
Revenge [Morgan]


06-17-2013, 11:43 PM

The vulture seemed hesitant, unsure of what to make of her. She could see the various emotions dance across the avian's face. She approached the psychotic creature and her adrenaline only doubled, crystalline blues darting back over to Morgan who, despite her ability to not show it, was more than likely in tremendous pain. It did not bring her joy, but rather satisfaction. Satisfaction that the woman felt a fraction of the pain that her betrayal had brought upon her. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Her punishment was fair and just. Karma had come full circle, contentment coiled in the ivory woman's belly.

"Ezekiel..." His name was spoken softly, a hum a purr as he answered her question. Ivory tail would lash behind her, slicing the air without cause or purpose other than the simple fact of movement, she wanted the woman to understand how deeply her betrayal had rooted within her and now...she did. A smile would drift across her maw and laughter would fall from her lips as the bird screeched down at her, remaining low but well out of her range, the dame reclined to her haunches, eyes watching the bird closely before she shook her head, shaking the thoughts from her skull.

"And risk ending the traitors suffering? What better way than to die than in writhing agony? Her corpse will be yours soon enough." No smile would cover her maw, only raw determination.




7 Years
06-18-2013, 05:31 AM

The small silver pup scampered over the ground, small paws pattering on the earth. She wasn?t supposed to be out here. But she hadn?t yet learned this fact. So she pounces and pranced clumsily over the scuffed earth and bloodstained dirt. Little did she know that someday, she would possibly be the one partaking in spars here. That was all far away. A distant glimmer of light in a far future.

The weird, metallic smell that clung to the area suddenly got stronger, fresher. She felt a tremble of fear, but batted it away and continued on, eyes lifting to the sky as she scampered along, not watching where she was going. She bumped into a body, warm, covered in white fir and something wet and very red. She stumbled backward with a little yip.

Giving herself a little shake that made her stumble sideways a step, she looked at what she had bumped into. A wolf! It looked a lot like her mama, but didn?t smell right. The smell of pain and blood were very new to the young female, and her mismatched eyes were wide with curiosity, and concern. She instinctively knew that this smell and stillness coming from the wolf were bad things.

It came to her, that she?d heard a scream a little bit ago. It was one of the things that had drawn her to this place when she was wandering. She had never heard a scream before, never known fear. Pain was only a recent thing she?d learned. A stubbed toe while learning her walking now and then. But her mama had always soothed the hurts.

She would soothe this wolf. She nosed into the female?s neck, whining gently, nudging at her to try again, like Mama did. The female didn?t move. Surreal gave a stubborn, stern look at the female, then nosed harder, but still, no response. She then came aware of the others. Another white female that looked a lot like Mama again, but different as well, covered in the red wet, stood nearby. Another voice was speaking, making her ears go flat with the screechiness, but she couldn?t see where that one came from.

The other white female seemed scary, but maybe she could help the hurt female get better? Surreal scampered toward the female, then stumbled to a halt, anxious eyes gazing up at Evelette. ?That wolf needs help. I tried to make her better! But she won?t get better!? High voice was ripe with frustration as the wide mismatched eyes stared into the crystalline, fevered gaze of the victorious female. The plea of innocence voiced. ?Can you help me make her better?? It sounded like a question, but the look in the pups' eyes made it a demand.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


06-20-2013, 08:19 PM

By the time the pup had reached her she couldn't bring herself to move much. Her eyes were closed but she was concentrating on that damn bird. She wanted it to go away, but it wouldn't. She could hear it talk with Evelette. The pup nudged her and she felt bad for not responding, but the truth was...she wasn't sure if she could without frightening the pour little thing. Again the little one nudged her, only harder this time...and again she did not respond with the same fear of scaring the poor girl.

Morgan could hear the girl move away from her and she was happy about it until she heard the girl tell Evelette to help her. She didn't want the little one to see her the way she was but it was too late...and some how she just knew Eve wasn't going to agree to helping the pup.



06-22-2013, 11:31 AM

Thick drooling drops of blood and abdominal fluid oozed down her maw. Cold crystalline blues watched the traitor writhe, she wouldn't stop a healer, but she certainly wouldn't call or aid one. She was here to deal this woman pain. The root of her suffering now lay dying before her, devoid of a womb and of her dignity and Evelette felt free. Finally, finally she had paid the woman back for all the cruelty she had caused her, all the heartache. It empowered her to know she had achieved her vengeance. Ivory plume would flicker and the sight of the scampering little pup would gain her attention, the tiny thing would poke and prod at the miserable wretch before turning her pleading gaze to her, begging for her help, begging for her aide.

The ivory goddess would rise, the demonic entity that had caused such a vile wound stood triumphant, her own injuries seemed petty when compared to the grotesque painting she had orchestrated. Cold, calloused eyes would soften only slightly as they gazed upon the pup, before her lips would part and lyrics would spill forth. "I am the inflictor of such wounds, she is a traitor, has betrayed me in ways you cannot imagine child. She never helped me and I will not aide her now." Her voice was low but strong, unwavering in its resolution.
