
We'll ride the rails with our pistols drawn [Claiming]



9 Years
09-16-2016, 04:15 AM

In his travels over the past season since losing his home, Xephyris, a vigilant creature, hadn't missed the establishment of borders in the Southern territory near the powerful and abundant river, the Rio Grande. The scent along the borders was familiar, but not pleasantly so. Instead, it had caused a sour taste in his mouth and a prickle of anger which caused his scarred muzzle to wrinkle, teeth flashing at the scent marker. The inner turmoil causing his hackles to spike, for the scent belonged to the challenger that had defeated his former Alpha and caused him yet again to be displaced, without a place to call home. However, this time as he passed by, expecting to skirt the boundaries yet again, it became apparent that the borders, formed not so long ago, were already fading. This observation caused the ambitious man to pause, needing to investigate further. Could the new pack, the one that had replaced Myriad, already be gone? Perhaps the leader had not healed well from her wounds, at which the man would smirk - served her right.

Lurking near the fading scent of the border line, Xephyris engaged his keen tracking skills to make certain that he was not mistaken in his conclusions. Upon inspection, there was no doubt that what he had perceived was accurate. The borders had not been tended to, and there was no evidence of recent activity. A somewhat maniacal smirk curled his lips upward - this was perfect. Although, internally he had to admit it was a little disappointing - it was just too easy - he wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to make a claim. Confident that nobody would stop him, Xephyris strode into the former Aerie lands with his tail held high, his head raised above his shoulders. Even if he was wrong, even if someone tried to stop him, it would be too late now. He wasn't turning back.

Wanting this more than anything, the gray-coated male strode into the territory without hesitation. He didn't care if anyone came to challenge him; he would be more than willing to fight with anybody who thought they wanted this more than he did. His large paws making his way to the edge of the river, he stood quietly for a few moments, his nails digging in to the river's edge as his silver, blue-flecked eyes scanned over the rippling water's surface. At last, he lifted his head high, tilting his muzzle back as he let loose a loud, deep and gravelly howl, ensuring that he would be heard across the lands as he called to those who would follow him in his ambitious pursuits.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



5 Years
09-16-2016, 04:21 AM

Of course she'd been trailing him for a while. Hiding herself, making herself at least a little known but regardless she was there. It seemed he was coming across the recently disbanded pack here for as far as she knew hadn't lasted long. A small smile appearing on her face, she wouldn't let him forget his promise of power to her. After all her body was still in use of his. The next generation of boon will grow in her stomach with this man. Though - she just liked power. She liked being in control and that was easy enough.

She strolled over to his side. Brushing against him lightly to take a seat there. "You've got quiet the voice Xephyris. Are you ready?" Limno asked as she knew he was but still. As her tail wagged lightly, the road ahead was tough but she loved that. Perhaps if she ever grew attached to anyone, she could mess with wolves outside of the territory. Who knew, ahhh..... life was a mystery.



09-16-2016, 04:55 AM

Hm? The dames head rose as she stared across the river. She had made her way back south, making her way towards the southern continent where it was cooler then it was here. But it would seem that during her time of rest by the river, a voice she recognized would call loud and strong across the land. So, he'd done it eh? The spitfire rose to her paws, easily crossing the now shallow river to find the male on the other side. When she got to him, her silver gaze spotted the other female nearby. A smirk would turn up the corner of her lip, gaze scanning over the other female. She didn't know whether or not this woman was a stranger or a friend to the silver knight, but either way she didn't care. She had her eye on the man since the night they met, and she would make that clear as she strode over to him, brushing against his side with a playful grin. "Hello, handsome. Excited?" She nipped playfully at his side, assuming he let her before moving a few feet away to sit down. Her gaze fixed on him, hungry for what was to come.



6 Years

09-16-2016, 10:49 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2016, 12:29 PM by Evelyn.)

Jaelle Rosemary Canirai

She was unsurprised that she heard Xeph's howl call out to everyone, claiming himself one of those pack things. Since she had pitched the idea to him, he had been all over it. So she smiled, her bell clad tail ringing behind her. With her scarf wrapped tightly around her right front leg -- it was far too hot to be around her neck -- she made her way towards her silver knight. There was a faint scent of a pack on the borders of the land that he called from, and a single brow rose at that. Had a pack fallen, is that why Xephyris had stepped up to do so? Perhaps smelling a downed pack was the last push he needed to step up and be an alpha. Crossing over into a river she knew well, Jaelle was surprised to see that two other woman sat with him. While the gray female had no claim over the silver brute, there was no doubt that she had some sort of relationship with him. Her blue and brown eyes narrowed slightly, her bells ringing out as her tail curled behind her slightly. Shaking her irritated look from her face, she strode past both females with her held held high, bells calling out with every step. There was so doubt about it, she was strutting in and towards her silver knight. Jae wasn't one to share, apparently. Even though she had been around nothing but other males lately, she was shocked to realize that she wanted him all to herself. Mmm... this was perplexing news.

Stopping just short of Xephyris, she was unsure of how to greet him. She settled for a smile, her tail wagging behind her. "I am glad my advice was good enough to see through," she said with a laugh, sitting down at his side. "I'm still not super set on this whole pack business, but I did agree to help you out. It's hard to say no to you," The last part was spoke in a soft whisper that only he would be able to hear, before she leaned back with a giggle. Turning to look at the other two woman, she cocked a brow as she inspected them. One was red coloured, not quite like blood but something else. It was a very pretty colour, she had to admit. Jaelle gave her an approving nod before looking at the next lady, a brown and white one with bright green eyes. Mm, she was rather plain looking, but then again so was she. Turning back to Xeph, she playfully bumped her shoulder about him, her eyes growing slightly wider. "You will be pleased to know that I got all the way over here without hurting myself. No trips or nothing!" Jae said with another laugh, curling her tail around her as she waited. She had no idea what to expect, or just how many more of his female friends were going to show up.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



5 Years
09-16-2016, 12:48 PM

Carmine ears twitch atop her skull as a summoning howl breaks the silence that surrounds her. The voice is oddly familiar so it only takes a few moments for her to place it; it was the man who had approached her in the soulless forest a few days prior. So, he was attempting to become a king hm? It surprised her really, he was so plainly basic that she would have never guessed he desired a crown. Shame on her for judging a book by its cover. Rising to her feet she swiftly peruses the mans call, nothing more than curiosity fueling her movements. She wonders what kind of crowd this man will draw, and there's only one way to find out.

With stealth on her side she approaches the crowd silently, and keeps herself upwind as she does not want to draw any attention to herself. Once she is within seeing distance she sinks into some brush to conceal her tiny frame from any wandering eyes. She's not here to converse in conversation or join his petty pack. She only wished to see what would come from his call. Perhaps another loner would show up and challenge him for the metaphorical crown. The crimson babe greatly enjoyed shows of bloodshed. Ruby eyes encased in long black lashes bounce from face to face. They were all females besides the summoner. What was this? Some type of polygamy scandal?


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
09-16-2016, 03:01 PM
The young male hadn't been particularly pleased when part of his family's old territory had been annexed by a new pack, but the pack hadn't been intrusive or nosy so he'd been cautiously inclined to accept the change. Now they'd broken up, or moved to a new land, he wasn't sure which, and a new wolf was calling out a claim.

Chaos frowned, a deep rumble of displeasure echoing in his chest. Just as he got used to one alpha around, now he had to worry about a completely new one, and who knew what sort of policies and whatever this new guy had? Well, he'd just go and see about that! Without a second thought the Saxe leapt to his paws and loped away with a single-minded determination. He had no intention of joining this pack, or any other for that matter - having grown up within Imperium as the youngest son of the greatest alpha this continent had known, he was not inclined to leave his parents and join up with some lesser pack. But he was grimly determined to assure himself that this new would-be alpha wouldn't be trying to push him and his family out of their home, either.

As he came within sight of the group gathering together, he very nearly stumbled over the prone form of a small, bright red female trying to hide in the brush. He had to awkwardly hop over her at the last second, and took a moment to pause and glower down at her with a faintly disapproving growl and a flash of his flat, long fangs. Now, he wasn't by nature an unfriendly wolf, but did she really have to hide like a snake in the grass? She was a hazard, and if he'd been a smaller wolf he might have broken his neck tripping over her. Only the fact that she was a ridiculous, attention-grabbing shade of red had warned him.

Continuing past her without a word, he insinuated himself into the group gathering around the male who'd called the pack. The young male was disconcerted, though, to find that even if he'd been a perfectly ordinary wolf he'd have stood out in this small gathering, since all three - four, counting the wolf in the bushes - who had answered the male's call were female, and at least two of them had rubbed their scent on him before Chaos had approached. He snorted sharply to clear his nose - geez, the air practically reeked of estrogen. It was as bad as being cooped up with his older sister when she was in a tizzy over some guy.

"Al'ight," he drawled in the lisp he hardly even noticed anymore, letting his gaze drift from the females to the guy who'd called his claim to begin with and fixing him with an intent stare. "You're hoping to be an alpha. What are you planning to do with your pack, exactly? I mean," he smirked, lips drawing taut over his fangs, "Athuming no one challengeth you for it."

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



7 Years
Extra large
09-16-2016, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2016, 04:46 AM by Brutus.)


Watchful, oceanic gaze steadied stoic on the waters just a few feet below them, set deep in the darkened vision of the earthen colossus while he watched the light play on the scales of the larger minnows that approached the pillars for legs that invaded their river bed home. He'd been hoping for something substantially larger, though lingering in the shallower edges of the Rio Grande, finding nothing but a nursery for the larger fish of the Grande should have came as no surprise.. though, one could always be hopeful for active breeding grounds. Fruitless in his efforts, he was slowly making his way out of the running waters of the river when an unfamiliar voice rang loud and clear, forcing him to pause and listen to the details that it carried with unwavering ears.

The sound of an aspiring King's self-served ceremony trumpets had spread as far as the Rio Grande ran across the South, it was undoubtedly heard by the loitering giant which only left him to assume that others had heard it as well. This must have been the aspiring ruler that Armai had informed him about, the entire reasoning for his rushed visit to the South in the first place... well, one of them. Truth be told, there were not many that the seasoned traveller had ever considered worthy of his friendship but Armai had quickly piqued the nomad's interest with her integrity despite her disability. During their travels back to the South, it'd become apparent to him that she'd been getting around just fine long before their encounter and she'd likely be doing the same for years to come. It was inspiring, really.

He wasn't sure how far away they'd become when he'd ventured off in the morning to explore a bit of the South on his own, but he was sure that they'd be able to meet back up during the call of her to-be King. Quickly, the tall brute wandered down the bank of the river until he could see the gathering that had answered the call before him. Of course, the amount of women surrounding the man did not go unnoticed; Brutus found himself being more courteous of his posture as he waltzed in with respectable body language, a greeting nod issued to each wolf that chose to make eye contact with the stranger. What he found more interesting than the amount of women was something he noticed, like Fiamette had: the lackluster appearance of the claiming alpha. In both height and coloration, he appeared no different than the average wolf.. one you might find in the bulk of a pack though here he was with a quickly growing crowd of followers. This impression was actually one that pleased Brutus, a small turn of his lips signalling his pleasant thoughts as he watched Xeph and patiently waited for the speech that was inevitably to come. He liked seeing personality shine through above appearances, to see an intellectual brain at the head of a pack that was capable of making well thought-out decisions. Did Xephyris hold the erudition that Brutus expected? He was curious to find out.

cesar may enter any of brutus' threads



6 Years
09-17-2016, 12:37 AM

They'd hurried south when Armai had told him that a friend of her was creating a pack. She'd insisted that she'd be there for it, or close by, when he claimed a land for himself. Nox had eventually caught back up with her and she'd gladly introduced her companion. It felt good to have the leopard around once more, though she wouldn't openly admit that she'd missed the cat's presence.

She was more than thankful to have Brutus as a traveling companion. It was strange being around another wolf who actually enjoyed her company. It almost seemed as though he got some sort of amusement out of it, but she didn't know him well enough to read into it well. Still it was fun to travel with someone other than Nox to talk to (because she honestly didn't talk a whole lot) and she certainly had looked forward to getting to know him better.

They'd split up that morning so he could explore. She herself had managed to gather some herbs and store them so she could grab them later. She still needed to retrieve her old stash from her den in the willows, but she had resolved to do that after she'd picked out a den in whatever territory Xephyris claimed.

Speak of the devil.

Ears would prick when she heard the claiming howl of her friend. A soft wag of her tail would be given before she and Nox headed towards the meeting place. To her surprise, upon crossing old scent borders, she realized she recognized that scent. It was the woman who had challenged Riv and had won. The thought that the woman hadn't even kept her pack for very long made her sad. All that trouble and for what? So the woman could throw it all away? It wasn't fair. She tried not to dwell on the past though. This was supposed ot be a happy day. She fully believed Xeph deserved a shot at leadership.

She arrived and the gathering of wolves was mostly ones she didn't recognize. She'd come on the tail end of hearing a male speak. His lisp was surprising and ears would turn towards his voice as he spoke to Xeph. She was half tempted to figure out what caused the lisp, but she didn't want to interrupt. She could smell a few others as well. Jaelle was here which had surprised her. It'd been a while since she'd been around the woman, but it was nice to see her and Xeph still seemed to speak, judging from the fact she was here. Then there were two more females that she didn't recognize and the thought made her uneasy. Just how many females was she going to be forced to live with? Her mind would shift from her mean older sister and then to Nixie. So far she wasn't overly fond of most of her gender and she was instantly wary of them, but she didn't portray it.

Instead of flocking to the hopeful leader she flashed a smile in what she hoped to be his direction. Nox trailed along behind her studying the wolves gathered intently. Armai happily padded over to Brutus, whom she was glad had arrived, and plopped herself next to him. Nox would sit on the other side of her and Armai tilted her head towards the man.

"Nice to see you could make it." She smiled. "There's so many females here. It's strange." She whispered softly to him, not wanting to be overheard.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



5 Years
09-17-2016, 10:32 AM

A few moments after she sinks into the brush the sound of foot steps infiltrates the babes senses. Her head swings toward the source, and within seconds she's almost trampled as a massive wolf rushes toward the gathering. With her fangs bared she growls back at him, the hair along her nape and spine erect. No words are exchanged as he marches on, and it is then that she decides hiding in the brush isn't such a great idea. There were a lot of senseless wolves in Boreas, and the last thing she wanted was to be trampled by some fool.

Casually she emerges from the brush and shakes any debris from her gorgeous pelt. Once she is satisfied she takes a seat as she still does not want to approach the group and make conversation. A large bundle of fur and flesh presses against her right leg, and the movement startles her until she looks to see Marco sitting beside her. A warm smile graces her lips. She sure does love that wolverine. "Watch carefully Marco. We may get lucky and see some bloodshed." An eerie snicker rumbles within her chest as her crimson eyes turn back on the wanna be king. Marco mimics her actions and their ears swivel toward Xephyris to hear what he has to say. After all, the only reason she's here is to observe the new kingdom in the making, and hopefully see some combat.  

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



9 Years
09-18-2016, 05:03 AM

A feeling akin to electricity rippled over his body as he stood near the deceivingly calm, yet powerful river, waiting to see who would come at his call. His posture and facial expression matched the river's flow - he was not much to look at, but if someone got to know his depths, they would come across something much more than could be determined on the surface. The first to arrive, causing his silvery-blue eyes to shift, was Limno. He wasn't too surprised, as she'd been lingering close - after all, she carried something within her that belonged to the both of them. He would nod in her direction, and remain patiently still as she approached him and placed herself at his side - he noted her directness as she assertively claimed her position. He hadn't forgotten what he'd offered her, but she certainly was not shy about reminding him. No matter, he had no intention of denying her. At his side, he did not turn to look at her when she spoke, but tilted an ear in her direction, nodding stoically as his eyes continued to scan for anyone else approaching. "I am ready, Limno," he murmured to her, the playful attitude that he reserved for one-on-one greetings tucked away for later times, "How are you feeling?" He knew he ought to ask, even though he wasn't entirely sure about her condition; it might be too early to tell if she had conceived or not, but the change in her scent was a little bit telling.

Soon after Limno's appearance, a bright, fiery-red she-wolf would make her way toward them, and he nodded in greeting to Kasai. He was a little more surprised to see her, as he hadn't been quite as sure about her commitment to the offer he'd made when they'd first met. But, he was glad to see her here, and didn't flinch as she brushed up beside him - although, he was starting to get the sense that there might be some competitiveness between the two females already - and he glanced sideways at her as she asked him if he was excited. "That's one way to describe it,"
When she strode right up to him and smiled, well, he couldn't help himself but to smile right back, and hearing those jingly bells that he'd come to enjoy the sound of didn't help to keep him quite so aloof. He met her duo-toned gaze, his tail waving behind him as she moved to seat herself at his side, opposite to Limno. Her laughter alongside her comment drew a low chuckle from him - so much for keeping a serious appearance - and he nodded in agreement. Without her advice, he might not have been so keen to get things moving; he would have mulled over it for much longer. His smile grew at her whispered words, pleased to hear her say that. He didn't miss the way that she eyed the other two women, just as the two had eyed each other upon their own arrivals, but his mind was distracted from that when she bumped his shoulder, her pretty eyes widening as she looked at him - she proudly described to him that she had made it all the way here without tripping or hurting herself. Amused, he chuckled again. "Well good thing," he murmured to her, "I'd hate to see you come limping over here."

His attention was pulled away from Jaelle at the sound of rustling in the undergrowth some ways away, quickly followed by an irritable growl. Silver eyes glanced up to see a large, unfamiliar brute approaching the small gathering, and of course his attention was instantly drawn to the peculiar male's abnormally long, blade-like fangs. Not only that, but he felt a slight breath of relief at the appearance of another masculine creature to break up the increasingly overwhelming gathering of women (although in the background he spotted the bright, blood-red coat of the woman he'd met just a few days ago). Not that he was displeased with any one of them, but he could practically feel the tension in the air between them. Leaving his position where he'd been firmly pressed between Limno and Jaelle, he came to stand in front of the male that had approached and met his intent gaze. Perking with interest as the toothy male questioned him, and surprised (but at the same time, not really) by the strange lisp he spoke with, he wondered what his intentions were in coming here. Xephyris didn't mind being asked of his plans, and saw it not as a challenge, but the sign of an intelligent being who refused to simply accept things without first questioning it and breaking it down.

"Well, whoever would like to challenge me is free to try," he rumbled in answer to the young man's last question first, wondering briefly if the tall brute had come for a fight, himself, although so far it didn't seem likely, "But I'm glad you asked about my intentions. First, I intend to move us North, where we'll settle into the territory I've investigated and prepare for winter. After that, our efforts will be focused on building up our combative strength, expanding, and establishing a name for ourselves. It is my goal to establish a strong presence in the North, although I have no intention of bullying my neighbours or reeking havoc on anyone. By the way, my name is Xephyris." Perhaps it would be good to start with offering his name, if he intended to make himself known on a larger scale. He wondered if the young man would offer his name in return, and what he intended to do after hearing Xeph's explanation.

Focused on the uniquely toothed brute, he almost hadn't noticed Armai's arrival, and the friend she'd brought with her, as they kept to themselves in the background. However, he glanced past the questioning male, seeing the two of them as they settled side-by-side, delighted to see that she had brought another man with her. Not only to even out the hormonal odds around here, but it helped to keep his own wandering eyes to himself - he would have enough trouble on his paws as it was with the women currently present. And Soleil wasn't even here yet... would she come at all? Shifting his silver, blue-flecked eyes back to the blue and purple gaze of the younger man, he focused and waited patiently to hear what he'd have to say.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years
09-18-2016, 07:04 AM

A low growl would arise from the woman's throat as all the other wolves came into view. First of all she hadn't been the first to arrive at Xephyris side. Secondly all the woman in the group made her feel the need to show all of them, in some form or another, that Xeph was her's. She wasn't overly fond of Jaelle or the brown woman sitting quite so close either. For a moment Soleil would force herself to stand still and breath deeply as she was sure Xephyris wouldn't be happy with her if she lost her temper and took it out on one of the she wolves in the group. She could hear the silver man talking from where she stood, not that she could understand all of it, but his voice served to calm her nerves. Turquoise eyes would close as her black tipped ears would perk forward to take in his voice. By the time he stopped talking Soleil had opened her eyes and started toward the group again.

As she got closer to the others, she had to focus on Xeph to keep from glaring and the other woman, mostly Jaelle and the brown woman as they were sitting to close for comfort...especially the brown one. "Bonjour mon amour" she would great him just before trying to push herself between him and the brown she wolf Soleil didn't know to rub her head along his shoulder and then the side of his neck. Soleil had no idea who any of these wolves were to him aside from potential pack mates but she wanted the women around her to know right now that he was her's. So much so that she was grateful for the other two men in the small crowd of wolves. Normally when she was grateful for a man it was because they were easier to seduce into what she wanted than another woman...right now she just wanted them to take the other female's attention.

She would look from Xeph to the brown woman. Her intention had been to giver her an oops I didn't see you there look but her scent made her want to bite her and a different look entirely would cross Soleil's features as her jaw clenched and her eyes went cold. She shouldn't smell Xephyris on both sides of her, and his sent was most definitely not suppose to be on this other female. Her cold stare would be turned on her loved one as if to silently ask 'what the hell'. She might not know a lot of English but he would definitely be spoken to about this later. He may not officially be her mate, but she wasn't going to allow other women to touch him either.



7 Years
Extra large
09-18-2016, 03:59 PM


This was all new territory to Brutus, he had little knowledge of the pack that resided here before Xeph's claim or what had transpired even before that but with the amount of activity that buzzed around him, he could only guess that the activity in Boreas had not settled down since his disappearance.

He couldn't help but eavesdrop a tad, hearing the eccentric red woman mutter to her wolverine companion about bloodshed. Would violence really occur? He was curious, suddenly finding more interest in the interaction between the fanged brute and the aspiring alpha. Like everyone else, the lisp did seem a bit out of place on his ears but with impressive teeth like that? It was to be expected, so little thought was put into the words he listened to.

His attention was quickly caught by the arrival of the woman that had escorted him to the south, her silver figure and shadowing cat hardly allowing her to go unnoticed. There was a small curve of the man's lips as he sat up slightly taller when she came to his side and whispered about females. It brought a chuckle out of the giant as he curved his neck, tilting his head to lean in and return his words in similar hushed tones.

"And here I thought I was the only one other than the ringleader to notice." He grinned, "It's a bit intimidating I suppose, I agree that it is strange though I suppose it doesn't really matter. Female, male, we're all wolves, are we not? It goes to show that the alpha you've chosen to follow has a charismatic personality to say the least. At least, one would think... to have that many females entrusting him with their livelihoods this early on." As he was discussing it, it seemed another woman approached and he couldn't hide a smirk as a result. He hoped his optimism helped comfort her somewhat, though he wondered why it was that she found discomfort in the presence of so many woman at all. It would be something he would have to observe, or a question to ask later on.

His blue gaze wandered over to Nox next as he offered the feline a gentle nod of his angular muzzle, though there was an obvious tension still that came over the brute as he acknowledged her. Being around another sizable predator had been a little unsettling at first, though after witnessing the bond between wolf and leopard in his travels.. he was beginning to see Nox in an entirely different light than the predators he'd experienced on his travels thus far.

The growling of Soleil turned his stare away from the cat, returning to the center of attention during this little gathering. Oh, this would be interesting.. he glanced toward Armai in slight concern for her comfort, wondering how she would feel now that the growls of jealousy had been released. Would the other woman stand down, or would this be a showdown? A battle for alpha female?

cesar may enter any of brutus' threads



6 Years

09-18-2016, 05:50 PM

Jaelle Rosemary Canirai

She watched with more of an amused look as two more females showed up, as well as a large and rather handsome looking male. She eyed him with appreciation, but it would seem that he too, had the attention of a female. Oh wait, that was Armai! She smiled and got up from where she had sat at Xeph's side, padding carefully over to the blind woman. "Hey Armai, I just wanted to thank you for everything that you did for me. I didn't get a chance to do that before I wandered off, but I really do appreciate you taking me in," she said softly, brushing her nose gently against her cheek since she knew that she couldn't see her. Besides, Jaelle was a pretty touchy feely wolf. Her brown and blue eyes then roved up to the taller male, not caring to hide the fact that she was openly checking him out. He looked a lot different than the wolves she was used to, a soft array of browns coloring his frame. "And who's your little friend?" she asked in a teasing manner. It was obvious that he was anything but small.

Her attention was drawn away when Soleil walked in, a name she only knew from a meeting within Myriad. She pretty much tried to bulldoze her way past the red female, which made her chuckle softly. While she had to admit that she was jealous of all the attention that her friend had grabbed, it was quite funny to see just how much of it he had gathered up. He was quite the charmer, apparently. Jaelle wasn't too bothered by it all, she found it rather humorous. There was no doubt a connection between her and Xephyris, but she was pretty sure it wouldn't go past friendship. What surprised her more than that though was the soft French that she heard coming from the other womans lips. She had no idea that there was a language that they shared, and she wondered if it was only French that she spoke. Did her silver knight speak it as well? Curious, she was about to go back over to them when a brighter red female and another wolf appeared. His teeth were the first thing that she noticed, his complex array of markings was next. Jae's eyes grew wide, she sure was meeting a lot of fun wolves lately! It would seem that the boy had a lisp, something that she blamed his elongated canines for. He made it sound like he would challenge for this lands, and she looked towards Xeph as he spoke. Oh, he planned to go up north? It was rather cold there. Her nose wrinkled up in distaste, if he hadn't convinced her to help out she would most likely only be here for moral support. Packs were definitely not her thing.

When she glanced at the others to see how they would react, she saw the confused look on Soleil's face. Ah, so she did only speak French. Clearing her throat, she tried to meet the woman's eyes. "Il a demandé à ce qu'il entend avec le pack , si personne ne euh ..." She paused, her French was really rusty. What was the word for challenge again? Grumbling, her ears pined slightly as she thought. Oh! "le défie , voilà . Si personne ne le défie pour le pack ." Nodding slightly, pleased with herself, she sat back down and curled her bell wrapped tail around her as their soft chime filled the air.

ooc;//For people who are phone bound and don't like hovers, she says "He asked what he plans with the pack, if no one um..."
"Challenges him, that's it. If no one challenges him for the pack."


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
09-18-2016, 06:30 PM

She grinned lightly as Brutus commented about the giant array of women around. She couldn't see their positions but she could bet that they were all crowded around Xephyris. She honestly was surprised by the number of them all. How had they all met him? It seemed he'd traveled quite a bit since coming to her with the idea for his pack. She could only hope that they didn't start the same kind of internal drama that Ren and his sisters had caused for Rivaxorus. If she had to go through that again she really was going to let Nox eat someone's face.

"I suppose." She said softly. She knew they were all wolves and that their gender didn't matter if they were all supporting Xephyris. It didn't mean she approved of all the tension in the air. "I guess he is pretty charismatic to have attracted so many wolves to this meeting already. Judging from your comment I guess he's not all that unique looking, is he? If he was I'd say it's because of good looks and charm." She said with a soft chuckle.

She'd flick an ear towards Nox. So far the cat had remained silent, but that didn't mean she wasn't paying attention. The snow leopard had been silently observing the wolves so far. Her attention in particular had fallen on the male with the very large teeth that protruded from his face. She didn't like the lisp, but she certainly was eyeballing the fangs. She'd turned her head just in time to see Brutus nodding his head at her and she flicked her tail at him in a simple greeting before eyeballing those gathered again. She wouldn't admit it, but she felt a pang of jealousy over the male having big fangs.

A familiar voice would catch Armai's attention. Turning her head away from the cat she'd face where the voice came from and she was surprised that Jaelle was talking to her. Other than healing her they hadn't spoken since Jaelle had disappeared. It was nice to "see" her around. Did that mean she'd be joining Xephyris or was she just here to watch? She was surprised when Jaelle thanked her and Armai smiled.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you got to feeling better." She'd then flick an ear to Brutus when Jaelle clearly was talking about him. She wasn't sure of Brutus' size, but she'd picked up on the teasing in the other woman's voice. Was Brutus really tall? She'd never asked. "Oh this is Brutus. We've been traveling together for a little bit."

It seemed more women would be appearing for this meeting. She turned her head to the sound of growling. She recognized the scent of Soleil as she arrived, but was surprised to hear her growling. So the animosity was already starting. She frowned and shifted uncomfortably. She really wasn't fond of drama and she wasn't going to sit idly by and let it tear apart a second pack. Other than hearing the foreign language she spoke, which she assumed was a greeting, it didn't seem that she was starting anything. So Armai turned her attention away. Instead she listened as Jaelle translated for her, but what exactly she wasn't sure.

Her thoughts would then flicker to what Xephyris had said to the male before. He'd stared that he intended on moving the pack to the north and her nose would wrinkle. That would make her job of finding the herbs she needed a lot harder. She'd have to travel farther distances and that wasn't including the fact it was almost always cold up there. While her fur wasn't super thin it wasn't thick and fluffy like an arctic wolf either and freezing seemed to be in her near future. She certainly wouldn't be abandoning the pack because of a little cold though so she'd just have to learn to deal with it as it came.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



7 Years
Extra large
09-19-2016, 08:36 AM


The flick of the tail Nox had given him made him smirk some, watching her seem to dismiss him as she focused on the fanged wolf. She had noticed it to, had she? He wondered what in the man's genetics had caused for such a extension of his front fangs, it was unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

Armai's words made him chuckle as well, glancing back over to the aspiring Alpha to assess him once again. He hadn't mentioned anything about the man's looks and yet Armai already had picked up on his thoughts from his chosen wording, it impressed him really. She was clever, and he'd have to be more choosy of his words. "Now, uniqueness I can not give the man but that is not to say he doesn't have his finer traits. He seems fit and in good shape, probably a capable fighter, if I were to judge. He is about your height," he chuckled, "a lighter gray, smokey color with back markings that remind me of something covered in ash. It's a common look for wolves, really.." He trailed off for a moment, just how did he meet all those women? Armai had been the first he'd come across in months, and he was pretty convinced she'd only allowed him to stick around because she was blind. A grin cracked through his features at the thought, "Needless to say, I'm not sure how he managed to get a crowd like that if they were attracted to his good looks and charm alone. He is probably considerably better with his wording than I am." He glanced to Armai, wondering if she remembered his initial slip up when they'd first met each other. She may have forgotten, though he was still trying his best to make up for it.

The sound of bells announced Jaelle's approach far before Brutus' blue gaze shifted to her direction, he'd missed her observing him but watched as she approached Armai fondly. He gathered that Armai must have been a decent healer from their brief exchange, assuming that is why she mentioned that she was glad the woman was feeling better. He smiled, though glanced back to Jaelle as she inquired about him in his teasing manner. As Armai introduced him, he'd nod his head courteously, "Pleasure to meet you," though he did not miss the way her eyes lingered on him. It didn't last long, she turned to speak words he had no knowledge of and it gave him a moment to smooth out the tension that the look had caused him. He was a little more appreciative of her staring now that it wasn't actually occurring, it was nice to know he wasn't absolutely repulsive to women, but there was something relaxing about the company of Armai and knowing she couldn't exactly see him. She wasn't judging him based on his appearance at all, yet she still found his company at least tolerable. Of course, they had never even so much as flirted with each other, but he admired her intellect and integrity enough to tag along.

cesar may enter any of brutus' threads



2 Years
09-20-2016, 11:12 AM
She just wanted to see. It was curious, hearing someone demand a pack for themselves, even though she'd heard such a thing happen before in her time in those lands. She had never, however, gone to actually see a challenge before. Given that she still had nowhere to call home, she found herself turning and heading that way, coming upon the gathering rather late, but participating nonetheless. If participating could be considered sitting on the very edge of the group, so far back that she could barely be counted part of it, anyway.

Faelyn wasn't interested in getting up front when she could see just fine from where she was. She didn't know any of these wolves, and since they all seemed to know each other in some way or another it didn't seem likely to her that they would enjoy her presence there too much. Still, she wanted to see what would happen, especially if someone decided they wanted the pack instead. Would they fight over it? Probably so. That would be a frightening sight, but at least the victor would have proven capable of protecting his home and family.

Thus far, however, it seemed as though the male was going to be able to create his pack without any dissent. He certainly had plenty of followers, so she thought it would be sad if he wasn't able to do it.