
The Sound Of Starting Over [Meeting]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-01-2016, 10:57 PM

It was now time. The alphess made her way to the usual meeting spot, the morning air making her breath come out foggy. It was cold today, which she was relieved because she didn't very much like the intense summer they had. All the snow had melted then, but little by little it was slowly coming back. This morning, a very light snowfall was gracing the earth. Though not yet enough to completely cover the earth just yet, it was still welcome. She knew this meeting had to happen. But at the same time, she didn't really want to do it. Things were different now, and one of them was the fact that Vereux would not be among them...and neither would Kharnage. It saddened her, but such was life right?

She had taken so much responsibility since the rise of Ivalice, that she had realized that she'd been neglecting a lot of things. Some of her members were restless, some were long overdue for promotions. Her children needed mentors...she had fallen behind, and she wanted to make up for some of it before changed started to happen. With those thoughts in mind, she climbed to her usual perch and called for the pack to gather.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
11-01-2016, 11:03 PM

Afrit had been keeping to herself mostly. Her mother had seemed pretty busy and she wasn't quite sure what to do with herself. Vereux was gone, that was something she couldn't get her head around, and then her siblings were rather absent. She hadn't seen much of anyone other than Enlil and other than that she'd had to entertain herself. She'd never felt so bored in her life. At least when she was sick she'd slept almost all the time until she got over it. Now she had all this boundless energy and nothing to use it on.

The solution came in the form of a howl from Avalon. She bounded from the den eagerly and was surprised to see snowfall. It was snowing! Oh boy! This was going to be a great meeting, she could tell! She bounced in circles through the snow for a few moments (thoroughly enjoying how her breath came out as fog) before she raced towards the meeting as fast as her fluffy paws could carry her.

She reached it in no time and was surprised to see that she was the only one there other than Avalon herself. She bounded up to where her mother was sitting and automatically sank into a play bow before straightening up with a grin on her face. Her tail was waving so fast that her butt was moving with it.

"Hey Momma! Look I'm first, aren't you proud of me!"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-01-2016, 11:17 PM

His ears pricked at the sound of his mother's call. He supposed today was the day. They had talked about it, and now it was going to happen. He felt a sense of nervousness creep up on him, which was pretty unusual. He was usually never nervous about anything, but this did. It was normal, wasn't it? He wanted to do this! And he would do his best for sure. Without waiting any further, the male made his way to the meeting place. It was strange though, that for once he wouldn't be sitting next to Kharnage. At least there was Gryphon, and...Lykos he guessed. Though he wasn't entirely sure what his egotistical brother would do. Would he even come? Would he cause a scene? Who knew. Lykos always seemed to be pretty unpredictable, and Dragon had no idea what his brother would do. Pushing that aside, he would arrive with small specks of snow on his brown fur, eyes landing on Afrit.

"Hey ya little twerp!" He laughed, though he hoped she knew he was just teasing. He couldn't exactly call her little anymore considering they would be a year next season. He approached her and his mom, one large paw aiming to lightly bat at Afrit before he sat down next to them. "Wanna go on an adventure after this?" He'd ask with a grin, though he was pretty sure she would not refuse that chance.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years
11-01-2016, 11:57 PM
Charm was consumed with a new feeling since her father passed. She was almost a year old, though her innocence in tact - she was watching her sisters and brother grow up fast. They were big, maybe okami bigger than them all but she was remaining small. She didn't really understand what happened to her dad, but she knew he would never show his face again. She wouldn't see him smile, and wouldn't go on any trips with him anymore. So with a heavy heart the isolated girl took herself from her small little secret den towards her moms call. Maybe she should talk about it, but what was there to talk about really? Things she didn't want to talk about nor understand?

Charm was upset, no more so. She didn't know, she just had trouble getting up in the morning period and going to interact. She couldn't have it like that forever though, she wanted to learn to heal maybe then she could keep wolves from vanishing like her dad did. That didn't change the fact that she'd always be small though. She crouched her ears pinned to the back of her head. She spotted her mother, dragon and her sister. Deciding to stick with her mother though, she silently went to hide by her leg. Her head softly bumping into her mom. Was mom okay? She whimpered softly a bit. Hiding half behind her front limb or attempted to so the others wouldn't talk to her.




5 Years
Dire wolf
11-02-2016, 12:01 AM

She had been working hard she had to admit, and to find out from what dragon had told her this was a meeting she was excited for. Stretching out her muscles she followed the call with a happy spring in her step. A smile on her face as Amachi saw the family had gathered so far. Although charm seemed to be hiding behind her mother as Amachi came up to Afrit and Dragon. "Without inviting me I scoff." she joked lightly before winking at dragon and going off to find her own seat.

Amachi would sit a little farther away as usual. She was just more comfortable like this. Her gray eyes watched Avalon with the feeling things were going to change. No matter what though, she would remain by avalon - or any of her kids sides should they take the reigns. That was what a warrior and a knight did. That was what she wished to do.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-04-2016, 02:35 AM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2016, 02:35 AM by Okami.)

She was almost fully grown now, the albino girl already as tall as her mother. She felt weird being so big now, and she didn't know if she would keep growing or stay this size. Regardless, she was a little apprehensive about being so big. Would her siblings be mad at her because she was taller? She hoped not. As she started to mull it over, she heard her mother's howl calling for a meeting. Blue eyes blinked for a moment, and then she would get up and head towards the meeting place. She had been pretty distant from everyone, her family especially. And she felt...bad. She wasn't sure why she was distant from the others, but she didn't want to be anymore.

And yet, when she arrived to find most of her siblings gathered around her mom, she whined a little. More so when she saw Afrit, a frown creasing her features. Afrit had been sick before, and Okami hadn't spent much time with her energetic sister. Maybe...if she spent more time with her, maybe she too would become less shy? It was something she thought about, so hesitantly she approached her sister, a shy smile finding its way out. "Hi, I-I'm sorry I haven't spent much time with you...maybe we can do something after the meeting? If...if you want to..." She shuffled her paws, blue gaze looking at her sister.



Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



2 Years
11-04-2016, 03:11 PM
The light dusting of snow gracing the earth was more than enough to excite the child, sparking his interest and sending him on a field trip whilst darting around the pack territory within the pines. He was giggling all by himself and creating fresh tracks in the snow, circling round and round again to create unique figures with the patterns of his trail. Winter was fun so far for the boy, even with the chill left at the tip of his toes- he loved every second of the falling snow.

When the call for a meeting rang throughout the pines, he perked an oversized ear and lifted up his skull; curious by nature, he didn't have to think twice about seeking the source of the howl out and within mere moments he was prowling through a crowd of unknown wolves all far larger than himself. The blue eyed boy watched each and every one of them with a sense of wonder on his features, studying their behaviors as they collected for this little gathering. He'd smelled them around the territory of course, but this would be his very first time meeting anyone outside of his immediate family and he was nearly bubbling over with excitement.

His eyes finally trailed up the perch where the alpha stood, taking in the regal image of their ruler. His instincts told him that this was a woman who he must respect, but he didn't quite understand why just yet. He decided to stick around long enough to find out, taking a seat there in the lightly falling snow just beneath her perch. He'd glance through the crowd once more in search of his parents or siblings, though none seemed to be here yet. Surely they would come, and oh the questions he had for them!

[Image: cobysig.png]



7 Years
11-04-2016, 08:01 PM

Galahad was quiet as he made his way over to the usual meeting spot after his sister called the pack together. Another meeting, moment for him to sit awkwardly at the edge of the group and wonder when he would ever bother to get to know someone here. He spotted Amachi, the one wolf here besides Avalon that he had actually spoken to for more than than a passing comment, but he didn't go over to her. He settled down on his haunches as soon as he was close enough to the group to say that he was attending the meeting. He didn't know what it would take to finally make him feel like he was settled here. He had talked to Avalon once, but it didn't feel like anything had come of it. Maybe he just wasn't cut out for pack life. Maybe it was just him. He was probably the problem here. He sighed and tried to push the thought aside as he looked around at all the pups that were running around and watched for the rest of the pack to arrive so Avalon could get started.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
11-04-2016, 09:03 PM
Death... it was hard on any young one. It would take time for the children to recover from Vereux's death.

The thought still troubled Enlil. His father was with some of the butterflies now... he was free. But he'd left Avalon and the kids behind. Enlil missed him. It was hard to want to do too much... but he knew he had to. His papa wouldn't want him to give up. With a small nod in response to his mother's howl Enlil rose and started towards the meeting.

Others arrived before him. He breathed in, gaze thoughtful. He moved up next to Charm, giving her a small nudge with his nose. "If Okami, Dragon and Afrit do something after the meeting do you maybe want to do something with me?" Enlil asked.



2 Years
11-07-2016, 11:13 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2016, 11:14 AM by Jade.)
Brr, it was cold! Jade's gaze was fixated on the snow as she padded through it, watching it crunch and move beneath her slender paws. It was only recently that she and her siblings had been given the freedom to come and go as they pleased - only sort of, but the freedom felt limitless to here. They couldn't go very far from the den and they certainly couldn't even start to think about leaving home, and Jade was too young to even consider wandering too far from her family now. But, that didn't stop her from wandering somewhat aimlessly through the array of pine trees, which look like they'd been tipped upside down and dipped into the snow. A giggle left the child's lips as she found herself slipping on a patch of ice, covered cleverly by snow.

Only when she heard a very official-sounding call did her attention drift from her current interest. Instinctively she knew to answer, even though it wasn't mom or dad's voice. It was a summon for all the wolves who lived here, so she figured her siblings and parents would show up too. Feeling giddy, she'd quickly make her way there - making a rather dramatic entrance as she slid, again, across the slick earth, stumbling into a much older wolf than her without meaning to (Galahad). Snuffing loudly, she shook her head to recover from the collision. "Oh, sorry!" she exclaimed, glancing around to find someone familiar. She found Cobalt and quickly made her way toward him, hoping the man she ran into wouldn't be too upset. "Hi Coby!" she chirped happily, nipping at his ear, tail wagging wildly behind her. Oh, there were so many wolves here! How much fun was this?! She hoped it was okay they hadn't waited for mom and dad to show up first!

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years

11-07-2016, 06:57 PM

Esarosa had been wandering the woods, endlessly keeping track of the little ones as they dared to venture a little further, each taking their own path. She would check up on one from a distance, then find the trail of another pup and check on them briefly, before going to find the next. It was exhausting work, yet she couldn't help but to fret over them. Though they were growing, they were still so young. She didn't want to stifle their curiosity or force them to adhere to strict and boring rules, so she dedicated herself instead to watching them from a distance as they explored. Having checked up on Jade and Cobalt recently, she was keeping an eye out for Sterling when she heard Avalon's call to the pack for a meeting. No doubt the other two pups would check it out from curiosity, so Esarosa would work more quickly to find the third pup before heading to the meeting herself. Following a scent trail, she found the girl, and it appeared that she'd already started to make her way to the Alpha's call as well.

"Mind if I join you?" she called out as she bounded toward her daughter, smiling as she saw the pup's facial expression. "I wonder what Avalon has planned for us today?" she questioned out loud, getting merely a shrug in return from her quiet daughter, "Who'll get to the meeting first, us or your brother and sister? Maybe dad's already there, too. Guess we'll find out." The ebony-coated woman picked up her pace a little, knowing she'd spent a little extra time before respond to the call. Arriving at the meeting, many wolves were here already, most of them young. How interesting to see the dedication of the youth within Ivalice. It seemed they were all eager to listen to Avalon, while many of the adults had yet to make an appearance, herself and Steel included. Her other two pups had already arrived, and it made her giddy to see them waiting already so eagerly for the meeting to begin. She turned and booped Sterling in the shoulder with her nose, before bounding forward to join her children, nuzzling Jade, and then Cobalt in turn, running her tongue over their ears affectionately. "You two sure got here fast!" she exclaimed in a cheery tone, smiling at them, "You must be excited for the meeting to start." She then seated herself nearby, leaving space for the siblings to all sit together. Now her eyes scanned around, wondering where Steel was, hoping he'd get here soon.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



7 Years
11-07-2016, 07:29 PM
It was so nice to finally get more and more time alone to explore the lands, and not be so restricted to the den and only going out supervised by mom or dad. And even though she loved playing with her siblings, sometimes a quiet walk in the woods alone was more enjoyable in its own way. She knew she'd see her brother and sister later today, so for now she would revel in the silence. The only sounds were her paws crunching through the snow, and the northern birds singing, their voices carrying easily through the sparsely growing pines. Another sound would soon echo through the lands and reach her ears, and Sterling paused, tipping her head to the side. It was a howl, but it wasn't Esa or Steel. How curious. It sounded urgent, as it often did with her parents, but it sounded like a call meant for many wolves. For all of them in Ivalice. Curiosity consumed her, and she decided she would go toward the call. Maybe her siblings had gone there, as well. And if it was a call for the pack, then mom and dad would be there, too. Or so she assumed.

But it wasn't long before her mother found her, asking if she could join her. Sterling smiled up at her, rolling her eyes in a cheeky manner. "Yea, I guess so," she replied, though her tail was wagging. So much for her quiet outing, but it wasn't like it was ruined. Things had merely changed, and now they were going to a meeting. She'd never been around a big crowd before; the thought didn't make her nervous, although she wasn't sure if it appealed to her, either. As her mother chattered on, she mostly shrugged in response. "Yep, guess we'll find out," she said nonchalantly. She wasn't feeling very competitive, and it didn't really matter to her who got there first. She would simply see when she got there. She had to pick up her pace though as Esarosa started to move faster, and she was panting by the time they arrived at the meeting. She approached her brother and sister, stalking up behind them as their mother greeted them, before darting around to pounce in front of them, her butt wiggling in the air while her forepaws were stretched forward. "Hey guys, how'd you get here so fast?" she asked, sticking out her tongue in amusement as she watched their mother lick their ears and fuss over them.



4 Years
11-08-2016, 06:24 PM

The call of his chief was enough to stir Ganta from what he was doing, and with little hesitation at all the young man turned from his duties of patrolling to answer that call. He knew he was cutting it close for when he’d arrive to the meeting by his location, but as long as he made it there it should be fine, right?

When Ganta arrived others had already gathered. Faces that he’d seen at previous meetings… he breathed in, ears perked forward as the male slowly sat. He gave a nod to Avalon, grateful that she was there. He was even more grateful that she had allowed him to talk to her about his desires. Sure things would take time… but Ganta wasn’t going to give up. He’d one day have his own pack, no matter what it took.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



8 Years
11-09-2016, 11:07 AM
The femme wasn’t sure how she felt to be honest. But she was sure that she was making the right decision in coming to the North. She was tired, so tired of living on her own. She’d done a lot of thinking since she last saw Avalon, and with determination in her golden gaze she and Bubo set off for the pack of Ivalice. The owl was flying overhead, helping guide the wolfess through her travels. She breathed in, her gaze searching the lands through the light snow that was falling. Soon winter would be upon the world… and the wolves of Boreas would have little choice other than to deal with the change it brought.

When she arrived at the borders she was surprised to hear Avalon’s call. A… pack meeting? Oracle glanced over towards Bubo, the large owl landing near her. “What do you think? Do we press on and crash the meeting?” The owl asked, his sharp gaze meeting Oracle’s own. She gave a small nod, deciding to give her sister a howl of warning that she was coming before just entering the territory. With that done Oracle began to move onward, her heart pounding in her chest. Hopefully Avalon would still accept her… but why wouldn’t she? They were family after all.

The femme was surprised when she saw the manner of wolves gathered at the meeting. Children, adults… even wolves with quite the exotic look to them. Oracle gave a nod to Avalon, a small smile, before her gaze landed on Galahad. Her heart fluttered, and quickening her step, she moved to his side. There was a little one there near him, who Oracle gave a smile to, before she nudged her brother’s shoulder. “Hey stranger.”



6 Years

11-09-2016, 08:09 PM

Steel had been trailing after Cobalt and Jade - albeit from a distance. It was important to make sure they were both safe, and staying out of trouble, even more so than them testing the limits of their newfound freedom. It was a bit of a fun game, really.. following them without being noticed, though he figured as they got older it would get considerably more difficult. Nothing they did today seemed particularly of concern, and he found himself straying a bit from them as they wandered.

Only the sound of Avalon, the sound of a meeting, changed his course of direction. The children were smart enough to answer it. They had been taught not to go to strangers, but this was the leader, not a stranger. A bit slowly he reacted to the call, catching hold off the scents of the two of his children he had been trailing after and following them to the group that had gathered. Not surprisingly, they were all there already. Wearing a small grin, he headed toward his family - his tail beating a steady beat behind him as he came to wedge himself between the children with ease, leaning to nip lightly at Sterling's ears as he reclined to his hindquarters.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-09-2016, 10:46 PM

The others had left. And he had stayed. He always questioned his father, his family. After all...if his mother up and walked away, who was to say the old man wouldn't do the same thing? He wasn't really close to them, the boy sealing away his heart and emotions since his mom had left a second time. He didn't trust them. He didn't have a reason to. Although his father said he was going to secure a pack, a home...well...Greed didn't care much. He wasn't going to follow a weak old man. His father hadn't shown him that he was truly worth following.

As for this pack?

The Alphess had shown herself capable since he had been born. Even though it wasn't the kind of pack he would really want to be in, it was all he knew. The dual toned male arrived to find the place full of kids, though he and the alpha's litter were soon to be a year come winter. They were all practically full grown if not already, and their bodies were just barely filling out. He sat at the edge of the group, cold blue gaze watching with disinterest at those that were gathered. The new pups were unknown to him, as was the newcomer that sat next to Avalon's brother. So...they lost some, and they gained some. It was always interesting to see the pack was sort of a refresher. Though he was somewhat pissed that Kharnage had left...he didn't want to admit it, but he actually liked that guy. Oh well..


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years

Trick 2019
11-12-2016, 08:46 PM
Returning from an unproductive hunt in the redwoods not far from their territory, Gryphon heard his mother's call summoning the pack together for a meeting. He hesitated - not because he didn't want to answer it, but because the memory of all his mother had recently told him was still troubling him. He didn't know if he'd see any of his brothers there, considering what he'd learned. His blood ran hot at the knowledge that the tresspasser had managed to scar his mother and escape without punishment, and more than that he was shocked and hurt that any of his brothers would have defended the bitch. How had their family fallen apart so thoroughly as that? He wanted to track down Lykos and get his side of the story, but frankly he was afraid to know the truth. He was very much afraid to find out that his littermate had, in fact, betrayed their family by confiding in the former Imperium packmate.

He huffed out a deep sigh and continued onward to the meeting. His eyes flashing around the gathering, he thought it looked a little light on bodies. Whatever happened to the weird yellow male and his bitch of a mate? He could see one of their bratty children, but the rest hadn't showed either, and neither had Lykos or Kharnage. Gryphon was troubled as he padded over to sit with the group, but when his nose detected a stranger without packscent in their midst he bristled at her and stepped closer, eyes darting to his mother to check the stranger's welcome to see if he should allow her to stay or drag her out by the scruff of her neck.



1 Year
11-12-2016, 08:55 PM

She was one of the last to trail into this meeting of strange and unfamiliar wolves. She'd debated not coming at all, this wasn't her pack after all, but she came here with Dragon. The howl hadn't gone unnoticed and she struggled with it. She really had no place here - she hadn't decided to stay. She was just hanging out with the kind male until he took her back home. On the other hand she was bored, restless, and a little bit lonely. She felt uncomfortable being on strange lands by herself.

With that thought in mind she raced towards the gathering. She skirted along the edge of the group and only paused long enough to find the cinnamon colored giant. She darted towards him and slowed before she crashed into him. She noted the other wolves around her and tried to ignore the feeling that she didn't belong here. Instead she plopped down and pressed her side to Dragon's in the attempt to assuage some of her own anxious thoughts. She smiled up at him softly.

"Hey Dragon. I hope you don't mind that I came."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: rJIkYEM.png]
[Image: p9WJQ7K.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-15-2016, 04:05 PM


It didn't take long for the first to arrive so quickly after her call. Afrit bounded towards her, a smile growing and plastering itself on her face as her daughter excitedly joined her. "Of course I'm proud of you for that, Afrit. You've beaten everyone here!" Her daughter was getting so big! Just like the rest of them...she wished they didn't have to grow up, but of course she couldn't control that. She would make sure to be there for them when they needed her, and love them until she died. She nuzzled Afrit before motioning for her to sit with her, amber gaze turning to her. "Keep your excitement sweetie, because I have a lot in store today. Especially for you and your siblings." She smiled, giving Afrit another touch of affection before her attention was drawn to Dragon. She laughed a bit at his comment towards his sister, and she was sure Afrit would be all for going on an adventure with her brother. She herself wanted to take each of them to give them some lessons outside of the territories, but she'd been so busy she hadn't gotten the chance. Charm came next, though she didn't seem happy. Avalon knew that some of her younger ones hadn't taken well to their father passing away, and it was a concept she didn't know if they understood or not. She had tried to explain as best as she could, but they were young still. In time she knew, they would eventually get the way the circle of life worked. She would also be sure to spend time with them, to help them heal and understand their world and the lives in it. She turned and leaned down to nuzzle and lick her smallest daughter. "Everything will be alright, little Charm." She murmured, trying to comfort her child.


Amachi was next, coming up to them with a comment towards Dragon who responded with a playful sticking out of his tongue. She stifled a giggle, glad that the two had forged some sort of bond during their time together. She hoped the members who remained would do the same, but it was not something she could force. Only time would tell after all. Okami came next, her albino daughter having grown as tall as she was, but she had the feeling that she would grow even more. She watched as her shy little snow angel went over to Afrit, a thought crossing her mind when Okami asked her sister a question. She would tell them during the meeting, she was sure they would be all for it too. After her, one of Esarosa's and Steel's pups came, seemingly looking at everything in wonder. This would be the first meeting for their litter, so no doubt they were excited. Enlil came, heading right up to Charm. She watched them for a moment, glad that all (or most) of her kids were wanting to do things together. Family was important after all, and time spent together was a good thing. One never knew when you would no longer get those chances. Soon, her brother would show up, and Avalon nodded to him while making a mental note to spend more time with him and teach him what she knew about their family. Also to let him know she had run into Oracle and Orica. Esarosa and her remaining pups would arrive, followed by Ganta and..."Oracle!" Speak of the devil. Her tail wagged, watching as her sister went to sit with their brother. Galahad would probably be confused right now, but in a few moments he would find out who she was. Avalon hadn't the chance to tell Oracle about Galahad's memory loss, and she didn't expect for her sister to show up either. Last were Steel, Greed, Gryphon and...Dragon's travel buddy, Kieryn. She hadn't missed Gryphon's approach towards her sister, so when he looked her way, she nodded to him. Indication it was alright for her to be here.

She waited another moment or two, forgetting for a moment that Liar had left with his other kids. Lykos had obviously decided not to show up, but she had to admit that for once she wasn't surprised. He had changed so much in such a short time, but she couldn't dwell on that. It was time to start.


This meeting was a very important one. One that would change things for the future. Her future, and theirs. Clearing her throat, she gazed upon the gathered for a moment before she began. "Thank you for coming, everyone. As you may have noticed, there are several not among us. Liar has left with some of his children, as did Valentina and Kharnage. And...of course, I am sure many of you are aware already...Vereux passed away. While many of you didn't know him very well, I would like to ask that we bow our heads in a moment of silence. He was Ivalice's only healer, however, the sickness that plagued him took his life well before his time." She would stop for a moment, her head bowing slightly as her gaze silently observed her children. She knew it wasn't easy on them, but he was in a better place now. After a few moments, she would raise her head. "In the place of loss, however, there is new hope. Please welcome the first litter of Esarosa and Steel; Jade, Cobalt, and Sterling, now near two seasons old. I would like for everyone to teach them about pack life, and everything else you can. Young ones are always a joy to have around, so I have no doubt the three of you will rise to find your places and be great wolves!" She looked towards them, smiling at the family.


"Also, I would like to announce a quite a few overdue promotions. Gryphon, you are now promoted to Ranger. You've done well in your training, and I expect you will continue to do well in your new rank. Esarosa, thank you for taking the time to train him. If the pair of you don't mind, I would like for you to coordinate a hunt, you may select whomever you wish to join, or call the pack together once you've decided what you wish to hunt. And are also promoted to Ranger. I've noticed you and your mate make an excellent team, so I'd like for you to join them if you wish." Of course, if he wanted a different rank, then she wouldn't mind giving him something else. She fell quiet for another moment, allowing them to take pride in their work and accomplishments, as well as to think about their new task. Of course, they would have plenty of time to think about it after as well. "Ganta, I would like to promote you to the rank of Brave. I am positive you will excel in this position, and that you'll learn all you can and pass it down to the younger ones." She nodded to him, adding a smile as she let that sink in for a moment. Now...she had many other promotions. Namely, the pups. Well...she guessed she couldn't call them that anymore now could she? They would all be a year very soon, with the exception of the three newest ones. "I have exciting news for our younger ones as well! We have many youths among us who will soon be yearlings in a few short weeks...or rather, most of them, anyway. That being said, I would like to promote Okami, Charm, Enlil, Afrit, Greed, Cobalt, Sterling, and Jade to the training ranks of novice. Mentors will be decided very soon, so for now, you will all participate in group activities together until Mentors are assigned so that you may also begin training with them." Her tail wagged then, her smile growing a little bigger as she glanced around at the soon to be yearlings.


Now then...promotions were out of the way. All except one, but she would save that for last. "Another bit of news as well. My sister Oracle is here among us today, she will be living with us as a new member! Please welcome her, it has been many years since we have seen each other," She nodded towards Oracle, smiling as she winked at her brother and sister. Oh how good it was to see them together again! "Now...onto more pressing matters. I'm sure many of you have noticed the scarcity in prey the past season, and with the number of mouths to feed, it has been increasingly harder to find sufficient prey to support us. So in an effort to find a solution, I sent Dragon off to find lands that might better support our growing family. Meaning all of you, so that we may survive the coming season of winter without worry. He has without fail, found a suitable place...however, it requires us to travel to the continent of Auster." Now...she was going to get to the matter at hand. The one she has thought long and hard about, and felt that it was now time.

"I have thought long and hard for the past season or two, and I must admit...I am growing older. I would like to announce, that Dragon will be leading us to these new lands as the new Alpha of Ivalice. It is not a decision I made lightly, but one I've thought about for some time. I have enjoyed leading you all, but it is time for me to step down. My purpose was to raise our home from the ground, and after a year of doing so, I feel that it is time to pass the reigns to a fresher mind. I have no doubts that he will lead us well. Do not worry though, I will remain among you to help where I can. This decision was also made so I can spend more time with my children, so as of today, I will be retiring." There. She said it. And she had no regrets about her decision. She knew Dragon would do his best, and that he would be a great leader. It ran in the Ancora blood after all. With that said, she stepped aside so Dragon could take a place beside her so that he could say his part. It was going to be a new turn in life, one that she would take in stride.

OOC: Dragon will post next, then posting order after that is not required. 2nd round posts will be due, however, so try to get those done asap if a character has any questions for avalon or Dragon then I will post again in between to answer if necessary. Otherwise, if your character has nothing to add then no worries.
2nd rounds due by next Tuesday (22nd).
"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-15-2016, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2016, 10:54 PM by Dragon.)

He waited for everyone to gather, watching as his smaller siblings surrounded his mom. He enjoyed having his family around, supporting each other and learning together. He watched as everyone else arrived, even a stranger he didn't recognize...who was that? He glanced at Gryphon as his brother seemed ready to drag the stranger away. He was confused...if it was someone unwelcome, his mom would have said something as soon as she saw her, right? He didn't have much time to dwell on it as Kieryn's voice broke his train of thought. "Oh hey Kieryn, of course not! You're more than welcome to join us!" He grinned, batting her lightly with an oversized paw. She had gone with him to investigate new lands, and he really enjoyed her company and her friendship. Once everyone was settled, the meeting began.

She talked briefly about Vereux, the young male bowing his head out of respect for a lost life. He knew his mother had cared about him, and also knew that it wasn't easy on his younger siblings. I bet Lykos is pretty psyched about that...the jerk. Once that was done, she announced the names of the most recent litter, and of course, Dragon gave a hearty bark of a greeting to the trio. He had yet to meet them, but he was darn well excited to do so! Promotions came next, his tail wagging when his brother was promoted to Ranger and even given his first task to commemorate! Of course, he and his mother had talked it over...the hunt would take place in the new lands since prey was too scarce here. And what little could be found was too thin, not enough to feed even a couple of wolves and fill them up. But where they were going, the lands were bountiful and full of fat game. She then promoted all the soon to be yearlings and the Stellarosa trio to novice, soon their training would begin. She also mentioned too, that a new member was joining them. And to his surprise, it was another relative! Now he had an uncle and an aunt! He would be sure to get to know them right away!

He was anxious. He was excited. Today was the day she would be announcing the change in leadership, as well their move to better lands. He had chosen the perfect places, unknown to him at first that he would be the one to bring them there and take over. It wasn't until he had returned from that journey that his mother told him, so today, things would change. Ears perked then when she finally mentioned the difficulties in finding food. The mention of Auster, and finally...the passing of the pack to him.

He had understood when they first talked about it. And it was something that he had thought long and hard about. At first, he didn't think he would be ready. But the more he thought about it, the more he felt like he would be able to do it. Or at least, try. He had told his mom that day that should he feel incapable, he would give it back to her. It was in the moments that she made this announcement that he sat straighter, taller. He wasn't going to turn into some arrogant asshole now that he was going to be an alpha, but he would still be who he was. Just...with the responsibilities of running a pack and establishing rules and all that stuff. He wanted his mother to relax finally. She had done her best for a year since she started the pack, and now she could spend her days doing as she pleased without the stress that seemed to be drawn to her like moths to a flame. Finally, when she was finished, he would rise to come beside her, green gaze looking out over the pack.

This was it...could he do it? Would they give him a chance? He knew he wasn't the most mature of wolves, but he was still young. He knew he could do it if given the chance. And if he failed them well...then they could stick him in a cactus. The thought amused him, so he kept a light grin as he readied to address the pack. "Uh...hey everyone. Excuse me if my speech isn't as good as my mother's, but I've never been good with formal stuff." An embarrassed smile crossed his features, "Anywho, I know this comes as a surprise. I sure was when I first found out, but believe me when I say this decision wasn't made on a whim. I thought long and hard about it for the past few weeks, and decided that I'd like to step up and give it a shot. And, if I fail...then I give you all permission to smack me or throw me in a cactus." He grinned a bit, eyes sparking with humor. "While there will be changes asides from moving to better territories, I can assure you that I won't change into something that you'll all hate. Even though I'll be an alpha, I want you to also still consider me as a friend. I respect all of you. A lot of you feel like an actual part of my family, so let's try to do our best for one another, hm?"

He took a breath, wondering how he was doing so far. Hopefully...not too bad. He was trying his best, and he would in the days to come as well. "Now, it has been discussed, and so I will now share the new information with you all. Not only will we be moving, but there will be changes with the pack as well. Ivalice will no longer be known as such, but rather, we will be known as Talis. Ranks will also be different in name, and there are many positions that are offered. Don't worry though, you'll be keeping the ranks you have now." After all, it wouldn't be fair for him to make them start all over now, would it? Not after all the work they had put in for what they deserved. He went on to explain the new ranks and rules (see pack page once things have been switched around). None of it was too complicated or harsh. He still held similar ideals his mother had for Ivalice, but Talis would center itself around their own before outsiders. They would work hard and play hard, always prepared for anything and everything. "I hope to bring us to new heights, and a new future where we can grow strong together and work together to achieve our goals and strike through the impossible. Life, after all, is a mystery. You never know what might happen, so it's important that we're always prepared."

He looked around at each face, wondering what they thought of all this. Would they support him? Or would they decide he wasn't worth giving a shot to? "Last thing. We will be moving immediately, as it's important we get there before winter arrives. We'll be in deep trouble if we don't, and with pups among us, it won't be an easy task if we're all hungry and exhaust ourselves because of it. Once we get there, however, I'd like for the hunters to arrange the task my mother gave out. You won't be disappointed in what you find there, I promise!" Okay...this was it...he hoped for the best. "Does anyone have any questions for me or my mother? We must depart soon, in a few days time at least. The sooner we move, the better our chances. Last thing I want to add, once we arrive and settle in, I would like to start conducting tests of everyone's skill so that I can better determine your skill levels and where to properly assign you. I know this is going to be a big change, but as I said, if I do bad and you think me incapable, then my mother will resume control." He watched the crowd, curious as to what they might have to say, if any of them had anything to say at all.

OOC// posting free for all now! See the ooc note in Avalon's post~ Also, assume that the ranks were explained as well. Those in the fighting ranks, please select which fighting rank you would like as there are different variations (Knight, Crusader, Guard etc). Any who wish to rank up, please state it. These wolves will be tested once things are moved to the new lands.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.