
running out of time



7 Years
10-15-2016, 03:06 PM
It didn't feel like it had been two years since his departure; the man had left on a bit of soul-searching and what he'd found was that he had an incredibly deep soul that he was only slightly in more understanding of than the day he left. He'd been smitten with another rogue and was foolish enough to believe that he held the ability to capture her heart and convince her to stay with him until the end of their lives. He was going to marry her and start a family, they were going to raise knowledgeable little adventurers and the world was going to be perfect.

Then why was it that he was returning home now, defeated in spirit and utterly alone? It'd been the first time he'd thought outside of himself, really; even when she chose another wolf over himself, he could not take away the love he had for her in his heart. He left peacefully and even wished her well, and what he took with him was a new sense for others in his life. He cared for them, deeper than he'd ever known. Perhaps the reason he'd been craving to start a family so much was because of the family he'd left behind? The ones he'd failed to recognize as his meaning, his calling. It was in Fiori, no doubt, with his mothers and his siblings.

The territory markers hit him like a brick wall with the sense of nostalgia they brought him, but it was a welcoming feeling. As soon as he stood on their border, the large and hazy male lifted his skull and sang a song for his family. Who was left, and would they welcome him back among them?
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]

Athena I


9 Years
10-21-2016, 08:58 AM

For the longest time she had simply made herself accept that her sons had permanently been scattered to the wind. The only constant all this time had been Tiburtius, but she could sense that he was mostly here out of his love and obligation toward family in general. Vitus had returned fairly recently and that had been a huge surprise despite the fact that he had been the one to reappear most recently out of the three missing boys. She was almost sure that Bacchus was gone for good. As sad as it made her to think it, he had burned some bridges the day that he had challenged Leo. In a way she had understood his mindset, but it didn't change the outcome.

Just as she was laying outside her and Amalia's den thinking of all these thoughts about her wayward sons, she suddenly heard a voice that she would never forget. Her head popped up and she listened, her eyes growing wide. "Archie?" she asked softly to herself before suddenly realizing she should probably be moving by now. She scrambled to her paws and hurried toward the border of the pack lands. Her two-toned eyes searched the border until, sure enough, there he was. A big smile crossed her features and she picked up the pace until she was practically running toward her son, skidding to a halt so that she didn't slam right into him. She threw her neck around his in a hug of sorts, her silvery tail wagging happily behind her. "Archelaus! You're here! I can't believe it!"

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Athena I
10-21-2016, 10:14 AM

Leo didn't recognize the voice immediately when he heard the howl from the border. Actually he didn't put a face with the voice until he got to the border and saw Athena already there hugging the gray man that had called for them. It was Archelaus, wasn't it? He could vaguely remember the names of Athena and Amalia's missing sons but now that he saw Archelaus he at least remembered that he had lived in Fiori at one point. Did this mean that all of their children but one were going to be living here now? He didn't want to interrupt the reunion, but if Archelaus wanted to rejoin the pack he would have to at least be there long enough to give the okay. He smiled as he padded up toward the pair of them, his tail wagging softly behind him. He stood off to the side for now, knowing this was probably an emotional moment for Athena at least. He'd be surprised if Amalia wasn't right on his heels by now. He'd wait for now, settling down on his haunches to wait for all of the welcome homes and emotional hugs to get finished. He could only imagine how he'd be if one of his children left for a long time and suddenly reappeared.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
10-21-2016, 12:30 PM

The woman could only assume that the rest of their sons had gone missing. Vitus and Tib stayed close to home most of the time, with Vitus wandering off far more than his lighter brother. But Archie and Bacchus? She hadn't seen Bacchus since he challenged Leo for his pack, had he slunk off in shame after losing the fight? She hadn't even been able to patch up his wounds and talk to him before he disappeared. With a sigh she paused in her hole digging, some roots grasped in her jaws. The usually pale woman was covered in dirt from paw to neck, but it was pretty much the usual fashion for the petite healer. She almost missed the howl from Arch, just thinking that it was her imagination since she was just thinking about them. But then she saw Leo walk passed her towards the call, too focused to see his sister several yards away. Blinking, she jumped out of the hole she had dug with her roots still in her mouth, following after her orange brother with a confused look. Was she not just dreaming?

And then she saw him, standing there with Athena already present. Feeling like a fool, she dropped her bundle and flew at the large chested man, not caring if she got him covered in dirt. Her little bunny tail was moving so fast that her rump was following the motion, her entire body quivering back and forth as whines spilled out of her maw. Amalia was hardly able to form any words, just pushing herself further and further into his soft fur. Tears already wet her face, she honestly thought that she would never see him again. She had a feeling that both her and Athena had just settled on the idea of only having the two kids at home, and now... now here was Archie. A sob broke free from her maw as her little legs pawed at the underside of his chest, most likely covering him in dust and grime. But none of that mattered, nothing mattered anymore. He was here, their baby was here.




7 Years
11-02-2016, 03:11 PM
The pale face of his mother brought an undeniable grin across the brute's features. He'd always kept a cold demeanor in his youth that might have suggested he cared little for the company of his family, but the evidence of how deep he valued his familial bonds was currently on his face and in the excited sway of the extravagantly fluffed tail behind him. He lowered his head to meet his mother, offering a nuzzle and a lick to her chops as a sign of respect as she came up to him. For a moment, his ruby gaze would follow the glint of orange in his peripheral and catch the regal image of Leo. So Leo still held reign over Fiori? He wasn't surprised, even Bacchus hadn't been able to take it from the man.. a nod of respect was given to the king before that grin returned to his face and he continued to nuzzle his mother. "Better start believing it, mom. I'm right here." He chuckled.

As Amalia came forward as well, the tall brute craned his neck even lower to curl around the tiny sobbing woman as she covered him in the dirt she'd collected while working. Truthfully, he didn't mind.. a genuine smile kept on his features as he tried to cure her sobbing with the warmth of his own love. A pinch of guilt twisted his stomach, he hadn't realized how much either of them would ache for him in his absences but it was clear now that it'd been more than he'd imagined. He sighed and nuzzled the woman's ears before pulling away. "I couldn't leave the both of you out here without the company of your favorite son for long, now could I?" He grinned, winking to Athena to let her know that he was kidding. "I am just thankful that you two haven't gotten into any trouble and that I found you here in good health." He looked over to Leo, smirk residing on his lips as he minded his body posture when greeting a noble. "I suppose I have you to thank for keeping them safe, hmm? It is good to see you are still in charge around here, Leopold Adravendi. You're looking well."
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]

Athena I


9 Years
11-10-2016, 09:09 PM

It made her heart swell with happiness to see Archie in such good spirits. She knew it hadn't always been the case and it just made her so over joyed to see him here, happy and healthy. She chuckled as well and was about to say something else when she heard paw steps behind her and just happened to step to the side just enough to avoid being knocked out of Amalia's path as she rushed forward to great their son. She grinned happily and chuckled at Amalia's never ending energy and exuberance for her family. Ama's reaction wasn't any surprise, honestly, but it was still so adorable to watch all the same. Her tail was a never ending blur behind her as she stood there with her son and wife. Now three of their sons were home! Well, assuming Archie was here to stay. She certainly hoped he would.

She hadn't noticed Leo's presence until Archelaus spoke to him and her brows lifted with surprise, turning her gaze toward their alpha. She gave Leo a smile, realizing that she had been so caught up in welcoming her son that she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings. "He has indeed been doing a good job of taking care of us," she mentioned before turning her gaze back toward Archie. She was glad Leo was here. At least if Archelaus wanted to stay Leo could go ahead and approve or deny him. She couldn't imagine Leo would turn him away though, she knew how much of a softie Leo was for family.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Athena I
11-10-2016, 09:22 PM

A blur of pale fur blew past him and he chuckled as he watched his sister crash straight into Archelaus and bury herself into his fur. Typical Amalia fashion. He wasn't in any hurry to inturupt their reunion, but he was surprised when Archelaus spoke to him, mentioning that he was glad to see him still in charge. Leo gave Archelaus a grateful smile and a small nod. "You as well. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that we're glad you've come back." He chuckled again and glanced to Amalia and Athena. He was probably the least enthusiastic of his welcome party and he was still pretty happy to see him. Family was family after all, no matter the relation. He was also a bit excited about the possibility of having another able bodied member that wasn't a pup or yearling. A majority of the pack, including his four children, were just too young to be taking any real roles in the pack. It would be good to have a member that might be able to take a more active role. "So, Archelaus, I hate to get right to business, but I don't want to be in the middle of your reunion for too long. Are you looking to rejoin Fiori? What rank would you like if you are?"

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
11-17-2016, 04:32 PM
He watched his mother as she spoke and the left side of his muzzle spread into a cheerful half-smile before he turned his attention to Leo once again, his ears perked just slightly as he began listening to what it was the king had to say. His ruby eyes remained softened and appreciative as they rested on the noble, though his maw angled downward slightly to show his respect as he was addressed. He knew he hadn't always shown much interest in playing his part in the pack.. after all, he'd left for quite some time. Now that he was back, he couldn't say that he was any closer to having an answer for the man's last question so there was a look of uncertainty riddling his features.

He would cast a glance to both of his parents, the wag of their tails contagious as his own gave a couple sways before he looked back to Leo. He would cant his head slightly, shrugging his shoulders apologetically as he replied, "I am not quite sure about the rank that I'd be seeking, but yes.. I have come with every intention to rejoin the family for as long as you'll have me. I've seen my share of the world, and I always found myself longing for some place that reminded me most of home. I've come back with a fresh mind and a blank slate, ready to be molded into whatever is needed most for my family. I've dabbled in almost all skill-sets aside from healing, though I couldn't think of anyone else better suited to learn from than Amalia for that- I guess you could say that I was waiting." He smiled as he looked to the small woman at his chest and lowered his neck over her own before looking back up to Leo. "I'm just appreciative for the opportunity, so whatever it is that you need the most- I'm willing to sharpen my mind in that direction be it hunting, fighting, healing... or anything else that Fiori is in need of at the moment- I will do it."
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



9 Years
Athena I
11-17-2016, 04:58 PM

Leo was always quite impressed by how well behaved Amalia and Athena's children were. Archelaus was very respectful in his manners and words, as were all the boys. Even Bacchus, despite the fact that he had challenged Leo for Fiori, still held a certain level of respect in Leo's mind. After all, it took a fair amount of guts to challenge the alpha of a pack that he used to live in. That was neither here nor there though. Leo focused in on Archelaus as he explained that he could do whatever task was most needed. Leo smiled at that and was grateful that Archelaus was willing to be flexible. That wasn't something he got very often from new, or in this case returning, members. "I would like you to be in the squire, or fighter, rank with your brothers then if that's alright with you. Of course you're welcome to study any other area as you wish in addition to fighting if you'd like. I certainly appreciate wolves that are skilled in multiple areas. And if you decide fighting isn't the right rank for you just let me know." He gave Archelaus an appreciative smile before glancing to his sister and sister in law so he could add, "I'll go ahead and get out of your way then. Welcome back, Archelaus." With that he turned to go back the way he came with a small dip of his head so that their family could continue their reunion.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
11-19-2016, 02:20 AM

She chuckled through her sobs, not pulling herself away from Arch’s chest as her rump and tail let out a happy wiggle. She listened as they all talked, not even bothering to pull herself back. She didn’t want to let him go, afraid that he was going to disappear again if she did. They were talking about politics and such, things she didn’t really care too much for. It was only when he brought up learning something about healing that she lept back and gazed at him with wide eyes, a huge smile spreading across her maw. Of course she would help him learn! Leo suggested that he be a fighter along with his brothers, the pack needed more warriors. But she was looking forward to teaching him whatever he wanted to know. Her brother went to take his leave, but she bounded up to him and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. It was a way of saying her thanks, before she turned and sat at Athena’s side. She was sure that she had a lot of questions to ask Archie, so the tiny woman remained silent as she beamed up at the larger man. Her family was slowly coming back together, what she couldn’t give to have them all home again.
