
My heart keeps racing

Bright Moon


6 Years
07-18-2016, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2016, 01:49 PM by Bright Moon.)
Ebony-tipped tail swished as the small, willowy woman strolled the lands, making her way to the falls for which this territory had been named. She had grown accustomed to this place now, glad to call it home. Normally she didn't adjust to change very well, and it had taken her time to stop roaming the hot springs and accept the falls instead. Now that she knew her way around, she was quite enjoying it. It was a beautiful place, with the trees and the plants blooming strongly, and the prey animals chattering throughout the forest. With the mild winter and warm early spring, it was looking like it would be an abundant year for all. No one would go hungry. The wolves would thrive.

But as she approached the roaring falls and seated herself by the water, enjoying the mist that lightly coated her silver fur, she found herself surprised to be here at all. Despite the beauty of it all, and her successful adjustment to Sunset Falls, she knew she'd be itching to run away soon. She was surprised she hadn't left already to be on her own during this delicate time. The springtime always made her nervous, as her body went through changes and attracted unwanted attention. But maybe this season she would stay home, maybe it would be safer, if she could just quell her racing heart and uneasy thoughts. She knew it would be safer to stay in familiar territory, but her fears reasoned that she must remain isolated to avoid trouble, and how was she to be by herself if at any moment she might run into a packmate? And yet running from pack lands had always gotten her into frightening predicaments.

Breathing deeply in the mist coming off the water, she tried to steady herself, to keep herself from fleeing. Not this time, she told herself, silver eyes closing, I won't run away this time. I can't be afraid anymore.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
08-03-2016, 01:41 AM

He had promised he wouldn't stay in the commoner position for long, but he found himself at a standstill unsure of what to do with himself. Quelt didn't want to remain idle, and he didn't want to remain distrustful - but he was so afraid of things going wrong. Now in his self doubt again, he found himself trying to avoid contact with just about any wolf. However his good eye caught the sight of Bright Moon, that was when his muscles tensed. Then again no doubt it didn't look like she was having a walk in the park either. For once, he had felt some sort of friendly connection. As delicate as he could have one at least. After all the questions bombarded onto them by the pups at the meeting - it was also sending his thoughts ary.

The male lowered his head, perhaps she would like his company? Her scent didn't bother him none, highly considering he had no interest in that kind of thing anymore. He'd be rather picky if anything happened. As his large paws carried him closer, he let out a bark to let her know, and he obviously stood out like a sore thumb. As the roaring of the falls caught his ears he stared at her. "Do you mind if I join you?" Quelt asked quietly, but loud enough to be heard over the falls.


Bright Moon


6 Years
08-03-2016, 03:01 AM
No sooner than she had soothed her mind and committed herself to staying within Fiori's territory, vowing to herself that she would not be afraid, someone had found her. As he called out to her to alert her to his presence, she flinched like she'd been struck, and turned her head tentatively to see who was there. It was Quelt; why had he come? Had he followed her scent here? The paranoid thoughts ran unchecked through her mind. Was he taller today, more massive than he had seemed when she'd first met him? It would be too easy for him to take advantage of her. Or did it only seem that way because of the bolt of terror that struck down her spine? Maybe she should have run away; she didn't know if she could handle this. Silver eyes flicked rapidly over his black mask and scarred features, shortened breaths coming just as quickly.

Then his voice came softly, just enough to be heard over the falls - somehow through the oppressive, uneasy cloud that had overcome her, her mind was able to retrieve the memory of his gentleness on their first encounter. The way he faltered with anxiety just as she did. And at Fiori's last meeting, the pups had swarmed to him as though drawn to him for some reason. Although the reminders did not fully put her at ease, as her legs began to tremble with the effort of holding her ground, it was enough keep her there. "P-please do, Quelt," she responded quietly to his request, forcing herself to look up at him. She offered a small smile as her ears folded back, then she looked away, trying to swallow the fear, blinking as tears tried to form at the corners of her eyes. She wouldn't run. She wanted to believe that Quelt was exactly the soft-spoken, friendly man she'd met, and that he had not come to bring harm upon her. So she stayed, her tail softly thumping the ground as she invited him to come sit. "H-have you settled into Fiori?" she asked, trying not to let her voice waver as she tried to start conversation, waiting for the man to join her.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
08-06-2016, 03:36 AM

It was clear from his standing point that she was uncomfortable. Well, it was understandable - with his size and her insecurities he could only sympathize. It made him more aware of his movements, then an idea clicked in his head when she said he could join her. To make her more comfortable, the large male crawled into the pool of water that the waterfall created. He was at a lower ground, giving her the advantage and also putting her above him. At least then it was clear even if he did want to attack her she would have a clear chance. The water touched to his elbows as he kept enough distance but still was within her company. A smile settled on the male's face as he softly stood there.

"The best I can I suppose - I still haven't really talked with anyone other than a handful of wolves. That includes you." The male seemed a little ashamed. "Though the meeting was a bit of a surprise." he laughed a bit. Bombarded by Fiori's pups was indeed a heart breaking strange experience. It brought a little bit of warmth to his heart at least. He quickly let the thoughts slide as his attention turned back to Bright Moon. His blind eye looking to her direction naturally. "Are you faring well?" his ears flicked.


Bright Moon


6 Years
08-13-2016, 02:14 AM
The tip of Bright's tail twitched as she watched him tentatively. She had invited him to come join her, but wondered how close he would sit to her. Did he notice that she was nervous? Had he noticed her scent, did it do things to his head that it did to most males? Then he did something that surprised her altogether; although he came closer, his large body slipped into the water, putting himself on lower ground than where she was seated. She had to wonder if he'd done it on purpose to make her comfortable, and if he had, he certainly had succeeded, as a smile of amusement crossed her dark lips. She realized that he seemed acutely aware of her discomfort, and she found that intriguing - he was very observant, but he also went out of his way to make her feel better. How interesting. This was exactly why she felt so comfortable around him, even the first time she'd met him, something about him seemed different.

Her dark ears tilted toward him as he spoke, filling her in on how much he'd been able to settle in. As she recalled, it had taken her quite some time to settle in and get to know anyone in the pack as well, in fact she still often kept to herself. "I know how hard it can be to get used to a new group of wolves," she replied quietly, her voice no longer quivering, "It took me a few seasons to really feel at home." As he mentioned the meeting, where many of the pups had crowded around him as though they were drawn to him. She laughed along with him, suddenly having forgotten her anxiety - it was seldom that she relaxed so quickly. "It seems the pups are drawn to you," she commented, "They're all so sweet."

As he asked her if she was faring well, she nodded, blinking her silver eyes as she met his one-eyed gaze. "I'm well," she began softly, slowly before going on, "I'm comfortable in Fiori, the wolves are all lovely... but I'm glad you found your way here. I find it hard to make friends, yet it feels very easy to get along with you." After she'd met him in neutral territory, she never thought she'd see him in Fiori. But she was happy that he'd come here. She was beginning to find his company quite enjoyable.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 01:39 AM

Quelt couldn't help himself from cracking a soft smile around the woman. Bright Moon said some things he thought straight back. He was actually.... glad to be here. Moving on from the past was not an easy feat for him. Letting the people around him fade, and he was obviously just a forgotten memory to his two children by now. They would be two years old... how time flew. Quelt was just beginning to realize his age. It was a scary thing, but with a sudden in take of air. He let it out again. It felt nice to just... be.

"Seeing the pups was a little hurtful. Reminds me of how much I am of a failure as a father." usually he wouldn't share these things, but he just outwardly let it fall from his maw. "Maybe they saw something in me I myself couldn't see." That was a more positive thought at least. The male would shift in the water as he looked back over to bright moon.

"I'm glad I decided to come - and it's nearly impossible for me to make friends these days. But you... I guess I just feel comfortable." he looked off to the side. It was still scary though. Opening up his heart when he just wanted to suck it up again. He wanted to go hide in a corner. Bright Moon didn't deserve him, he'd only let her down. That's all that went through his head. He looked up again. "I have two kids in Abaven. Their names are Qualm and Quake... do you have any kids?" change of subject.


Bright Moon


6 Years
08-19-2016, 02:12 AM
Black ears perked, tilted toward Quelt as he spoke, bringing up the feelings that had been roused in him at the meeting. The pups had caused him a bittersweet feeling, bringing up memories that hurt him. Her ears folded back as he sadly stated that he felt like a failure of a father... so he had kids, too? Why did she feel like she understood so clearly? She loved pups... but in the same way, they caused her pain. Not them, as individuals, but as reminders of what she'd lost and left behind. "Maybe they saw something in me I myself couldn't see." Her silver eyes watched him as he spoke, and offered him a melancholy smile at his comment. She agreed with that statement, and she was sure it was why the pups had been drawn to him. Obviously there was just something about him that appealed to the young.

Bright Moon continued to listen, endlessly fascinated by him. Everything he said, she felt like she could understand him, and in the same stretch, felt like he could understand her, as well. As he opened up to her, stating he was glad to be here as well, that he was comfortable around her, she could see his unease as he looked away. It was hard to open up like that. "I'm glad we can be friends... there must be a good reason we met," she said, her black-tipped tail swishing along the ground.

As he looked up, she met his gaze with a soft expression, a slight smile still on her face. What he said next drew her interest even further - so he did have kids, and they were in Abaven. This surprised her, making her wonder why he had come to Fiori instead. But everyone had their reasons, and he had mentioned his misgivings about himself earlier. She nodded as he asked if she had children, her chest tightening for a painful moment before she found the courage to take a breath. The courage to speak names that had not passed her lips in countless seasons. "Yes," she whispered on a breath, afraid to let her voice pass, lest she might lose control and be overwhelmed by sorrow. She bit her lip as she forced back the grief she had kept bottled for so long. "I've not seen any of them... in years now," she continued quietly, "I miss them all dearly. My first litter, Silverfrost, Frozen Mist, Sacrifice... my second litter, Haru and Ajax, and the litter I adopted side by side with my boys... Elysia and Esarosa."

She clenched her teeth, blinking silver eyes as she tried not to let any tears form. She didn't want to bother Quelt with her sorrows, but she had a feeling he would understand. It was grief from so long ago. Grief that could not be resolved, that simply had to be felt, and moved beyond. Why did she feel as though, through Quelt she might find healing?
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 02:22 AM

He knew the meaning of painful memories. More over than others, friends lost, lovers lost. As Quelt watched Bright Moon, it was the kind of attention he didn't give often. He was immersed in her words, no matter how sad they sounded. The male wouldn't even judge her if she cried either. He was a man so he couldn't cry and wallow anymore. Not after the fight he had with his brother, but he understood the feeling well enough. So Brightmoon had three litters, that including the adopted ones. "I did have an adopted litter in my younger years... Renhett, Levaithi, there were two others as well it was such a long time ago I can't actually believe I forgot their names... I also had an expecting litter with a previous mate, but she vanished before they were born. Quake and Qualm would be two years old now - though I'm positive they hate me." he let out a heavy sigh. He smiled though as he looked at Bright Moon.

"Though I try not to dwell on the past too much. I was told to start stepping forward in my life instead of backwards." Quelt wondered if he could get out of the water now. Though he wouldn't want Bright Moon to feel uncomfortable. He also wondered if he had dug up any unpleasent memories without meaning to. It was like his change of subject had backfired on him. He settled his front paws outside of the pool for now. Soaking in the sun. "Is there anyone you like at the moment Bright Moon?" he was curious. She did say she was pretty isolated, but knowing how Fiori was. It seemed like Bright Moon was too kind not to have some onlookers. Then again, that was him being foolish he supposed.


Bright Moon


6 Years
08-19-2016, 02:55 AM
Breathing deeply, she was able to swallow the pain back, able to focus on Quelt as he mentioned more of his past. So he had adopted children as well; no wonder the pups of Fiori had been drawn to him. Indeed, he had the vibe of a trusted guardian, regardless of whatever else had happened in his life. As he mentioned he had forgotten the names of some of his adopted ones, she nodded in understanding. There were some from her past, from so long ago, that she also could not remember them anymore. Perhaps she could draw up an image of their faces, but she could no longer hear their voices, and their names had faded from her memory. It was a sad reality, and she hoped they had thrived in life, but there was no sense in dwelling there.

She was able to muster a small smile as he spoke, saying it was time to step forward in life, rather than backwards. She had to agree, of course. "I think that's a good way to look at it," she murmured softly, her tail flicking, "There's no going back, anyways." As Quelt pulled himself part way out of the water to bathe in the sun, Bright would stand and move toward the water, just a few feet from him. Her muzzle leaned down toward the water, lapping at the fresh liquid as she tried to further distract her thoughts. Ebony ears tilted toward the male as he spoke again, though when she realized what he'd asked, she stopped mid-lick, slowly lifting her head. Her cheeks burned slightly, ears pressing back against her head while her tail tucked slightly.

It was quite a blunt and forward question, if he was really asking what she thought he was. Was there anyone she liked at the moment? Surely, she had met some handsome males in these lands. Leo was a handsome man himself, as was Bass, leader of Abaven. And even Creed, from the west. Each chivalrous in their own way, and appealing to look at. But, she wouldn't say she liked them. Well, it wasn't that she didn't like them. Confusion and uncertainty crossed her face. Glancing to Quelt, she tilted her head. "W-well, n-no, not really..." she stuttered, a forepaw lifting, "I mean... there are plenty of.. I suppose, deserving candidates, but..." She glanced over him. If anyone was a likely candidate in her mind, Quelt had become someone she'd been considering, if such a thought were to cross her mind. Which, she supposed it had, in a way. But now, she wondered why he had asked. "Wh-why do you ask, Quelt?" she asked with a nervous laugh. Her heart thudded a little anxiously. Had her heat scent affected him after all?
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 03:03 AM

A smile appeared on his face. Bright Moon was actually quiet adorable, he didn't think he'd think that about anyone in some time but he was right here. He couldn't deny that he had grown closer to Bright Moon. Of course he would never.... no he couldn't feel that way about her. Not right now at least. The male had completely forgotten it was her season, simply because he was more focused on her company than anything else. It was the fact that she was fun to be around. A relief to him. As she finished what she was saying Quelt would humm a little.

"I see." he started as his ears flicked. "I was just really curious I guess. Someone as kind as you just had to have some onlookers. My head was wondering if you were taken. Sorry if I over stepped my boundaries." he let a soft awkward chuckle leave his lips. With his scars and personality, along with his past. He had nobody to interact with. Along with his last romance ending in being enslaved and no one to believe him.... well he knew how that went. "I'm starting to get old.. it's not as if I actively searching for love but I just wonder if anyone would feel something like that for me ever again." Quelt half thought half said out loud. It was a valid question in his mind though. Would he ever get a chance to make someone happy again.... he never seemed to do it right after all.


Bright Moon


6 Years
08-19-2016, 03:44 AM
As far as she knew, she hadn't attracted any admirers. But then again, she wasn't a mind-reader, and it was impossible to truly tell what went on in the minds of others. She knew that at least in Fiori, there were no males roughly around her age. There were plenty of nice women, but other than friendship, Bright Moon had no interest in them, although who was to know if someone hadn't glanced her way with interest? As he apologized for possibly overstepping his boundaries, Bright laughed lightly, shaking her head. "No, it's quite alright," she assured him - although she had become a little bit nervous, she realized she needn't be. They were mature adults, and it wasn't like they had to waste time wondering about such things. They were no strangers to pain. In fact, she was a little glad he had come forward with such a topic. Unexpected, yes, but she felt herself easing into the subject. Was there anything with Quelt that could feel difficult?

She smiled as his thoughts came out loud, wondering to himself if he could ever be loved again as he put more years behind him. Her heart twinged slightly for him. Before now, she had never thought she would be drawn to another. Love, in the romantic sense, was not something she imagined herself experiencing again. Not since... her eyes squinted slightly, as she then looked to the sky. If she were to ever love someone again, to bond with another and grow old with them... would Riddick forgive her when they met in the afterlife? He had loved her deeply, and she had loved him, yet he'd been taken from her much too soon. Would he feel forgotten?

Please forgive me, my love... she thought, her heart aching - she didn't want to feel like she was ever leaving him behind. Yet as her silver eyes descended to look upon Quelt, her heart felt lighter as she yearned for the connection she'd built with him. She took another deep breath, summoning up courage, if there was any left to be had. "Quelt, if I may be so bold..." she began softly, moving toward him just slightly as she dipped her forepaws into the water beside him, glancing upon his scarred face which had become oddly reassuring to her, "I have grown quite fond of you lately... Perhaps you and I... we don't have to be alone. Perhaps we don't have to keep living in the ways of our past." She wasn't sure about love, or romance, or any of that. But the thought of his dedicated companionship brought her great comfort.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 04:05 AM

There was a lot of things going through Quelt's mind at the moment. While he recognized the feeling he wasn't sure if he had met anyone like Bright Moon. He was not ambitious for power, and she did not come from some large family that had so much to back them up it was scary. His heart would flutter in her presence, and when he heard her speak. It was reminding him that he was actually alive. So when she said he hadn't over stepped his boundaries, he was relieved. He guessed with old age and their experience, this was the result. But his soul couldn't help but to think, he wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Then here in this moment where he was talking with Bright Moon.

Silently he thought of Venus for a second. Truely she was probably the only pure lover he had. She had probably been dragged off, she hadn't been one to just vanish after all. He wondered if she was safe, if his children were living fulfilled lives by her side. That thought, made him happy. His attention was drawn back to Bright Moon when she started to speak and he hung on her every word. She was so close now... and his eyes fluttered even if one had lost its vision. Once she finished, Quelt felt his body burning up. He was now caught with words in his throat. He opened to respond but all that came out was hot air. As the male, quiet slowly, sank into the water. Until he quickly pushed his head under and pulled himself back up again and stared at the woman. He just thought he had needed to cool off was all.

"... I'm not sure.... what to say." Quelt started. "I find in my growing age, and my time here. That I've grown rather fond of you Bright Moon. Call it too fast, but I've always been one to fall fast and hard." that was why he got into so much god damn trouble though. "I find myself enjoying your company above all others. I think it's safe, maybe also bold for me to say that I've fallen for you." Quelt kept his distance though. He wouldn't test the fact, she was still in her season and it made his confession all that more daring. The now completely soaked male from head to toe. Would wait to see how she responded to his truthfulness on how he felt.


Bright Moon


6 Years
08-20-2016, 12:24 AM
Time seemed to stand still for her as she watched Quelt, her eyes wandering over his scarred visage; how was he going to respond to her? Had she unwittingly stepped over some boundaries, herself? Quietly, he dipped his head below the water, as though biding himself time before he spoke. Waiting for his answer felt like an eternity to her, anxiety clawing at her aching heart. She was willing to leave behind her past, to part with the love she had clung desperately to for so long. Would he reject her after all? She didn't want to believe that, and so, gulping back her fears and doubts, her black auds perked toward him as his head surfaced. She watched him intently, hanging on his words, which began rather uncertainly.

She understood as he stated he wasn't sure what to say, but he continued on, trying to express himself. She felt just a slight flutter in her chest, something she hadn't experienced in so many years she had forgotten the sensation existed at all, as he said he'd also grown fond of her. Vaguely, he mentioned that he was always one to fall fast and hard. Wait, did that mean...? Her tail waving slightly, a gentle smile growing on her face, she leaned forward just slightly as she continued to listen.

At last he finally confessed that he was truly falling for her. Maybe it was all rather forward, maybe it was moving a little too fast, but Bright felt a happiness warm her heart that she couldn't explain. She supposed her bizarre and sudden feelings might be attributed in some way to her season, but she didn't want to believe that. No... she believed that this was special. The relationship she'd built with Quelt, however quickly things had come along, was precious to her. She understood him, and he understood her, and it wasn't just sympathy. It was a true understanding of pain and the scars it left you with, and they each had experienced it in their own ways.

Her cheeks fully blushed, she smiled at him, but now she wasn't sure what to say in return. Where did they go from here? What did this all mean? This was uncharted territory for her. "Quelt... now I'm at a loss for words," she said with a soft laugh, lowering herself onto her belly, her forepaws dangling in the water, "You've just... made me so happy, I don't think I can really put it into words." Her tail thumped against the ground in a gleeful expression - she had become uncharacteristically carefree, no longer worried about the scent she was emitting. She'd been so unfortunate in her life as to never have the choice of who would father her pups, and for so long she had trembled at the thought of being near anyone during her season. But for once, she was at total ease, unafraid of Quelt and anything that might occur being so close to him at this time.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
08-26-2016, 01:54 PM

For some reason she seemed more beautiful then the world at the moment. Not that the world had ever been more beautiful then another wolf. Quelt had to take a moment to look away with a sheepish smile. Here he was an old man and he was getting giddy or embarrassed over what to some would be a simple matter. He had to remember to calm himself though, the world liked to screw him over if he was feeling happy. The male would take in a deep breath, as he let it out it was probably the longest breath he had taken in such a long time. It wasn't beyond him to be feeling the tension between them either. Her season or not, Quelt wouldn't even dream of touching her without her permission. In fact she probably would have to give him a push for anything like.... that to actually happen. For her own comfortable thoughts.

The male finally pulled his body out of the water, he shook his body. Water flying loose from his body. Slate blue fur would stand on end, along with his black stripes that just made himself look more fluffy than he actually was. His body turned towards her and he sat down with a smile on his face. "Well I'm glad I'm a tongue twister." he said softly as he couldn't stop the slight wag of his tail. He lowered his head and smiled, truly he was content if there was a word for that.

"Is there something you'd like to do now Bright Moon?" Quelt asked as he lifted his head. Perhaps they could take a walk, after all he enjoyed her company so what else was there to do? Now he sort of felt bad he was still lumped up with the commoners. He should be doing something with himself - rather than being dead weight to Fiori at least.


Bright Moon


6 Years
09-01-2016, 12:00 AM
She smiled and blushed as he said he was glad he had her tongue-tied a little. He certainly had her stumbling for words, it was kind of a funny feeling. Normally she was stumbling for words out of nervousness - she supposed this was a kind of nervousness, but it didn't make her feel like hiding. As he finally came out of the water, she was reminded again of his sheer size, and she could see the form of his muscular build with his wet fur plastered down to his sides. Until he shook off all that water, which went spraying. She laughed slightly, a light, chiming sound that rang through the air. Her tail wagged in time with his, and she looked to his one good eye, enjoying the moment.

When he asked her what she'd like to do now, she tilted her head, tail still waving. "Why don't we go for a little stroll?" she asked him gently. She turned toward the cool, shaded forest, flicking her silver, black-tipped tail against his chest as she did so. She enjoyed his company, and she wouldn't mind spending more time with him. And her season was beginning to urge her to take action, something she couldn't ever remember happening in her lifetime. She had never found anyone she trusted nor wanted to be around, but being here with Quelt just felt right to her. Time was not on her side anymore... she was not as spry as she once was, this might be one of her last chances to raise little ones before she felt simply too old. And Quelt was in the same boat.

How was she supposed to ask him? He had been so polite, so respectful of keeping his distance with her, she didn't expect him to take any initiative. She didn't suppose she could really entice him, and besides that, she wasn't a temptress, she had no seductive nature about her. Instead, she was meek and quiet, normally avoiding most interactions. So this was all new to her, but perhaps she would figure it out. As she looked to him, hoping he was by her side, she smiled again. "Quelt, I have something I want to ask you," she began, her voice going rather soft and quiet, "But... it's not something I would normally ask, a-and I wouldn't want to put any pressure on you..." She began to stumble in her speech a little bit. Her tail flicked, spreading her scent through the air. Perhaps he would start to understand what she meant, and why she suddenly couldn't make the words come out of her mouth.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
Extra large
09-02-2016, 03:29 AM

The male would be eager to be on their way. Get away from the falls and somewhere a little more private - he knew multiple reasons he wanted to do that but he contained himself. As his tail flicked behind him, his fur would soon be dry from the hot sun beating through the tree's as he trekked next to the much smaller female. Blissfully as such, as Quelt would walk close to her side. Though he debated whether or not to get closer than that. So much closer that he wanted to, she was beautiful and adorable all in the same.

His eye would meet her own as she started to speak. His nose picking up on the scent, intoxicating again. As he looked at her, she said something that pulled his attention deeper. It was a quick switch, but he sort of got it. With the two of them teetering on being elderly. It would be one of their last times to both have kids. As nervous as he was - what if he could actually do it right this time?

"It's alright, it's not an easy thing to ask Bright Moon. But... I wouldn't mind - starting a family with you." he smiled. The male would approach her gingerly, pressing his teeth to her cheek in an affectionate gesture. He would go slow, to make sure she really wanted this. Of course he did, but he was careful of that fact as he trailed along her body. It wasn't long before the man would hit his mark after all.


[Image: OvmqSCr.png]

Bright Moon


6 Years
09-03-2016, 03:23 AM
As they strolled slowly through the forest, she felt the large man moving at her side. She certainly felt safe with him beside her. Of course, then she had to go an talk, and make herself nervous all over again. But if she didn't say something now, would she ever? Just like always, Quelt seemed to understand exactly what she meant. She paused in her stride, wanting to catch every word her said without any confusion. As he spoke, she felt her cheeks blush, her skin burning. She didn't know how, but he really did seem to understand her in every way, and for her, it was a beautiful thing. She didn't need to say what was exactly on her mind - he knew, and he felt it, too. When he finally said it, that he wanted to start a family with her, she smiled, a real, full smile that stretched across her entire muzzle.

"You always know exactly what to say," she said shyly, her black-tipped tail waving. As his mood shifted, and he felt more inclined to enter her space, she felt a momentary flicker of anxiety. Yet, the affectionate nibble at her cheek was something different, that made her feel nervous but in a new way, something she'd never experienced before. It caused her to giggle just slightly, and she felt rejuvenated, like she was young all over again. Despite the nervousness she felt, she certainly didn't want to move away from him, in fact, she felt like she wanted to step a little closer. She was not afraid, and felt an ecstatic rush of anticipation as he moved along her body, slowly as he paid attention to her reactions, showing the way he cared about her. It made her look forward to this endeavor all the more, and she knew she had chosen right in allowing this moment to happen between them. At last, he would make his move as her tail flicked to accommodate him - soon they would have a family to raise, a chance in the later end of life to do things just right. She smiled, giving in to the moment.

[Image: zeB2pXm.png]