
Mary, Mary, quite contrary

Oleander I


4 Years
08-21-2016, 05:30 PM

He had been there when she had proved herself a strong wolf, he and Cedar had watched as she reigned the victor. Oleander had met this woman only one time, but there was something about her that carried his paws towards her lands. He had Cedar scout them out the day before, to make sure that he was going to the right place. While he had never joined a pack outside of his family, it was something that he was considering. He was hesitant to leave the garden that was set up in the range, but in a sense he was only harnessing what was already there. He was not starting his very own, but maybe he could within this woman's borders. Curious, and slightly anxious, the male approached her fresh borders with his jackal brother at his side. Customs here were different than the ones he was used to, so he wasn't sure how to go on from here. The smaller canine said something about calling for her attention, and the grey man nodded. Tipping up his head, he called for Peregrine by name. It wasn't a demanding howl, and there was slight hesitation in his notes. His song coming to an end, he lowered his head and danced from paw to paw, trying to gain hold of his emotions. He didn't like the thought of being around so many wolves, but it was something that he was willing to try. She had an interesting concept, and he wished to aid her in her success.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



4 Years

08-21-2016, 05:56 PM

Peregrine had had a grand time lazing about in the river so far, a gentle respite after a morning's worth of laying down borders. She felt proud of herself, and eager to reach that next horizon. Already she was eyeing the neighboring lands, testing their worth, eager to take them as her own. Well, she ought to gather a few more to her cause first, she supposed. It was because of that thinking that she responded with such enthusiasm when she heard a call on her borders. It seemed to hold a familiar tenor though she could not place it precisely. Peregrine left the banks and began making her way towards the border, Tsiry following along from within the canopy. She had practically convinced herself that she was imagining things when Tsiry called down from the trees, "I believe it's the spotted fellow you met after dragging yourself up the fjord, if I'm not mistaken. The one with the fox thing." Peregrine tipped back her head and chuckled, hoping that the lemur was correct, though she doubted the 'fox thing' would be happy to hear itself referred to as such.

When Oleander came into sight Peregrine graced him with a small smile and sat with a flourish. She struggled to remember the name of the smaller canine (Cesar? Cider? Something along those lines?) so she avoided introductions altogether. "Well, what a surprise! You attended my fight with Rivaxorus, didn't you? I remember our first meeting too. What brings you here?" She hadn't had much time to get a feel for the man. He seemed a quiet sort, with a gentle heart, or at least that was all she'd seen so far. Tsiry didn't seem bothered by him and that was at least a start.

"Talk" "You" Think

Oleander I


4 Years
08-25-2016, 01:19 PM

It didn't take very long for the chocolate female to show up, and Ollie offered her a small smile. Cedar sat beside his brother with a rather bored look on his face, looking for that odd little creature that had been with her last time. When Peregrine started to speak, the jackal shrugged his shoulders and moved on, sniffing behind his brother for a meal for himself. He couldn't be bothered with niceties. Oleander looked over his shoulder to look at him, a huff leaving his mouth. He was rather... awkward when it came to talking, and usually the jackal would take charge. Once again. Turning back to the now alpha, he nodded his head after a little bit of a pause. "Etiam, yes," he said carefully, chewing out his words in a bit of an awkward manner. "You fight well, you are stronger than you let on," he said, his smile growing. When they first met, she had been so tired that she could hardly talk. He didn't expect her to be such a good fighter, it had been hard to tell what strength had laid below. The woman than asked what brought him here, and he once again fell silent. His ears pulled back as the silence spread between them, shifting on his paws slightly. Why did he come here? Did he want to join her pack? He hadn't been part of one since he left his family, and while he wasn't the most social of creatures, he still did miss having a place to call home. Opening his maw, he eyed Pere with a bit of a sad smile. "Sorry I'm um... not really good at talking," he explained, feeling bad that he had left her in a space of silence for so long. "I... I guess I am looking for a domum, a place to call home," he explained slowly. "I grow plants, hortus," he struggled to find the right word, he knew it in Latin but it had left his mind for the moment.

Cedar looked up from where he was following the trail of a mouse, his golden eyes rolling. "Garden." he offered, hearing a sigh from his brother he went back to hunting.

Looking thankful, he nodded his head. "Yes, garden. I tend to the plants, both for healing and consuming alike. Cedar protects it from pests, I make sure they are strong and healthy," Oleander nodded his head as he spoke, his lacking communication skills were picking up as he grew excited. "If you welcome me in, I can grow a... garden. Yes, I can grow a garden here with many plants. I was caring for one in the Range, but it was not my own. I am very skilled in healing, but I care for my garden the most. I... don't have much else to offer." The speckled man shrugged his shoulders, hoping he had made enough of a case for himself. If not, he would go back to the Range. He was not interested in politics, and came only because he had met the woman before him once, as well as seeing her win against the larger wolf. He wasn't a very good fighter, he was too focused on his plants to learn much else. He could defend himself, and Cedar helped as well. But... knowledge in this field would be useful to the quiet man.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



4 Years

08-25-2016, 07:25 PM

The man brightened upon seeing her. Good start, she thought. Better than blind rage or or disgust or something, she thought cheerily to herself. His first remark was a compliment on top of it all. What a sweet talker! It was true enough that many wolves had underestimated her in her life so far. Many saw her lackadaisical personality and slim stature as a sign of weakness, but those who had spent time with her knew the truth about her passion. Perhaps this one would learn too. "Thanks. I've found that where adversaries are concerned it's generally better to be underestimated than overestimated." It was a simple statement, though perhaps paradoxical coming from the leader of a pack. Then again, when had she ever cared how others perceived her? Why care how outsiders perceived them? Their strength could remain the same regardless. She'd take her enemies underprepared and ignorant, thank you very much.

Well, Oleander proved to be just too damn cute. He stumbled over his words, and Peregrine couldn't find it in her heart to tease him about it. She cast a glance upward at Tsiry and found her glowering down from the branches. Unimpressed, hmm? Even better. She nodded politely as he told her all he'd apparently come to say. A garden, hmm? She had never thought to cultivate a swath of her own really, she'd never had a place she could hope to return to day after day upon year after year. But now... Her tail thumped against the hard packed ground. "Well, I have to say, you've probably come to the right place." She grinned at him, teeth gleaming between her ebony lips. "My pack is founded on the idea of trade, resources, wealth. We use our unique skills and intelligence to gain the upper hand... and occasionally violence if it's necessary. Your garden and your wisdom would be quite welcome here." He hoped that her rather brash speech wouldn't scare him off, so she hoped he wasn't as skittish as he looked. At the very least perhaps she could beg a lesson from him as he fled.

"Talk" "You" Think

Oleander I


4 Years
08-28-2016, 04:19 PM

As the alpha spoke on, Cedar decided that he needed to be more of a figure in the conversation. They were, of course, speaking of becoming residents of this pack. The jackal gave up his hunt on the rodent, coming back to sit at his brothers side. When the woman looked up, he followed her gaze and spotted the odd thing that followed her around. He looked up at Tsiry, blinking his yellow eyes at him. They were a very strange looking beast, and he wondered what he gained from following the woman around. Pondering to himself, he still kept silent but at least he was there.

Oleander glanced over to his brother, his tail curling at his side as he flicked the jackals backside in the process. Peregrine spoke of being underestimated, and he nodded his head slowly. He was still trying to figure out this whole talking thing, but he knew that he would get better over time. Maybe being in a pack would be the best thing for him, he would have more chances to chat casually. He inwardly shook at the thought of it, but he couldn't just live with his plants and brother forever. Realizing that he had fallen quiet once again as his thoughts absorbed him, he blinked his teal eyes and focused on her bright gaze once more. "It was a stark change, from the tired woman I met to that," he said slowly, referring to the time up on the fjord. Seeing her fight was like having his eyes opened to who the woman truly was. They didn't get too much time to talk, and seeing as Ollie was the most awkward wolf ever, it would take some time to learn all there was to learn about the female before him. "I have no doubt that you turned a few heads," he said, pausing as he considered his next words. Would they come off as brash and rude? "you are a very pretty wolf, and one who can bite too. A deadly combination, a vas," The speckled wolf nodded his head, using the latin word for 'deadly weapon'. She was indeed, and it was something that he had not seen coming. But the brute fell silent once more, he hoped that what he had said would not be taken the wrong way. While it was a compliment, it was not an attempt to flirt with her. No, that he was even worse at than normal talking. A heat flooded to his cheeks, the fur on the back of his neck standing up somewhat. Oh dear, what had he just done...

When he turned the topics to his garden, Pere seemed rather excited at his notion. She spoke of a pack of trading and resources, something he had dabbled in a bit himself. Well... he had seen his parents do the trading while he just watched and learned. When she mentioned fighting when they had to, his ears pinned back slightly, his gaze shifting away from her. "I am no pugnator, no warrior," he said carefully, his habit of mixing Latin and English apparent as more time went on. "My strength is not the best, but I am willing to learn if it is something you teach. I can trade it for information on plantae and herbs, and how to tend to them," It wasn't much of an offer, but it was the only thing that he could think of. His shoulders sagged a bit, his brows knitting together as he turned back to look at her. "That is, of course, if this information was not a paciscor ruptor, a deal breaker." There was an almost nervous look to him, here was a hopeful home and he might have just dashed his chances.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



4 Years

08-30-2016, 05:35 PM

Peregrine was glad to hear that she appeared differently when well rested as opposed to having hauled her ass up a steep slope. After all, a wolf should have standards, right? He even went on to compliment her, and while he words were flattered he afterwards became a bit flustered and Peregrine wondered exactly how comfortable this man was around women in general. She laughed a little, though a small voice peeped up in the back of her head to remind her that laughter in situations like these was frequently offensive. Well... Oh well. "I certainly hope so, I would prefer as many wolves know of us as possible." She noticed his jackal companion as Ollie turned to look for him and sent him a nod, noticing also that Tsiry had come closer to listen in on their conversation though she still did not speak. She much preferred to go as unnoticed as possible when meeting new wolves, frequently lurking in the treetops instead, and Peregrine had learned that forcing her to do so only made the creature cranky. Best to leave it be.

The news that Oleander favored herbs and plants and a method of harvesting them that she herself had never been able to try, she was quite excited to reply to him, and it definitely showed in her tone. "A deal breaker? Not in the slightest. I would be delighted to offer you a position among our healers, with the greatest encouragement to ply your practice here. Is that satisfactory? Would you need any help getting settled and started?" Okay, so she was a bit eager to begin. She just didn't want to waste any time and was unbearably curious as to his methods. She hoped her enthusiasm wasn't overwhelming to the somewhat skittish man. There were many fertile plains beside the Rio, especially to the south of the river's banks where it occasionally flooded and fertilized the soil. It would be a prime growing location except for, you know, the flooding. Her mind was running wild with possibilities, quite probably outpacing what Ollie was ready to offer her but she couldn't bring herself to care.

"Talk" "You" Think

Oleander I


4 Years
08-31-2016, 04:12 PM

When she laughed at him, his ears laid flat against his head. Had he said something wrong? He tried to think back, what is what he had said about her being pretty? He started to fret, but when he thought about it, her laugh hadn't sounded like she was mocking him. Had... had he actually said something right and made her laugh out of happiness? He looked over to Cedar, who just shrugged his shoulders. Well, he was being very helpful today, wasn't he? Turning back to the chocolate woman before him, grateful that she moved on without another word on it. She mentioned the fighting bit, and he nodded his head once more. How many times had he used that in place of actual words now? He didn't even know. He was pretty nervous to try his paws at fighting, but he knew that it was important. Oleander would need to be able to protect those that resided in the pack, as well as himself. As much as Cedar tried, he couldn't always be there to protect his brother. "I will do my best, but to be honest I am... nervous," he said softly, shuffling on his paws ever so slightly. He would work his best, but he couldn't promise that he was going to be the strongest wolf out there. It would be the first time that he would truly learn how to fight, aside from sparring with Cedar. But Peregrine had inspired him, and he wasn't going to give up on his new home now.

Pere's excitement was real and true when it came to his garden, and it actually made the stoic man smile and give off a low chuckle. His tail wagged a few times behind him, and he found that her behavior was infectious. He hadn't met someone here who had been this interested in his trade. She offered him the position of healer, and he nodded, oh look another nod, again. That was doable, while he focused on growing and planting, he was knowledgeable in the art of healing as well. From her words, it would seem that she wanted to get started right away. His grin grew, showing a bit of teeth, and he looked over to the jackal at his side. Cedar was bored again, but at the sound of starting a garden he perked up a bit. His main purpose was always to protect them, and it would give him something to do again. "We can start statim, right away, if it is what you wish. Is there some place with soft earth and a close supply of water? I have a few seeds with me that I can go and grab, since it is now aestas, summer, we could plant some sage, carrots, beats, and maybe even some marigold and periwinkle," he said, a bit louder than he had been speaking before. When it came to herbs and planting, he was all in. It was obvious that he found this a lot easier to talk to, the words flowing more freely from his maw. He paused once, trying to think if there was anything more medicinal that they could start. "Aleo Vera will grow nice in these parts, it is dry enough for it. Maybe even some marsh mellow and lemon balm."


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.