
Across this now



3 Years
09-24-2016, 11:22 PM

She stretched her limbs out as she got out of her den. Finishing digging it a little since she didn't want to outgrow it and needed some wiggle room. Of course it sat close to her birth den too for her and her siblings. Ever since they got older, she always tried to find some time now to spend with her father and Lionel. She had been trying to avoid Alfred honestly and Roza she wasn't sure what she'd do when she talked with her sister. They could talk sure, they were family so she'd always love them. Heather smiled, maybe she'd go on another patrol and make her father proud. Either way she was out to interact and talk with the pack regardless.

Heather would feel the earth underneath her paws as she reached the falls. The water was their only source of relief at the moment. Sure it was low, but thankfully it was always flowing. Making so she could slip in and let the falls fall on her before she jumped out again and shook her fur free of the dropletts. Much cooler now! She nodded her head with a soft smile her blue eyes looking out for any other members who came to cool down at the falls.

"Talk" "You" Think

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.


10-02-2016, 01:23 AM

Summer hadn't felt like this before, especially today below the midday sun. The heat and humidity had never bothered the young female, until now. She thought of ways to lose the heat. Maybe today she could cool off at the falls. Maybe. It had been circulating her mind for the past few days. But she worried. She couldn't swim. What if someone saw her? What if she looked even more...hideous with her fur wet? Just this one time, she promised herself, if no-one was around. Her emeralds scanned her immediate surroundings, surveying the scents around her. All clear. She trotted over, still not feeling too certain; when was she ever relaxed? Only for a quick moment, she kept telling herself. Someone could show up at any minute. Just when she thought something could actually go her way for once, she halted a few metres away from a larger yet younger girl resting by the water. Her Appaloosa markings appeared similar to Jayne's, though her ashen fur was a few shades darker with alabaster and tan accents. A relative, she supposed, but not one she had met, nor did she carry any intentions in doing so. She still approached, though sat a short distance away, pretending not to have noticed the other girl, and she was a bad pretender. She already knew this wasn't going to go well, all because she wanted to cool herself off in some stupid pond.

"Talk" "You" Think