
Heaven is a place that I can't find, and I can feel it in my bones.

Vadim I


3 Years

09-07-2016, 03:48 PM

A midnight run through the unknown might not have been the best of times for him to pick their little adventure, but Vadim was growing more and more restless through-out the nights. The moon seemingly called to him, the colder weather that came with the moon's rise a welcoming blanket over the growing thickness of his mountainous hide. It was mid-summer now, and even though Ivalice resided in the North, Vadim found himself lethargic during the sun's reign.

Oh how he was tempted to take their little rendezvous outside of the pack's territory and show his sister the wonders of The Marble Wash just as he and Ramsay experienced when they were younger, but Avalon's words at the last meeting had been heard. They were not to leave pack territory.. not that Vadim much cared for following the rules, he wasn't particularly keen on dragging Ash down with him if he were to get into trouble. He'd been spending his nights committing the pack territory to memory, weaving through the pine forest and memorizing tracks. That got boring fast, but then there was the wonders of the mine. Every tunnel was held a roof and although much smaller than the Wash, the little crevices reminded him of that experience just a tad. What had made them? Wooden structures held the roof of each tunnel in place though they were aged and some had surrendered to the weight of the mountain that they supported. It was peculiar to think that the wood had grown in the shapes that they did, no.. something had to have constructed those. What? He had no idea, but the whole thing gave him an eerie chill that made his wicked little heart beat just a little bit faster.

Yes, this is where he would take Ash and together they would discover the secrets that rested within these tunnels and possibly encounter the beasts that wove them. It was possible that the beasts might be long gone, but his adventurous soul certainly wished that perhaps he would be the first to travel deep enough to draw them out.

His gait slowed as they approached one of the grand entrances, the beginning of the catacombs that spread like veins beneath the mountain. His gut rippled just slightly with every step that he took, though it wasn't as heavy as it would eventually grow to be; he was growing taller and taller with every passing day and even with his gluttonous eating habits, it seemed he could not fight the rush of metabolism that came with teenage growth spurts. His thick neck twisted just slightly so that he could peer behind him, looking for Ash or any others that might have found their trail and started to follow. Would she be as courageous as he, or would she protest against uncovering what danger lurked inside these narrow walls?


[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



1 Year
09-07-2016, 04:51 PM

Irritation spurred at the woman's hackles as she followed her brother. Though she knew better not to question the better good of them. One day she'd be following under them and if they wanted to run around amock then that was their decision. After hearing of their adventures outside of the territory, she was a gasp dumbfounded. It had never even crossed her mind to leave, after all it would probably upset their parents. With Abelinda back, Ash wasn't sure how to feel. The grumpy princess following easily behind her bigger brother. As they stopped at the entrance of the caves. She'd been here before with one of Avalon's kids, but never really passed that healers den that sat at the entrance.

"Don't mind me, I'll get lost easily if I'm not right next to you." the gray eyed girl said. At least it would be some time well spent with her brother. Greed half the time didn't want to hang out with anyone. There was only so much she could take of Ramsay and Amara was sick unable to play until she got better. Nervousness started at the pit of the girls stomach. She liked the way she was living before, but it seemed like everything was about to change. She hated not knowing what it was because she didn't entirely understand how all of this worked. However she kept her mouth shut, no one cared about how she felt.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



5 Years
09-07-2016, 05:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2016, 05:31 PM by Shrapnel.)

Kharnage found himself unable to sleep lately. Thoughts ere constantly running through his head and the first and foremost on that list was his unhappiness in Ivalice. He'd grown to despise one of his own siblings and he didn't quite much care for the new ones either. The fact their mother had had more kids and hadn't bothered to say anything until they were born irked him. How could she have kids with that man? Did she even know him? How did she know him? So many questions left unanswered and to be honest he didn't think he wanted to have a conversation with Avalon about it.

Generally he was just unhappy all over. The only time he'd felt normal in the past month or so was when he'd gone off exploring. He could hunt well enough on his own now and could almost fend for himself. He wasn't a master at fighting by any means but he was confident in himself, cocky really, and dared anyone to cause him trouble. He'd thought about leaving more than once but hadn't brought it up yet. He feared the reaction Avalon would have to the suggestion so he'd bit his tongue and fought through it. He knew he had to say something soon though. He wanted to explore to his heart's content, go on all the adventures, and let his paws lead him where they willed. He craved excitement and new things and with no friends in Ivalice, except for Dragon, there wasn't much a reason to stay. He didn't want to stay a novice the rest of his life either.

It was on one of these sleepless nights that he drug himself from his den. It was eerily quiet but he didn't mind it. He'd grown used to the solitude he'd thrown himself in to. He trekked easily trhough Ivalice's territory and found himself heading towards the mines. He wasn't overly fond of that section of the territory, it was where more than one stupid meeting had taken place, so he hadn't had much of a chance to observe it.

He came upon the entrance to it and peered inside. Two fresh scents of the yellow man's kids were scattered here. What were two of them doing out and about so late? He supposed he had to commend them for staying in the territory and following the rules, but then again he wouldn't have cared if they had left. He wasn't much for rules lately.

Having nothing better to do he wandered in and slowly followed the scent of the other two. He was still notably bigger than those kids so his longer legs easily caught him up to them. In fact he'd barely ventured inside before he found them. The male seemed quite interested in the place and Kharn tried to keep himself in the shadows as he watched them. He wasn't sure if associating himself with a bunch of pups sounded like fun, but it wasn't like he could sleep. How long would it take them to notice him?

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]


09-07-2016, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2016, 06:45 PM by Evelyn.)

He had been lingering around these pack lands since his run in with the other pup, curious about a place that let their children run to freely. Granted, he was no better, but he was supposed to have his sister with him. Where was that brat, anyways? He grunted as he paced at the borders, watching as he saw two more young kids go into a mouth of a very large cave. Sunny eyes grew wide, and he strained himself forward to try and see better. When a third, really big wolf followed, he started to pace at the border even faster. He wanted to go in and see that cave, but his mother had been strict when she had spoken about pack boundaries. The fiery marked boy wiggled his toes forward and off of the invisible line, waiting to get struck by lightening or something for going against the rules. But nothing happened, he wasn't swarmed by pack wolves either. Pheonix felt conflicted, he didn't want to end up getting claimed by them and having to stay, but that cave looked like a lot of fun. But with a shrug of his shoulders, he inched his way across the border and sprinted for the mouth of the cave. For the first time ever, his heart pumped as fear coursed through his veins as he ducked into the mouth of the cave. When no one sprinted after him, he let out a breath and tip toed around the corner.

As the pup looked around, he saw that the larger wolf was looking at the two smaller ones, seemingly rooted in place. Narrowing his eyes, he wondered why he was just standing there. Hm... Maybe this wasn't a good idea. That wolf was really big, and he already seemed to be wary of the two young ones before him. Changing his mind on this whole trespassing thing, he started to slowly back up. He was about to head back to the safe zone when his paw slipped on the slick ground, and swept out from under him. Shit, shit shit. The young boy stood and backed up into the shadows, quickly hoping to hide his multihued body from the older boy. He just wanted to explore, he didn't want to get into trouble. His ears lay flat against his head as he kept his eye on the taller wolf, not even bothering to look at the two wolves his age. He could most likely take them on, but he wasn't too sure about the larger boy.


Vadim I


3 Years

09-07-2016, 07:37 PM

Molten gaze rested on his sister's face; she seemed as estranged from her surroundings as he was. The ashen 'brow dots that set above such vivid eyes lowered, narrowing his stare as he studied her features while she came up to stand beside him. They were each seven months old, and although Vadim came up to his father's chin in height he lacked the muscle mass of an older wolf, leaving him with lanky limbs and a rounded belly. It was quite an amusing sight, really. The disproportionate boy had been so focused on his sister's tension that he didn't bother to look past her before turning his head back to what was in front of him. Darkness. The sun had set long ago and twilight had faded just a few feet after they'd even entered the mine, leaving them to stand in a shroud of complete and utter darkness.

His sister's words made his black towers flick atop her head, tuning toward her as he felt her brush along his side as he occasionally bumped into her due to how close they walked forward. "It'd be wise to stick together, that is fine." He'd never really been close to any of his siblings, they'd all developed their own unique personalities and he was already leaning toward independence- but there was something about her closeness that almost felt.. comforting. That was something he hadn't even felt a smidgen of since their mother left.

Oh, that's right.. she was back now, wasn't she? Perhaps that would explain the distant look on Ash's face when they'd entered the mine. Everything was so up in the air at the moment within their little family, Greed seemed to choose to isolate himself; at least, that is what Vadim assumed considering he'd not come into contact with him quite at all since the meeting. Actually, they all kinda isolated themselves, didn't they? All the nights he'd been out exploring, not once did he look for another to invite along with him; the thought led Vadim to wonder how much of this isolation was their own doing, did Ash feel the call of independence like he did? Another bump was given as he leaned gently into his sister, though this one was partially on purpose; he would never quite vocalize the way he was feeling, but he wanted her to know that he was there beside her and that she could rely on him. At least, for now.

The sound of Pheonix's scrambling behind him was the first to trigger an alarm in Vadim's head, knowing then that the two were not alone in the mines. Someone had followed them and the sound of another ricocheted off the surrounding walls. Immediately, his heart raced within it's bony cage as his lips pulled back to unveil a fresh set of adult teeth, pristine and not yet coated with the yellow stain of old blood. The only shadow he could see at the moment was Kharnage, a colossal figure standing there silhouetted by the backdrop of fading twilight- there was no possible way for Vadim to be able to tell who it was that had followed him, so his nostrils flared and took in the scent of Ivalice. That offered only a small amount of reassurance. By now, he'd twisted his body around to face the lurking figure head on, placing himself just slightly in front of his sister to use himself as a barricade for her protection. "You got a stalker you didn't tell me about, Ash?" A slight smirk tugged at the threatening grin he'd had splitting his muzzle, his voice hushed and meant mainly for her; fear was not something that loitered in his tone, but instead he held a higher pitch of youthful excitement.

"Who's there?" His tone had changed, still boyish yet deeper than before as he called out in demand. He was silently cursing himself for not taking a better look at their surroundings before entering the mines, if they had to run.. the only way they could go was deeper into the mines and pray for there to be some sort of outlet. His head sunk a little lower at the thought of that, attempting to show the larger of them a bit of respect. They were packmates, after all, but how many within Ivalice were truly honorable?

[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



1 Year
09-08-2016, 03:38 PM

Of course of all things Ash was afraid, but she had too much pride to admit that. She hoped Vadim didn't mind the mingling of their coats. She was always afraid her brothers found it annoying, but affection in the physical form tended to be where she tried to stay. It made her feel at least a little bit wanted. As her gray eyes adjusted to the darkness she looked around. Imagine if she had gotten stuck here with Charm. That girl couldn't defend herself even if she wanted to. Ash stuck her tongue out, why did the alpha have such weak kids. The only good one was that huge one, the heir was it? Well no matter - royalty like them didn't belong here. She couldn't wait to be in a pack that her brothers owned, at least then she'd be comfortable.

Ash froze for a second when her brother mentioned stalker. Her eyebrows furrowed, what was he talking about!? She barely went outside, let alone came in contact with wolves other than their family. Then she realized that they were being watched, by an Ivalice wolf - and then by a stranger. Her head swiveled for a moment, hackles raising as she tried to puff herself up to seem bigger just by instinct. Wait a minute.... did that wolf had tints of red on him. "Well if that's my stalker I'm kind of impressed. He's got a coat of flames!" Ash sounded more than surprised. Sure there was Amachi the giant in the pack, but nothing quiet like that. To hell with the rules on trespassers, once she was hooked she wanted to know more. Though, she wasn't sure if the other ivalice wolf would think, since Ash couldn't exactly see him just yet. The only reason she saw Pheonix was because she concentrated so damn hard.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



5 Years
09-09-2016, 01:47 PM

He'd been focusing on the children pretty hard. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to mingle with them just yet. They weren't his younger siblings so he didn't know these two. He didn't hate them like he hated his siblings (okay he didn't really hate them, but it didn't mean he trusted them. Weren't they supposed to be in bed or something? What about their Dad? Kharn didn't really feel like dealing with a pissed off father yelling at him for not bringing them back, but then again they'd have to catch him first to bitch at him. He honestly didn't care what these kids were doing. That was their own choice.

He hadn't noticed the wolf following him until he heard the crashing of a body. The scrambling of paws was the next sound and he looked back behind him to see a boy trying to retreat into the shadows. His eyes hard already begun to adjust to the darkness and already Kharnage could pick out mixes of reds and orange on the boys pelt. Strange. He was pretty sure he'd recognize anyone who looked like that, but he didn't even smell like the pack so that must mean he was trespassing. The wolf was also a kid though, so in the end he didn't think much of it. His mother or Lykos could deal with intruders. He was just a novice after all and he didn't care.

It seemed he wasn't the only one to have heard the commotion.

Vadim was the first ot notice him and then he glanced at the younger boy to see that he was looking past him now, clearly not perturbed by him, to look at the stranger kid. An eyebrow would raise as the boy talked to his sister. He was pretty sure he hadn't smelled this kid around the borders either so he highly doubted the kid was stalking this.. Ash. To be honest he definitely wouldn't. She was all cream colored and looked a little funny, but he thought that of most pups.

The girl had now noticed the boy too after Vadim said something. He had to stifle a chuckle at her words. The boy was pretty interesting looking. She didn't seem to be as defensive as her brother, and Kharnage's laid back attitude hadn't changed one bit. So once they were done talking he looked back to see the boy. He was probably bored, right? Why follow them in the first place if he wasn't? Kharnage didn't care that he was here, unless he was here to cause trouble, in which case he'd probably have to defend Liar's kids if it came down to it. In the mean time though he remained almost lazy looking.

"You don't have to flee." He said to Phoenix. "We're not gonna eat you or anything."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]


09-09-2016, 06:19 PM

It was too late to run, now. His lips curled back from his teeth as he was spotted, his hackles raising on his back. The first wolf to speak was the cream boy, standing in front of his sister protectively. He called one of them a stalker, his eyes had not yet adjusted and he couldn't quite see who he was looking at. Pheonix's brows pulled together in confusion, who was a stalker? Or what was it? He had heard someone talking about a wild cat, saying that it was 'stalking' its prey. Did the boy mean hunting, like he was after his sister? He scoffed, shifting his yellow gaze to the sister in question. She was pretty ordinary, just one colour covering most of her coat. From here it looked like a dirty yellow, like someone had peed all over her or something. His lips twitched at the thought, and he looked at her when she spoke. His ears flickered atop his head, his earlier fear and panick long gone. They didn't seem too aggressive, and the sister said that he was impressive. Now that word he knew. Licking his lips, he took a single step forward and eyed the older boy, who soon said that they weren't going to eat him. Ah, so they had little care that he was trespassing in their home? What kind of pack was this anyways? But he was just a pup, they might be taking pity on him since he was all on his own. Ha, what a mistake that was. Pheonix could survive just fine!

Leaving the patch of shadows that he had tried to hide himself in, he stepped into a little patch of light that shone from the entrance of the mine. It was enough to set his coat ablaze with colours, the flame coloured hues on his pelt standing out. He really did look like he was born from the flames, just as his mother told him. Sunny eyes shifted around again, passing over each wolf. What an odd bunch they were. "What is this? Cave?" he asked, his broken English sounding louder in his ears than he hoped. Crap, these walls were making it harder to keep things down. His ears pinned somewhat in surprise, but he fell silent regardless.

Turning to look at the creme boy, his head tilting to the side with a single brow raising, a bit of confusion on his face. "What are 'stalker?' I no hunt your sister, if you worry," he offered, speaking a lot lower than he had before. He didn't much like to use this language, but it would seem that hardly anyone here spoke his native tongue. It was seriously frustrating, he wasn't one to learn things that he didn't like. Over time it had gotten better, easier too, but it was still irritating. He doubted that they spoke Spanish, he didn't hear it in their voices as they spoke. But he was pretty interested in this little group of wolves. He took a seat, his tail flagged out behind him as he waited for an answer.


Vadim I


3 Years

09-10-2016, 02:09 PM

The redhead had honestly been unnoticed as he had been in the shadows, Vadim had assumed that the lurking silhouette of a giant that he'd immediately seen standing behind them had been their shadow.. but as Ash pointed out a coat of flames, it encouraged him to look a little harder. Even the shadowed giant turned around to inspect what it was that had been scrambling behind him, and only then did Vadim realize that the true culprit had been this wildly marked pup all along.

That gave an unsettling feeling, the hairs along his spine prickling straight upward as he watched Kharnage move; if it hadn't been for the boy's clumsiness, how much longer would Kharnage have been able to follow them silent and unnoticed? Vadim snorted outward at the thought, his nostrils flaring as he took a step forward and did his best to mask his irritation. His eyes were mostly masked by the darkness, but they never seemed to leave Kharnage for long.

With a hint of angst he stepped forward as Phoenix moved back to the light of the entrance, his first thought being that Phoenix was attempting to flee; but, then the boy stopped in front of the entrance and pulled a Captain Morgan, posing in vanity to show off the irregular markings of his coat. Of course, Phoenix had only been pulling himself out of the shadows, but Vadim's mind wasn't exactly working correctly and was blinded by a slight tinge of jealousy now that his sister had shown interest in Phoenix. Vadim had wanted to awe her by discovering something unique down here in the mines, something she would be sure to remember.. and now, well. Now he seemed shadowed by a giant and a boy on fire.

When he started to speak, Vadim's black ears shot down as well as the loud sound of his voice ricocheted around them. That was precisely why he had been speaking in hushed tones, save for his demand. Which, neither one of them seemed to bother answering his question on who they were. He growled slightly, his lips tilted in a grimace to show one of his front canines. "Does it look like a cave?" Truth be told, he had no idea what it was either.. but the wooden structures that held it all together made him believe it was something more like tunnels than a naturally occurring cave.

"I'm not worried, and you are not the one I was suspecting of stalking." Molten stare narrowed as he lifted his head and kept his limbs perfectly straight, attempting to take the tallest stance possible and present his leaner chest proudly while he looked to Kharnage. "Who are you and why were you following us?" Translating to, 'are you here to tattle?' This wasn't the first night Vadim had stealthily left the den during the night to answer the call of adventure, but at least this time he was following the rules.. mostly. He was in pack territory, perhaps that was a mistake? Maybe they should have moved out of the eyes of the pack... Flame-boy wasn't a part of the pack and was likely just bored, perhaps Kharnage was as well, but.. Vadim just wanted to be sure.

[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



1 Year
09-11-2016, 07:21 PM

It didn't seem the larger Avalon son cared either. Well that was good, after all no one should care anymore. This place was stupid, she only remained because daddy wanted to stay. Though she was more concerned what was going to happen now with their mom around. She didn't KNOW her mom, she only knew her dad. It was suspicious really. As her eyes moved over Kharnage she nodded her head, they weren't going to eat him. In fact Ash was even more interested now. Call it sad puppy curiosity but she was interested to know who he was. It wasn't often she came across a wolf she considered to be an equal to her family.

"Maybe he's just bored! Hey flamey, what's your name. I'm Ash Walker if you're bored you can come explore this place with us. I think they called it mines?" she looked to Vadim. Though staying still close to his side until he decided it was okay to let this outside in. "You could come too! I know we might be boring but why not kill some time." she gestured towards Kharnage with a smile on her face. She was in a good mood today, the more the merrier.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



5 Years
09-12-2016, 02:06 PM

The boy seemed to be slightly more bold as he stepped from the shadows. He didn't know if it was because of the other pups' words or because he had said they weren't going to eat him. Either way it was nice to see him not trying to hide anymore as he stepped into some light. Kharn would take a good minute to stare at his pelt and he found himself agreeing with Ash. He was rather impressive to look at. He was like Regulus but with a lot more pattern to his coat. He looked awesome, but he wouldn't say that out loud.

The boy would speak in broken english and he'd swing his head back around as Vadim answered Phoenix's question. He seemed almost upset as he growled and Kharnage thought he hinted a tiny bit of irritation there. The sarcasm was amusing in the least and he found himself glancing around. It looked like a cave but it certainly wasn't a normal one. Whatever the tree things were certainly weren't made by wolves.

His attention would spring back to Vadim and a low growl rumbled deep in his chest as the boy made the mistake of blaming him of stalking them. He'd watch as Vadim tried to make himself taller and puff out more and his own hackles would raise. What did this kid think he was doing? "I'm Kharnage, but what I do with my own free time is my own business and I certainly don't have to explain myself to you. But if you don't watch it I'll make sure you get to explain to my mother what you're doing out so late." He snapped with an irritated tone. He wasn't in the mood to play twenty questions with a kid and he certainly hadn't been stalking them. He just didn't understand the fun of sneaking out to the mines so he'd followed them. At least if they were gonna sneak out anywhere they should have sneaked outside the borders where there was actually things to look at.

He'd barely heard the female, but he managed to catch the tail end of her inviting him to come with them. He'd eye her warily as he was seriously considering going back to his den. He didn't want to hang out with a bunch of pups anyways, but what if they did find something interesting and he'd missed it. Plus he wanted to know more about the fire kid and why he was here. Least the female wasn't so mouthy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]


09-22-2016, 02:37 AM

When the pale pup spoke to him with attitude, his ears pinned back as his lips curled upwards. Snarly little beast was going to get covered in bites if he wasn't careful. But his attention didn't last on him for very long, soon it drifted to the older wolf. He looked like he was far too bored to be in this situation, and he turned his narrowed eyes to him. The young grey one didn't seem to be too happy that he was here, and he wondered why. The smelled like the same pack, and yet they didn't know each other? How was that possible? His mother had said that packs were full of wolves who cared for each other like family, and they all took care of one another. So why did he not know the tall boy? It was all so confusing, and he listened with a rather lackluster attitude. Exploring would be so much more fun than standing around and asking who was who. Pheonix had half the mind to just walk past the two kids his age and just go in anyways. Plus, they did say that he could hang out with them, but they didn't say that he had to stay with them. Since they said it was cool, he could just do what he wanted to now, right? Huffing, he decided that he was going to wait it out. He couldn't really fight all three of them, maybe that big fluffy one that thought he was so tough.

Pheonix turned when the yellow one called out to him, calling him flamie before asking his name. He tossed a toothy grin at her, he liked the sound of flamie. "Pheonix Elementas, but you call Flamie. I like Flamie," she extended the welcome to go explore, and he nodded his head, taking a few steps towards them. She called it a mine, but that meant nothing to him. He had no idea what a mine was, perhaps it was just a name like some of the lands were called. Going with that, he paused only when the older boy spoke. His flame marked face spun to face him, he seemed to have an attitude. This made the pup laugh, dropping down into a play bow with his tail wagging above him. "Fight? You fight?" he asked in an excited woof, tail wagging in its raised position. He was always almost beating Ashelynn, except when she used her big fat butt to sit on him. But the thought of being able to watch a fight between these two... well it brought a real fire to his eyes.


Vadim I


3 Years

09-22-2016, 12:58 PM

As Ash stated her name with the last name of their father, he twitched his ear. He'd been told early on that he was an Armada, had Ash decided to abandon their mother's name? It made sense, but his eyes lingered on her as he wondered what that meant. Did she harbor bad feelings for their mother? He was sore about her disappearance as well, of course, but he was hopeful that she would one day return.. and with a good excuse.. but he would never admit that he yearned for that. Embers shimmered in his eyes with the thought, though he quickly narrowed his gaze to hide them as he willed the thoughts away from his mind. They were too young to be without a mother, but he would not give up hope like Ash had.

There were a million reasons why the youth didn't seem as friendly or playful as others his age, why he didn't mingle with the pack and get to know them. It just didn't feel right, but his eyes did wander up to Kharnage as he made his threat clear. "Alright, alright. I just wanted to make sure you weren't here to flap your mouth later and earn some brownie points from the adults." He grumbled, his weight plopping down on to his hefty bottom before he brought one of his back limbs up to soothe an itch at the back of his ear.

It was during this that he watched Ash exchange an invitation to Flamie and Vadim silently rolled his eyes. As the boy lowered his chest to the ground in a play bow and spoke with his poor english, Vadim only grew further annoyed. This stranger was already getting along with his sister better than he'd ever been able to and it was mildly irritating. What did it take to gain recognition from his family, a coat of flames? He couldn't realistically accomplish that even if he wanted to, unless maybe he set himself literally on fire. Would they notice him then? He chuffed, hiding the fact that he was getting a bit choked up while he gave in to the darker thoughts initiated by the jealousy he felt with this new guy around.

He pulled himself away with an 'I am beyond done with this' sort of expression, letting his larger paws carry him across the floor of the mine as he ventured deeper into it. He secretly hoped they would follow, but even if they chose not to, he was determined to find something to keep his mind active and away from thoughts of neglect.
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



1 Year
10-10-2016, 03:37 PM

She wiggled with excitement. Exploring with all these guys was going to be amazing. She brushed up against Vadim a little as of course he would always be her favorite for the time being. Her creme pelt contrasting against his own grayish one. She would stand side by side to her brother and fall silent. He would lead the way, that or the grumpy little avalon kid. Either way she was aware he was the son of their leader so he needed some sort of respect. She just found it hard to care about whatever was going on in the pack at the moment. As long as she was having fun, there was no matter.

Ash watched the flamie as he called himself for a moment. She didn't fight so she couldn't really answer him. She would let the fighters sort out their things. After all she didn't think she'd ever fight. Ruining her fur like that just seemed distasteful.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



5 Years
10-11-2016, 02:18 PM

"I don't fight pipsqueaks. There's no challenge in it."

He retorted to "Flamie" as the yellow coated pup had called him. The thought of fighting Vadim was rather unsettling. He could imagine the amount of trouble he'd be in if he outright attacked the gray pup, but in his defense the kid had started it in the first place. But he didn't want to deal with explaining to his mother and the boy's father why he was covered in teeth marks, so he let his earlier threat settle into place. Maybe there was enough fear there of Avalon to get the kid to back off some.

"Alright, alright. I just wanted to make sure you weren't here to flap your mouth later and earn some brownie points from the adults."

The boy grumbled to him and he had to suppress the smirk that threatened to splay across his lips. At least his threat had worked a little bit, but it still bothered him that the kid thought he was just going to go run his mouth to one of the adults. They never paid him any attention anyways so why should he care if they couldn't pay attention to the younger kids as well. He certainly wasn't going to be the one to change that any time soon.

"I'm not a tattle-tale." He grumbled.

A sigh left him as Vadim decided it was time to explore. With nothing better to do he realized this was probably the most interesting thing he had going for him, which wasn't saying much. Oh well. Shrugging off the previous discontentment, he eyeballed Flamie before trotting to catch up to the two pups. They'd already invited him to come along so he didn't give a flying fuck if he followed them. Instead he pushed past Vadim and Ash and began sticking his nose to the ground to see if he could find anything of interest.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]


11-02-2016, 03:34 PM

A disappointed look came to his features as the male said that he didn't fight, his features falling when they moved to inspect the caves. Pheonix hesitated, not sure if he wanted to follow through with his now. What would happen if they decided to turn on him? He would be trapped in those narrow tunnels with nowhere to go. Pheonix's ears slicked back as he took a single step towards the mouth of the mine, that gleam never leaving his eyes. It would be so easy for them to turn on him, and while he was small they outnumbered him greatly. While they all said that they were fine with it, the boy realized that he had been a fool to trust them. The fluffy one's attitude shifted too easily, and the bigger male seemed grumpy. Tossing the golden girl a smile, he took a few more steps back. "I go now, have fun!" He said with a loud bark, listening to it bounce off the walls before he turn and sprang out of the cave. Quickly making a beeline for the borders, he didn't stop until he was well passed the boundary line.

-exit Pheonix-
ooc;; sorry for the lame exit :x This thread was really old and I just kept putting it off. I'm so sorry!