
Jarvela Tribe adopts



10 Years
Extra large
11-04-2015, 08:35 AM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2016, 07:01 PM by Nyx.)

The Jarvela tribe is a nomadic arctic tribe. Truthfully, calling them the “Jarvela tribe” is a bit of a misnomer -- though many of the wolves in the tribe were related by blood, many were not, and without any sort of formal organization they had no leaders and no official name for their group. They simply existed and were fiercely loyal to one another. Based on the Sami religion of northern Scandanavia, they tend to be intensely spiritual and finely in tune with nature. They worship reindeer as sacred, surviving mainly off following their migration each year (before coming to Ardent, of course). Rather than being strict in their faith, they tend toward the more spiritual and metaphysical side of religion and some are far more religious than others.


Language: Fluent in Finnish, and most know some English (though not all know it perfectly!); some might know bits other Northern languages as well, though likely not fluently.

Sexuality: They tend to view sexuality as an extremely fluid thing; their teachings emphasize free love, and no real importance is placed on monogamy for either gender. In fact, monogamy is seen as a bit unnatural. Procreation is not highly encouraged, but seen as more of a matter of chance, though family ties are quite important and passing on knowledge and training to ones children is an integral part of their culture.

Traditions: The tribe would follow the reindeer migration each year - they would travel long distances in the spring, when the reindeer would gather to breed, and again in the fall when the herds would break apart and move to heavily forested areas before winter set in. They lived in the north, often in mountainous tundras, and are used to a hard and brutal existence. Fighting is not uncommon among these wolves, and they often had friendly brawls among their group.  They had no formal hierarchy - if someone wanted to do something, they did it, and they came and went freely with no obligation other than the ones they made themselves. It was not uncommon for members to disappear for seasons, only to return again.

Values: They placed high importance on values such as independence and self-preservation. The weak were not coddled; if someone could not keep up, they were left behind. They tend to be a bit selfish in this regard, though many formed tight bonds and would protect one another until the death if it came down to it.  They also were taught to constantly question authority; to believe that you are your own master, and to not bow to anyone. Most, if not all, would be wildly uncomfortable in a pack setting.  Their alignments vary wildly; so don't feel confined to the same sort of character that Aki and his siblings are.


Main aspects of their religion are: polytheism (belief in a multitude of gods and goddesses), animism (the belief that inanimate objects have souls), and shamanism (some trained individuals can connect with the spiritual world). They also believe in the circular process of life, death, and rebirth, and stress living in the moment.

Some of them use superstition to guide their movements or travels (i.e. sleeping near water to keep Vuorwro [a female spirit that eats sleeping creatures in areas without water] at bay), and some believe both living beings, and inanimate objects, all have souls (even trees!)  - some believe that a Shaman known as a noaidi is believed to be an intermediary between the spiritual and material world; can consult with the dead while in a trance. They respect many things in nature that others might not - like trees or mountains, for example. They also worshiped reindeer, as I mentioned above, as they fed almost exclusively off of them.  A good overview of Sami shaminism can be found here.

  • Four general gods: the Mother, the Father, the Son (the creator of the earth) and the Daughter (Radienacca, Radienacce, Radienkiedde and Radienneida)
  • Gazzi - A spiritual guardian; every creature is born with one
  • Sala Niejta - Responsible for ending the winter, turning mountains green to feed the reindeer
  • Tjatse Olmai - A sprite who sits near the shores and listens to wishes of those who visit him

Good reference for more Sami deities


The Jarvela tribe was highly accepting of outsiders, so long as you followed their customs and did not try to exert any kind of power or hierarchy over its members. Family members will tend toward darker coats (grey, black, even dark brown) and red markings are prominent. The Jarvela family tend to be big and bulky, so keep that in mind as well. More distant family members can stray from this. I have no real outline of the rest of the Jarvelas, so feel free to be creative regarding other family members.

As for unrelated members, have free reign! Keep in mind that members can be both born into the tribe (as it has existed for a long time), or have joined at any age. Just note how they are related, or when they came into the group!

Not up for adoption:  Áki's parents, or other siblings (Sabine and Sunniva are his only siblings).

On-site Jarvelas: Aki, Sabine (Aki's sister), Sunniva (Aki's sister), Mikkal, Duvka

Note: Aki is 7 years old right now, born in Spring. He left in the Winter of his 3rd year (so turned 4 a bit after he came to Alacritia. The only wolves from the tribe that would've met him directly would be at least 3 years old and born in Winter, but his father had tusks as well, so they'd likely recognize him even if they'd never met him!


History: (how they ended up in the group, and when they left)
RP Sample:



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
11-05-2015, 11:22 AM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2015, 06:21 PM by Tealah.)

Name: Mikkal Jarvela
Gender: male
Age: 1 (born in spring)
History: cousin! Mikkal-Daddy is Aki-Daddy's brother maybe?
Mikkal was not born in time to have met his elder cousin before he left, though he knows of him through the fond remembrances of his relatives. Growing up within the tribe, they were all he ever knew as a child. The brief touches of "civilization" gleaned through observation of settled packs held no interest to him as he grew older. His family and the reindeer were his life, and that was enough for him. That was all he'd ever wanted. Though he left his family it was with the best of intentions. His presence was a burden on his father's family, who already had enough mouths to feed. Though he was a deft hunter for a yearling and no one ever complained of him, he finally judged that it was time for him to move on from his family, and continue their way of life elsewhere. He left at the end of summer, year six, as the world moved towards snow and ice and the starving times once again, and sought the lands his cousins dwelled in.
Appearance: Mikkal is a tall, strong young wolf with a great deal of fluff in his coat - ideal for his preferred home in the north, considerably less for anything further south. It makes him appear to be a great deal bulkier than he is, though like all the males of his family he will as he reaches maturity prove to be a sturdy and muscular wolf. He is a dark steely gray over much of his form, the dark color ticked with black at the tips of some of the hairs as many timber wolves are, with most of the ticking concentrated near his back and sides with very little on his legs and face. A lighter silver-gray coats his underbelly from throat to the tip of his tail and down the insides of his legs to fade before his ankles. The same silver forms a mask on his face, running up the bridge of his nose to curve out over his glacial-blue eyes. The deep auburn red that tends to run in his family is present in a malar stripe that runs from the inner corner of his eyes along side his mask before angling down towards his chin, and from that same starting point back to line the bottom of his eyes before winging up at the outer corners. The color runs in a thin tuft along his spine from the back of his skull to his shoulders. He also bears a single, wide red band around his left front ankle. (not sure how tall I can afford to make him... probably less than 40")
Personality: Mikkal is an earnest young male, eager to preserve his family's way of life. As independent as any of his family, he nonetheless is very gentle hearted, very warm. While he is content with long, solitary hours following the reindeer herds and does not long for anything else, he is just as content to socialize whether it be with a small group of friends and family or mingling among a group of strangers. He is very accepting of whatever situation he finds himself in and slides into it like an otter into a river.

He loves easily, and strongly, with great loyalty towards those he has given his heart to. Loyalty, but within the bounds of his own culture. The idea of monogamy would not even occur to him as his family has always viewed it disfavorably; he loves so whole-heartedly, so completely but not any one person. If a lover were to chastise him for his poly-amorous ways it would hurt him, cause him great anxiety and make him feel absolutely wretched but he is incapable of monogamy and it would only serve to make him miserable if he made the attempt.

He is largely indifferent to packs and pack life. He doesn't begrudge them for wishing the life they live, but to him, he could never live in that manner. He was born to follow the reindeer, to shepherd them and to cull them so that they may grow stronger as a herd, and he would live and eventually die following where they led. It is his purpose and his focus, and while he would love to have a family to gather around him and teach as his father and his uncles and cousins all had taught him, he is equally content to husband Alacritia's herds alone.

He speaks mostly Finnish, and though he speaks some English it is broken and his vocabulary is lacking. He has never seen much point to it as his family all spoke Finnish and there was little reason to speak anything else. (possibly a smattering of other northern languages from the cultures that would traditionally be in contact with them? Norwegian, Swedish, Russian?)
RP Sample:
Mikkal cut eagerly in front of the herd, sending them bounding off in another direction, as his sharp eyes eyes watched carefully the way they moved. There, a stumble that may have been simply a misstep but possibly symptomatic of something wrong with the cow. There, an older bull lagging behind as they spun away from him. He marked their particular scents in his head to investigate them later. Just like wolves, all reindeer had their own unique scents, but few wolves bothered to learn them. Why would they? They were not like his people. They did not follow one herd, or seek to care for them. They cared only to kill what they needed to eat, and let the herds fend for themselves. Not Mikkal - Mikkal knew each reindeer in this herd. He knew where they bedded down, he knew which cows had calved that year and he knew which bulls had sired them. He would be sad to leave them... but these reindeer already had the care they needed, and they would not need him. His cousin Aki who had left before he was born, and Aki's sisters Sunniva and Sabine who he had known much of his childhood, had left to find a new place to live. It was time he did the same. There would be herds there that would need him, as he needed them, and perhaps he would find his cousins there as well. He would help his brothers with this last hunt, give his father his observations so that they could keep watch upon the potential culls, and then he would go. Ah - his brother had given the signal to move on the cow they had chosen to cull this day. She had taken a bad fall the month before and had not recovered. Likely she'd cracked the shoulder - it would be a mercy to kill her before she suffered further trying to keep up with her herd. Mikkal put on a burst of speed, cutting the cow off so that his brother could come from behind her to pull her leg out from under her. She went down heavily, and Mikkal spun on his heels back around to keep the rest of the herd at a greater distance while his brothers made the kill. A sad thing, but she suffered no more and would feed his family, and both they and the herd would grow stronger for it.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
11-05-2015, 05:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2015, 10:23 AM by Birna I.)
[Image: duvka_zpshoysjkoh.jpg]

Name:  Duvká Jarvela

Gender:  Male

Age: 2 (born in spring)

Alignment:  True Neutral

History: Born into the tribe to Gáktu Dure x Soljá Jarvela (sister to Akí's father) Duvká was raised in the traditions of the tribe as best as his parents, particularly his mother, were able.  His father was an outside male who joined the tribe when he fell in love with Soljá, giving up his old life and clouded past for the chance to be with her, even if it wasn't exclusively.

However, having a father from a pack wouldn't influence Duvká's devotion to his tribes way of life.  If anything it only solidified his devotion all the more, for while there were elements of pack life that Gáktu missed there was much he didn't, namely the bloodshed and wars that came from defending a settled territory.

For the first year of Duvká's life he tended to stick close to his family, rarely venturing more than 50 miles from any camp site.  As he grew, though, a wanderer's heart was born in him and he started to travel farther and farther until it seemed he spent more time away than he did at home.  Duvká's always held a strong fascination for the spiritual aspects of life even though they seem to constantly flit just beyond his understanding.  Seeking wisdom he was driven to wander farther and farther.  His most recent trip will take him all the way into the lands of Alacritis.

Duvká knows of Akí and has likely met the man briefly when he was quite young but they are probably not very acquainted.  He knows a bit more of Sabine and Sunniva, but again his propensity to wander likely made meetings brief and scattered.  (I'm open to ideas and working out first encounters, stories, etc.!)

Appearance:  Sturdy and well-built Duvká boasts a long, elegant body and a strong chest set upon well-toned legs and larger than average paws.  His head is slightly narrower than the average wolf and it tapers gracefully from his forehead to his nose.  There is a subtle sense of grace in the sleek way Duvká moves despite his more solid build though his thick, wiry coat accounts for much of his perceived bulk. Compared to the average wolf Duvká is a good-sized individual though compared with other members of his family he might be said to be a bit on the short side standing at 38" tall but this doesn't bother him in the slightest.  He's strong and healthy, what more could he ask for?

The base of Duvká's coat is a handsome slate adorned with charcoal gray and snowy white markings.  The tip of his muzzle, his toes, and the underside of his belly are all dusted in pristine white.  The same color tips the fringe of his cheeks, the back of his thighs and the tip of his tail.  A dusting of this white also covers the inside of his ears and lightly marks the fur below his startling blood red eyes, eyes just like his mothers. Hints of a lighter slate bleed into the white of his tail and undersides softening the transition of colors.

A cap of deep charcoal gray adorns Duvká's head and slides all the way down his spine to the tip of his tail.  The same color covers his ears and the first few inches of the bridge of his nose as well as above his eyes, blossoming into eye spots.  Perhaps the most striking markings of Duvká's coat are the broken stripes that ripple down his neck, over his back all the way to his tail tip.  Each stripe breaks into a small little spot at the end, adding a subtle accent to his unique appearance.


Born with a restless heart and an independent nature Duvká is a wanderer who can rarely settle in one spot for long.  His desire for self-understanding as well as spiritual wisdom acts as a driving force that pushes him to explore the world around him.  Sometimes this can make him seem rather aimless in his travels, and to an extent this is true, but he does have purpose in his movements and goals to achieve.

Cautious and shrewd Duvká is wary of strangers and the general intentions of other wolves.  He isn't the type to wander blindly into situations or jump to conclusions yet a wolf will have to prove themselves to him first before he's willing to give his trust. Sharp-witted and astute Duvká has keen powers of observation that he uses to both analyze the world around and to hopefully gain a better understanding of it.

Despite his sometimes aloof nature Duvká is a dependable and reasonably friendly fellow. Once he's fairly certain a wolf isn't out to harm him he'll gingerly strike up a conversation, growing more confident as time goes and he gets to know the other.  Duv is also a reliable wolf, when he takes on a task you can bet he'll do his best to accomplish it.  However, these sorts of tasks are typically only asked by him of family and fellow tribe members. He will rarely do favors, particularly strenuous ones, for strangers and those he's barely acquainted with.

Proud of his tribe and heritage Duvká has a strong connection to history and the past even if his gaze always seems to turn outward to the unknown. He feels that answers often lie in the past and that the key to solving any problem is to take a look back to see what events lead to that problem.  He is deeply respectful of older wolves who he feels by virtue of their age are far more knowing of the world and he will eagerly seek to glean their wisdom. However, having the past always nestled in his mind Duvká sometimes finds it hard to let go or move on from previous events, especially if they've had a negative affect on him.

Being a nomad and traveller it is no surprise that Duvká is a very adaptable wolf.  He's happy to make his home anywhere and is content to take life one day at a time. Often the unexpected happens when traveling but Duv has the ability to roll with the punches even if he's internally screaming.  Able to balance multiple tasks Duvká is able to spread out his focus and shift and adjust it as necessary to get through the day… assuming of course his focus is present to start with.  Duvká had a habit of day-dreaming frequently as a child and this habit continues full-force into adult hood.

RP Sample:

Duvka whispered a prayer to Lieaibolmmai as he did every morning. The words spilled from his mouth in a soft whisper, senses tuned to the shivering winter air around him. He'd exhale the final words quietly, letting the air take his breath and whisk it away in a gentle fog. Fresh snow gleamed across the tundra as the sun rose higher into the sky and the Jarvela man would begin to work his way north through the snow to check on the herds movements. The autumn migration had come to an end but the work was never done. The health of the herd was directly related to the health of his tribe and his father had sent him to check on the state of the reindeer in preparation for a hunt.

The wind picked up, ruffling his thick coat as his large paws picked through the snow, his nose pulling in arctic air and sorting through the scents. No sign… Duvká paused, taking a moment to gather his bearings and observe the land around him. Carefully he picked his way over to a patch of exposed earth and the hoof-prints came into view in the surrounding snow. There was no mistaking the prints or the direction they were headed or the scent that filled his nostrils now that he was no longer downwind. Power surged through his limbs as he took off in a lope in the direction of the tracks, taking a moment to enjoy the feel of the wind in his face, the sun on his back and the chill of the snow that gave way beneath his paws.
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
11-05-2015, 07:39 PM
Mikkal is most definitely accepted!!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
11-07-2015, 10:08 PM
Lunar gets a big YES!!!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
07-26-2016, 10:01 AM
This family is still open for adoptions :)

Absinthe 1

09-29-2016, 01:27 AM
If this is still a thing, I'm just gonna... (since it's gonna take a while to get them up and running, I may add to their personality if I think of anything else)

Name: Samael Jarvela (I know it's not 100% Finnish, but I can change it if you'd rather I did)
Gender: Nonbinary (genderfluid)
Age: 2 years old (born in winter)
History: Born to a couple of nomads who happened upon each other by chance, by all appearances they little family was a miracle in the wastelands of the far northern tundras where not even snow would fall. With two other siblings in the middle of the worst winter the parents had ever encountered, it seemed like the loss of the entire litter was the only thing in the cards. The pair began to mourn the loss of their children, who had yet to even open their eyes to see the world. It came down to one of the hardest decisions a parent can ever have to make. Themselves, or their newborn pups.
They could always have another litter, but they couldn't guarantee surviving this storm. When the time came to cut their losses, as it were, an idea surfaced. They had two sets of jaws, to carry two pups. The obvious choice, the ones who were making the most noise, suckling the fiercest. These were the ones they took. The other, they left behind. It was nothing malicious, simply survival of the fittest. With tears in their eyes, sobs caught in their throats like brittle bird bones, they abandoned the lone child, who already had seemed to be angel touched as the old saying goes.
The storm approached fast, and so did the reindeer, fleeing it. They discovered a child, with pigmentation similar to that of their food source. However, when they nibbled on the pup, it wailed something awful. Neither mosses nor lichens were wont to screech like that. The wailing brought the attention of a hunter, a she wolf named Leena. It was a miracle that she happened upon the infant, who was mostly dead by now. The attention from the reindeer, coupled with the strange coat that was already beginning to mark the child, warranted a life with the tribe. Deciding to take a chance, as one might with the stray cat you just hit with your car, she picked the bundle of fluff up from the cold cavern floor. No one in the hunting party expected the child to survive, Leena included. However, it would be wrong to ignore the obvious omen.
They named the child Samael, a spin off of the Finnish word for moss.
The weak child didn't die in the night. Instead, thriving under the attention of the nursing mother who had taken on the burden of care. Over time, Samael grew strong. Leena took charge of the new arrival, teaching the pup of their culture and lifestyle. With the knowledge that this runt was nothing to scoff at, for now, it seemed worth the trouble to raise the child, despite not sharing blood. Alongside the strong broods of other parents, it didn't look like the pup would live longer than a year. Eventually, they would likely leave Samael in their wake to move on. The child was well aware of this, and strove to avoid that at all costs. Growing strong in a different way from the other children, and developing a wily kind of survival strategy, the runt found amidst a reindeer herd kept pace with the larger children.
It took a few months for Samael to begin having the dreams. Sometimes, they would tell of a future event. Samael told no one of this, not even Aunt Leena. The noaidi lifestyle wasn't a good fit. Too much responsibility, too many expectations. It would only tighten the noose of being different, further ostracising the runt who wore a lichen coat. Samael tried to keep interactions with sprites and faeries limited to locales where the rest of the tribe wouldn't see. It became easier with time.
Samael grew older, and the urge to leave the tribe grew as well. Many others had taken to the open road already. Aunty Leena was not pleased with the notion, uneasy with seeing the frail looking youth out in the wilderness where Samael would surely die. Granted, it would be no one's fault if the lichen furred wolf died, but Leena would want a proper burial for her surrogate child. Regardless, she parted with Samael on friendly terms, and wished the wolf well.

Appearance: Note: It'll take me a bit to get all the gems for this beaut' (lemme know if I'm out of line here)
32"- 95 lbs
Coat:A pelt of dulled greens drapes itself over an unusual frame. Standing out from the natural hues of the tribe are the pale, unnatural hues of a stranger's lineage. The strange pigments come from a prominent bloodline with no name. A pale base hue makes up the majority of Samael's coat, tinged with the barest traces of peridot. From forehead to shoulder blades, deep emerald paints over tall audits and a thick ruff, while marking the area underneath each eye. The same colours form a band over flanks and spine, climbing up lanky limbs, staining the backs of powerful thighs and bushy tail tip. A lighter hue of fern greens covers the area over cheeks and muzzle, stopping just above the cheekbones but below the dark eye markings. Then, the shade extends further around the neck and up the legs, and creating another long band in front of the first, while claiming more fur of the tail. Pale brow spots add character to an already expressive face. Eyes of a toxic green occasionally seem gentler in colour, when given the proper lighting.
Build A shrine to androgyny. Delicate, but not feminine. Many tend to leer, "Come here, pretty boy" they shout, "Hey, sweetheart" they jeer. Gifted with a lean frame with plenty of dense, wiry muscle that does nothing to lend an imposing air to the wolf. Slender of limb and without discernible hips or shoulders, it is hard to determine gender based on appearance. While the muscles of the shoulder are well defined, they are not necessarily those of a male. Built for the north, the wolf has paws meant for displacing weight across the snow. Thick fur softens the sharp angles of shoulder blades and hip bones, drawing attention to Samael's sleek body instead. A long torso with a deep, narrow chest that were meant for a runner. A strong jaw and tall audits perched atop a blocky skull further confuse the appearance. To round it all off, a thick furred tail sweeps across strong thighs. Thick lashes and a long muzzle are the most prominent features of the face, aside from the brilliantly coloured eyes.

Personality: Defensive: A lifetime of justifying their own existence means that Samael is quick to defend themself. No matter how the gesture was intended, Samael will take it to be an insult. Friendly banter is not something that comes easily to them. Their flaws are too raw, and when brought to light, it only serves to make Samael feel worthless. When threatened, the immediate reaction is aggression. Vitriol drips from the tongue, teeth are bared. Samael feels the need to prove their worth with vigour.
Friendly: A side to Samael that not many got to see, was the one that makes easy conversation and laughs with strangers. There is no reason that they can see to show any animosity towards others. Strangers are all they have now that they have left the tribe, and there is something to be said about a friendly conversation. Warmth exudes from every pore of the lichen pelted wolf, and an easy smile is often easy to find on their lips. Sitting with someone and having a nice talk, or joining in on someone's hunt is surprisingly easy for the wolf.
Flirtatious: Unfamiliar territory without a doubt, but Samael is a shameless flirt nonetheless. Over time, it has become easier to twist words in a manner that both compliments and attracts. Sometimes, it happens without noticing. Others, it is all too intentional. There isn't always a goal to Samael's flirting, sometimes it simply entertains the wolf. There are no exceptions to who will be on the receiving end of endless compliments and subtle allusions, which only adds intrigue to it all. For the most part, Samael is not all that physical with their flirtations, unless the other party is entirely comfortable with it. Crossing someone's boundaries and invading their personal space is one of the things Samael will not do without express permission.

RP Sample: Broad paws met the ground rather soundlessly, as the mossy wolf crept through the tall grass. This was a new environment, unfamiliar in comparison to the barren tundras of the north they were used to. There, the grass was short, stubby. It felt more like needles pushing through your flesh when you stepped on them. The grass was soft here, brushing against their flanks with the gentle caress of a lover. They rather liked it here, and enjoyed the way the sun warmed their back, heat sinking into their very bones. Why would anyone choose to live in the north, when this was an option?
After more walking, the answer became apparent. Harsh breaths escaped them, tongue lolling in a desperate attempt to vent the heat that threatened to overwhelm them. Time to find shade, and perhaps some water. Tall audits flicker to and fro, seeking the rush of flowing water. Nothing. A similar sound, only softer, is what becomes apparent. Following the direction of the sound, verdant optics find a strange tree. It is rounder at the top, with actual leaves on its branches. How odd! There was often a stray coniferous tree to be found in the north, but nothing such as this. Trotting towards it, Samael finds themself utterly baffled by the foliage. It's greener than they are! This tree speaks louder than the ones at home, the breeze in its leaves makes its voice louder, indecipherable language spilling into the hot air. Somewhere in a dream, a distant voice had told them of the language of the trees. Samael wondered if it was the truth, or simply nonsense from the dream realm. Hoc iam dudum ego vidi tam stupendo. The tree whispers into the air, but Samael doesn't understand it.



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
10-03-2016, 11:33 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2016, 11:34 AM by Nyx.)
Hey Den, I like what you have so far and I'm fine with you having to save to make Samael, though I'd like to see a personality too~ :D Happy to see a non-family tribe member too!


10-03-2016, 12:20 PM
Name: Aila
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year old (Born in Winter)
History: (Cousin to Aki)
RP Sample: