren’t all ones he understood, but the last sentence bolstered his hope a bit. “I happen to be here looking for wolves willing to join. We’re low on hunters and fighters in Celestial. What are you best at?””

He turned offering her a spot at his side to walk beside him. He found walking helped things flow more easily, and his tail waved cheerfully above his hips. His movements were of gentle authority, neither flaunting nor understating, nor domineering. He just was. He was clearly interested in what she had to say, despite the difficulty she had in speaking the common language. In all, he was silently itching to learn some of it, but maybe not in an area full of wolves likely searching for a scrap.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-15-2016, 06:53 PM

From Abaven, her journey continued on towards the battlefield which was initially her goal to reach. The sounds of fighting could be heard in the distance, but a fight wasn't exactly what she had come for. Instead, she had spotted some distance away, a female. Judging by what the wind brought her, she was quite sure it was female. Avalon would make her way forward, and halfway there she spotted a bright red splotch appear, her brow raising at the sight. She'd never seen someone so unnaturally red before, and judging by his scent as she drew closer, it was a male from Creed's pack. Had her relative sent his members to recruit as well? She wasn't familiar with this male, but if he had Celestial scent then surely it was from Creed's pack. (She wasn't aware of anyone else as alpha besides Creed for that's all she'd meet after all), so she was mildly surprised Creed wasn't out here himself.

Stopping several feet from the pair, the red male who seemed to be trying to lead the female away, she would cast a greeting. "Good day m'am, sir." She offered a nod to the both of them, though her attention was more on the woman who bore a foreign scent. "Lovely day, isn't it?" She glanced from one to the other, no sign of disrespect towards either one. She was as pleasant as pleasant could be, then again she always was unless someone pissed her off. "What brings you two out here today?"

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
08-15-2016, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 07:14 PM by Jorrvaskr.)

jorrvaskr zii

you cannot lie to the soul

This male was actually very kind, unlike many other Jorr had met in her days walking and traveling with no actual destination. The largest part was just ignorant brutes, and the other too selfish and arrogant. But this red colored canine was pretty different, actually speaking her in a calm voice for more than one minute. Once he said it was a pleasure meet the female, she could not hold the same timid smile, while giving him another bow with the head.

Before she could answer his ask, Jorrvaskr moved by his side, once he offered it so both could walk and talk. “You call it Ah… Hunter.” Some easy words like those were already very common to the she-wolf, but since Regulus sounded pretty interested in her primal tongue, she decided to start with easy things. “Also… Tovit Golt…” She paused, thinking about how to actually translate some kind of words that do not actually exist in the Grohiikzul.

But before she could actually reply to Regulus, a new native approaches. A female, looking older than both of them, and she also sounded kind. Weird… Since Jorrvaskr somehow crossed to this huge island, this was the first time she met new wolves, and also the first time strangers were calm and talkative. “Drem yo lok… Greetings.” She replies the female, for a second forgetting what she was talking with the male."Seek home.” She said to answer the unknown woman’s second question.




12 Years
Extra large
08-15-2016, 07:31 PM

He listened as she spoke, and a grin broke out on his face, tail stepping up the beat as it waved in the air. Exactly what he’d been looking for! As she translated, he listened intently, ears perked, and repeated slowly, the Swedish inflections helping the replication slightly, though he could tell that wasn’t quite right compared to hers. Nevertheless, he had mastered the R sound, such an embarrassingly difficult impediment to have when your name started with the very letter you had trouble saying as a child, so he knew he could get it eventually.

He smiled welcomingly down at her as he said in Common, “I’ll have to see you hunt, but we could use a good hunter in the pack, and-“ His head swiveled as the tread of paws brought one ear flicking back, and he sought out the wolf that approached, stance taking the slightest hint of protectiveness as he slowed to put himself slightly between Jorrvaskr and- “Cousin Avalon!” His jaws parted in a happy grin, protective stance relaxing as he recognized his adoptive kin. He’d been present the day Arian had adopted Avalon as her sister.

Last he’d seen her, she’d been clinging close to his Uncle – also adopted – Newol’s side, having been his mate. He’d heard that they’d been expecting, but the last they had seen of Newol was a deliriously happy father-to-be heading back to be with his pregnant mate. But the wind carried no hints of Newol’s scent, and really… wouldn’t the brown and black male have come to visit with the happy news of the puppies’ births?

Wait a tic. Ahuh, those markings of hers. Very similar to Creed’s when you looked at the black markings. And similar to Kharnage. Well, if he was right, he’d met one of her kids. From her bearing, she was an Alpha. He smiled easily, letting Jorrvaskr greet the woman, before he added his own greetings, “It’s good to see you. Congratulations on the pack.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

08-16-2016, 02:12 AM

Creed had stepped down sooner than Faite had expected which left her at a loss of what to do with herself. She was quite pleased, albeit surprised, with her promotion and she could only hope that she would be a good Right Wing to her brother. She was certainly keen on following him around for a bit to see his daily routine and pick up on a few things. Leadership seemed to come so easily to him so she was sure that she could learn quite a bit from him.

He'd headed off towards the battlefield and she remained at home for a little bit debating on whether or not she wanted to follow. On one hand it would probably have been a good idea to stay at home and keep an eye on things, but on the other hand she really wanted to go. It'd been a while since she'd been out towards the battlefield and she was curious to see what he was up to. A spar was always an option as well if she felt like it when she got there.

Her indecision was the reason she was late, but she arrived all the same. She'd finally settled on following her brother. When she got there she wasn't surprised to see a stranger, but she'd missed the brunt end of the conversation. All she heard was Regulus greeting another woman who had arrived with the scent of another pack on her. Ears flicked as he congratulated her on a pack and she concluded that she must be an alpha as well. Why else would she be here?

Her gaze would flicker to the gray coated woman and she smiled warmly at the stranger as she padded over to Regulus and plopped down near him. She'd playfully nudge her large crimson sibling before turning her attention fully to the gray woman again.

"I'm Faite. It's a pleasure to meet you..." She'd greet warmly, leaving a pause so that the woman could introduce herself. Faite probably didn't need to be here, but she was glad she had come. Maybe this time they could actually bring someone home.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-16-2016, 02:47 AM

Ears swiveled to catch the foreign voice, ears perking as she watched them. She nodded her head to the woman, interest lighting up at the mention of seeking a home. Well, perhaps she could help with that...though of course, not without competition from --"Cousin Avalon!" Her gaze lifted to the bright red male, and for a moment she was struggling trying to recall if she'd ever met him. She wracked her brain a good deal, and finally after some thought, a light bulb flashed in her head. Wasn't he Surreal's son? She recalled seeing him at the meeting with Arian, and then again She shook her head, refusing to think about that traitor! She'd told Creed about what had happened, but he was the only one that knew besides Valentine. "Regulus, right? Nice to see you again." She would nod her head to his congratulations, a small smile showing. "And to you as well I suppose. I see your mother has finally raised Celestial." Little did she know that her son had taken up the mantle.

Before she could go on to say more, yet another Celestian wolf would arrive, and Avalon eyed her though not unkindly. She would do her best to inform the loner of her pack, not hiding anything from her. Though how much could she really say in the presence of those she didn't know much about? She didn't really know what Celestial was like, for she'd not talked to Creed yet about where the packs stood. But hopefully, they would be fair and not gang up on her. Though if it came down to it, she doubted her venture had gone unnoticed anyway. But she hoped it didn't come down to that, she didn't exactly come here to look for a fight.

Anyway, she'd dip her head to Faite as well and then back to the loner. "My name is Avalon, Alphess of Ivalice to the North." She offered a smile to her, warming and kind. "I can't help but notice your accent, miss. You remind me of another we have who also bears a foreign accent. I'm sure you two would get along quite well. Maybe there's a chance you share the same language as her too!" She flicked her tail, her stance strong and voice confident though not overbearing. She was a lot more confident then she used to be, so she was not in the least bit afraid of anything nowadays. "I'm sure Regulus has mentioned it, but I too am looking for new members. Ivalice has much too offer, and whichever field you choose, I can assure you the rewards will be great."

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
08-16-2016, 06:14 PM

jorrvaskr zii

you cannot lie to the soul

Jorrvaskr didn’t mind to stay quiet while both leader had their own talk. In the middle of this time, another canine figure had approach the group, and this time Jorrvaskr get a little tense, but not for long. She was not used to so much approximation of so many wolves in one moment like even, even that she still not officially part of a pack.

But this one, also a female, presented herself as Faite, and looked like she was a follower of the red male Regulus. “Drem yo lok…” Jorrvasker bowed her head once more, talking in her normal gentle way. She would have talked more with this new female with dark pelt, but her attention was called back to the older woman, when she said about her voice and accent. “Other Grohiik… Speaking Dovahzul?” This noticed surprised the grayish she-wolf. Since he know, most the wolves of Tamariel had vanished to southern lands, but never to the north like she did. Could it be? Could she not actually be the only native of Tamariel in that island?

But, after this news, the female named Avalon offered as well, a place for Jorrvaskr in her pack. She felt divided in the same second. How could she choose? Of course Jorrvaskr wanted to meet this wolf, a possible kinsman? She took a look at Regulus for a few moments, analyzing his face before doing the same with the she-wolf. Such a hard decision, which had come in such short time.

She sighed, with her pale golden eyes focused in the dark brown female.“Krosis… Apologies. I’ve Ont… Already chosen.” The last thing Jorvaskr wanted was to look too selfish in her choices. But looked like this female leader would not be resentful with the gray-scale colored wolf. “But… Aal Zu’u Grint… Meet the Grohiik.” It was hard to sound clear enough when she started to think that mostly words still unknown to herself. For a second she looked at Regulus, searching on him some help when she was trying to speak to Avalon. “I wish to meet Dovahzul Grohiik... The wolf.” Her accent, like an German speaking english was even harder when she speaks the language of the native wolves, but now, she founded better than saying everything in unknown words to the group.

Jorrvaskr, even that she sounded hard to understand, was never ashamed to speak Dovahzul instead of Grohiikzul. She was proud to be one of the owners of this ancient language full of legends behind it’s meaning. But now, she would have to learn more if she wishes to live among this wolves.

Walk. “Talk”. “Think”.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
08-16-2016, 08:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 09:56 PM by Lykos I.)
Lykos stepped out from where he had been quietly watching, and he approached the wolf. It was... different from the language Katja spoke, but perhaps it was similar enough that she wuld understand the basic words. At the very least, he already understood a few words of this language she spoke, because she seemed to be clarifying herself in the common language. "Heil, Grohiik!" he called, voice friendly, combining the words of two languages which he knew little else of. Only three words in Norse, thanks to Katja, and... three words in this language, called... Dovahzul, apparently. The male approached strongly, his tail high, though not threateningly. Quite the opposite; he approached in a friendly way, non-threateningly, but also in a manner that bespoke that he wasn't just a mere grunt. It wasn't arrogance, but he wouldn't be submissive either. He was equal to the wolves present, at the very least; he would not cower behind them. At the same time, though, he'd not frighten the foreign wolf.

He dipped his head in greeting to the other wolves present, including his mother. This was a time when he was really glad he seemed to be able to learn languages; perhaps he could learn the language of this wolf. "The Grohiik - I may know a grohiik who may speak Dovahzul," he told the woman, kindly and surprisingly soft. If it was similar to Norse as he thought, then at the very least this woman and Katja ought to be able to speak. He was curious to hear which decision this wolf she had made; perhaps he could dissuade her if it was this Western pack.

"Speech" | Think



12 Years
Extra large
08-16-2016, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 09:34 PM by Regulus.)

He couldn’t help the slight lift of his brows as the Ivalice Alphess seemed to have difficulty in remembering him; how did you forget a giant red wolf, let alone your cousin? And how had she not heard that Celestial had been raised, when hers was a scent he had caught along the borders during one of his patrols, along with Creed’s? He may not have seen his adopted cousin, nor known that she had harbored distaste toward his mother for some inane reasons of her own, but he had certainly smelled her scent.

Nevertheless, he smiled easily, though puzzlement showed just barely in his tone as he answered, “Yes. Regulus. And Mother raised the pack ages ago. After Hellstrom was defeated. We’ve been settled for a long time… Nearly three years? This winter. Did Creed not tell you this when you met with him on our borders?” Was the woman losing her memory? A flicker of concern brushed through his eyes, but he set it aside, not wishing to give Jorrvaskr an impression that Avalon might in any way seem weak, instead adding, “Mother stepped down this past Autumn to focus on the births of my youngest siblings and enjoy retirement and family. I’m the Archangel now.”

He finished and allowed her to make her pitch to Jorrvaskr, who had been quiet, and as she tensed, he briefly did as well until Faite’s form nudged into his and he grinned, nudging gently back, mindful of his strength and larger bulk. As Avalon continued to speak to Jorrvaskr, Regulus dipped his head to murmur to Faite. Is é sin Cousin Avalon. Tá mé ag amazed nach raibh sí aithníonn dom. Baineann sé le bheith ar feadh i bhfad, ach déanann surely á dearg geal Guy níos éasca le cuimhneamh, ceart?"It was a joke made at his own self-expense, teasing his own brightly colored fur.

Despite his quiet words to his sister, he did listen with interest to his cousin’s words. Another who might speak the language as Jorrvaskr? That certainly would be good for the female. While they did need hunters, he wouldn’t begrudge her the choice to choose a place that might have more familiarity to her; someone to converse with who she could speak freely without pausing to speak words she had trouble saying. His attention turned to Jorrvaskr, gentle sapphire gaze interested, but not pressuring her for a choice, as she debated.

Finally, she apologized to Avalon, and stated that she had already chosen. Was he hearing her right? Her choice was Celestial? As she glanced to him, eyes pleading help as she tried to make a request, he nodded, smiling gently, and asking for confirmation, “You would like to meet the wolf that might speak your language?” However, another figure joined them rather abruptly; a young male who bore a rudeness in his strong approach to a wolf who had already tensed when one as sweet and friendly as Faite had approached.

A slight forward shift of Regulus’ left forepaw came as a natural, gentle warning to give Jorrvaskr more space, though his expression remained casually friendly as he stated, “I am Regulus Anatolii Adravendi. Archangel – or alpha – of Celestial, a pack in the west. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir…” He trailed off at the end of his greeting, leaving the introductions open for the newcomer to continue and return.

This boy's scent carried the same notes as Avalon’s, and his bearing gave the impression that he carried a high rank, and a sense of arrogance, as, beyond nodding to them, he proceeded to mostly ignore the elders as he spoke to Jorrvaskr, seemingly showing off, though it could have been that he just wanted to make her feel more comfortable. The family resemblance to Avalon was there; in the features, and hinting at the markings. A son? One of her and Newol’s?

His head tipped to Jorrvaskr slightly, checking to ensure she wasn’t spooked as he asked in a soft tone, wanting to be sure he’d read into her choice correctly, “Am I right in guessing you chose Celestial? I certainly won’t begrudge you the chance to live with a pack where you could have someone to easily converse with…” The smile he cast her was sincere, and no traces of deceit pervaded his posture.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

08-16-2016, 11:13 PM

Faite didn't miss the respectful head nod the female alpha gave her and Faite gave the same dip in return. Ears pricked as this female introduced herself as Avalon and she couldn't help but study the other's markings. She couldn't help but notice the uncanny way that she looked like Creed, except with more color of course. Her gaze would sweep over the female and Faite decided that they must be family. She lacked the tear markings that Creed had so maybe a cousin or some other distant relative? It was hard to tell without asking.

She listened as Avalon pitched her pack to the woman and she sat by Reg as he murmured in her ear in their native tongue. She grinned to herself as he joked about his own coloring. It was kind of hard to forget about Regulus. She was sure that even if she ever got amnesia she'd never forget her bigger brother's large size and crimson fur. He certainly stood out from a crowd.

She realized she hadn't gotten the gray female's name, though she supposed with so many wolves here it was hard to know who to focus on. Her language had been rather interesting though. The fact it wasn't one she'd ever heard before definitely made her want to know more about it. If this woman decided she didn't want to come to Celestial Faite had already decided to try and see the woman later on. She'd picked up on their family language rather quickly. If the gray woman was willing to teacher her then she certainly wouldn't have minded having one more language to use.

She was surprised when another strolled towards them. She hadn't seen him before now so it made her wonder where he'd come from. He was rather large to have hidden from the entire crew so easily and the area around them was a bit barren other than grass and the occasional rock here and there with a pond to dot the landscape. Other than that it was relatively flat which left the place perfect for its namesake - a battlefield. Regardless she shrugged it off and instead studied him. He looked a bit like Avalon, held the same scent, and carried himself with an arrogance unmatched by anyone she had seen. His dominating stride was nothing like her brothers easy going and regal confidence. He offered the same pitch Avalon did, with less words, and she noticed how he tried to use the same language as her, though the Heil part sounded different. he clearly didn't know the woman's language either. Shame.

Her attention turned back to the woman as she said she'd already chosen. Her words were rather hard to understand and her head cocked slightly as she tried to make sense of it. Did this mean she'd chosen to come home with them? She had to keep her tail from waving wildly at the thought. She did hope that she'd come with them, but she would understand if she didn't. Faite had met many wolves in her travels and she'd noticed that each had their own path to take, whether they knew it or not, and it was hard to fight the destiny that fate provided.

Regulus seemed to think along the same thoughts as hers and spoke what she'd already been thinking. She realized she'd been silent so far and it seemed that she had an opening so she decided to take it quickly before someone else piped up again.

"Celestial's members can come into and leave the territory as they please." She reassured the woman. "If you do decide to come with us you won't be barred from traveling to try and meet others who can speak in your native tongue." She'd pause for a moment before adding. "Regardless if you come I'd very much love to learn your language and I can teach you English if you'd like. Gaelic too!" She wasn't sure if the woman would be interested in learning more than english, but the offer was there. She definitely wanted to learn her language. She'd never learned it before and Faite had more than enough patience to sit down and try to teach the other english so she could talk easier with everyone else.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
08-17-2016, 07:58 PM

jorrvaskr zii

you cannot lie to the soul

Each moment, a new wolf arrived to their little conversation. Jorrvaskr turned her pale golden eyes to the young boy approaching the group, speaking some words in her language. But she could easy notice by his accent that he was not so familiar with Dovahzul, and he actually used the Grohiikzul. “You know?” Her ears where high when she asked him. “Your Fahdon? Friend?” The ashes colored canine always forget to translate some words sometimes. Now, even the members of Celestial themselves told that Jorrvaskr could go with Avalon and meet this wolf that could possibly speak the same tongue as the grey female. Indecision get to the she-wolf again, and with low ears, she took another look to both of the alphas in front of her.

Ugh, decisions where so awful. Even more when you had to choose between such kind people, but divided in two nations. Struggling again with the words in Grohiikzul, the actual ‘English’ Faite said, she returned to her last phrase. “Krosis… I will follow Regulus… But wish to Grind, meet, the Grohiik you say.” Less nervous now, she could actually associate more words. “Daar Kos Lot” She smiled to the young female by her side, who offered help with this new idiom. “It would be great”.

Walk. “Talk”. “Think”.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-19-2016, 12:42 AM
Ooc//sorry its all jumbled, just wanted to hurry up and get it out of the way for you guys

"Perhaps." A short response, though she never heard of this woman's language, she knew at least one of her members spoke something other then English. She watched as the woman seemed to debate on what to do, and Avalon would stand patiently. She wasn't going to force her, no. She wasn't that sort...yet. And who knew if she ever would be? She herself didn't like to be forced to do things, so unless someone was hostile or disrespectful, then she didn't have a reason to really. When the she-wolf apologized and said she'd chosen, Avalon nodded in understanding. Then she'd go on to say something about a "Grohiik" which Avalon so far had picked up to mean wolf. "Yes, you're welcome to meet her anytime."

Before she could say more, a scent would surprisingly come by. She'd turn to find her son approaching, a rather strong approach, but no less was expected of an heir. She greeted him in turn as he spoke to the stranger, impressed that he had been learning other languages. One of which she knew to be Norse, as she heard some of it before from the neighbors next door. Then Regulus would speak, and Avalon was mildly surprised to know that Celestial had been around for nervy three years now. Had it been that long already? She had been aware of the siege, and it wasn't something she had agreed with as it was no more then a revenge plot. But she supposed, blood would continue to spill blood. But luckily, she wasn't a part of that mess. She had lived with Sin and his kin in Sonticus, and they weren't the type to sit around and do nothing when they had enemies in their sights. " No I don't believe Creed gave me all the details about that, but congratulations, Regulus. You do seem familiar now that I recall those meetings. Though at the time I think I was more excited with the matters at hand. And congratulations to your mother's new ones as well."

Turning her attention back to the matter at hand, Faite would speak to the woman, and then she herself would speak. In the end, she'd chosen to go with Regulus. "I understand. You are welcome to seek me out should you need anything, and you're welcome to come and meet her. I wish you luck." She looked up and smiled to Regulus and Faite, "We'll have to catch up sometime." She hoped they would. They were an extension of Creed, so to speak. And Creed was her family. She would wait a moment longer for Lykos to follow her, or remain. But she wouldn't leave him alone, the somewhat defensive gesture from Regulus earlier had not been missed. And she would not take kindly if someone decided to lay a paw on her kids.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

08-24-2016, 07:24 AM

Faite was more than ecstatic when Jorrvaskr agreed to come with them. Well, more along the lines of following Regulus, but home to Celestial nonetheless. Her gaze would flicker between those gathered and her attention would focus on Avalon. Would she be sad by the loss of a prospective member? If she did she didn't seem to show it and instead respected the female's decision to go home to Celestial. The offer still seemed to remain for Jorr to meet the woman who might speak her native tongue. Jorr's language was one she'd never heard before so she wondered how many more were out there. She'd have to look into it some time.

Avalon would smile at them, mentioning catching up, and a smile would radiate from her own face. She was Creed's kin, and somehow related to them as well, so she supposed catching up was a nice idea. She hadn't been to Ivalice yet so it sounded like a fun trip. Certainly one for another time. "That would be great." She'd reply respectfully, with a nod of her head.

She'd then rise, glancing at Regulus to see if he was ready to go, before she looked back at Avalon. She seemed to be waiting on Lykos, but she didn't spare them a second thought. The trip back to Celestial would be a slightly long one and she was sure Jorr would want to get settled in. If she was to teach the female english she definitely wanted to get underway. Being able to communicate to her soon to be pack mates was going to be important and Faite was eager to be home.

"If you're ready to go, I'll lead the way." She'd say to Jorr with a smile.

-Exit Faite unless stopped-

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
08-24-2016, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2016, 10:07 AM by Lykos I.)
Lykos stared at the paw that tried to "warn" him, and internally he scoffed. Warning him away? Was this alpha so insecure that he felt the need to warn another away from a potential packmate? Pitiful. He was several feet away, and had no intention of stealing the female; what an absolute idiot. None of this showed of course, and he simply held an easy dominance that was quite natural for him, and not arrogant or rude in the least.

More annoyingly, the bright red creature - what an abomination - kept interfering. Lykos was not interested in conversing with this monstrosity of a wolf, he was only interested in the strange wolf with the foreign language who captured his attention. He had ignored the thing when he approached (apparently unnoticed, too, which was pretty damned sad with the amount of wolves present), but it was definitely harder to ignore when a neon eyesore was acting miffed about not immediately being greeted as a superior and thus interrupting a conversation that was to be started. Still, it would be good not to slight the alpha, and to be courteous and neutral in return, and so he did just that. "I am Lykos Ancora, Heir of Ivalice," he obliged quietly, half speaking to the red thing, and half speaking to the smaller female who spoke the strange language. "A pleasure as well." Not... really, but what harm was a lie? Besides, this Regulus would have no idea what Lykos' true thoughts were. He kept those carefully hidden, his tone and facial expression utterly neutral when he looked at Regulus. It did soften when he spoke to the woman, though.

... Who, sadly, made her decision. "Yes," he affirmed quietly at her question. Katja wasn't precisely a friend, but he couldn't think of a word to describe what they were. Not friends, not allies, but not enemy either. He held a respect for her and the authority she commanded, and she seemed to not mind his presence. "I will introduce you, if I can find her." He paused for a moment, studying the smaller wolf. "I would be interested in learning your language, if you would be willing to teach." He truly was interested; languages were fascinating to them, and quite useful.

"Speech" | Think



3 Years
09-01-2016, 07:56 AM

jorrvaskr zii

you cannot lie to the soul

The female could not hold a smile to took form in her face. Indeed, she was quite confused by so many wolves around her, most of them from different groups wanting new members, but all of them really kind with her. As the other male, named Lykos, said he was interested in Dovahzul, she nod with the head to him.It would be a Zin... Honor, to help you." When Jorrvaskr tried to use words that she just listened by the first time, her voice sounded a bit weird and foreced, but she did not care now. Since she was living amoung wolves who used the english, she also would have to speak it more. "We can Grind... Meet at any time." But still, she'd forgot to translate some words while talking normally.

Now, she turned her pale golden eyes to the female of her new pack. Jorrvaskr smiled once she said she was going to take her to the new territory she could call home. She approached from the she-wolf, standing by her side while looking in her face. "We can go." She smiled, waiting for her to start walking.

Walk. “Talk”. “Think”.