


06-20-2013, 03:25 PM

Soleil was nervous. Her stomach a mush of worry. She had most recently arrived in Glaciem, having had a few days to rest and get a feel for the place. It was so bright here. White, blue, lavender. They were the dominant tones in the scenery, especially in winter. With just how white and frozen the location was, she couldn't imagine it in summer. Did plants even grow here? She felt lost without thick foliage brushing her limbs and grounding her to the earth.

She had made Collision help her carry herbs here, not sure what all the deceased healer might have stored. Besides, she preferred not to trouble the Glaciem wolves by digging through the belongings of the dead. It wasn't right. It was a relief at least that some wolves remained with training already. Surely it wouldn't take long to have them up to par.

Herbs were spread in a crescent shape before her. She sat down once content with everything, perhaps being a little OCD with her nerves. This meeting had already been announced, a schedule already in place. It was midday, to make the most of the meager warmth from the sun.

Blue eyes looked around, hopeful that her pupils would arrive soon and this would go well.

The herbs before her were sturdy winter herbs. The herbs she had laid out came from various regions, surprising herself on those she found in the northern region. Thyme, chervil, winter savory, and rosemary. It would be up the trainees to one by one tell her which was which, if they could.

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06-20-2013, 09:14 PM

Becoming a Healer had never been the biggest thing that attracted Tiberious, but as the pup had grown older, and begun to understand a little bit more about the . . . ah, circumstances of the beginning of his life, he had realized that he would never be able to fight like his siblings would. Oh, he could wrestle and spar, but to honestly attempt to hurt another wolf? No, Tiberious could never see himself doing that. He had caused enough pain in his short life already. Now he just wanted to learn how to lessen the pain that other wolves had endured. He had never been able to put a name to that wish before, but with the arrival of Soleil and her interest in training wolves to become Healers, Tiberious had realized that that was what he wanted.

Like his 'cousin' Orica, Tiberious wanted to be a Healer. He wanted to put wolves back together again rather than tear them up like Galileo. There wasn't a violent bone in his body, and now that he realized that, he knew that the life of a Warrior would never be for him. Even a Hunter might be a bit of a stretch. Instead, Tiberious wanted nothing more than to heal, to take care of wolves.

The white pup was one of the first arrivals, padding up to Soleil quietly. She was pretty, he thought with a slight tilt of his head, cobalt blue eyes blinking slowly. "Hi there!" He spoke brightly, little tail wagging enthusiastically, "Mah name's Tiberious! But you can call me Tiber!" He prattled on enthusiastically, voice still high and distinctly puplike, though he was beginning to grasp words properly, and no longer stumbled across them like he had before.

"What are these?" His gaze had finally settled on the herbs, and Tiberious sniffed at them cautiously from a short distance away, though he kept his curious gaze focused on the white wolf who had arranged them. Would she be the teacher? Was she going to be the one who helped him heal other wolves? He hoped so. He really did.



06-22-2013, 07:51 AM

The black dame caught sight of the white dame from the corner of her eye, she knew the girl was not from glaciem but from the pack further south in warmer dryer parts of alacritis she also knew why the lass was here, she felt a little twinge of sadness thinking of their losses. It would be this strange girls job to teach them, the ones who wished to learn healing. Midnight watched half heartedly as the white lass laid out her supplies she sniffed testing the scents for any she recognised one or two where familiar she had seen them around the pack lands and in the old healers den when Midnight had plucked up the courage to enter it a month or so after Ashini's death.

her attention peaked as one of the youngsters approached the wolf sitting up she looked over the child she could not remember his name but she remembered seeing him with his mother in the pack dens, ' I really should get to know more wolves, especially if I am going to stay here now,' her ears pricked as the pup spoke and she smiled. For a moment she wondered if she should clear the area after all this was clearly a training for healers, she had no real interest in being a healer her talents lay mainly in tracking and hunting but maybe she could learn something useful, and if she couldn't be a healer maybe she could help out collecting herbs or something. After all if someone had gone for herbs other then Asheni then maybe, maybe ? she shook her head pulling herself to her feet, she would make herself useful and having an adult learn about these strange herbs could only possibly be of helpful couldn't it.

As she moved closer she offered a friendly smile to the young wolf and a respectful nod to the healer , she waited a few moments so the dame could answer the cubs question if she wished before she spoke, ?greetings, my names midnight, and if I may I to would like to listen to what you are teaching,? she sat herself beside the pup, from this distance she could see the dame was nervous and offered her a smile, ?I?ll admit I don?t know much about any of these,? she gestured to the herbs with her paw, ?but I am willing to learn,?




06-24-2013, 07:43 AM


Orica came round like a shot. She was so excited! Real healing lessons! From a real healer! Oh, of course learning from her Uncle Rogue had been wonderful! And she still remembered alot of what he'd told her - but this was so cool! Her daddy had told her how he'd brought an expert healer all the way from Valhalla, and best of all! She was family!

Snow flew out from behind the pup's paws as she raced down to the spot where the lessons were going to be held. Already she could see some of the others had gathered - there was her cousin Tiber, and Miss Midnight, who Cross had said was very nice. But past the students sat the teacher with her bundles of leaves and stems all arrayed before her. She was such a pretty wolf, and she looked nice, if, maybe a little cold.

Orica burst right up, skidding so fast she almost sprayed snow on the herbs. "I'm Orica!" she gasped, her tail thrumming. "And Daddy told me! You're our Aunt Soleil!" She whipped round on Tiber, her big baby blues dancing. "She's our Auntie alla way from Valla-halla!" They already ready had so much family here, in Orica's opinion, the more the merrier!

Spinning round to gaze up at her new Aunt again, Orica flopped her little hind quarters into a drift of snow. "I'd like to be a medic too pwease! Our Uncle Rogue already teached me some herbs, but I'd like to know more!" She wriggled as she sat, unable to contain all this excitement.




06-25-2013, 10:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though the timid white wolf knew that her slow pace would surely make her late to the meeting created specifically to further train the remaining healers of the Glaciem, Mercianne found herself losing motivation to attend. Healing had been such a prized goal for her, a talent that she had sought so hard to learn, but the thought of having to train under a new teacher only made her long for the one who had passed. Her time with Asheni had been short but meaningful. The black and white female had been nothing but generous and patient, always willing to teach and always willing to give her time. There was nothing Mercianne could ask or say that would make her feel inadequate to her instructor, and every answer was given with such enthusiasm that the brown-eyed wolf could feel the same excitement infecting her as well. Would that same feeling remain? Would it still hold the same sort of interest in her under the direction of a new wolf?

Her thoughts were still rather bleak as she neared, dark eyes downcast with her head and tail lowered, half out of respect and half in an unconscious expression of her mood. Unhurried steps continued to draw her closer as she raised her eyes gently to scan across those ahead and already awaiting the instruction of the wolf who would teach them, noting none of those present to be familiar faces to her. With the pups, this was to be expected. Her tasks did not often bring her within their circle, and she had yet to properly meet them. The other was still a stranger, though Merci felt somewhat certain that the other was no new member. Just an old face she had never become acquainted with.

With some reluctance, she gave her attention over to the wolf who sat at their head, a petite white female with sprigs of plants situated just so around her front. She was not what Mercianne had been expecting, though even she was hard pressed to identify exactly what that was. She was very small, perhaps even a little more so than Merci, and lacked the commanding confidence and enthusiasm that Asheni had sported. In fact, if Merci's own experiences with the emotion were any indicator, she looked a little nervous. To be away from home or to host such a collection to teach? You would have had to learn from someone else at some point anyway. The thought stole through her quickly, almost without notice, but its message was clear. Loss or not, Mercianne had started herself on this journey and promised Asheni that she would see it to the end, even if that end was more metaphorical than real.

Steps slowing just a fraction more, the quiet wolf came to stop among those already gathered around the healer from Valhalla, managing just to offer a kind smile to express her gratitude that the other healer should come. "Hello," she greeted quietly, trying to be as warm as she could to the generous healer before her. "I'm Mercianne. Thank you for coming." Merci may have been reluctant to learn, associating the beloved task with the friend she had lost, but the promise she had made to that friend kept her in place. For Asheni, she would continue her training and make her once-teacher proud.