
Dreams Into Reality



8 Years
07-17-2016, 07:42 PM
The woman had wandered a short while, her paws leading her through the North from winter to spring. Bubo stuck close to her the whole while, the snow owl flying above and acting as her eyes in this place. At least until they returned time and time again to the caves that Oracle had found herself settled in. Bubo primarily chose to roost in trees outside the cave save for when he longed for the wolfess’ company and returned to her side. They kept each other sane in this world. Even the North seemed quite mild for spring, very little snow covering the ground. How strange it was.

Oracle was currently resting, orbs closed as she kept her head on her front paws. Slow, steady breaths left the femme, a certain snowy owl resting against the warm coat of the wolfess. Her tail flicked as Ora dreamed, remembering days when she played upon the beach with her brother, Galahad, and how they had searched for their family. Such distant days... Yet, why did tears slide down Oracle’s face while she dreamed? Even now she missed them, despite all these years...



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-21-2016, 05:21 PM


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8 Years
08-07-2016, 08:05 PM
A voice. A voice she sort of remembered stirred her. The young woman breathed in, eyes flicking open in a startled manner. The woman’s back was to the sun... But that voice... Had it been from her dream? Had she been so desperately missing her family she thought she heard their voices? Oracle shifted, trying to calm her racing heart and get out of the startled state she found herself in. She slowly blinked her eyes, Bubo stirring at her side as she addressed the woman before her.

“I... Yes... It was just a bad dream.” Just a bad dream, the woman repeated to herself. Oracle shook her head. The scent of the woman was familiar and yet she was half convinced it was her mind playing tricks on her. After all this time finding her family seemed impossible. “Sorry to have worried you.” Bubo was awake and fully alert now, flapping his wings as he got back to his feet. “All this fuss over a bad dream... Honestly Oracle... Are you sure you’re not a child?” Her grumpy companion earned a nudge before the wolfess turned her attention back to the stranger.

“Don’t mind him. I’m Oracle Ancora and this grumpy feathers is Bubo.”



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-01-2016, 07:07 PM

Her ears flicked slightly as the other shifted, and the alphess felt bad for a moment that she had seemed to startle her. She couldn't help but continue to stare through the darkness, the nagging feeling in her mind telling her that something here was...well, she wasn't even sure. She said nothing as the other told her it was just a bad dream, apologizing to her even. She slowly shook her head. Really, there was no need to apologize for anything. Avalon was the one that had walked in and startled her after all. But when the woman's companion owl spoke, her brows furrowed. Oracle? That...was just coincidence right? It's not like her family was really starting to come out of the woodwork all of a sudden. First Creed, and then Galahad...this had to be some twist. Maybe Vereux's gods being mean to her all over again; a reason she didn't believe in them.

“Don’t mind him. I’m Oracle Ancora and this grumpy feathers is Bubo.”

That was when she really did freeze. Ancora? couldn't be, could it? Was it really truly her younger sister? Her eyes widened as she stood there and stared, jaws gaping open as her mind tried to wrap around it. Tanaraq peered into the cave, a confused look on her face. Why was Avalon acting so strange? "Avalon? Are you alright?" Avalon would suddenly jerk herself free from her trance, though she was very much at a loss for what to say. Her gaze roved over the other, taking in the dual toned coat that became more and more familiar as the pieces of her memory began to fit together like a puzzle. She remembered that coat. She remembered those eyes. She remembered her sister. She remembered being there for some time to take care of her after finding her still at the cove, before life pulled her away to search for her parents. Her throat grew tight, her mouth dry as she looked for something to say. "Oracle..." Her voice was shaky, eyes watering though she fought to keep herself under control. "It's me, Avalon...your sister.." That's all she could find. That's all that would come out. She was just too wound up and emotional for her mind to figure anything else out, except for the fact that this is what mattered in the world right now.


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8 Years
10-03-2016, 07:50 PM
This time it was Oracle’s turn to freeze, her body tensing up as she allowed her gaze to adjust. The wolf before her... Avalon? Her big sister? She could feel her heart start to race, a lump forming in her throat. After all this time... Surely this wasn’t still a dream? She cast a glance at Bubo, noticing the owl’s gaze fixed on Avalon. It was he who spoke first, his voice a bit gentler than before. “Avalon... We’ve been looking for you. Galahad and Odette too. I don’t suppose you know where they are too?”

Oracle shifted her gaze back to her sister, moving forth to close the distance between them. She drank in her sister’s scent, nuzzling her neck and letting out a sigh of relief. “I’ve looked all over...” She said softly. “I’m so glad you’re alright.” Tears had begun slipping down her cheeks as well, a happy whine escaping her. “Where have you been? What are you doing with your life? You... You smell of a pack.” Oracle was doing her best to keep her voice calm, from racing along with her thoughts. She wanted to know everything... But one question at a time.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-07-2016, 08:14 PM

She waited anxiously for her sisters response, her gaze fixed on her as she too seemed to freeze at this information. But it wasn't Oracle that would speak, instead it her companion. Her gaze shifted to the owl on the ground. They had been looking for her? "I-I've been here. Mostly...and Galahad is here too!" She sucked in a breath when her sister approached and nuzzled her. Likewise, Avalon would return the sought after affection. Her head resting over Oracle's neck as she embraced her. It had been so long since she had seen her. Since she had seen any of them, really. But the memories were always there. Some of them fuzzy, and she felt bad not having recognized her at first...but they were all older, and so much time had passed. She was sure that she wasn't the only one who had the same problem.

When Oracle spoke this time, Avalon's tail wagged a bit as she stepped back to look her sister over. Taking in every bit of her so she wouldn't forget again. "Like I said, I've been here. Well...not these parts specifically, but mostly in Boreas. I did eventually leave in search of our family a few years ago, but I had no luck." She sat down then, licking her sisters muzzle for a moment. She couldn't believe that they'd found each other, it was just as unbelievable as the day she had found Galahad. "Oh I have so much to tell you! I am the alphess of a pack here in the North! As for Galahad, he's there too. And you both have nieces and nephews! There's so much that has happened, I wouldn't even know where to begin!" Indeed she didn't. Although she could start somewhere right? But perhaps not here. Maybe if Oracle went back with her, her sister could rest up and then they could spend days talking! "What about you? You look exhausted..."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
11-20-2016, 09:52 PM
So her sister had been in Boreas all along. Gala was here too… and there was a pack. Not just any pack, but a pack under her sister’s rule! There were nieces and nephews and goodness yes there sounded like a good deal had gone on. The femme gave a soft chuckle, returning her sister’s lick to her muzzle in kind. But then things turned back around on her and Oracle closed her eyes, considering what she had to say before she spoke.

“I’ve been wandering all over to find a trace of you guys. For a while it was me and Gala here… but then I left. I thought if we split up… I might be able to find more of the family and bring them back to him.” Oracle cast her gaze to the ground. “But I was wrong. I ended up not finding anyone… until today.” Her golden hues lifted back to her sister’s gaze. “This pack of yours… Is it far?” She asked, wondering if she should go there now or head there after a bit more time had passed. If Avalon and Galahad were here… maybe more of their siblings were too.

Silent wings pierced the air, a white form racing through the sky as her shadow fell upon the running wolf below. She hadn't known the alphess for long, but she had begun to form a bond with the Chief. The pair had decided to race each other to a place that Avalon had said was special to her. Once they had arrived at the cove, the snow-bird had left the wolf alone as she went on to find a snack. However, soon she would find tracks that she decided to follow. Where there were tracks, there might be the potential prey no? Only one way to find out!

She went further along for a few minutes longer, the tracks leading her to a cave not far from the beach where her wolf was. She would make a quiet landing on a gnarled tree just outside the cave, beady brown eyes peering in to see if there was anything of interest. Sharp gaze took a moment to adjust to the darkness, and the more she stared, she was beginning to think maybe there was nothing there. Ruffling her feathers with disappointment, she turned around and opened her wings, ready to return to Avalon's side. When suddenly, a shifting sound would stop her. Tilting her head down, she turned back to the cave and peered in again, deciding that maybe she couldn't see it because whatever it was, might be further in. Without hesitation, she glided inside and came to land on a high ledge, and it was then that she would spy a form lying upon the ground. It was another wolf, and interestingly enough, it too had a bird. Yet she also noticed something else about this creature. It was crying. Was she hurt? With a low chortle, she decided she should tell Avalon about this she-wolf, just in case she was injured. Silently, she would leave the cave and make her way back to the beach.

Avalon was sitting in the sand, amber gaze fixed on the water ahead. The wind was calm today, the sea making it cooler here too. As her new companion had gone off of on her own, the alphess would lie down and rest. Eyes closed, the wind brushing through her fur. It seemed she would rest for a few minutes before she felt sand spray over her face. Jolting up, she blinked to find the white bird on the ground, a sharp look in her eyes. "Wha? Is something wrong?" She sat up, shaking the sand from her fur. "Avalon, I believe I found something of interest. There is a cave not far from here, and inside I found a wolfess lying in there. It was too dark for me to see clearly, but I think she might be hurt."

Confusion changed to concern then as the alphess stood up. She knew what cave, it was the one closest to the cove that she used to visit in her younger years. Without a word, she nodded and made her way at a swift pace. Her companion following above. It didn't take long for them to arrive, and when they did, Avalon was cautious while her friend perched in the tree again. Scenting the air, the alphess definitely detected another wolf inside, and for some strange reason...some part of her recognized it. And yet, she didn't. Stepping inside, she peered through the darkness as her claws softly clicked against the ground, ears erect as she looked for the wolf. It didn't take long for her to find it, a shuffling of feathers and fur a beacon to her senses. Stopping several feet from the sleeping form, she stared at it for a long while, the scent wafting all around her in foreign familiarity. Her subconscious knew, and yet....she wasn't too sure. Maybe it was just the darkness playing tricks on her... "Hello? Are you alright?" She wasn't sure what else to ask. She didn't smell any blood, so she wasn't injured right?

"Talk" "You" Think