
Staring Down the Barrel



3 Years
09-11-2016, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 12:51 PM by Casthiel.)
How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

Casthiel found himself wandering into a hilly area next, his blue optics dancing about brightly as he took in everything there was to take in. He wasn't sure what to think about these hills, however. As he traversed through the area he noticed how little trees actually remained standing -- at least, where there were trees to begin with. He also took into account the lack of animals that seemed to inhabit the area. Slender columns began to slow beneath his frame, a deep breath being inhaled through his knows. Ocean blue optics glanced around him, his banner tucking slightly beneath his frame. Where was he? Why did this place give him the willies? A shudder rippled up his spine, and he gave an uneasy woof as he moved forward. Hackles raised in uncertainty, and neck would extend as he reached out to sniff at the fallen trunks of trees that had fallen victim to... something. But what? What was large enough to shove a tree the size of this over?

Leaning back onto hind legs, he leaped up onto the trunk of the tree, and lowered himself slightly to make sure he had his balance. He paused for a moment before he began to walk across the length of the trunk, his nails tapping across the bark of the tree. Once he reached the other side of the tree he came to a stop, and glanced up at the sky above. It was easy to see the blue canvas that stretched above head given the lack of trees, and Casthiel was pretty sure that made him feel ever smaller. Haunches would fold beneath his frame, and he would lower himself to sit upon the trunk of the tree.

He was becoming to realize that there wasn't much for these lands to offer him. He stood then, and leaped off of the fallen tree to see if he could retrace his steps. He needed to find a distraction before the memories came back to eat him alive -- the memories that he couldn't remember without causing himself pain.

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone

Oleander I


4 Years
09-19-2016, 02:56 PM

He had thought that he had had a new home, but it had been too good to be true. He wasn't sure where Peregrine had gone off too, and he was concerned. Since the pack fell apart in her absence, he had sent Cedar out and both of them went off to look for her. He had grown close to her through the little time that they had been able to interact. So he head further south, and found himself in a rather shaky landscape. The brute could feel the ground shifting under his paws, causing his ears to slick back against his head. This was a dangerous place, but he wouldn't leave it until he had done a full on search for the chocolate lady. Dipping his white marked face towards the earth, his nostrils flared as he searched for any signs of her scent. It was odd to not have his brother at his side, but he knew that if the canines split up they would be able to cover more grounds. Oleander had seen just how excited Pere had been for the pack and for everything that would follow it, so it seemed very odd that she was just vanish like that. In reality, Ollie feared the worst had happened. Pushing the negative thoughts to the back of his head. The grey male would not let them hold him back.

While looking for her smell, he wasn't really paying attention to what was around him. His teal eyes flashed up just in time and he skidded to a halt, the trunk of a fallen tree almost brushing against his nose. Blinking sharply, he reared back in surprise, flopping on his rump. Oleander's sides heaved as he tried to reel in his surprise, just staring at the trunk. Looking around to see if anyone had seen his embarrassing moment, when his gaze landed on a cream and brown male. A sheepish grin crossed his lips, a flush rushing up to his cheeks. Great. He was already a fool when it came to conversations and interactions, and now he had just made it even worse.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



3 Years
09-21-2016, 05:20 PM
How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

The cream and brown colored male hadn't been expecting anyone else to come around, so he had been quite surprised when his ocean blue orbs landed on a sheepish looking male. The yelp had originally alerted him of his arrival, though for how long he had been there before he yelped the cream colored male didn't have any clue. His crown cant to the left, and he inched closer to the male who had fallen so gracefully upon his rump. A cursory glance told him that the male was -- at least he could assume - uninjured and that made him feel a little better. A slight grin tipped the corner of his mouth up into a half-smile, rounded audits pushing forward on his crown. "Watch out, those fallen trees are sneaky. They jump out at you randomly." The man woofed, his banner wagging behind him once or twice before hind legs pushed away from the trunk of the tree. He leaped down to the ground, and landed with a slight oof. He didn't move any closer to the man, but instead kept his distance.

"Are you alright?" He asks finally now that all joking was aside, those ocean blue optics washing over the features of the other once again. He had a white marked face while the majority of his body was clad in gray and various other markings. Casthiel's crown would lower slightly between shoulder blades, and he'd fix a curious gaze upon the male that he found himself to be in company with.

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone

Oleander I


4 Years
09-27-2016, 01:19 AM

For a moment, the humor in the male’s words were completely lost on him. He blinked up at him with teal eyes, trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. Trees didn’t jump out, they were trees… But looking at his smile and hearing his happy chuff, it ever so slowly sunk in. "Oh! You made an iocus, a joke!" he said at last, picking himself up with a small smile. Oleander had a habit of making every situation terribly awkward, and this time was no different. He didn’t talk to many wolves and mostly just with his brother Cedar, who was a pretty serious canine. So humor often went over his head, but he chuckled now at it. That was the purpose of the joke, trees didn’t move but he hadn’t seen it, so it was just like it had jumped right there. As the male dismounted from the fallen trunk, he was still laughing slightly to himself. But when he asked if he was okay, he looked over and nodded his head, he wasn’t hurt at all. "Yes, yes. I am quite alright, licuit," he said, picking himself up off the ground and shaking the dust from his pelt.

Turning to face the stranger, he sat back down on the ground in a much more graceful way. "I am Oleander, salutem stranger, greetings," Ollie’s voice was soft, but after that little joke he felt a little closer. For the first time since… ever, he was excited to talk to another wolf. Did he have more funny things like that to tell him? He wished that Cedar was here so that he could tell him how silly this stranger was.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.