
Galloping Through the Grass


06-18-2013, 10:37 AM
Switchback paced in a large oval, not quite sure what to do. She was located on the very edge of the snow and from her position she could see out towards the more tropical and warmer parts of the giant island. Taking a hesitant step forward she began her journey to unexplored areas. A few steps out caused Switchback to shiver with fear, she was used to the cool feel of snow under her small paws and the constant cool wind ruffling her pelt. Taking a deep breath she continued on, leaving the familiar feeling of snow and ice. The young she-wolf knew she wanted something different, something new and exciting. Snowy mountains were a harsh place for a wolf to live, and it just reminded Switchback of her past.

C'mon Switch! Get your paws moving! If you don't quicken your pace you'll be caught and never reach the Southern Ocean. Gosh I don't want that to happen, I need to see new and exciting things, snow will just remind me of my home, and my past... And that can't happen. I'm done thinking about my past, it's time to live in the present! Switchback continued talking to herself in her head to keep her mind of the journey she was taking. She just put one paw in front of the other, keeping a steady lope through the tall grass.

After about a mile or so Switchback stopped for a rest and surveyed her surroundings. She was on a flat stretch of land and in the distance she could kind of make out what seemed to be abandoned farmland. Sniffing the air she smelled a wolf pack marker drifting through the wind. Following the scent she continued onward, eventually smelling the salty tang of the ocean. After a few moments she reached what seemed to be the edge of the border and plopped her rump down on a large rock. Then she braced herself and let out a long howl, telling the wolves that she was here.


06-18-2013, 12:08 PM

Having emerged from his newly chosen den, the Prince of Seracia shook any dust or dirt that had gathered during the romantic night and trotted toward the nearest border. It was high time he did something productive, and with his newfound happiness - he was more than eager to resume his duties as Prince. Tail danced between his hocks momentarily before lifting higher as a call rang out. Someone was near the northern border. He was a bit of a distance from the caller, but he could make it there in only a few minutes. Drawing his paws up beneath him, Maverick shifted his weight and sprung into a comfortable lope. It was a bit slower than normal given the fallen snow, but it was still elegant and smooth as usual.

As he neared his nostrils flared wide, drawing the scent of the stranger toward him long before he arrived on the scene. The scent declared her female. Ears swiveled forward as his head and tail drew up and a smile painted across his face. "Good day, I am Prince Maverick of Seracia. What brings you to the Kingdom's borders?" He remained standing as he said this, finding it to be a far more comfortable position when snow covered the earth. Not to mention standing showed off his physique much more than sitting, and he was becoming a bit more confident about his looks now that he'd filled out with muscle and healthy fat. An ear twisted idly in the wind as he offered a gentle wag of his tail and a discerning look in her direction.



06-18-2013, 12:28 PM
Switchback looked up in surprise at the new wolf, did he say prince? She was lucky to have met such a high-ranked wolf on her first day on the island. Wagging her tail she sat up slowly with her head angled lower than usual in a submissive position. Even though she hadn't been around a pack for a few months, she still knew her wolf code. After lowering her head Switchback gave a friendly smile and said, "Hello Prince Maverick, I am Switchback of.... well nothing. I have come to your border today because I have heard that their are many wolf packs on this island. Ever since I've arrived on this island I've smelled wolf markers everywhere, so I assume that the rumor was correct. Now I lost my pack a few moons ago, and being a loner isn't really my thing. I love the loyalty and organized life of a pack. Now I was wondering what your pack was like. Did you say it was called Seracia? Where do you guys live and hunt? Are there other packs roaming the island?" Switchback let out a huff as she let her mouth catch back up to her thoughts, "I'm sorry if I'm asking to fast, I'm always eager to learn!"

After finishing her sentence Switchback lowered her head again and silently waited for the Prince's reply. Not knowing exactly what the wolves were like around here, she started to get worried. Were they violent wolves, or nice wolves? Crazy, or organized? As the thoughts ran through her head she scratched her nose with a quick rub of the paw and focused back on the russet male. She was glad that she had also found a wolf with a similar coat color. Sometimes having somewhat of a golden orange coat was hard and odd.


06-18-2013, 12:57 PM

Emerald eyes would note her submissive positioning, which only put his mind more at ease. She didn't seem like she meant any harm, though he would still remain just a bit skeptical. "We are called the Kingdom of Seracia, and we are one of six - I believe - packs in Alacritia. We live and hunt on these lands I stand on. There are two forests here, croplands, as well as open meadows and grasslands. Our pack is based upon honor and respect and we all strive to uphold both of these traits in our lives." He paused, wondering if he should mention the upcoming alliance between Seracia and Valhalla. However, as she seemed to know very little about the diplomacy of the land, he assumed that this information would not merit much excitement from Switchback.

"I've been known to talk a bit fast myself, so you are in good company." He offered a charming smile, tail flickering behind him idly. Mind shifted to Epiphron, but he tried to block her out for the time being. How much could she truthfully miss him? It wasn't like he'd be gone all day long. Besides, she needed to get used to him having to leave and be productive - though one day he knew he would be able to take her with him. Yes, one day she would accompany him on these outings. Never again would he have to leave her side if he didn't want to.



06-18-2013, 01:13 PM
Switchback nodded as he talked, soaking as much information into her brain as she could. When Maverick mentioned hunting she wagged her tail, it was her favorite sport. Leaping onto deer and chomping at their skinny legs, chasing rabbits into their small holes, swatting a bird in mid-flight, all of those hunting scenarios were things Switchback enjoyed. After the prince mentioned honor Switchback almost leaped for joy. She couldn't believe how much luck she had been having today. A pack with good, loyal wolves, was a pack Switchback had dreamed of forever. With another eager wag of the tail she focused back towards the conversation. After Maverick finished she nodded and began to speak, "A respectful pack is always something sweet, and it's what I'm looking for. Do you have room for a new member? I'd be delighted to join your pack!"

Switchback's rump began swaying with the rapid beat of her tail. Noticing this she began trying to calm herself down, and slowly both her tail and rump stilled and became relaxed. But after a few moments of thinking what it would be like to live in a pack again after all of her time away from them, her tail began to swish around again. With a giggle she opened her mouth again to say more, "I'm a very devoted wolf, and pack law is my law. I'll do anything to protect it too, even though I'm rather a klutz when it comes to battling. These paws and teeth were made for hunting and grabbing prey..." She trailed off, not wanting to seem very pushy, she added, "Of course, if you don't have room that's fine..."


06-18-2013, 01:59 PM

Her response came swiftly and affirmatively, resulting in a smile from the Prince. With just a few sentences she was ready to commit herself to the kingdom, how divine! He dipped his head respectfully. "There is always room for a wolf who wishes to join." His tail wagged happily, welcomingly to the newest member of Seracia. He watched her eagerness as her own tail wagged and as she tried desperately to calm it. The smile grew wider on his face. "And we could always use more hunters." His tail stretched out to wag once more as he prepared his usual speech to newcomers.

"Our rules are simple: The King's word is law and cannot be changed by anyone but the King, the pack always comes first, rank and respect are everything in this land, if you are expecting pups you must alert a highly ranked wolf, should you choose to depart you must inform us, if a member outranks you they have a right to ask you to do things, you may challenge for any rank outside of the king/queen/heir ranks, and lastly.. mating outside of the pack is punishable by demotion." The rules were pretty standard when it came to packs, but he felt it necessary to state them so that no one could claim ignorance of the law. When he'd paused a moment to let her think he parted his lips to speak once more. "Also, we ask that everyone choose an area of service such as hunting, scouting, healing, etc. I would assume you would like to be a hunter, though you may choose something else if you wish." He didn't particularly care what she chose, as long as she did her part for Seracia.



06-18-2013, 06:06 PM
Switchback gaped and squinted her eyes in happiness. Careful to keep her tongue from lolling she kept her mouth open for a few moments and slowly shut it. Then she barked, "I will be sure to follow the rules and laws of the pack! And as for a duty of mine... I'm very good at hunting, and being a hunter would be the best choice for me. I can also occasionally pup sit, that's always fun!" Switchback got up eagerly and looked into the pack's territory beyond her new russet friend. Slowly she let her eyes wander though the farm area and cropland, then back to the beautiful grasslands. Even though they were covered with snow, Switchback knew she would enjoy being in those places. She imagined jumping through tall piles of green grass and chasing small birds, enjoying summer with other wolves. Then she imagined jumping in a beautiful lake, but then she realized that Maverick hadn't mentioned water at all.

"Heyy what kind of water do you guys have here? Lakes? Rivers? I always enjoy a good swim when its warm." Laughing she looked around at the glistening snow, hoping that winter would end soon.


06-18-2013, 07:50 PM

It would be then that his eyes would focus upon the woman more closely, noting her orange tinged fur that appeared very golden to the eye. It looked much like his, if you watered down his shade and added a touch of yellow. Her eyes were of a green hue, much like his though a bit duller and less vibrant - with more gray thrown into the mixing pot. He would smile as she vowed to follow the laws, and chose a duty of hunting or pup-sitting. Seracia had only birthed one litter thus far, and the pups were growing near old enough to roam freely around the territory, but hunting was certainly a much needed service. He watched her momentarily as she surveyed the land beyond him - having known that she would be interested in exploring every inch of it. He still found himself enraptured by its beauty, though he didn't often get much chance to explore.

A question would slip from her lips and bring him back to reality, as his eyes drew up to her own. "In the western portion of our land lies a medium sized lake. It's great for swimming in the warmer months, and is deep enough that it doesn't freeze in the cooler ones." At least, it hadn't frozen thus far. He tossed his head to to the side, pivoting as he did so in a gesture that she could now enter her new home. "You will be ranked as a Clergy for now, the basic rank of our pack. However, should you stand out among the crowd it won't take long to be promoted to a higher rank. You can also challenge for ranks as you see fit, though often it's much more beneficial to earn a title rather than take one." Wise words from a young lad, though he had to admit that he personally did not like those that challenged for a rank. Why steal what you could earn? Of course, it wasn't necessarily stealing - it's just how he saw it in his mind. "Now, do you have any other questions for me or would you prefer to explore your new home?" He was fine with either choice, though some part of him was nagging at him about leaving Epiphron alone in the den.



06-18-2013, 08:50 PM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Switchback nodded as she listened, once again trying to absorb and remember the information given to her. When the prince began talking about a lake Switchback quietly yipped in excitement. Despite her age, she sometimes acted like a puppy. Then when the burnt orange male tossed his head she took a step forward, careful not to bounce into too much action. Pausing she once again listened to Maverick's words, nodded in agreement about earning ranks rather that taking them. Parting her lips she added, "A rank taken with jealousy can always be retaken, but a rank earned always is given with respect and honor." Then to herself she though about how slim her chances were at taking a higher rank anyway. A lithe frame meant for hunting is no good for battles. Taking the thought deeper she realized that taking a rank would never be her motive anyway. She'd rather be a low-ranked, but well respected wolf, than a high ranked and hated one.

Hopping onto a different train of thought she thought about what it would be like to be an alpha. If she ever did make it that close, Switchback knew that she would never take the rank for it's power. In her heart she knew that she would choose it for the ability to help her pack thrive and grow.

When Switchback realized the wolf in front of her was listening for an answer, she knew she'd missed something. Thinking back she remembered hearing the male say something about questions. After a moment of pondering she remembered most of his sentence and replied, "I learn more from doing than listening, exploring is right up my ally!"

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06-19-2013, 04:20 PM

He fidgeted where he stood, paws no longer meeting the snow but rather standing firmly upon the icy ground. The grass had died out under the chill of the snow, but he knew it would come back when this season came and went. It always did. Her note about taking a rank made him smile and nod his head in agreement. A silence lapsed between the two, in which his mind would automatically revert back to his betrothed who was no doubt awake by now and wondering where he'd gotten off to. Would she seek him out, or remain in the confines of their newly dug home? Either would be fine, though he would prefer to have a bit more one-on-one time with her if possible. Perhaps Switchback would be content to explore so he could get back to his soon to be wife.

It seemed she was keen on exploring, so he nodded his head and smiled. "Excellent, I will keep you no longer. Feel free to explore our lands as you see fit, and mingle if you choose. Should you need anything you are welcome to howl and someone will come to your aid. Welcome to Seracia, Switchback, I hope to be seeing you again soon." With that, he flicked his tail and smiled once more before galloping off through the snow toward his den, leaving a trail of pawprints in his wake.

Exit Maverick.



06-19-2013, 09:15 PM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

Switchback nodded, noticing as the young prince's mind drifted and spaced. As she listened to his last words she lifted her front paws off the ground a little in a half leap of excitement. She was now a true member of Seracia! Thinking about it just made her whole rump wiggle with glee. As her new friend set off she opened her mouth and let a bark, letting it carry over the wind to reach Maverick as he trotted away. "Thank you! And I will sure enjoy exploring the territory. I'm very glad you're the first wolf I met, and I hope to see you again soon also!" And with that Switchback jumped in a full circle and watched Maverick's russet coat fade into the white, swirling snow.

Looking down at her pelt she once again compared it's similarities with that of Mavericks. Would looking like a faded version of the prince help her gain some respect from her new pack? Would he talk about her to other pack members? Had meeting him already boosted her status? She wasn't sure about any of that, but she sure hoped it would help her be accepted. Just because she got along with the King's son, didn't mean the other members would like her. Pushing the thoughts out of her mind Switchback took steps forward, slowly quickening her pace into a trot, then into a slow lope. She would have fun exploring the territory.

Tagged: name | Word Count: ###