
A new beginning



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-19-2013, 02:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 02:56 PM by Epiphron.)

Everything was falling into place, and rather quickly too. Merely a season ago, she had been lost, fumbling for anything familiar to remind her of who she was and what her purpose in life was. Thrust into a position of power that she hadn't been ready for, that she hadn't expected to receive. And yet just as quickly, everything had fallen flawlessly into place. It was unquestionable that the woman was happy -- the genuine expression on her face was unable to be doubted, even by the most cynical of creatures..

She was glad as he joined her, grinning over at him with a quick wag of her tail. It would be worth it to get a bit dirty to dig out their future home. Perhaps it would be more rewarding than simply happening along a larger one? Even still, they could easily take a dip in a stream or river and get washed up -- and the frigid ice water was a good excuse to cuddle to keep warm, once they were finished bathing.

"Well, a slightly smaller family will be taking their place." He remarked, and she laughed lightly as he leaned over to grab her tail gently with his teeth. Truthfully, she was not yet thinking about the possibility of children -- she was physically ready, but mentally she was much more inclined to focus herself for awhile. Perhaps someday children would be an option, but certainly not this winter.

"Isn't it?" she said in reply, another soft laugh falling from delicate lips. Maverick's mere presence delighted her -- she could hardly keep the expression off her face, even as she began to dig once more, one white-furred paw following a rusty red hued one, clawing at the dirt 'til it crumbled and gave way, then pushing it behind her and out of the way of their excavation.

She was content to dig mostly in silence, not feeling terribly overwhelmed by their sudden and surprising union. They would have so many moments to talk -- days, seasons. No, years. An entire lifetime lay ahead of them both. But as she dug, minutes passing in quiet concentration, she spoke up. "I hope that the wolves of Seracia like me," she said after a moment, pausing from digging to gaze over at Maverick. Never was she typically a self-conscious woman, no, she was rather confident overall... and yet the possibility of Seracia as a whole disapproving of her was nerve-wracking. What if some young woman wanted to challenge for her position as Princess? Did the pack even work that way, like Valhalla did? What if she failed them, failed Maverick? No... she couldn't fail, not so long as he stood beside her.


06-19-2013, 03:52 PM

Dirt wasn't exactly how he'd planned his first night betrothed to Epiphron, but he supposed they could get cleaned up once they were through. A cold dip in the water would be a welcome relief from hard work, and it would also give them plenty of excuse for being close once they were clean. Ah yes, he rather liked the idea of that. He only hoped that a quick bath wouldn't totally wash away that glorious scent she was putting off. They dug for a while in silence. Not the awkward kind of silence that nagged at you, but the comfortable kind that allowed you to think about life and the future. This was exactly what he did - though none of his thoughts were particularly easy to follow or precise.

His mind flitted back to the work as he noticed how much difference they were making. With just a bit more work they would be able to fit into the den. It would be a bit tight, but they could always dig more tomorrow and make it more comfortable. It would be then that she would state one of her hopes and dreams. Maverick tilted his head toward her. "They will love you just as I do. I have heard them talking, they are eager to meet you." it was true, he had heard whispers of their eagerness for a new princess. They had not had once thus far and probably wanted to see what it would be like to have a prince and his bride as second in command of Seracia. He hoped that might quell any fears she had - though he knew that she would forever be nervous until the day came when she became an official Seracian. "I think this will work for tonight. Should we get cleaned up and then call it a night?" Of course, he was somewhat assuming that she would stay with him instead of returning to Valhalla. What if she chose to go back home?




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-19-2013, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 07:10 PM by Epiphron.)

Soon, the two of them had dug far enough for them to sleep comfortably -- to that they really needed much room, anyway. The last thing that Epiphron wanted was personal space tonight. Perhaps it would be nice in the future to expand, so their shelter was more permanent, but for now she couldn't imagine anything but sleeping with her limbs tangled with Maverick's.

Luckily the ground was brittle, rather than frozen solid. Luckily for them both, otherwise they would've certainly needed some more help, and a whole lot more time than just a half hour. It could've gone on longer, as far as she was concerned ... she was willing to put in any amount of effort, so long as it pleased her future husband, so long as they remained content and healthy and forever enamored with one another.

"And I am just as eager to meet them," she assured him with a smile, but it was obvious that she was fairly nervous. But who wouldn't be? Back in the territory of Valhalla, while she hadn't felt exactly ready to be an Alphess, she had taken charge and done as she felt was right. But here, what was she allowed to do? She grew worried for a moment as she considered this, but no, Maverick would be at her side the entire time. She wouldn't be forced to make decisions on her own. It made more sense, anyway, to rule by his side, for the two of them to make decisions as a pair. How else would Seracians grow to trust her?

"I think this will work for tonight. Should we get cleaned up and then call it a night?" What a splendid idea. Epiphron backed up out of the den, much more filthy than she had expected to get today. Her white fur was caked with dirt, most of it clinging to her paws and chest. It didn't help that the soil was damp, soaked from snow and frost, making it much easier to stick to her pelt. Despite this, she beamed at her betrothed, tail whipping behind her happily. "That is, perhaps, the best idea you've ever had," she teased him, leaning over to nip tenderly at his shoulder. It was still vaguely thrilling to be openly affectionate with him -- she remembered feeling like they were not really supposed to be together -- but she knew that feeling would not last forever. Hopefully it would be replaced by something equally as satisfactory; and she did not doubt that it would.

She took a step away from him, knowing he would need to lead the way. The sun would set soon, and she hoped they could return before darkness fully set in.


06-19-2013, 07:53 PM
OOC, I can't resist using this table, xD His text will be in green to differentiate between our posts ^^

He had been pleasantly surprised that the ground was not frozen completely solid. He supposed it had not had time yet due to the just recent onset of winter. It wasn't as if winter had raged for weeks now, only a few days at best - or perhaps a week at most. He hadn't paid much attention, though he did know that it had been snowing off and on for the better part of a week. He felt the dirt shift beneath his weight, giving him an advanced sense of power and strength. Normal non-brittle earth would not move so freely, but he would let himself believe he was strong regardless. A smile cracked across his lips as she said she was eager to meet them as well. She would be a great princess, he just knew it. More importantly, he would have someone his own age at his own intelligence level to speak with and make decisions with. No longer would he be forced to see things his father's way, for he would have yet another point of view to pull wisdom from. His tail danced happily behind him as he slithered from the den, finding his chest and front paws to be a much darker hue than normal. Even in the fading sunlight it was clear he needed to clean up.

Amusingly enough, his coat did not show the dirt as blatantly as hers did, and the boy stifled a laugh at his betrothed covered in debris. "A princess who knows how to get down and dirty.. Seracia won't know what hit them!" He mused with a laugh. She then confirmed his previous idea and nipped at him playfully. He feigned a disapproving look momentarily before swiping at her with his left front paw, not taking much time to aim for any particular part of her body. He twisted so that he was facing her, and then again so that he was facing the direction they were to head in. It wasn't that far to the lake, but with night approaching they would need to move quickly to get back before the temperature dropped too much. "Come on then," he chided with a flick of his tail before gallivanting off toward the lake. The water would be positively frigid this time of year, but it was necessary for them to clean up. Besides, they could combine their body heat in order to warm up once they returned to the den.

They arrived at the shore of the lake just before nightfall. It had taken him longer than expected due to the snow that had deposited on the earth. The terrain was far less navigable during the winter months - he'd noted sullenly. He tossed his head back at her. "We'd better make this quick." With that the boy slipped into the icy water, surprised that it wasn't frozen solid. He waded in up to his chest, allowing the water to soak into his fur and purge the dirt from his hide. "Geez it's cold!" That revelation had come perhaps just a bit too late, but there was no going back now. Twisting and writhing he stayed in as long as he could stand it, and then paddled for the shore. Once on solid ground he shook multiple times to get rid of as much water as he could, gazing through emerald spectacles for his betrothed. "Ready?" he would call out, taking a tentative step toward the den.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-20-2013, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2013, 10:18 PM by Epiphron.)

It had not been a particularly challenging decision, but Epiphron had made up her mind completely -- she would spend the night with Maverick. Not as husband and wife quite yet, but as two betrothed lovers, whose had their entire lives ahead of them. And truthfully, Epiphron anticipated unfathomable greatness.

"A princess who knows how to get down and dirty.. Seracia won't know what hit them!" Epiphron laughed, nothing short of a picturesque princess. "If only you knew," she teased, rather flirtatiously, leaning over to nip at him once again, despite the feigned look of disapproval. But a moment later he was urging her on, apparently towards a source of water. Without hesitation she followed, ready and willing to go wherever he led her.

The stroll to the lake was far from short, but she did not complain. No, she was perfectly content to wander so long as it was by Maverick's side. Soon the view of water impinged on her sight, and the wagging of her tail slowed significantly. The water was sure to be cold, but it wasn't until she waded into the shallows behind him that she realized just how cold it was. Certainly more frigid than she had expected! Epiphron found herself shivering ever so slightly as she waded about, sure to move her legs, hoping to rid herself of the dirt that her pelt had accumulated.

Luckily, the bath was short-lived, and before long she zoomed out after him, she shook fiercely to get the water free from her coat. She swore she felt her fur freezing as the air hit water, and she hurried to rush to Maverick's side, aching for his warmth. "Way too cold for me," she noted, shivering noticeably, her teeth chattering slightly as she leaned into his side.

He began the journey towards the den, and willingly she followed. She would likely follow him to the ends of the earth if he so asked. Before long, they had returned to their new home, and readily Epiphron climbed inside. It was not quite as large as she had hoped, but it would do, and she would not complain -- it was large enough for them both to sleep in comfortably.


06-23-2013, 08:10 PM

He noted that she too was chilled by the water. He would have to remember not to bathe this late in the day - or at all if he could help it. These days were far too cool to be chilled to the bone by water. As she came to his side and commented on the cool weather he began the route back to their newly dug home. It would do until tomorrow when she would most likely return to her family. He could easily take time when she was gone to expand it to a more welcoming size. However at this time he truly wanted to be close to her - for more reasons than just one. As they traveled he thought back to their first encounter - and the few that had come after that. Their attraction had been forbidden, their flirtations restricted. But now they were free to do as they pleased, free to be as affectionate or flirtatious as they deemed fit - even in public. A smile crossed his lips, a new day would dawn.. and with it came hope for the future.

He watched her slip inside when they made it to the den, not hesitating for a second. He took a moment and then slithered in after her, bringing his frame close enough to her to share their warmth equally. "I think this is the coldest winter I've faced. The last was on the delta and there was hardly any snow at all. The temperatures were warmer too." Idle chatter came naturally for the boy, though it could be seen in his eyes that he was tired. As he settled himself he found his bodice curling around hers slightly, and he brought his chin to the earth beside the crown of her head. A gentle lick was given to that crown. "I think we could both use a good night's sleep." He felt himself drifting off to dreamland with her warm bodice at his side.

Exit Maverick
