
jaedis blood



3 Years
08-24-2016, 03:58 AM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2016, 08:17 PM by Alistair.)
hello! i've recently brought alistair to ardent, but he also has three other siblings that he's been living/traveling with. i need a few people to play them!

please, keep in mind that if your character falls inactive that i have every right to take them back and adopt them out to somebody else. thank you!
on another note, here are some things you should know/the history of these siblings, as they were born off site. ruina (their mother) had a one night stand with an unknown male, so they never knew their father. she was queen of a pack whom resided on a mountain and near the end of spring she gave birth to four healthy pups, two males and two females. soon after though, her arch nemesis challenged for the pack. she fled and took her pups with her, and they grew up travelling and learning from their mother. however, when they all were about one year old a bear attacked them, ruina sacrificed herself and told her children to run. they never saw her again and continued their travels together, now they find themselves in the land of boreas. they are currently looking for a pack to house them and new opportunities. ***i was thinking of having alistair and these siblings join aerie!

design one | design two | design three | design four | design five | design six

mother's design | father's design

ooc name:
name: pretty much any first name and any middle (must have middle name), and the last name must be "jaedis".
gender: keep in mind, there are three siblings. only one will be male and the other two are females.
age: 3 years old
design number: any of the six designs above. if you want to make your own designs, feel free to do so! i have provided both their parent's to help you out there, if that is what you want to do. if you make your own design, leave a link! coat colors will generally be blacks, grays, and whites. eye colors should definitely be green, turquoise, or blue; heterochromia is not uncommon.
alignment: only lawful good, neutral good, & lawful neutral. anything else will not be accepted and i will ask you to change it.
appearance: (site minimum) explain your design in at least 100 words. for builds, ruina was 32" and 100lbs[slender, agile, & elegant], and their father was 36" and 150lbs[muscular, powerful, & sturdy].
personality: (site minimum) explain your characters personality in at least +150 words.
future plans: what are their goals? what do they desire? do they want a mate? a pack? happiness?
roleplay example: (site minimum) if you adopt this character, i would like to see how you would play out this character. must be at least 100 words.
[Image: OjWAgyW.png]



1 Year
08-24-2016, 05:26 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2016, 09:30 AM by Raine.)
ooc name: rasta
name: River Jude Jaedis
gender: male
age: 3 years old
design number: 6
future plans:
roleplay example:

Sora I


3 Years
08-26-2016, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2016, 08:58 PM by Sora I.)
ooc name:Frost
name: Azrael Winter Jaedis
age: 3 years old
design number: #1
alignment:lawful neutral
appearance: Azreal has passed what her mother height was to become a height of 34 inches tall and has taken after her father in build. She is muscular for a female and has a sturdy build which is useful for when she wants to brave her way through some things that lighter wolves might not risk. Her pelt for the most part is a light gray with white covering all four of her paws, the tip of her tail, and in a line along her snout. She has turquoise eyes that pierce the night and contrast with the lack of color within her fur shades. Never have wolves seen a wolf with such a bland form of beauty before this.
personality: Azrael doesn’t care much for morality, what matters to her is the systems around her. If there is no sense of order with at least basic rules then it’s likely she will make some of her own. She is a very free thinking wolf and if asked what her thoughts were on killing she would merely reply with “While death is a necessary event, murder all depends in the reasons that the murderer has.” Not many wolves would understand her way of thinking and she’s okay with that. She is a very social wolf but values her free time. Her siblings mean the world to her and if anyone were to hurt them she would quickly step up to the task of defending them. Being a wolf of many colors she prefers not to fight if she can help it as she does not find many reasons to fight, nor does she make any. Her personal urges to make a family are practically non-existent, she will be with who she wants to be with and if others don’t care for it so be it. Nothing will stop her from being with a wolf that she loves, male or female. If she chooses a mate she will be loyal and never stray unless given permission to do so for the sake of children.
future plans: Azrael will stick with Alistair for the most part but what she wants in the long run is happiness for her siblings as well as to maybe start a family of her own if her mate wishes for it. All she wants is for those around her to be happy regardless of her own happiness, although not a please everyone type of gal she wants those close to her to be protected and joyful.
roleplay example:Azrael had been out on a hunting trip so she had left her brother behind at the den. She had the ears of four different rabbits grasped in her mouth leaving the rest of the corpses to just hang loose. She was on her way back to the den where her siblings were at when the sky overhead started turning darker, it was the middle of the day she thought to herself it shouldn’t be dark yet. She looked up to see clouds of gray creeping over the afternoon sun. “Oh Joy.” Came out through the muffled sound of wet rabbit’s fur. It looked like it was going to rain and the clouds didn’t seem like they were going to have any mercy on her. After a couple of minutes the skies opened up and released at first what was a light sprinkle which then phased into a torrential downpour. Her fur had gotten soaked and so had her family’s meals, her she been smart she would have taken shelter under a tree or found some shelter to hide her from the rain. But she hadn’t gone hunting for nothing, she was darn well going to get this food home and if any of them turned up their nose at wet rabbit well tough luck. She wasn’t going to go out and hunt again just to please the pickiness of her siblings if they wanted fresh rabbit they could go hunt it themselves. She was almost to the den when she started hearing thunder and seeing flashes of light in the distance. She growled at the thought of staying out in this rain any longer. She made it back to the den and let the soaked rabbit fall from her mouth whilst saying “Lunch is here!”
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green