
Night, and the spirit of life



6 Years

09-26-2016, 10:21 PM

The sky was clear, the setting sun casting a range of colours over the ever-darkening blue. The air was warm, and the sparsely wooded forest was quiet and calm. Until the growl of a wolf broke the silence. However, it was not a growl borne of aggression or predatory instinct, but of pain. There was a sharpness to the woman's tone as she froze in place, her eyes squinting shut as she clenched her jaw against the tremendous wave of pain rippling through abdomen. A flash of excitement coursed through Esarosa, as well as fear. Was this it? She'd be happy to get this suffocating weight off of her when the pups left her body, but was this pain for real? She hoped it wasn't going to get worse than this. But as she made her way toward the den, every few minutes she was struck with a new wave of pain, and it felt like it was only getting stronger.

At last she had made it home. She hadn't been far to begin with, with her tummy so round and heavy, but the effort it took to make the short journey home felt much, much longer than it actually was. The den was empty - she hoped Steel was not far from home. Panting heavily, exhilarated and in agony as she slowly shifted through the den entrance and into the cozy space that she and her beloved had dug out to accommodate their new family. Carefully, she settled down on her side, breathing heavily as her tail thumped against the ground. She had no idea how long this was going to take, or how much she would have to endure. Would she be able to do this? Would she need help? Her own mother had nearly died during labor... she dearly hoped that her labor would go much smoother.

Her lips pressed into an 'o' shape as she let out a somewhat pained and weak howl that called to Steel, to let him know that it was time. She hoped that he would come soon; she would feel much better with him at her side. He would let her know it was all going to be okay, right? If she needed a healer, perhaps his voice would be stronger than hers now to call for one. Most of all, she wanted them to be together to greet their pups when they arrived. Another wave of pain ripped through her, and she whined softly, panting, having no option but to go with the flow as her body prepared to bring her new little loves into the world.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

10-03-2016, 10:56 AM
Though Steel had been eagerly awaiting this very day for weeks, he wasn't fully prepared when it came - not that anyone could really be. He was grateful that Esarosa had convinced him to settle down in a pack. Though he was nobody special here, and though he knew he needed to contribute much more than he had, Esarosa had earned her rank here and seemed well-liked and quite respected; he had no doubt that, when the day came, that there would be wolves willing to help her children be born no matter what.

Despite all this knowledge, it didn't help him any when he heard his mate's pleading call. It sounded pained, though not overly so. Still, he felt panic fill his chest. Shit. Why wasn't he with her? He hadn't known that today would be the day, or he would never have left her side. Scrambling in the direction of their den, his pace would increase quickly as he hurried back home. The sun was setting quickly, and he found his paws snagging on tree roots and random vegetation as he rushed as quickly as he could home.

He was panting by the time he reached the den they shared, though he had no doubt that her pain and fatigue was far greater than his - he had merely sprinted here. "Is-is it time?" Steel stammered, sounding a bit dumbfounded as he moved quietly closer to her. Her scent was a bit different, though not in an unpleasant way and he assumed she knew better than he what was happening, or she wouldn't have called for him. Without waiting for her to reply, he'd slip toward the entrance of the den to let loose a howl for a healer, or anyone who knew anything about childbirth to assist him.. because he certainly had no idea how to help Esarosa now, other than stand by her side.



6 Years

10-03-2016, 10:40 PM

Her eyes were closed as she focused on the darkness, trying to make it through each second as the painful contractions dragged on. It seemed to last forever, and she wondered if Steel would ever come. Time seemed to have slowed down. But finally she heard hurried pawsteps, and heavy panting as her mate came into the den. Emerald orbs shot open as she looked up at Steel - her expression was a myriad of emotions; joy, pain, terror, excitement. When his stammering voice hit her ears, she grinned through the pain, her tail thumping against the ground for a moment. "It's time, they're coming," she said as she grit her teeth, overwhelmed with another wave of pain. She couldn't say anything else, but she didn't need to as Steel went rushing to the den's entrance to call for a healer, or someone, anyone with experience.

But as much as she had hoped for someone with some know-how to come, she wasn't so sure there would be time. She could feel the process in her body moving forward - things were shifting, preparing to expel the little bundles. "Steel," she called to her love, "There might not be time to wait." Whether or not there was time, she just wanted him close to her. She didn't know how long this was going to take, or how much more intense it was going to get. But if the healer Vereux didn't come, and no one else did, they'd be on their own. The best they could do is stay close, and Esarosa would have to rely on her instincts to get through this.

As the sun set, no more light filtered into the den, leaving them in blackness. In a way, it was comforting, and by now, Esarosa was breathing steadily at the rhythm her body decided. At last came the first urge to begin pushing, and she would do as her body dictated, with nobody experienced here to instruct her. To her surprise, things moved along rather smoothly, and although the pain was intense, in a way she was numbed to it as she focused on pushing - just get it done. Finally, the first would come, kicking and screaming the moment her mother removed the amniotic sac and she took her first breath - apparently she did not like the sudden change in environment. A feisty little girl, most likely the one that kicked restlessly within the womb, causing a light chuckle to escape the new mother. Esarosa licked her first daughter all clean, then nudged the newborn toward her belly, instinct taking over for her so that she no longer hesitated nor worried.

Moments later, she would get to work delivering the second, which felt easier than the first, despite the difference in size. A little boy, she discovered as she cleaned him up and helped him toward her belly to begin nursing. She smiled warmly at her new son, watching in pure ecstasy as the two pups snuggled, wiggled and whined as they suckled. Then another wave of pain washed over her, and so she worked with her body to deliver the third, and hopefully the last pup. The easiest of all three pups, another little girl, just slightly smaller than her siblings was brought into the world with relative ease. Esarosa licked her clean, nuzzling her second daughter lovingly as she then nudged her along to her belly. Soon after, the placenta would come, which the new mother devoured ravenously without a second thought.

Finally, she looked up to her mate, her eyes well-adjusted to the dark now. She had wanted him there beside her, and then she had needed to focus on her body, and delivering and caring for the newborns. She wondered if he was just as elated as she was, feeling like she was floating in a different universe of pure joy and exhaustion. "Three pups... they're all here," she announced breathlessly, "They're perfect." Breathing deeply, she lay her head on the ground, her body quivering from the effort she'd just put forth.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



7 Years
10-03-2016, 10:50 PM
Something was happening... what was going on? Why were things changing? There was movement, and pressure, and she felt her siblings squirming beside her. Forces unknown began shoving her toward a narrow tunnel, squeezing her through and there was nothing she could do to resist. Why? Why was she being expelled from her comfortable, warm space, into... a shiver ran through her tiny body as she felt a shift in temperature, and suddenly the warmth she'd always been surrounded by was ripped away. Her little jaws parted, and a wailing noise escaped her immediately, followed by a large, gasping intake of breath. What was this?! Something warm and comforting stroked her body, but she was still displeased with her peaceful existence being disrupted. She squeaked and squirmed, fidgeting as her mother licked her clean and dry, then nudged her toward a surprisingly enticing smell. With little thought she wiggled toward the warm scent, although she protested the whole way. The newborn discovered a teat, and latched on to begin suckling furiously, still whining. Well, maybe this wasn't so bad... maybe she could get used to this. After all, she didn't know how to go back, and that just didn't seem likely. As time passed, she felt her siblings at her side again, and although it felt different, it was comforting and pleasing to have them close by once more. Sleepy from all of the action, the pup finally lowered her head to the ground, her legs all splayed out like a tiny, fuzzy little seal, and she drifted to sleep.



2 Years
10-04-2016, 12:26 AM

Even with just three pups, the womb had grown incredibly crowded over the months. At times, it was frustrating.. his sister always kicking him as she fought for her own space; but, at other times it was peaceful and comforting to be nestled in to the tight space in a forced puppy pile. When the sudden waves of of his mother's muscles began rocking his world, the calmer pup began to squirm a little in uncertainty. His sister's closeness was suddenly removed from his side and for a moment, he was scared. He didn't understand hardly anything at all other than touch, but the lack of it did not go unnoticed as he would strive to follow after his sister. A few moments later, his prayers were answered.

There was pressure and then a tongue, and then a brief burst of cold as his the amniotic fluid around him was released until his mother's tongue returned the warmth. He was so confused, his little limbs calmly attempting to paw at that tongue until his mother nestled him up against her belly. For the first time, he was able to nuzzle against his sister without the barriers they'd had in the womb, but he had not forgotten the one that had been placed at his other side. He let out a little grunt of a whine as his head toddled over to his side opposite of Sterling as if searching, and within a few moments, she too returned to his side and all was well. He sought out his mother's teat and drank comfortably know that the necessary simplicities of his world were back in order.

[Image: cobysig.png]



6 Years

10-09-2016, 06:39 AM
Steel expected someone to answer his call, but he was too focused on Esarosa to dwell over it too much. As soon as his howl concluded, he turned back to her quickly. He continued to struggle to catch his breath as she rode out the contractions - he could see them visibly wracking her body. Still, she managed to smile between it all, though it was soon replaced with a grimace of pain. Concerned laced his face as a slight frown tugged at his lips, feeling more helpless than he could've imagined. He wanted to help, so badly, but he knew nothing he could do would ease her pain. This was simply part of life, and she would have to endure it.

He had no doubt that she would do so beautifully. She'd always been courageous and fierce, ever since the first day he met her, and his crimson gaze softened as he studied her. They wouldn't be time for a healer to come, she said. Damnit. If anyone could do this on her own, it was Esarosa, he was sure of that. He clenched his jaw, moving behind her and pressing his snout to the back of her neck. While he wanted to give her space, and didn't know exactly what she needed, he wanted to be there to comfort her and support her.

Darkness settled quickly upon them, as the gain grew greater and steadier. Everything happened so suddenly - and somehow, so easily - that he half wondered if he might be dreaming. Before he knew it, he heard shuffling and crying and he felt his heart surge with joy and nervousness alike. He wasn't sure he ever loved Esarosa as much as he did in this moment; his head lifted to watch them on her other side, his nose occasionally touching her neck to remind her of his constant silent presence. Her instincts were strong, and she dealt with them as easily as she had the pain, and one by one they were born.  She did everything with such certainty, while he simply laid there, wide-eyed and stunned. They were beautiful, though it was hard to really see their features in the darkness and with Esarosa doting over them to clean them and then pushing them to suckle.

He swore he felt tears well in his eyes as her body relaxed, no longer tense with contractions. He'd never really been one to cry, but it felt like he could at any moment. Steel breathed heavily, relieved and elated, overwhelmed entirely.  "They're perfect," he agreed easily, nodding slowly as he laid his head on her back, eyeing them with awe.  "And you're perfect." He had nothing more to say.. he exhaled softly as he lay there with her, basking in the warmth of the moment with her and their three perfect children.



2 Years
10-10-2016, 09:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2016, 09:32 AM by Jade.)
Everything she knew changed, suddenly. When she had once known warmth and comfort, suddenly all she felt was cold and... nothing. A cry fell from the newborn's lips, an instinctual feeling of panic flooding her as she wriggled on the den's dirt floor, searching for something even she didn't know. It didn't take long for the child's nose to touch warm fur and skin, and she would greedily bury her nose into Esarosa's belly, shifting until she felt at least one of her siblings beside her. Though rather fearful, she was comforted by the warmth and let her snout bump against Esarosa's belly until she found what she needed, and began to nurse easily.

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