
A great day for Tracking



5 Years
09-04-2016, 05:38 PM

Still there had been no sign of her father and it was beginning to worry the yearling. It seemed that something had happened to him and that now she would be on her own. She was almost two, but terribly behind on her lessons. The only sign of hope so far had come from meeting Qualm who was a year older then her and doing his best to teach her what he knew about herbs. She was enjoying the fact she was finally getting the chance to absorb some knowledge and it was also boosting her confidence in her current situation. Still unsure of where she would go from here she figured it would be best to attempt to teach herself some things, sure it would be a slower process but it would be needed.

She had moved north from her last location and although it wasn't winter it was significantly cooler in the north. It was easier on her since this summer was being so dreadfully warm and difficult for a darker coated wolf. Moving forward with her nose to the ground, she was attempting to find a scent to fallow hoping she could familiarize herself in the scent of prey versus the scents of other animals. It was the easiest thing to start with and something she felt would be easy to self teach. She knew she had to be careful as to what she was fallowing because she was still in danger of other predators too.

When she came to a trail she paused taking in deep whiffs of the scent and also taking the time to look at the tracks of the creature who created the trail. Small in size the prints were similar to her own, but more dainty looking. She knew it was not the same species as herself. She fallowed the trail for a while up until she found a decent sized den. She may be able to squeeze into the den, but it was much smaller then one she would make for herself. Rabbit hare was littered around the den and bones from smaller animals. So she came to the conclusion that this had to be the trail of a fox. Once finished she moved away from the den and took a seat to take a little break. She took this time to look around at the area she was in.

"Talk" || 'Talk'
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-25-2016, 12:53 AM
Ooc// totally didn't forget about this, nope >.>

It was time to venture beyond the lands and see what he could find in the next territory over. He figured perhaps he'd try to hunt, but what he didn't know. Maybe a rabbit or a ptarmigan...but he was feeling kind of bold today, and decided maybe something bigger would be more challenging. But would he find that in these woods? Perhaps an elk or something, but even that sounded kinda boring. As the male walked along an old trail in thought, he nearly missed an odd little sight nearby. Green eyes flashed up to find a young looking creature sitting not too far away, a female by the smell of it. But what struck him as interesting were the blue markings on her coat, causing the boy to tilt his head in wonder.

Carefully, he approached. He figured his size might scare her if he came up too strongly, and he so badly wanted to investigate her. Large fluffy paws seemed to almost creep towards her, fluffy tail wagging mildly as he eyeballed her. "Hey, who're you? I've never seen you around here before!" True enough. He came to these woods pretty often, and he had never seen nor smelled her around before.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
10-25-2016, 10:02 AM

She hadn't been in this area before, but even with being apart of a new pack the female still took some time to travel. This had been the furthest from the pack she had traveled since joining it and though today was more of an exploration then hunting for herbs the young lady was managing to keep herself occupied. She did feel a little hungry, but wasn't going to push anymore into hunting for today. The small exercise she had just completed would help to make her nose more powerful which would help her track down herbs. Though for now she really didn't feel like doing anything that she normally did. She felt like doing something out of the normal, something a little more bolder then she was used to, perhaps the confidence she had been building was going to her head. Though she had trouble thinking of what that could be, what could she do.

Bright green eyes looked around at the oddly shaped trees and wondered how fun it would be to climb one of them. They looked like proper perches and proper trees to climb in and really it didn't look to hard of a task. When she had just begun to think about climbing them a voice came from behind her. Someone had seen her, discovered her location, but it didn't bother the girl. She was beginning to finally grow out of the shy stage in her life. Eyes dropped from the trees and she turned her head as her tail wagged in a friendly greeting. Eyes landed on a young male that approached her from behind. Bright green eyes first noticed the male's green eyes then took in his pelt which consisted of two shades of brown. He was bigger then her, but honestly the girl didn't find it intimidating.

She got up from her seat and moved to face him, then sat down once more. Smiling at the male her tail continued to wag in a friendly greeting.

"I'm Delaney Callen and no I have never been in the North before. Who are you?" she replied before letting her head fall the the left slightly, cocking it as she waited for a reply.

"Talk" || 'Talk'
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-26-2016, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 09:28 PM by Dragon.)

And then she spotted him! Of course, it was to be expected considering he was the one that had called to her first. Green met green when the other girl turned to face him, his ears perking to find that she had more of the blue color adorning her body. It was interesting, quite interesting indeed. He had seen a bright red wolf, but this blue was much more intriguing and a heck of a lot easier on his eyes. His tail continued to wag as he stopped a few feet from her, taking in her scent which now that he was closer, he could smell a pack on her coat. Though which one it was he didn't know. He wasn't familiar with the two other packs that had risen not too long ago, but he didn't really have a reason to care...yet.

As the girl gave her name and asked for his in return, he stopped and regarded her for a moment. She was from a different pack, and pretty close to his...she didn't look like a spy though, and appeared pretty young anyway to risk a spy move. Though of course, looks could always be deceiving. What reason did he have thought, to assume she was here to try and spy? None. None at all. So instead of continuing his game of suspicion, he answered. "I'm Dragon Ancora, nice to meet you Delaney." There. That felt much better. He didn't like having suspicious thoughts control his mind, because it made him feel like his brother Lykos...that guy always seemed suspicious of everything, and Dragon would not turn out that way. "I've gotta ask. Were you born blue? Or is it some sort of paint?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
11-20-2016, 08:18 PM

Tail wagged in a friendly matter, the young women tried to show herself as the friendly wolf she was. She was still a little fearful of meeting new faces, especially out side of the pack. She was much better then when she first started with meeting others and Delaney could only hope that she would continue to do better. She wanted others to know that she was friendly and that she posed no threat to them. She wanted to meet other and to create relationships with others. She also wanted to learn everything she could with her skills to.

The male introduced himself, a name she didn't recognize at all. Looking over the brown hued male she found him to be really easy on the eyes yet she thought his colors are a handsome combination. His green eyes were also a similar shade to her own and it made her smile lightly. His question was one that she had never been asked before. In fact most hadn't even remarked on her abnormally colored markings. He must not have met others with abnormal colors. The alpha female from Myraid was black and green.

"Born with them... They are permanent," she replied with a light smile.

"Talk" || 'Talk'
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-27-2016, 09:59 PM

Eyes widened and a quiet "oooohh" slipped past his lips when she told him that her blue color was permanent. Well, he supposed he could scrap any potential thoughts that she had sprinkled herself with blueberries or something! He peered at his own fur, wondering if he'd ever be able to do something like that. They did have similar coloring, but she was actually born with it. He would have to...roll in blueberries or something (since he didn't know about dyes), and he was sure that it wouldn't last very long. Looking at her again, green eyes trailed the blue lines on her face and legs. His tail wagged some, clearly intrigued.

"Sorry for staring. I've just...never seen someone with colors like that before." He grinned sheepishly, a little embarrassed now and at a loss for what else to say. He was sure he was making this awkward, so he tried to figure out what to say next to try and save the both of them from any more awkwardness. "So uh, what pack are you from? It's not one that i've scented before, but then again I'm not too familiar with any of them."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.