
Remember Me, Remember You


04-27-2016, 03:57 PM

After running into the girl at the beach Akemi had become a bit shaken. Something had stirred in her memories... Blurry images of the children she once bore. Tiny had told her their names; Einarr and Shiki. Two little boys. Though not so little anymore. They were three years old... Half her own age. The female let a soft sigh pass her lips. Where were her other boys now? Were they okay? Were they surviving somewhere out there in the world?

Finally Akemi had made it back to the Gully but... It seemed empty. The scents were fading, making both the femme and her small companion worry. Tiny squeaked out with fright, looking around as he searched desperately with his poor eyesight. No wolves. No pack. Everyone was gone. “But mama they should be here!” Tiny cried. Akemi had stopped in her tracks, giving a soft whine. Her hope... Her hope of remembering... It seemed to be falling apart before her eyes.

“What... What happened to them?” Akemi asked, her voice surprisingly soft. She sniffed the ground, hoping for a fresh scent... But there was nothing. A sigh passed her lips before the female rose her muzzle to the air, letting out a mournful cry.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



9 Years
06-22-2016, 07:30 AM

 The man hadnt been far when he heard her voice cry out. For a moment he though he thought he was just hearing things again. Wishful thinking if you will. It wasnt until he walked around a large bushy plant that he realized it wasnt all in his head...unless he was hallucinating now too.

Tiny looked worried he may never find what he was looking for and Akemi looked sad and maybe even a bit lost but none of their feelings could bring him to run to them and never let go. Not only was he overwhelmed with a tornado of feeling but he wasn't sure they would recognize him if they weren't just a figment of his tired mind. In the time thy were gone he had lost his will to try again and in doing so lost the energy to do much of anything else. If his fur werent so thick, Ravine was sure his rib cage would stand out. That he would be a skeleton with skin and fur draped over it. Since the pack had gone the black and white man had no reason to hunt aside from giving himself enough energy to make it through a couple days.

His emotions had frozen him in place. A hurricane of hurt, anger, happiness, confusion and a greatfulness towards his this russian fur coat , flooded his worn out hungry frame. First of all he was greatfull that they couldnt see exactly just how far he'd let himself go, Second he was confused as to why they looked so lost and upset...they're the ones that left. The other emotions were more along the lines he still wanted to yell and be hateful because she just up and disappeared. He hurt because she left taking all of their children with her along with any chance of ever having any more because his chances of having any now were slim. Not because of his heath but because of his age.

It was his anger and hurt that kept him frozen in place, that kept his happiness in check. For a few moments all he could to was stare at them. When he finally opened his mouth to say something he wasnt sure if he had been watching them for minutes or hours. "Where were you?" Was the only thing he could bring himself to say.



07-02-2016, 10:43 PM
Akemi blinked, surprise as she heard a voice. It was both familiar and yet... As she turned her head to look at the male, there was a look of confusion within her gaze. Who... Who was he? But Tiny knew immediately who the black and white furred male was, and with a delighted squeak he started to bounced up and down upon Akemi’s head. “Mama it’s papa! It’s papa!” The little creature scurried towards the end of the female’s muzzle, not that it was very far, as he looked upon Ravine with his beady black eyes.

“Papa! Mama had an accident! She was hunting... She doesn’t remember anything!” He squeaked out, hoping the man might be able to piece what had happened from that. Akemi’s single red orb was still fixed upon him, slowly edging closer to the brute. She looked at him both with wonder and a sense of sadness... Why did he look so hurt? How long had she been gone?

“This is your papa, huh Tiny?” She whispered softly, gazing into Ravine’s blue orbs. “I’m sorry... According to Tiny I suffered a blow to my head while hunting. I got rather lost... But he has helped me come back here.” She furrowed her brow a bit deeper. “Everything’s so fuzzy but... I...” His name... “R-Ravine...?” She asked softly, and though she didn’t quite grasp what caused the tears to form yet they began to appear in her eye.

“You... You’re my... Oh Ravine I’m so sorry...” There seemed to be a spark of recognition in her eyes now as she let her gaze linger upon him. He had been the key to spark some of her memories back in place. Tiny remained quiet for now, looking from his mother to his father, whiskers twitching. Would Ravine understand? Would he accept Akemi again?



9 Years
07-05-2016, 11:48 AM

Tiny's exited little voice was all he had needed to know that he is what his family had been looking for. He wasn't sure why they had been looking for him until Tiny explained that Akemi had had and accident. All this time he thought they had left him and now he finds out what a selfish jerk he had been in thinking such a thing. Within the blink of an eye Ravine felt all the anger he had melt away into guilt for not looking longer, for thinking she would just leave him here alone again. In that moment he wanted to go to her and scoop her up into a wolfish hug just to whisper in her ear that everything would be ok that he was there and would take care of her. He would do anything in that moment to hold her again, but he didn't move for fear he might scare her. She didn't remember him, and he knew it based both on Tiny's admission and the way she slowly got closer.

Ravine could hear her voice whisper something to their son but he couldn't make out the words. Aqua orbs softened and took in every inch of his two loved ones as Akemi tried to explain to him what happened based on what Tiny had told her. The black and white male could do nothing but stand there and hope at least part of her memories would come back eventually. Like magic just as the thought had crossed his mind his name came from her. Though a bit stuttered she had remembered his name and that's all that mattered in that moment. A few seconds would pass as tears formed in his mate's eyes and she would speak again with the realization that she was his mate.

She would apologize but it wasn't her that needed to be apologizing, it was him. He wouldn't make Tiny look back and forth between the two of his parents for long as Ravine would take the steps to close the space between them. First giving Tiny a small gentle nuzzle and then wrapping himself around his lover in a big wolf like hug. "Akemi you have nothing to be sorry for. Accidents happen."



07-22-2016, 07:48 PM

Akemi felt overcome with emotion. She felt herself shaking slightly in Ravine’s arm, but not out of fear or sadness. She was glad that she had remembered him... That he had accepted her again. Accidents happened... Yet still she felt horrid for being gone. He didn’t look the greatest... Had that been because of her absence? If his fur wasn’t so thick she was sure he’d look even worse... Had he left whatever pack they had once been part of? The femme worried greatly, her single orb closing as she curled into her beloved mate. “Even still... I’m sorry you were alone.” Akemi drew back slowly, though she didn’t withdraw from Ravine’s embrace. “...Do you care if we stay here a little while?” She asked. “I’m not sure if Zisa and Einarr are coming back but if they do it’ll be here that they search.”

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



9 Years
07-24-2016, 11:21 AM

He could feel Akemi tremble in his embrace, making him angrier with himself for ever being mad at her. He would never let her now just how mad he was at himself for thinking he had driven her way. Her words would draw him back out of his own mind, back to her. A small smile would crawl across his face as she asked if they could stay here awhile incase Zisa and Einarr came back. His entire reason for still being here was that he was holding on to hope of his family returning to him here. A small hope that had all but gone out, leaving him an undernourished old man.

He would completely ignore her apology and go right into answering her question. She had no reason to apologize to him, and he would stand by his word. "No Akemi, I don't mind. That is my entire reason for still being here. If it weren't for the hope of you and our children returning here to look for me I would have left when the pack broke apart." his voice had come softly but honestly. "That hope was becoming less and less until I saw you. If you and Tiny could find your way back, then maybe they can too. From now on I go where you go, I cant loose you again."



08-19-2016, 12:17 PM
Akemi breathed out a small sigh of relief. They could stay here, hoping that they might come across their family once more. Even if the chance was small that their children might come back here they could still cling to hope... Hope that they might be reunited. His words were honest... And she was thankful that he hadn’t left. Akemi gently nuzzled her beloved muzzle, giving it a tender lick. “Thank you for not giving up on us Ravine.” Her words were soft. Her single red eye focused on the man, a small smile on her face. “Are you still staying in our old den?” Tiny squeaked softly, his little gaze on Ravine. “I’m glad to see you again, Papa!” Tiny said, wiggling on top of Akemi. He was happy to see his parents reunited, even if the pack had broke apart. At least they could be together.



9 Years
08-28-2016, 02:17 PM

Ravine couldn't help but lean into Akemi as she nuzzled and licked his muzzle. A smile would spread across his maw as his mate thanked him and as Tiny asked if he was still in their old den. A small nod would be given just before he moved to gently and carefully nuzzle his son. "Yes Tiny Im still in the same den, I couldn't bring myself to leave it. And, I'm glad to see you again to" he woud say with the happiness evident in his tone.

He would stand like that for a few moments before taking a step backwards to look at both of them as if to take every detail about them in as if it were the first time he had ever laid eyes on them, as if he might never get to again. Aqua orbs would simply scan over his family with great pride and love. Though he looked like hell, they still looked like a fresh drink of water.
