
Green with Jealousy



6 Years
09-18-2016, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2016, 06:51 PM by Soleil.)

It was official. Soleil had attached herself emotionally to a man who she wasn't too sure even liked her back now. She felt the need to tear that brown wench in half, not only was her scent mixed with Xephyris's but hers was....wrong. She would deal with that later but right now she needed to talk to someone, she needed some answers and the only one  she could think of was Jaelle. She wasn't exactly happy that the only one who might be able to answer her questions was another woman that had been too close to the man she loved for comfort. At least her scent hadn't been all over him.

A low rumble would escape her as she tried to decide what to do. Hell Jaelle had surprised her with French words and had given no reason to distrust her so why was this such a difficult decision. She needed a translator to give her answers, or to at least help her get them and this woman spoke French. Granted it was a bit rusty but it was French none the less. Soleil needed to know what happened in the short time she was gone, needed to know if Xephyris had actually loved her or if he was just leading her on. She needed to know if she had a good reason to tear the brown one in half, if she needed to show Xeph that her heart was not something he wanted to play with.

Finally she would bite down her jealousy for this woman's closeness to the Xephyris and she would raise her muzzle to the sky calling for her. When her voice silenced she would lower her head so she could watch for the other she wolf. Maybe she was just over reacting about the bell covered girl and she was a potential friend rather than a rival....or at least that's what she kept telling herself while she waited.



6 Years

09-18-2016, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2016, 09:08 PM by Jaelle.)

She was quite surprised when Soleil's howl called out for her and her alone. She was unsure on what to think of the pale woman, she didn't think that she would like her very much. Jaelle was not blind to how she looked at Xephyris, and how she had tried to show her dominance when he called to make his claim. Was it only because of the language barrier that she suffered from that drew her towards the bell clad female? Well, there was only one way to find out. She had not wandered off too far since her silver knights howl, so it didn't take her too long to find the other female. Dipping her head as she neared while her bells sang out with ever step, she sat in front of her. Head tilting to the side, her eyes did not hide the curiosity that she felt. They hadn't spoken to each other at all during her short stay in Myraid, packs were just not her thing. She was born to wander the lands and see all that it had to offer her, not stick in one place and sit tight. Plus, fighting wasn't really her thing. "Hey Soleil," she greeted simply.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
09-18-2016, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2016, 09:03 PM by Soleil.)

Black tipped ears would perk at the tell tale sound of Jaelle's approach and turquoise orbs would find her soon after. Soleil wondered silently if this was a bad idea as the other woman sat in front of her with a cocked head and curiosity written all over her face with a spoken greeting. For a moment she thought about telling her never mind, but her need for answers out weighed her jealousy of the time Xeph had chosen to spend with the bell covered woman instead of herself. With a thick French accent Soleil would return the greating "Hello Jaelle." it was one of the few English words she had picked up.

She would watch her for a moment more before opening her maw to speak yet again, but this time in her own language. "Je ne me suis jamais une chance de vous remercier de traduire pour moi avant que je pris d'assaut au large, je vous en remercie." she would start by thanking the woman and then move on to why she had truly called her here. "Cependant ce n'est pas pourquoi j'ai appelé pour vous. J'ai besoin de ton aide. Mon anglais est mauvais et je sais que quelque chose est faux , mais je ne peux pas mettre ma patte sur elle...peut-être que je suis juste un gosse jaloux, mais mon instinct me dit autrement." She hated admitting her feelings aloud to anther wolf but she was positive something was wrong. Not only where Xeph and the brown woman's scents mixed but there was something off about her smell, something she couldn't pinpoint.

Soleil would pause for a moment, hoping that the other girl wasn't so rusty that she hadn't understood her, hoping that she wasn't the only one to notice something odd. "Jaelle il y avait quelque chose hors sujet l'odeur de cette femme brune. Je ne sais pas ce que mis à part le fait qu'elle sentait qu'elle avait été partout Xephyris. Je me pose des questions et pas de réponses que je pouvais comprendre les mots , même si je leur ai demandé moi-même. again her eyes would search the other woman's hoping she had understood every word. "Je suis tombé en amour avec lui, mais j'ai un mauvais pressentiment que la femme. Je n'ai rien sans lui..." When she finished talking she couldn't help but wonder if that smell was just the way their scents mixed together, if she was simply being a jealous a way she hoped that's all it was.

1. I never got a chance to thank you for translating for me before I stormed off, so thank you.

2.However that is not why I called for you. I need your help. My english is bad and I know something is wrong but I cant put my paw on it...maybe I'm just a jealous brat but my gut is telling me otherwise.

3.Jaelle there was something off about the smell of that brown woman. I do not know what aside from the fact that she smelled like she had been all over Xephyris . I have some questions and no answers that I could understand the words to, even if I asked myself.

4.I fell in love with him, but I have a bad feeling about that woman. I have nothing without him.



6 Years

09-18-2016, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2016, 10:25 PM by Bass.)

The pale woman hesitated, and the gray damsel kept her mouth shut. She would wait until she said what she needed to say. By her obvious jealousy at the meeting, she didn't like other females around Xephyris. Jaelle had to suppress a smile, that would be hard if he managed to get his pack. It would seem like only one other male was interesting in joining, unless that long toothed one had something else in mind. When she thanked her, she was a little thrown off. She hadn't felt like she was doing anyone a favor, it must be terrible to be stuck in a world where you didn't understand a single word. So she simply shrugged her shoulders in reply, it hadn't been trouble at all. If anything, she was thankful to be able to use the language again, she had grown rusty in its misuse. "Chaque fois , il est de bonne pratique," Her accent was a little lack-luster, but still there none the less. French was a bit of an easier language than Latin, so it didn't take too long for her to remember the basics. But quickly the darker marked woman moved on, saying that she needed her help. This wouldn't be the first time that she had acted as someone's translator, and as tedious as the job could be it was something she enjoyed. When Soleil said that she felt like something was wrong, she perked up and eyed the woman with more concentration. Something wrong with what? Her brows knitted together, but she didn't have to wait long to find out.

Ahh, so it was the brown woman that she had tried to wrestle away from Xephyris. It hadn't been hard for her to realize the scent that she carried, but she hadn't been paying enough attention to realize that it was his scent that had been on her. They had been sitting side by side, and she hadn't cared too much. Jaelle thought that it would be rude to point out the obvious, but it would seem that Soleil didn't quite know what was up. "Elle est enceinte," she said rather bluntly, curling her bell clad tail around her sides. She couldn't be certain that the pups were Xeph's, but it would seem that Sol thought that there was something else going on. She looked up, her brown and blue eyes closing as she thought back to the meeting. The brown female did seem to carry herself in a dominant way, could she be the female that he chose to lead the pack with? There was really no way of knowing, maybe she was just a naturally more dominate woman. So she opened her eyes and looked back at the other woman, deciding to keep that to herself. What really threw her off was when she admitted to loving him. Jaelle had thought that most of her affection lay in claiming him, from the looks that she saw. But love? That was something that she had very little experience in. Sure, she cared for her silver knight, but clearly not as deeply as this one. Their time on the beach had made her think that she was growing more attached to him, but she was fairly certain that it was only a fondness, and an appreciation for what he had done for her. Could that develop into an infatuation? She wasn't sure, and Jaelle was not fond of sharing. With all these other females fawning over him, she would most likely just keep it at friendship. But Soleil seemed to be rather attached to him. "Je ne peux pas vous aider avec ça , je ne suis pas bon avec des conseils sur des choses comme ça. Mais pour autant que la femme brune..." Jaelle let out a sigh, her shoulders shrugging slightly. "Vous êtes mieux de demander Xephyris à son sujet, je ne peux pas vous en dire beaucoup plus . Je peux venir , ou vous pouvez l'appeler ici si vous le souhaitez." It would be a really freaking awkward conversation to be in the middle of, but she was curious as well.

ooc;// I think you are phone bound, so I will post double translations.
"Any time, it is good practice."
"She's pregnant."
"I can't help you with that, I'm no good with advice about stuff like that. But as far as the brown woman..."
"You're best to ask Xephyris about her, I can't tell you much more. I can come along, or you can call him here if you wish."

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
09-18-2016, 09:58 PM

The woman nearly wanted to jump for joy when Jaelle had an answer for almost all of her questions. She was probably right about the way their scents had mixed based on she was pretty sure pregnancy didn't have a scent, her lack of jumping for joy had been because of the fact that the brown woman was pregnant. That made her want to clench her jaw and flatten her ears but she wouldn't. To the bluntness of her answer Soleil would give an apologetic look "Je ne suis jamais allé autour d'une femme enceinte avant. she would tell the other woman hoping she would understand why she hadn't spotted that a mile away.

It was her comment on not being able to help her with advise that confused her for a moment, as that wasn't what she was asking for but she would stay silent while Jaelle finished talking. "Il a été effectivement lui demandait qu'il fallait que je l'aide avec . Il comprend aussi bien le français comme je comprends l'anglais autant que je sache . D'ailleurs je ne pense pas que quiconque puisse savoir quoi faire en fonction de sa réponse." Soleil would search Jaelle's features for a moment hoping it wasn't too much to ask her to translate, knowing it would be awkward for all three of them but unfortunately a translator was necessary for either of them to understand for the time being. "Je ne l'appelle si votre sûr que vous ne me dérange pas traduire pour moi. Je sais que ce sera gênant pour tous les trois , mais je dois savoir et je suis sûr que votre curiosité" She was an ass sometimes, and almost always overly jealous but this woman was kind enough to attempt to answer her questions. She felt stupid for not realizing that the brown woman was pregnant, and she hated to ask for help...but that didn't mean she wanted the other woman to feel awkward unwillingly.

Translations: 1 Ive never been around a pregnant woman before
2 It was actually asking him that I needed help with. He understands as much French as i understand english as far as i know. Besides i don't think anyone would know what to do depending on his answer
3 I'll only call him if your sure you don't mind translating for me. I know it will be awkward for all three of us, but I need to know and im sure your curious



6 Years

09-18-2016, 10:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2016, 10:37 PM by Jaelle.)

Jaelle's eyes grew wide when she seemed to be sheepish, and she didn't realize that her bluntness may come across as irritation. She shook her head back and forth, disturbing the bells on her legs. "Oh no, no no," she started, feeling bad for making her feel that way. "Je ne veux pas dire ça comme ça , il est très bien," she said, letting out a small laugh. She was still unsure about this woman, but she wasn't one to make enemies. It was obvious that Soleil needed help, and she was the only one around that could offer that. She wasn't going to turn her away just because she was fond of the man she loved. Jaelle didn't miss the flash of confusion, but nothing was said on that. She wanted to make sure that she was okay with it before calling the silver man here, and she nodded her head. It was going to take awhile to get everything straight, and she hoped that it didn't get ugly. Maybe having her there would make them both more civil, but she doubted it. Even though she knew little about love, the gray woman had heard that it got ugly pretty quickly. "Il est très bien , il vaut mieux que vous regarder dans le noir pour obtenir des réponses . Je ne me soucie pour Xephyris , il a aidé à me sauver et je suis très reconnaissant pour lui. Mais rien n'a jamais passé au-delà de notre amitié," Jaelle wasn't sure why she felt the need to explain, but best keep things on an even ground between them if she was going to be her constant translator.

Standing up, Jaelle moved herself so that she was sitting away from Soleil, leaving room for the two of them to talk with her at the head. She shifted on her paws slightly, taking a deep breath before nodding her head for her to call him here. She was pretty nervous, but she couldn't help the nagging feeling at the back of her head. She perhaps did want to go further with her silver knight, but after this she wasn't sure what would happen between them. She didn't want to take sides, but she did want to know if he planned to make that woman second just because she might be carrying his pups. That was a mess in itself. What had she gotten herself into?

"I didn't mean it like that, it's fine."
"It's fine, it's better than you looking in the dark for answers. I do care for Xephyris, he helped save me and I am very grateful for him. But nothing has ever happened beyond our friendship"

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
09-20-2016, 06:50 PM

Soleil nodded first at Jaelle telling her it was fine she hadn't known and then at the woman's next words. She agreed, it was better than looking in the dark for answers and she was glad other's cared for him...she was just overly jealous when it came to touching. A small grateful, barely noticeable, smile would even pick at the corners of her mouth at the fact that Jaelle had done nothing more with Xeph than be friends. Yet, as Jaelle moved to sit and give her enough space to call and talk to Xephyris, Soleil still had a sinking feeling in her stomach. One that she hoped she was wrong about.

Silently she would watch and wait for Jaelle to give her a nod telling her she was ready for Xeph to be called to them, the tri-colored woman would give another nod before lifting her muzzle to the sky to call out for him. She would look to the other woman again after her call ended "Je ne peux pas promettre de ne pas lui...ou cette femme, en fonction de sa réponse mal. Mais je vous promets d'utiliser mes mots plutôt que mes dents aussi longtemps que cette réunion tire." She would promise these things not for the silver man's benefit but for the bell covered woman before her. She hadn't spoken with her before now, but she kind of liked her. She could have told her to find someone else to help her, hell she could even be in the brown woman's position but she wasn't. She was being kind to her and Soleil aimed to return the favor by keeping her word...hell she would even try to keep her words from being as awkward as possible. Especially since this conversation was going to be awkward for her no matter what she did.

I cant promise not to hurt him...or that woman, depending on his answer. But I will promise to use my words rather than my teeth for as long as this particular meeting draws out.



9 Years
09-20-2016, 09:36 PM

He had seen Soleil leave the gathering, after things had died down, but Xephyris lingered to mingle with the potential followers. He heard the woman call for Jaelle not long after she'd gone out of sight, and the bell-clad lady soon disappeared. A peculiar thing, he thought, but no need to go interrupt or interfere. Yet, it seemed not long before he heard Soleil's voice call to him, too, and he took a deep breath as he wasted no time heading in the same direction he'd seen the tri-colored woman leave. This wasn't going to be good, was it? It would cause him no trouble if he needed to speak with one of the less familiar females, but no... he would be marching into a conversation involving the two women that meant most to him. There was no way that this was going to be simple. It wasn't long before he saw the two females come into view, clearly waiting for him.

He had no idea how to navigate this situation. It wasn't something he could fight or overpower with brute force. In a way, he wanted to just shove the weak, nervous feeling that was clawing at him, but at the same time, he could not offer the cold shoulder in this situation. He would have to face this, and it was going to be difficult. He approached the two females, seating himself several feet away from them. "Soleil, you called?" he asked, although again having to wonder if she understood him. The language barrier between them was frustrating and after a while he felt defeated over it - there was so much he had always wanted to say to her, but learning the language had been much more difficult than he'd initially anticipated. And even if he wanted to explain the current situation, to work through it with her, he couldn't. Where did they go from here?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

09-20-2016, 11:11 PM

All she could do was nod her head at the pale woman's words while she sat there and waited. There was a firm knot in her stomach, and it only grew worse when Xephyris appeared. Her eyes were sympathetic as she eyed her silver knight, trying to shrug her shoulders in a casual manner. He probably felt like they were ganging up on him, which almost made her chuckle. This whole thing was awkward already, and she curled her tail around her tighter. Jaelle nearly cursed out loud when her bells called out, but managed to keep her lips sealed shut. Her blue and brown eyes stayed on the brute as he asked the other woman if she called. Clearing her throat, trying to fight the emotions burning up in her, she grabbed his attention for a moment. "I am here to translate, but other than that I am invisible," she said to him. Turning to Soleil, she just simply nodded her head as if saying that she was ready. Taking a deep breath, she tried to lock away all her inner feelings and just be here for the two of them right now.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
09-23-2016, 05:45 PM

Soleil would sit silently with the bell covered woman after she had called for Xephyris. As the two waited for him, turquoise orbs would search impatiently for him while her stomach twisted with nervous tension. She wanted the truth but she was afraid she already knew. When he did finally come into view he looked as nervous as she felt, like they had trapped him in a corner and he couldn't get away. Good, she thought that served him right for even letting that brown woman any where near him. Hell the more she thought about that woman the more she wanted to go sink her teeth into her. The few word he spoke just happened to be ones she had picked up on her own, the only reaction they would receive was a frustrated huff. She wanted so badly to throw a sarcastic remark at him right now, but she didn't want to bring Jaelle into her temporary childish behavior.

Jaelle would speak a few words to Xeph while the tri-colored woman tried to pull words rather than babble from within her rather than from her bratty jealousy. When she was ready, Soleil's emotionless mask had covered her from head to toe. Her eyes no longer loving but cold and calculating. She was ready to get strait to the point and make this as quick and painless as possible...if that was possible. However he answered she knew who she would take it out on. Sharing was not her strong suit and betrayal didn't sit well with her. Her father had turned on them and she would be damned if she was just going to sit back and let someone hurt her or her siblings ever again. Her heart was not a toy to string along and laugh at when broken. Slowly she would take a deep breath that would come out in a string of words spoken in French to be translated by the woman at her side. "Que se passe entre vous et cette femme brune Xephyris. Je ne suis pas stupide, mon depuis l'odorat n'exsist et je suis loin d'être aveugle, alors ne tentez pas de me mentir. Ne pas sous-estimer ma capacité à trouver la vérité par la suite." If he did lie, if feelings were correct and Jaelle was right about the woman's pregnancy then there would most likely be some form of proof brought forth by the brown woman. But she wanted the truth and she wanted it now, if he was a lire then there was no point in even thinking about anything beyond some form of payback.



6 Years

09-23-2016, 06:58 PM

As she waited to do what she said she would, Jaelle wondered if this was a good idea. She did feel bad for Soleil and the language barrier that she suffered, and she could offer her help in that area. The other woman had promised not to attack him, which hadn't really been on the forefront of her mind. She wasn't a violent person and couldn't imagine lashing out with her teeth, but she supposed that a girl had to do what she had to do. Maybe her and Xephyris had struck up a true relationship, of that she wasn't sure and did not want to ask; this was going to be bad enough as is. Her ears flickeres when she heard Soleil take a deep breath, knowing that her time was coming. Sitting up a touch straighter, she listened carefully as the words tumbled from her mouth. Apparently she really did mean business."She asked what is going on between the browm woman she saw at the meeting, and told you not to lie to her. She is not deaf, blind, or stupid, and has other means to find the truth if you do lie to her," Jaelle said softly, her ears once more pulling back to her head. She was already feeling awkward, and like she was being pulled in two different directions. Falling silent, her brown and blue gaze shifted between the two wolves. Well shit. Let the fun begin.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
09-24-2016, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2016, 01:30 AM by Xephyris.)

He turned briefly toward Jaelle as she cleared her throat, trying to get his attention for a moment. She looked extremely uncomfortable, and he wondered if she was here to gang up on him with Soleil. So far, he had didn't know what this was going to be about. Well, in all honesty, he did, but who was going to say what? As she informed him that she was going to translate, he felt relieved and grateful, but at the same time more uncomfortable. It would be a great relief to truly hear Soleil's words, and to be able to communicate clearly with her, but that meant everything that either of them said would go through the bell-clad gypsy. How was she going to feel about it all? Blinking slowly, he nodded his head to the mottle gray woman - he would have to repay her generously in some way for this. "Thank you, Jaelle," he murmured, taking a deep breath as he turned back to Soleil, her voice now cutting through the air in a serious tone - he didn't know what she'd said yet, but it was already obvious that she was taking no crap. His ears flattened, and then he turned to Jae as she began to interpret.

He hadn't expected to feel so caught off-guard, even though he'd known Soleil was upset, and had had a general idea what was bothering her. And yet, hearing it out loud made it all the more real. How was he to respond? Well, he had no intention of lying, but the honest truth was still going to be difficult. "That woman, named Limno, is pregnant.... by me," he said, trying to steel himself to the reality of the mess he'd created, though his tone remained soft as he spoke to her, "I wish I'd had a way to speak to you more clearly before now. Because there are things about me that you have the right to know... I can't love just one woman. It doesn't mean I care any less for you, but I can already see that this hurts you." He glanced at Jaelle for a moment, with a look that spoke of more than just awaiting her next translation. He had never said the words "I love you" to anyone, and he wasn't sure he ever would, but for the women he'd become fond of there was a heart-felt longing for their company, and a fierce protectiveness over them. Even for Limno... though he had no history with her, she was going to be the mother of his children, and he needed to care for her respectfully, even if she would never claim his heart.

He looked back to Soleil, silver eyes resting with her enchanting turquoise gems, although her glare was deadly and cold in comparison to its usually glimmer. It seemed she was not like him - he could share, his heart could open up to many fine relationships, but she wanted him all to herself. At one time, he had thought himself the same, as it seemed the majority of wolves based their relationships this way. A pair, just a couple of wolves, bound to each other forever. He could not. There was too much beauty to behold, to choose just one and ignore the rest. Now, they would wait to hear Jaelle's voice ring out to translate for the other woman. He thought it was a rather brave role she played, in this very tense, emotionally charged atmosphere.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

09-24-2016, 02:02 AM

Jaelle wished that the earth would open up and swallow her whole. Just take her out back and end this misery. She was trying hard to not react to his words, but she wasn't the best at hiding emotions. She blinked wildly when Xephyris spoke, her heart pounding in her chest. Well then, this just got more and more interesting, didn't it? She knew that Soleil was waiting on her, but she just couldn't find her voice. In fact, when he looked at her, she forgot that the other woman was even there. It was quite clear that he was direction part of this at her, but it wasn't something that she had set out to hear. Jae knew that she cared for Xephyris, but just how much was still unknown. She didn't think much about love and emotions like that, or settling down at all. The word 'down' and her didn't really get along too well; she didn't like to be tied down and she often fell down. The word was too constant in her life and she didn't like the taste of it on her tongue. Swallowing hard, she met those blue flecked eyes and gave him a small nod. The bell-clad woman understood, but she didn't even have a hold of her own feelings to really understand if it was relative to her or not. After this was all said and done, maybe they needed to talk in private.

When he turned to the other woman, she realized that she had a job to do. Sighing, she turned her head and looked at Soleil with a touch of sadness in her blue and brown eyes. "Il est ce que je pensais. La femme brune, nommée Limno, est enceinte. Xeph est le père ... ils ont des chiots," she starting, having to swallow hard before moving on. Her ears pinned flat to her skull, her bell wrapped tail thumping on the ground as she tried to order her thoughts. "Il a dit qu'il voulait y avait une façon que vous deux aurait pu communiquer mieux avant maintenant afin qu'il puisse vous dire ses pensées. Il dit qu'il ne peut pas aimer une seule femme, et vous avez eu le droit de savoir avant," Peeking back at the silver man, she had to close her eyes for a moment and sort things out again. It was hard to remember everything word for word and offer it to Soleil. "Il dit cela ne signifie pas qu'il se soucie de vous pas moins, mais il peut dire que tout cela vous a fait mal," Her bit done, she slunk a little lower as her shoulders sagged. She knew that this was going to be hard, but didn't know the full extent of her service. Her gaze roamed over to Xephyris, a sad smile touching her lips.

"It's as I thought. The brown woman, named Limno, is pregnant. Xeph is the father... they are having puppies."
"He said that he wished there was a way that the two of you could have communicated better before now so he could tell you his thoughts. He says he cannot love just one woman, and you had a right to know before."
"He says that doesn't mean he cares for you any less, but he can tell that this whole thing has hurt you."

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
09-25-2016, 06:59 PM

Jaelle would translate her words to English and the Xephyris would talk. She hadn't missed the look he shot Jaelle as she hadn't looked away from the man. She felt her muscles twitch with the need to snap at him for it, but Soleil managed to hold herself still otherwise. The woman could understand a few words but not enough to know what he was talking about. She had accumulated a small list of words she understood in English simply by listening to the others talk among them where he, him, she, her, come, make, you, mine and hello. A few of those had had come shortly after Xeph had a conversation with Riv. She didn't know the whole of the conversation that day but a few words had stuck with her...words she listened for so she would understand their meaning. As she stood there watching those words ran through her mind reminding her now just how much she had wanted them to be true.

The longer Jaelle took to find her voice the more Soleil was sure she was right. Finally turquoise orbs would leave the silver man and fill with concern for the woman at her side. She couldn't and wouldn't blame the gypsy for Xeph's actions, he may be the only thing she had left since she was unable to find her siblings but his actions where his own to hold. She would find a way to apologize and make this up to the other woman but she also couldn't bring herself to force the other wolf to translate any further either. Hell she could practically see the panic all over her but when a sigh would escape her just before she began translating her features turned to gratitude that only lasted a few seconds before her ears would lay flat againced her skull while in the same instance her deadly cold gaze would find the silver man in front of her once again.

So...Jaelle had been right and so had her gut feeling. The witch was pregnant and this idiot was the father. It took everything she had to keep from shouting, from getting up right then and there to hunt down his play thing and show her just how much she enjoyed sharing. For a split second she let her anger show through in her eyes before pushing it back down to be covered with the same look she had given her father. A cold, expressionless stare that both men, in her opinion, had earned. At least her good for nothing father had taught her control, it sure as hell came in handy right now to keep her promise to Jaelle of no bloodshed right now. She would let out an audible sarcastic half laugh half huff at his last words.

Yeah he hurt hurt her alright, he had no idea how much this hurt. She could feel her heart tear apart within her chest at the end of Jaelle's translation. This was almost as bad as what her father had done to her family, to her sister and mother though not quite. Yes he had strung her along but at least he hadn't tortured her and her he had just played with her heart a bit. Non, vous êtes capable d’aimer et d’être avec une femme, vous choisissez simplement de les faire tous si vous n’avez pas à décider, si vous n’avez pas à garder vos pattes pour vous. Dis-moi Xephyris, souhaitiez-vous jamais réellement me faire vôtre ou où ces mots à Riv juste sous le faux comme le mensonge tu te dis maintenant." Her jaw would clench and her tail would lash out to the side as she dug her claws into the dirt beneath her.

Damn her feelings for this man. She hated him, she loved him, she wanted to tear him apart and taste his blood on her tongue but she also wanted to be with him in the same way the brown witch Limno got to be. She had wanted that moment to be hers and hers alone but the stupid, stupid man had given that to another woman. She had wanted to have many children with him but he denied her the privilege of giving him all of his children. He denied her the entire future she had seen with him with those few words. "Vous êtes tout aussi stupide que j’ai été d’espérer que vous avait vraiment voulu me faire vôtre. Mais si vous n’aviez pas déjà remarqué... Je ne partage pas ce qui est le mien. Évidemment, j’ai tombé en amour avec le faux coupable parce que l’avenir, que j’ai vu n’implique pas de partager mon amant."

She didn't give a damn about the brown witch called Limno...not that she would ever call her by name. The only thing she would be good for was a chew toy. What she cared about was the man standing in front of her. "Vous dites que vous voyez que tout cela me fait mal, mais vous ne comprenez pas la pleine mesure. En donnant cette sorcière vous, vous avez pris tout de moi. Ma mère est morte, mes frères et sœurs sont manquants, et mon père est un sphycopath. Vous où tous, j’ai eu, j’ai donné mon coeur à vous et vous avez donné vous-même et vos enfants à elle. She didn't know her voice, her words, could be as cold as they were now but her heart had been broken and she didn't care to share anything else about her with him. She had trusted him with her heart only to find that it was a mistake.



6 Years

09-25-2016, 09:30 PM

She had to fight to keep her emotions at bay as Soleil talked, almost too fast to hear her words. Squinting at the female, her head spun as she missed certain things. Ah crap, she thought she got the jist of it and hoped that she hadn't missed anything important. This time she didn't wait for her to fully finish talking, taking her pauses and filling it in with her translated words. Otherwise it would just be too much, she had a feeling that this conversation was going to last longer than she hoped. There was obvious anger in the other woman's gaze, and to be honest... Jaelle didn't blame her. It was so hard because these two had a gap of languages between them, but actions spoke much louder than that. Turning to Xephyris, she translated as best as she could. "Um, she said that you are able to love and be with other woman but instead of having to decide one you can just have them all. She said something about legs, I missed that bit," she left that part up for the imagination, it sounded like she had said something about him not able to keep his legs closed or something. It almost made her flinch, but she powered on. "She asked if you ever wanted her to be yours, and if what Riv was saying what just as false as the lie you are telling yourself," Jaelle didn't know what that was about, she hadn't been there for the conversation that was referenced. The bell wearing woman fell silent and turned back to the other woman, she was probably going to hurt her neck from all of this looking around.

When she spoke again, her bell clad tail twitched slightly. She had said that she understood her anger, but it was just so odd for to hear it first and take the blunt of her emotions. "She um... called you stupid and said that she was hoping that you would care for her like she did you, and that you wanted her to be yours," Her eyes couldn't meet Xephyris right now, this was just getting really awkward. "She said that she's not sure if you haven't noticed, but she doesn't share what's hers. She said that she fell in love with the wrong man for her future that she saw, not one who wants to be shared with other lovers," Swallowing hard again, her ears slicked back against her skull and she looked at the bangles on her paws. She hated hearing this, and translating it for them. But it's what they needed, and she had the tools to help them and didn't want them to stagger on through their lives without being able to figure this out. As much as she wanted to run, she knew that she wouldn't feel right about it in the long run.

There was hardly a pause in Soleil's words this time, and still she didn't look up. "Soleil says that you can see that this is hurting, but you don't understand the full extent of her pain. By giving yourself to..." she paused, wondering if she should use the word that the female had said. Looking up at the woman, she knew that she had said that to get her point across. "to that witch. She said that her mother died, her brothers and sisters are missing and her father is a psychopath. You were all she had, and she gave you your heart but you have your children to her," At last she glanced up, her brown and blue eyes looking briefly at Xephyris. Her glance was sad, her brows pulling together.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
10-03-2016, 02:13 AM

The man's eyes glanced between the two women, feeling just as uncomfortable as they both seemed, but he had a feeling that the discomfort coming from both of them was much greater than what he felt. Sadness filled him as he saw the bell-clad gypsy squirm and struggle to find her voice before translating for Soleil; he wished she wasn't the one placed in this situation, as he hated to see her so uncomfortable. He was extremely grateful to her, but he was used to seeing her smile, and it pained him to see her like this. Then he turned his gaze upon Soleil, and his heart sunk further as he stared into cold, hateful glare. Her expression was cold, but when she spoke, she could hear the cool, suppressed rage in her tone, even if he couldn't understand the foreign words. His brows pulled together, ears flattened against his head as he tried to keep some of his composure, his tail hanging behind him, the tip twitching uncomfortably. He hated that he'd made her feel this way - she had always been warm and affectionate, but now she was distant, her voice harsh instead of silky and elegant.

Breathing steadily, he turned back to Jaelle, waiting anxiously to hear the words she would translate, if she could even continue. He perked as she finally spoke, the first part of Soleil's words being transformed into words he could understand. He sighed as he finally heard it. It seemed that Soleil didn't understand him. He turned his head to the side, closing his eyes briefly - how was he supposed to explain himself? He had no desire to go into any more detail with Jaelle as his translator; it was just too much to share and describe. He opened his eyes again and looked to Jae as she continued. He wasn't surprised that Soleil thought he was stupid. His eyes turned to Soleil as he heard the words, that she had hoped he would care for her like she cared for him, to make her his. If only she knew how much he had always wanted her. He'd been infatuated with her from the moment he'd met her. And if only she'd been able to tell him the future she'd seen. He'd never known any of this, that she had envisioned them together like this. Perhaps if he had known, he might have tried just a little harder. But could he ever settle with just one woman? Damn this language barrier, things will never be the same... maybe it never could have worked... he thought as he stared at her cold turquoise eyes.

As the last words were translated to him, his head drooped, his eyes looking to the ground. How was he supposed to answer? He had hurt her in more ways than he truly understood, but there was nothing he could do to turn it around. He glanced for just a brief moment to Jaelle, catching her sad gaze - this was hard on her, although he wasn't sure what was the worst part for her. "I won't drag this on for too long," he said to her, "Would you say just a few more things for me?" His gaze only lingered on her for a moment longer, before he looked back to the tri-colored woman. "Soleil, I can't take back anything that's happened," he murmured, sighing, "Just know that I don't love that woman... I have to take care of her now, but that is merely my duty. I know you're hurt, but... just come live in Vyper. Maybe things won't be the way you imagined... but you don't have to be alone." It tore him apart that this beautiful, sunny woman was all alone in the world, and he had ripped apart her dreams of happiness. But he hadn't known her desires to be his one and only, and he couldn't change the way things had turned out. He had no desire to cast her away or let her be on her own, even if staying near him would never be what she wanted. He stared at her, hoping that Jaelle could translate his words, before he turned to the gypsy.

"Thank you, Jaelle," he murmured to her, "I don't want to keep dragging you through this, so I won't say any more." He nodded to her, then looked back to Soleil, wondering if she had more words to share. There was little he could do to resolve this, and he couldn't fix her broken heart. And there were just things he couldn't say with Jaelle there, even though she seemed to have volunteered to translate. Obviously it was beyond awkward for her, and perhaps she was pained by this all as well. He would have to talk to her, too, to clear things up, and find a way to repay her for this.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

10-08-2016, 04:51 PM

A soft sigh left her lips when he said that he wasn't going to drag this on, nodding when he asked her to say one more thing to her. Of course, she was in this deep now and there was no way that she was backing out. She listened carefully before turning to the other woman, her ears pointed at Xephyris as he went on. "Il a dit qu'il ne peut pas reprendre tout ce qui est arrivé, mais il veut que vous sachiez qu'il ne l'aime pas," she started, clearing her throat at the last part. "Il doit prendre soin d'elle en ce moment, mais qui est juste son devoir. Il sait que vous êtes blessé, mais il veut que tu viennes et vivez dans Vyper. Peut-être que vous ne serez pas avoir le live que vous décriviez, mais vous ne devrez pas être sur votre propre." He was such a kind man, he really was. When he spoke to her, she glanced back and just offered him a small smile. Nodding her head, she looked at Soliel again. She wasn't going to leave until she said all she needed to say.

"He said that he can't take back anything that has happened, but he wants you to know that he doesn't love her."
"He has to take care of her right now, but that's just his duty. He knows that you're hurt, but he wants you to come and live in Vyper. Maybe you won't get to have the live you pictured, but you won't have to be on your own."


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
10-18-2016, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2016, 07:34 PM by Soleil.)

Cold turquoise orbs would watch her silver man's brows pull together and his ears pin to his skull just before Jaelle translated her words into something he would understand. And when Jaelle's voice no longer filled her ears she would listen to the words Xephyris would say so that when Jaelle would repeat them in a few moments she would know what they meant in English. She would learn his words so that she would never have to put anyone else in the bell coated woman's position ever again. Soleil hated that she needed another wolf to speak to the man she loved, to the man who would probably never feel for her in the same way she had so foolishly allowed herself to feel for him. Not that she wouldn't try to prove to him just how dumb he was by being with the brown witch.

When his words began to be repeated to her in French, she had wanted to tell him 'no shit Sherlock' but her mother had taught her better than that. She would not ask Jaelle to repeat those words, so she kept them to her self. To the fact that he didn't love the brown woman she was sure confusion had seeped though her mask onto her face but for a moment as she couldn't bring herself to understand how anyone could be with someone else in that manor without there being some kind of love involved. Yes, being French she had known of many French woman being with men with no love involved but that didn't mean she understood it then either. That simple fact made her feelings go haywire, she felt betrayed, furious, sad and confused all at once and she was sure she was showing that in some way even though her eyes remained cold she could feel herself clenching and unclenching her jaw over and over again as Jaelle cleared her throat before telling her the rest.

Slowly she could feel her eyes sting with the threat of tears, but stubbornly she would hold a cold glare upon the man that made her want to tear the throat out of a pregnant she wolf....not that she would ever do such a thing anywhere but within her own mind, but her mask was slowly cracking and pulling apart. An infuriated unladylike snort would escape her as Jaelle's voice stopped once more. She had so much to say but nothing she was willing to ask the gypsy woman to repeat. So many words and questions and insults she wanted to fling at the man in front of her, yet nothing she would feel right asking someone else to say for her. No she would make him understand in other ways and the only question she would ask as she could feel herself breaking down before the two of them was "Où irais-je, vous l'avez fait tout à fait clair que vous ne me, ou apparemment quelqu'un d'autre pour cette question aime pas. Pourquoi devrais-je pense que ce serait different avec quelqu'un d'autre ou ailleurs je vais." He was the only one that had showed any kind of interest in her since her arrival in this dreaded place so why should she think anyone else would like her, even in the way she thought Xeph had liked her.



6 Years

10-19-2016, 03:24 PM

She had been slouched the whole conversation, her ears pivoting towards whoever was speaking. But when Soleil spoke once more for her to translate, her head shot up and she rose to her paws. Did she really think that no one would like her just because Xeph couldn't keep his paws to himself? Her lips twitched as she took a few quick steps towards the other woman, her bells ringing out with every movement. Jaelle was not blind to the tears that gathered in her eyes, and she met her pale gaze with a fierce look of her own. "Vous êtes une femme forte, Soleil. Vous devez tailler votre propre chemin et ne pas compter sur personne pour rien," Her vocals were the strongest that they had been this entire conversation, it was easy to tell that she felt strongly on the subject. She had once been so dependent on her troupe for everything, but when they vanished she had to make herself strong. There was no other option in her mind, she either grew some lady balls or spent the rest of her life being miserable. "Vous avez besoin de remonter le moral et ne pas laisser ce vous faites glisser vers le bas. Il est juste un homme, il y a tellement plus là-bas. Être en amour ne définit pas qui vous êtes, vous définissez qui vous êtes. Donc changer cela et vous rendre plus fort, l'utiliser à votre avantage," Searching her face, Jae didn't back down from her assertive position. There was no way that she was going to sit there and watch her beat herself up over this. So what if the silver man didn't like her as much as she liked him? That just meant that she needed to move on, and not let this whole ordeal make her into something that she was not. The gray woman's tail lashed out behind her, and she completely ignored Xephyris. If she had been able to make herself a more bold creature, so could she. Jae saw the fire in her eyes, the burning desire to fight him. If she wanted to tear a chunk out of him, so be it. She wouldn't stand in her way, this was between the two of them. She would move aside if that had to happen, leaving the two of them to work it out with their actions.

"You are a strong woman, Soleil. You have to carve your own path and not rely on anyone for anything."
"You need to buck up and not let this drag you down. He's just one man, there are so many more out there. Being in love doesn't define who you are, YOU define who you are. So turn this around and make yourself stronger, use it to your advantage."


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



6 Years
10-29-2016, 12:17 PM

It was as if a switch had switched in the other woman's head after Soleil had spoken. She had all but actually made herself invisible through the entire conversation between herself and Xephyris aside from translating for them. Now Jaelle was making herself heard, hell her entire posture had changed along with her facial expressions. The mottled bell coated woman was right, but she didn't understand the full extent of why she had felt what she said. It wasn't just Xeph that had made her feel unloved and unwanted. No one understood that but her own siblings and they were gone, as far as she knew she would never see them again.

Her features would soften towards the other woman, her ears would perk up and she would even give Jaelle a small sad smile before giving a nod off agreement and speaking the words that now floated about within her head. "
Vous avez raison, je suis Stong. Mon père vit à cela. Il y a d'autres hommes et il ne sera jamais me définir. Mais thats pas pourquoi je me sens comme si personne ne pourra jamais occuper de moi aussi fortement que je me soucie des autres."
The tri colored woman would take a deep breath and exhale slowly as she searched Jaelles features. She wondered for a moment if she should just shake her head tell the other woman never mind and have her just tell the man she would be there. Soleil had had no plans of someone she barely knew to know why she was who she was, but she needed someone to understand her if she was going to stick around.

For a decision that seemed to take eternity within her own mind had only taken a matter of seconds in the world they all lived in. When she opened her mouth to speak again her features had softened, saddened even, as she remembered the way her father had been before he lost his mind, before his anger at Estelle and the attack he had made on her mother. He had been kind once, loving and playful even. As the words actually fell from her, her features hardened again as if she were looking at Xephyris once more. "Jaelle, Xephyris est pas le premier loup pour me faire sentir seul et trahi. Mon propre père était. Je me souviens encore quand il fait aimé de nous tous, la façon dont il a regardé maman et les jeux, il a joué avec moi et tous mes frères et sœurs. Tout cela a changé lorsque Estelle, Lunette et moi étions assez vieux pour commencer la formation." she would pause but for a moment to clench her jaw at what her father had done to all of them, to allow her features to become even more anger filled and cold than what it had been or ever would be toward Xephyris. She would never allow someone to hurt her family as much as her dad had ever again. If she ever found what remained she would protect them to her last breath if it came to that. "Estelle n'a pas été parfait, aucun d'entre nous étaient. Mais ma sœur n'a pas réussi à l'impressionner sur une constante. Elle était pas un guerrier comme il essayait de faire de nous tous, mais un chasseur à la place. Elle a échoué chaque test, notre père nous n'a jamais mis à travers et il a commencé à laisser sa colère le contrôler. Son incapacité à avoir des enfants parfaits est devenu la haine pour nous plutôt que de l'orgueil et de l'amour."

The closer she drew to Estelle's dismemberment, the angrier Soleil felt herself get. The need to bite something only grew in intensity. She and all of her family, even the pack her father had made had been betrayed by him. Xephyris's lack of control around the witch in heat was nothing but a pin prick in comparison to what her dad had done to all of them. "Enfin il rompit et prit toute sa frustration à la fois son faliur et la sienne sur elle. Le résultat de ce qui lui altéré de façon permanente. Elle a perdu sa jambe et la seule raison pour laquelle elle n'a pas mourir de l'infection était à cause de notre mère. De là, il n'a fait qu'empirer, chassant son sac et en prenant tout sur nous. Estelle a pris le pire, mais il n'a pas été tendre à aucun de nous. Finalement, nous ne pouvions pas prendre plus et nous avons aidée à lui échapper. Maman ne savait pas notre plan, mais il a pris sur elle de toute façon. Avec son sac de boxe préféré parti, il est devenu encore pire entré dans une dispute avec maman et a un œil d'elle. Elle ne nous laisserait pas l'aider, je suppose qu'elle pensait qu'il tournerait sur nous à côté, mais l'infection a tué quelques semaines plus tard." Turquoise orbs would gloss over with unshed tears as she told of what happened to her mother but she would not allow a few tears to keep her from telling her story. " Ce fut après sa mort que le reste d'entre nous avons décidé que nous devions partir trop. Nous sommes venus avec un plan, l'un d'entre nous ont dû rester. J'ai essayé de faire du bénévolat, mais Lunette et moi étions à plat a dit que nous ne pouvions pas rester. Pierretta est resté derrière, Lunette a été le premier à laisser suivi d'abord par Burkett, puis elle-même et enfin Ambrosie. Nous avons rencontré plus tard pour que nous puissions trouver Estelle, mais je me suis séparé d'eux quand cette terre inondée année dernière."

Soleil could feel the build of anger just beneath the surface of her skin. Beneath the anger that showed on her face was a volcano ready to explode, luckily for her and everyone around her, she had more control than her father ever had. The tri colored woman had her father's temper but her mother's self control. Her confidence in others was shattered by her father, her confidence in her ability to trust others was shattered by everyone she had ever trusted, other than her mother and siblings. Granted Jaelle hadn't lied to her as of yet, hell the woman seemed to be making Soleil like her more and more by the second. Turquoise orbs would turn on Xephyris long enough to stumble over a few words in English with a heavy French accent. "I'" it was her way of telling the silver man he could go or stay and listen to words that probably wouldn't be translated to him. She didn't care what he did at the moment, she was mentally drained at the moment with all of her anger directed at her father once more. "Xephyris a été le premier loup pour me donner même un deuxième coup d'œil, le seul que même prentended aux soins en dehors de son alpha Riv qui à haute voix me de rester dans ses frontières. Votre seul autre loup qui a même essayé de me parler depuis que je suis arrivé ici il y a presque deux ans. Voilà pourquoi je ne beleive toute personne ayant jamais fait soigner, non pas parce que cet idiot ne peut pas faire son esprit et de garder ses pattes pour lui-même."

- You are right, I am strong. My father saw to that. There are other men and he will never define me. But that's not why I feel as though no one will ever care for me as strongly as I care for others. - Jaelle, Xephyris isn't the first wolf to make me feel alone and betrayed. My own father was. I can still remember him when he actually loved all of us, the way he looked at mom and the games he played with me and all of my siblings. That all changed when Estelle, Lunette and I were old enough to start training. - Estelle was not perfect, none of us were. But my sister failed to impress him on a constant. She was not a warrior like he was trying to make all of us, but a hunter instead. She failed every test our father ever put us through and he began to let his anger control him. His failure to have perfect children became hate for us rather than pride and love. -  Finally he snapped and took out all of his frustration of both his failure and hers on her. The result of which impaired her permanently. She lost her leg and the only reason she didn't die of infection was because of our mom. From there he only got worse, driving out his pack and taking everything out of us. Estelle took the worst of it but he was not kind to any of us. Eventually we couldn't take it anymore and we helped her escape him. Mom didn't know our plan but he took it out on her anyway. With his favorite punching bag gone he got even worse got into an argument with mom and took an eye from her. She wouldn't let us help her, my guess is she thought he would turn on us next but the infection killed her a few weeks later. - It was after her death that the remainder of us decided we too needed to leave. We came up with a plan, one of us had to stay. I tried to volunteer but Lunette and I were flat out told we couldn't stay. Pierretta stayed behind, Lunette was the first to leave followed first by Burkett, then herself and finally Ambrosie. We met up later so we could find Estelle, but I got seperated from them when this land flooded last year. - Xephyris was the first wolf to even give me a second glance, the only one that even prentended to care aside from his alpha Riv who aloud me to stay within his boarders. Your the only other wolf that has even attempted to talk to me since I got here almost two years ago. That is why I don't beleive anyone with ever actually care, not because this idiot cant make up his mind and keep his paws to himself. -