



3 Years
Extra large
09-17-2016, 06:51 AM
Whether Hakon makes this packs or challenges for it is still unknown. But regardless I'm looking to gather points both intellect and fighting as well as followers or potential slaves for him!

Pack Name: Raisen
Territory: The God’s Garden
Pack Color: 683482
Alpha Name: Hakon Ryder

Raisen is a strictly neutral pack with a force behind it. Their wolves are strong and the weak are either slaves or weeded out. Physical force is indeed used often and many see them as the darker side of the spectrum. However those who pledge their loyalty to the Crown are given protection, food, and supplies. As well as an opportunity to trade with other packs and be immersed in the world. Raisen has a harsh living style, but do it right and you can make it far. Loyalty is key.

Tier 1 Rank: Crown
Description: The crown is the alpha, your king and protector. Everything he does is for the pack itself. His authority isn’t to be challenged and it’s wise to take his advice. He makes the pack decisions.

Tier 1 Rank: Ring
Description: The Crown’s mate. She has as much authority as he does, should something go wrong she can take control.

Tier 1 Rank: Collar
Description: The collar is the heir to the throne. Always one of the Crown’s children of course. The collar is chosen at the age of one where they will begin training off their previous training to become the next Crown.

Tier 2 Rank: Spires(x2)
Description: the beta’s of the pack. Spires are the pack support and they can take control if the ring or crown are absent. They are well trusted and skilled individuals. Allowed to demote and promote members as well as handle trades.

Tier 2 Rank: Slavemaster
Description: This wolf has proven themselves to be an excellent authority figure when it comes to controlling others. They are in charge of unmastered slaves and can discuss trades of these slaves to other packs. They are expected to uphold the laws and watch the slaves closely.

Tier 3 Rank: Prodigy
Description: The Crown’s children, and otherwise all pups. They are raised collectively by the pack. Not allowed to leave pack lands without a supervised adult. From the time they are able to see and walk they are taught vital skills and expected to attend training meetings even if they cannot participate.

Tier 3 Rank: Lead Fighter
Description: The lead fighter is the wolf who controls the fighters. They are expected to be an expert fighter and normally hold the fight training sessions. Though any fighter should a lead fighter not be present is free to take up the fight training on the designated date.

Tier 3 Rank: Lead Hunter
Description: This wolf is in charge of keeping the pack fed as well as relaying messages to others. They play a vital roll in gathering resources and may discuss raids with the crown.

Tier 3 Rank: Lead Healer
Description: As all the others, these wolves are in charge of the healers. Holding training sessions and most likely the most trusted wolf to save lives among the pack.

Tier 4 Rank: Fighter
Description: the brutes of the pack. Wolves who are to protect and defend.

Tier 4 Rank: Hunter
Description: Hunters must feed the pack and pups, they also relay messages but under the lead hunters orders.

Tier 4 Rank: Healer
Description: Those tasked with healing physical illness, wounds and even mental.

Tier 5 Rank: Links
Description: Members who haven’t been sorted. Usually newly accepted wolves.

Tier 6 Rank: Prisoner
Description: Prisoners are usually prisoners of war. Wolves that are temporarily being held. They have less rights than slaves.

Tier 6 Rank: Slave
Description: Slaves are the wolves of the pack that are the end of the food chain. Usually having a master a slave is to obey all orders whether it be to maim someone, find certain herbs or help with trades. These wolves can be traded for goods but once out of pack lands they are not Raisen’s problem. Slaves are also not allowed to leave pack lands without a non slave escort.


-Loyalty to the pack and it’s crown is a must. You cannot be torn between two worlds and betrayal is not taken lightly.
-Only the alpha is allowed to reproduce, unless under special circumstances where he gives permission.
-Slaves without owners are the entire pack’s property, but if under special request a slave can be assigned a master. The Slavemaster decides what to do with unowned slaves.
-Those who cross the border will be mauled, by the whole pack - no exceptions
-Pack members are to hold themselves with pride, they are part of a great empire. But weigh your due’s do not be disrespectful of other packs or their members.
-Slaves will and can be traded to other packs for other slaves or goods, therefore they must be in good condition. Slaves are not allowed to be abused by their masters or the pack but they will be given minimal food and water. Should they disobey then force is authorized. Do NOT maim a slave.
-Failure to appear for meetings and mandatory trainings will first result in a demotion. The second time with result in a maiming - if you will not be present due to sickness or another reason you MUST see the alpha beforehand. Meetings are held every season where the training dates will be decided so nothing is happening unexpected.
-Respect your fellow members, and most of all other packs. Should another packs law be broken under our wolves they WILL be punished.
-Inner problems are expected to be dealt with by themselves. Dominance fights or maims, but if a member is unable to continue their duties they risk punishment(shouldn’t have provoked the wrong guy).
-Should a female within the pack get pregnant - despite the breeding rules. The pups will belong to the pack. The mother will be punished and the pups will be taken in as the alpha’s own no questions asked. (Note this isn’t for rape, should a female be raped she will be protected and the male hunted down. The pack looks after its own. Should the male be found to be a member of the pack they will be demoted to a slave and most likely sold/given to another pack with the information of their crimes.)
-You will NOT be handed out ranks. Prove your worth or get out. Don’t boast your potential, make it - force yourself.
-Pups are a SHARED responsibility, whether it be by mistake(breaking the rules), rape, or by the usual alpha’s children. The whole pack will work together to raise them, not JUST the parents.
-Trades will be made often, members are encouraged to trade among each other or gather loot to trade to other packs. It might just put the alpha in a good mood.
-Provoke the pack outside of the borders and be a rogue, you might be claimed as a slave. The pack has it’s pride and it won’t be ignored.



2 Years
10-01-2016, 03:39 PM
I can see Reina being a part of this pack, especially as Lead Hunter <:



6 Years
10-01-2016, 03:51 PM
Let me know if you want to thread them syndeer I kind of want hakon to make his pack so he needs the followers and the posts since he needs 200 xD



2 Years
10-01-2016, 04:04 PM
Let's have a thread together then! It can be anywhere since Reina just wanders about wherever she wants.