
feet don't fail me now


06-17-2013, 09:39 PM

The petite figure known as Irin had wandered far since her arrival upon the lands known as Alacritia. She had travelled from its most northern expanses to the west and now, to settle in the South, for at least a short while. Comparatively warmer than the Northern lands, Irin found herself not about to freeze to death (for once) as she began to explore the southern expanses of the continent. She had caught wind of packs, but none had caught her attention for long enough to draw Irin from the far more engrossing exploration of the continent that she had stumbled across.

The beach that she had discovered was a strange place. Fish filled little pools, and though Irin was far from an excellent fisher, she had no qualms about attempting it, dipping her paws into the salty water and trying to perfect the hooking motion that her mother had always tried to teach her. But Irin wasn't exactly good at it, and after an extended period of attempts and failures, the white female was forced to sit back on her haunches and examine her handiwork; a single fish that flopped pitifully, gasping its last breaths in the sand. It had been captured more by luck than anything else, for it had launched itself out of the water in a sparkle of rainbow water and misjudged its leap, hitting the sand with a wet flop.

Irin examined it for a long moment before she spoke, "Are you a wish fish?" She asked the pitiful creature curiously, leaning down to nose it lightly. However, the fish displayed an impressive amount of spunk, flailing around and hitting Irin on the nose with a tail. The female let out a startled yip, leaping back and snarling at the fish, her ears pinning against her skull. Was the fish going to sprout legs and come kill her nose? Irin was sure that it would any moment now. It was just waiting to catch her off guard, forming wicked plans in its evil head. It was Irin's duty to save the world from this monstrous evil!

A grin spread across the white female's features as, oblivious to any audience she might have, she flung herself at the fish, claws tearing at the fish. Yet another evil had been averted by Irin, it seemed. Maybe she would get thanked for it this time.



06-18-2013, 04:30 PM

This morning had begun slowly, something the brute was not the slightest bit comfortable with. He had woken several minutes past the rising of the sun rather than just a few, which threw him into complete disarray. He was scrambling - trying to clean up the area he had slept in and get to the pond he usually visited to clean himself before it was too late for his hunt. Erebos darted back and forth across the clearing he had made home for the night, carrying fallen leaves and rocks this way and that, moving them and moving them again. By the time he was satisfied that the clearing looked pristine, he had only a few minutes to get to his bath.

He scowled, growling low in his throat. There wasn't time to travel to the pond. He needed to go somewhere closer, the ocean perhaps... But there was sand there. He weighed the pros and cons of his options. Perhaps he could find a way to avoid the sand coating his fur when he left. Yes, yes he could do this. He settled on the beach and made his way there swiftly, careful not to lose time. He came bounding over the sand and plunged himself into the refreshing water, paying no heed to the female tearing apart her fish until he had already passed her.

Once his gaze settled on the wolf and her kill, he gagged. She was mutilating it. How could someone eat like that? It's replusive. He couldn't bear the idea. Without considering, he scolded her. Why are you being so messy? Don't you know how unsanitary that is? His words were laced with disgust as they poured from his mouth, and he maintained an astonished look. Her response would most certainly not be satisfying.



06-25-2013, 08:12 PM

Only the disgusted voice that reached Irin's ears as if from miles away distracted her from her playful attacks upon the fish before her. White head lifted slightly and light blue eyes settled on a black figure. White adorned his chest and his eyes were close in shade to her own. Hmm. Maybe he was her long lost brother. Except no sibling of hers would find it so hard to understand that she had just saved the world from a terrible evil.

Ears twitching slightly, Irin took a moment to respond to the male. "I'm not being messy, I'm making sure the job's done!" Her voice was bright and cheery as she stepped daintily away from the now mutilated fish body. "The fish was evil. Very evil. He would've taken over the world if I didn't stop him." Pausing, she cocked her head slightly, waiting to see how the wolf would react to her words. Would he join her in fighting the evil that was this monstrous fish?

The astonishment was easily tuned out. He would believe her eventually. The evil was undeniable. Just look at the thing! It practically oozed evil. And blood. That too. Oops. Hmm. Maybe she should get cleaned up soon. Her fur was a little too white for that.



06-25-2013, 08:58 PM

Erebos had plenty of mental issues, that he was well aware of. The hallucinations, the crippling depression he fought off with obsessive compulsive disorder, his need for company, and his need to torment other wolves in fights rather than simply beat them. He loved playing mind games, with others and with himself. Oh yes, Erebos had plenty of issues, but when this girl spoke his problems seemed nothing compared to hers. An evil fish? A monstrous evil at that?

The absurdity of her words and the messiness with which she went about her business was sickening to him and threatened to crumble his resolve to maintain peace within his mind. It tore into the very heart of his obsessive tendencies and seemed to pull them up from the core. He fought to maintain his sanity, deep crease forming in his forehead and a dark anger flashing in his eyes.

The fish... Is not evil... he spat at her, venom lacing his words. Please... Clean it up... It is... Repulsive... He forced the last words through his teeth, keeping his mouth clamped as tight as possible in an effort to help contain the rage that threatened to undo him. Why, oh why, had he inherited his mother's curse? He didn't need this, he was a better wolf than this. Erebos simply lacked another mechanism for keep himself under control.
