
She's Like Heroin



6 Years

09-19-2016, 11:07 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2016, 11:07 AM by Faite.)

Faite was once again out of Celestial. She was bounding with energy and the itch to explore had come over here. She didn't need to travel far so she didn't go farther than the southern part of Boreas. She'd be gone for a few days, but Regulus would surely be used to her travels by now. She'd done her best to try and fill the ranks of Celestial with new wolves, but it didn't seem like they needed her help with that. With the arrival of more pups it meant the pack was nearing on full for the spaces they had claimed. She needn't worry about recruiting for the time being, but instead what they were going to do about resources and space.

Today though she was just enjoying her freedom to do as she pleased. She wanted to get the lay of the land and see if other areas were suffering from a drought. Surely the north seemed to be faring just a little bit better than the south and west? She was half tempted to make another trip up there, but she refrained. She was trying to avoid traveling all the way across the continent so soon.

Instead her feet brought her to a blackened beach. The sands were dark and shiny when she arrived and she stared at it curiously. The ocean looked the same as every ocean did, so why were the sands such a sparkly color? Shrugging it off for the time being she then padded to the ocean where the waves lapped at the shore. Water tickled her toes and she grinned softly before taking a seat. It was beautiful outside and this place seemed as good a place as any to rest for a while.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



4 Years
09-19-2016, 02:17 PM
Traveling was something Zeth adored. Finding new things to explore and learn from never failed to peak his interest. So spending the last few weeks passing through new land was almost heaven on Earth in his eyes, but feelings change. Zeth wasn't getting any younger, though he wasn't very old either. He liked being alone, but maybe it was time he settled down in one spot and met some new faces. His mind couldn't decide. Of course, being in a pack didn't exactly mean he had to give up his freedoms, did it? New responsibilities would be placed on his shoulders, but he was ready for that. Right?

Being in a pack has its pros and cons, but so does being alone. Maybe he just needed to quit over analyzing the situation. If the right groups comes around, then so be it. No use worrying about it when he hasn't even seen another wolf for the majority of his trip. So he kept walking, and eventually he was pressing the pads of his paws into a dark, sparkly sand.

Huh, he thought, I've never seen this kind of sand before. He halted, lowering his head to the ground to get a better look. It seemed to be.. reflecting light? Strange, but very alluring. He examined the ground, flicking his ear at the soft roar coming from the ocean. All of a sudden he caught the faint smell of another creature - no, it was definitely another wolf. Female, actually. She seemed to be further on ahead, but Zeth was a little hesitant. He needed to be careful, he could be trespassing on a groups land, and the last thing he wanted was a fight. Or this could even be his opportunity to join a pack, who knows, so he walked forward.

After a longer walk than he expected, Zeth could eventually make out the figure of the strange female. She was sitting at the edge of the ocean, close enough that the water could pass over her paws. He inched closer, watching the girl for a moment before he got her attention. She was an interesting mix of a rusty looking brown, black, and a few shades of grey. She looked very sleek and lean, and also much smaller than Zeth.

"Hello." he said calmly, trying his best not to startle her. She seemed very peaceful just resting on the shore.
[Image: 2w348de.jpg]



6 Years

09-19-2016, 03:48 PM

She'd been admiring the ocean view when a voice caught her attention. An ear would flick in his direction before she turned her head to look at the stranger. She wasn't startled by his presence, but she had to admit she hadn't been expecting company. She peered at him for a moment. He was larger than her by a good bit and his coloring reminded him a bit of her younger siblings. She'd rise and turn fully to face him with a smile on her lips.

"Hello." She greeted warmly. "Do you know why the sand is black?" She asked suddenly.

She wasn't one to play around too much with pleasantries and it was a question that was nagging at the back of her mind. She wouldn't have bothered trying to figure it out on her own, but now that it seemed she had someone to talk to she was going to take advantage of it. The oceans near Celestial had... well very normal looking sand. She'd never been to this beach before. What made it black. It couldn't be something in the ocean or it'd be black too, right?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



4 Years
09-19-2016, 04:52 PM
He mirrored her smile, a bit relieved to know that the stranger was friendly. Her tone was warm, which was pleasing to hear after being alone for so long. Honestly even a bitter response might've excited him, Zeth didn't realize how lonely he was beginning to feel. His ears perked forward at the sudden question, more or less expecting to exchange names before inquiring why the sand had a dark pigment. His gaze dropped to the ground, as if he didn't even realize the color of the sand was nothing normal.

"Uh," he said, caught slightly off guard, "I have no idea." He looked back up at her and huffed a small laugh, finding their first encounter a bit amusing, "I've never seen sand like this before." Another thing he hasn't seen before was heterochromia, which he could see now that the female was looking at him. One blue eye, one yellow. He didn't think a pair of eyes could interest him so much.

"Why is the sky blue?" he asked back, the corner of his lips curling up into a small, playful smile. He was being a bit of a smart ass, teasing her slightly about asking such a random question. "But more importantly," he added, sitting down in the sand and curling his tail around his feet, "what is your name?"
[Image: 2w348de.jpg]



6 Years

09-20-2016, 03:48 PM

She'd peer at him as his gaze dropped to the ground. It seemed he hadn't exactly looked at the ground beneath him. This brought amusement to her and a hint of a grin began to tug at her lips. She certainly wasn't making fun of him, but it was funny to think that his thoughts had been focused elsewhere whereas her eyeballs had immediately zeroed in on the odd colored sand. After all it was black and that wasn't normal, was it?

She was disappointed as he explained he had no idea what it was. He laughed before going on to say he'd never seen it and she smiled at him regardless. She doubted he had, but it was worth a shot to see if he knew all the same. To her surprise he had a witty retort and she chuckled softly. She had no idea why the sky was blue either.

"You know, that's a good question. I'll have to find someone that knows." She grinned at him. "But I'm Faite, who are you?" She questioned him as he took a seat. She decided to do the same and let her haunches rest on the odd colored sand. So far she was rather pleased with her day. It wasn't often she met someone who used sarcasm and was funny to be around. Good company, pretty scenery, and it even felt less hot here. She couldn't ask for much else.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



4 Years
09-20-2016, 05:50 PM

"Hm,"he hummed, "Well be sure to let me know when you find that someone." he added, while his tail tapped lightly against the tips of his toes. He smiled warmly at the female, whose name turned out to be Faite. All previous stress about approaching this stranger had immediately vanished. Not only did she appear to be kind, but she seemed to have a personality that could appreciate his sarcasm. Or at least tolerate it. Because his mouth was something not everyone was too fond of. Whether it was because they didn't agree with his humor, or they just didn't understand it, he'd never know. Nor did he really care.

"And I'm Zeth." he said, "I've been traveling almost non stop for the past few weeks exploring, but for how far I've traveled, I'm not really sure I've learned the land anymore than what I already knew." He shrugged, his lips cracking into a brief half smile. For how observant Zeth is, he really didn't pay much attention when it came to traveling. He adored it for how the scenery made him feel in the moment, too focused on the vibes and the beauty than remembering where he was unless it impacted him with a deeper memory.

"As of now I'm kind of looking to settle down somewhere, but if you want me to be honest with you I'm a little hesitant on looking to join a large pack because of how long I've been on my own." the idea of a pack was still on his mind, but as of right now he knew throwing himself into a large group of strangers would be overwhelming for him. A smaller pack would be ideal, but for all he knew Faite could be a loner with no knowledge of any surrounding packs. Worth a shot to ask though.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 2w348de.jpg]



6 Years

09-20-2016, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2016, 09:33 AM by Shrapnel.)

"I'll be sure to tell you."

She grinned at him. She highly doubted anyone knew why the sky was blue, but she'd certainly keep an eye out. Things always had a tendency to surprise her. She was pleased with her current company though. Most of the time she was pretty amiable with strangers. Very few displeased her and those rare cases were few and far between. So she wasn't surprised she was hitting it off well with him.

He introduced himself as Zeth. Interesting name. She was more entertained by the fact he traveled a lot. Her curiosity would pique now. How far had he been? had he seen anything she hadn't? Her face fell a little bit when he mentioned he hadn't learned anything about the land that he didn't already know. What did that mean? Did it mean he hadn't come across anything interesting ever or hew knew a lot already?

"Maybe you're just not looking in the right places?" She suggested with a grin. There were many interesting things to learn on Boreas if you knew where to look.

She was slightly astonished by how forward he was. Very few wolves had admitted that they were looking for homes so soon in a first conversation. Most of the time it was her convincing them that coming home with her to introduce them to pack life was how everything went down. Most of the time she failed at it for some reason or another, so would this case be any different? She was certain he wouldn't like Celestial with how large it was... but would he like her idea instead?

It was worth a shot.

"Well if you're looking for a pack I'm actually looking to raise a pack of my own. I'm trying to find like-minded individuals to join me, if you're interested?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



4 Years
09-27-2016, 09:16 AM

Zeth watched her eyes when he spoke, still interested in the fact that they were two different colors but also trying to read any facial expressions he might miss. She seemed to fill with curiosity at the mention of his travels, but her face fell slightly when he told her about his lack of new knowledge. He made a point in the back of his mind that next time he went exploring, to take in as much as he could handle just so he can pass on the information to Faite. His heart warmed at the thought of her getting excited to hear new information of the land. What could he say, he took a liking to his new company, so it excited him to think he might be able to brighten her day with something he learned.

"Maybe I'm not." he replied, grinning back at her, "I'll have to go check out some more spots and let you know how it goes." He did actually remember a few spots he would like to return to, how to get there was the thing he couldn't recall, but he'd find his way.

Zeth's ears perked forward at her newest suggestion. A pack that was starting from scratch might just be exactly what he was looking for. He could meet everyone as they joined, so there was no worries about overwhelming himself so quickly. This way he could even build more of a connection with those who wish to do so, then he could feel he has more purpose to be in a pack. So he can take care of and help out those he's come to know.

"Actually, I'm very interested."

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 2w348de.jpg]



6 Years

09-28-2016, 05:22 PM

Her grin wouldn't fade as she mentioned that maybe he hadn't been looking hard enough. Of course she hadn't been there for his travels so she wasn't sure, so she hoped he hadn't taken offence to her light jest. Still he seemed to remain unperturbed by her unnatural friendliness towards strangers so Faite's mood remained uplifted. Instead she focused on all the interesting places she'd been ranging from battlefields to strange places with abnormal structures not ever seen naturally in nature. She had all sorts of stories to tell.

"Sounds like a plan. In return I can tell you all the places I've been. There's been quite a few."

She wouldn't entertain him with the details right now though. There was so much to be told and she didn't want to overload a new acquaintance with how much she could talk. Instead her attention perked up as he mentioned he was interested in the idea of a new pack. She hadn't expected to find him to be as interested so soon, but regardless it pleased her. She flashed him a toothy grin and her tail waved excitedly.

"That's great! Is there anything you'd like to know?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]