
give me forever for a while[PACK CHALLENGE]



6 Years
11-13-2016, 07:55 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2016, 08:49 PM by Liar. Edit Reason: My link went on too far. )

there were no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw
Pack challenge purchase here. - using my +5 point pass

Time was of the essence. The lithe beast would walk upon the battlefield with intention. He had every intention to win too - there was no question to that. Liar knew the world worked in mysterious ways however. As his paws spread across the terrain he lifted his head in a powerful call. He had come to take celestials throne. Change it to how he wanted - he would make a home for his future children for Marina and for his current children as well. Anyone was free to watch, assuming they likes a little blood in the mix. He felt the adrenaline working - Zakuro was giving him strength and he took a deep breath.

Waiting, he waited for Celestial members to come. They could complain all they wanted, he awaited loners to come see the blood shed and maybe even potential followers in the end. Liar held no ill will towards Celestial. Yet he felt it had run its course, with deep in his bones he hadn't wished for it to turn out this way. His veins were flowing with blood of a dragon and he would use that in his life. A new king would rise from the ashes - that was his hope.


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Marina I


7 Years
11-13-2016, 08:18 PM

The woman was both excited and nervous for the challenge to take place. When she heard Liar’s call she knew, deep in her heart, it was right to follow him out here. Win or lose, the man was doing all he could to build them a kingdom. It was something that Marina would not miss. She was sure that there was going to be tension one way or another… whenever a pack was challenged for this was the case. But the femme didn’t think she’d have to worry about getting dragged into a fight herself. Not in her current condition anyway.

The pregnant, rainbow marked female arrived as one of the first of many, she was sure. She took a seat, her heart pounding in her chest as she called out to Liar; “Best of luck.” Right now the future was uncertain. But by the end of the day she’d know if she’d remain a loner a bit longer or if Liar had won his kingdom for a second time. The femme’s ears twitched, wondering who would show.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



6 Years

11-13-2016, 09:17 PM

Regulus was back. She'd gladly handed the pack back to him and for once she was grateful that she didn't have to patrol the borders anymore. She'd returned to her den, cried, and now just felt an aching numbness. The lack of duties (she'd been places back as Legionary for now) was almost irritating. She was glad to be able to relax but now she had too much time to think. She couldn't bear to be within the borders anymore, to see the faces of her upset family, so she left to go wander. She wasn't getting fat yet so she was going to enjoy it while she had the ability to move properly.

She'd told Zell she was pregnant. She was still anxious about becoming a mother, but less so now that she knew he was going to stick around. She still felt ... well terrible was an understatement. There wasn't a proper way to explain how someone felt after they lost a parent. She knew she should be happy Surreal was no longer suffering, but she still hated it. She should have lived at least another three years and seen her children grow up.

A howl pierces through her thoughts and she stopped cold. Not now, why now? Hadn't her family been through enough? She padded forlornly to the battlefield and only saw a rainbow marked woman, smelling pregnant like herself, and a male she had met before. She stopped some feet away and her eyes widened. Him? Her brows furrowed and she frowned. She was now glad Regulus was back. There was no way she could have answered the challenge in her current state. pregnant and morning ... she was glad she wouldn't be the one to jeopardize the safety of her pack mates by fighting while her mind was so clearly elsewhere.

"I um, well you won't be fighting me." She told him. "My brother returned. I'm sure he'll be here soon."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-13-2016, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2016, 12:09 AM by Tealah.)
Tornach was drowsing against his newly built fence in the Range, watching the elk trio he and Aiden had painstakingly chased and lured through the gate earlier that week. They had settled in well, though they still shied away when he went into the pen to check on their health so it had been mostly up to Aiden to check on them on the wing while he kept his distance for now. He had plans now to start digging a short distance away with the intention of trying to cultivate some common herbs.

He woke instantly though when a howl echoed from the battlefield. One unfortunate side effect of living so closely to it was that he had something of a vantage point for the constant stream of would-be fighters there, but this was different. This call made his blood run cold.

Someone was challenging for Celestial.

He was on his feet a beat later, yowling for Aiden as he leaped into a sprint. The falcon dropped from the sky like a bolt of lightning, sacrificing height for horizontal speed as she leveled out from her dive. It took very little time for the pair to reach to the battlefield. Tornach slowed to a trot, the falcon dropping to his shoulder. Grimly he glanced over the few who had gathered. He didn't agree with his mother's, and now his brother's, rules and had chosen not to join the pack, but he still loved his family, and the pack was important to them.

It was hard to see his family being targeted yet again... and by a wolf who was a stranger to him. Tornach stared coldly at the yellow male, sizing him up. He was older than Regulus, old enough for reflexes to slow and muscles to weaken, and smaller than the red male as well. He couldn't see Regulus failing to keep his fighting skills sharp, so there was a good chance here. But why challenge someone for a pack, and begin with enemies before your pack even started, when he could have begun from scratch and had no baggage? He wanted to speak up, to confront the male and ask him WHY, why he chise to target the Adravendis' pack when the continent was far from overcrowded, when he could just make a pack of his own - but he had learned the futility of trying to stop violence with words alone. It hadn't worked with Arian, and it wouldn't work now. It was ridiculous. Tor simply could not understand the senseless violence wolves insisted on engaging in.

Ears pinned but face smooth, the gray Adravendi male stood alone and waited for Regulus to appear, to show his support for his family despite their differences.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
11-13-2016, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2016, 09:49 PM by Laisrén.)
Why? Didn't anyone understand what his family was going through? The howl that he heard was something he had never experienced before, but he knew what it was about. It had brought a grumpy and irritated growl to his throat. Who would be disrespectful enough to challenge his brother upon returning home from a long journey and loosing thier mother. He rose from his spot and abruptly left the packlands to head to the battlefield. Since hearing the bad news of his mother he had found himself irritable, unable to know how to properly grieve, and the young boy was stuck with all of these emotions running through him and not knowing what to do with them. He hadn't been able to even sleep and that alone was making his mood sour.

It took him a bit of distance before he reached the battlefield. He had heard rumors of the place, but was never here before. He moved right up next to his sister and quietly sighed before gently nudging her with his nose and sinking back on his haunches to sit. He was only here to cheer on his brother and be here for his family. Everyone was on edge with the death and he knew this wouldn't make things any easier.

Exhausted eyes looked over the challenger and he wanted to huff at the older male, but refrained from it. Regulus was larger and thicker built then the older male, but Las was worried. Had Regulus even slept since his return? He hoped so and prayed that this would be an easy win for his older brother. This challenger was not a friend, but an enemy right now, one that he knew his brother could take on, but hoped his brother had recovered from his journey. It was then that the yearling noticed another sibling, one who didn't live with the pack. He gave a slight wag as he looked in his direction, giving him a quiet greeting.
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]


11-13-2016, 10:50 PM
If there was a fight, Fortune wasn't going to miss it. There's something about her that wants to know what will happen. Curious. That's what fills her, that's what fuels her, sheer curiosity. Easy over her feet, easy with her eyes on those before her. The family was all gathering together, all grouping as one. There's something in her gaze and something in her mind. Open. Open as ever.

It's to Faite's shoulder that Fortune makes her way, standing at her right. It was only the curiosity that brought her forth, that and... well... hey, Regulus was back. Not that he'd bothered to give her a backwards glance (even when she herself had returned). Things were about to get interesting. Things were about to get really interesting in the light of the Adravendi family.

The brave is excited.

shock & awe



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
11-14-2016, 12:01 AM
The male wasn't far from Faite, after all he did tell her that he wanted to be there for her and the children that were to come. Besides, what kind of man would he be if he just let her do it all on her own? He was raised with morals, the relationship he had seen between his own mother and father was the kind of relationship he wanted. They were devoted to each other, and he would be that way with Faite as well. Nothing and nobody would or could stop him from being there with her and their children. Their unexpected encounter and what had blossomed from that had given him a new lease on life, and he would not lose that chance.

So when the call rang out for the challenge of her pack, he was there. The man sat opposite of who he assumed was one of her pack mates, and it seemed more onlookers from her pack was here then for the opposition. But he didn't know anyone from either party except for Faite, so when he sat down he pressed his shoulder against hers to comfort her. He didn't miss what she had told the challenger, and his attention was drawn to those around as he wondered who her brother was and when he'd show. He was willing to get to know her brother and the rest of her family, there was no reason he wouldn't want to since they were together. In fact, since he didn't have family of his own anymore, he was kind of excited and nervous to meet hers. He didn't care if they liked him or not later, but he wasn't going to be an ass when Faite was part of his life now. Fate had brought them together whether by accident or not, but he wasn't complaining. The male gently nuzzled her neck, knowing that this might be stressing her out. And the last thing he wanted was for her to be stressed out, especially when she had a pregnancy to worry about. He would do all he could for her to ease any worries and stresses she might come across. He did promise her after all.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



12 Years
Extra large
11-14-2016, 12:19 AM
[OOC note: Due to the short notice, I'm trying to juggle plot mix-up with the burial (that thread and a couple others will be started here in a sec), so let's say this challenge came a few hours after Regulus, Kavdaya, and Falk return home, since that's the feel I get from reading the rest of the posts (Faite, Lais). Also, since I started this post when it was only Marina and Liar, I had to go back and edit a few of you in, but if I missed anyone, sorry! xD I can only do so much, so consider it as Reg's already focused on the opponent and hasn't noticed anyone else coming in. <3 Let's get this show on the road!]

Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He had let his siblings take their leave, to grieve as they needed before they would gather together with the rest of the family to bury the remains of their mother and ancestors. He hadn't been able to stay idle, however, so he had begun digging alone. And now this. His paws were still coated in soil from digging the graves of his mother, grandmother, and great uncle when his numb ears registered the song of battle emanating from the Battlefield. And the song was sung for Celestial. His home. And the home of his family; what was left of it that had chosen to stay with the pack. Oh gods, he'd have to tell Tornach... But not right now. Right now, he had matters to settle.

A strange kind of feeling slid through his veins; fire, and then a deathly, frightening chill. He almost backed away from that feeling, but then embraced the wild stranger that rose to greet him. That fathomless sapphire gaze chilled to a sleepy, almost dreamy glazed expression as he turned toward the field and began trotting with grim purpose toward the call.

The exhaustion of grief and long travel fell away as that chill engulfed him, pulsing through his veins and settling around his heart. His face was a mask of expressionless serenity, but anyone who knew his mother before her death, or his grandmother in her prime, knew that look. It was the look of Hell on four paws. The look of well leashed rage, just waiting to be honed to a Killing Edge.

He arrived on the field in good time, one of the first several to arrive; punctuality was common courtesy, naturally; though Faite and Lais had already beaten him there... And Tornach. He could only spare his younger brother a glance, not allowing that chill to fade before he gave the gathered a swift appraisal. He gave the rainbow backed black female he saw a quick, appraising glance, dipping his head briefly before those sleepy sapphires landed on the exotically marked male, his paws seeking to draw to a stop roughly ten feet away, facing the male challenger. All other wolves that might have slipped in were ignored as he stared at the male.

A silky rumble thundered from his maw as he acknowledged Liar, voice formal, cordial, and underlied with a dangerous, almost amused tone. A mocking tone. "I have just come from digging the graves of my dead mother, and the bones of my relatives. Not moments after I've finished, someone wishes to take my home; to scatter a family that has already experienced fresh heart break and has yet to perform a funeral."

He flicked his tail, and let the smile, usually so easy, but this time a foreign thing on his face, because it wasn't a carefree, friendly thing, for all the expression looked gently affable, settle upon his facade. It was a smile that held a promise of pain and brutality. And this fellow was the target. That wild stranger howled for blood, for an outlet from the grief and pain that had been built up. And by gods, he'd let the wild stranger inside him have its taste. He didn't intend to let this male leave with his mobility intact, whether it meant he was blind, unable to walk, or completely paralyzed. Win or lose, he would bring this bastard to ruin.

Regulus swiftly, deftly settled his weight into that familiar battle stance, paws spread equidistant of each other, the outer two toes of each paw just a hair outside his shoulders and hips as his toes spread, claws digging into the unseasonably dry soil for extra balance and purchase. His elbows and hocks bent slightly, to lower his center of gravity, and to loosen his joints as his tail flicked out behind him, level with his spine, ready to act as a balancing rudder while his head dropped level with his shoulders, chin tucking to guard his throat, ears flattening against his crown, and his jaws parting into a savage, snarl-faced grin, though no growls thundered from that broad chest.

His eyes narrowed to protective slits as they locked onto his opponent, hackles rising in a ridge along his back from the base of his skull to the top of his tail as his broad shoulders rolled forward to guard the base of his neck at the sides, and he rolled his neck back, a thick roll of scruff bunched to protect his vertebrae.

A last set of silky words was issued to the challenger, any newcomers ignored by this time; this was between Liar and himself alone. "Let's dance, then."

His haunches coiled before he sprang, wishing to close that ten feet swiftly, gaining momentum as he bounded forward, wishing to come head-on at Liar. Each paw landed in a balanced sequence as he sought to shift slightly to his own left at the last leap, seeking to drive the whole right side of his chest into Liar's right beast, aiming for the destabilization of Liar's balance, and severe bruising force as he sought to thrust the point of his right shoulder hard into the base of Liar's windpipe, wishing to choke him out, drive the wind from his lungs and disorient him with the force of the combined battering ram attempt.

Simultaneously, his head tilted to his left, jaws parting further as he sought to place a savage bite across the smaller male's upper back, lower and upper canines seeking to sink deeply into either side of the back - just behind Liar's shoulders - wishing to reach the spine with his teeth and cause irreversible damage to the back that would leave Liar paralyzed from that point down. This bite was an outright attempt to maim the fellow, and end the fight early.

Meanwhile, his right foreleg snapped up, his other three limbs taking the majority of his weight as the right front leg rose, and he sought to wrangle his right front leg over the base of Liar's neck, right fore-paw seeking to press into the top of Liar's left shoulder, claws extended, wanting to pull Liar toward himself, bear his weight down on the smaller male, and squash him to the ground.

He wasn't going to allow this wolf to threaten all that he held dear. He would win, for his family, for his mother, and for his grandmother and great Uncle, and for his entire pack.  He'd kill this wolf if he had to.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Liar for Celestial
Round One of Six

Defenses: ...
Attacks: ...
OOC Notes: Ten feet agreed upon by Riv! Let's have fun! :D And Regulus is beyond the point of royally pissed off.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



10 Years
Athena I
11-14-2016, 03:07 AM

Baine had yet to hear any of the news. She hadn't been close enough to the pack lands to hear her brother's call when he returned home, but she was plenty close enough to the battlefield to hear the howl that was calling for Celestial's leaders. Her heart dropped into her stomach and she hurried to get to the battlefield so that she could be there with her family. Several of them were there when she arrived, her pale pink gaze spotting Faite and a couple of her younger siblings there first. She saw Tornach there as well and she trotted up to stand next to him just as Regulus walked into the middle of the crowd to face his challenger. Her brows lifted with surprise when she saw him, but the surprise over him being home was wiped away with every other emotion when her older brother told the challenger that he had just gotten done digging the grave for their mother. The words echoed in her head for a moment, not quite understanding them at first. She fell back hard on her haunches beside Tornach, blinking and stunned. "What... What did he mean?" she asked her littermate softly, her voice cracking with emotion. She couldn't focus on the fact her home was being challenged for. She was still trying to dismantle the meaning behind Regulus' statement. "Mother is dead...?" She leaned into Tornach's shoulder, her gaze still not quite focusing on any one thing. Tears stung at her eyes, but she didn't have time to cry now. Now Regulus was fighting for their pack. Oh how she just wanted to bury her face in Tornach's fur and cry. But she wouldn't. She wasn't a pup any more. She didn't have that luxury.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
11-14-2016, 05:42 PM

Liar would let a filthy smirk crawl on his face. This must have been Surreal’s other son, oh so she was dead then? Maybe he hadn’t realized it, but this pack was no stranger to him. The gods befall him, he had trusted Surreal with its safety but now he sought a throne and this was the only place he wished to prove himself. Perhaps in the end Surreal had been right not to trust him that much was true. The man would fall into a stance of devilish ways. The small smirk turned into a snarl and those green eyes of his returned to nothing but pure joy. The dragon had taken control, instincts a part of him. The rage, the savagery. He didn’t fight kindly so he would enjoy it if the other hadn’t either. Within the ten feet that separated them he gave no care to whether he hadn’t given them time to mourn. It wasn’t as if he was waiting for this day for some time right? In fact, perhaps he was a bit sad he was going to be unable to fight faite. He appreciated the life inside her right now - for he rather enjoyed her company. These wolves had no clue, and Liar would welcome them with open arms should he win. For he felt no ill will, just the ambition that grew within his heart again.

The monster fell into a fighting stance. His limbs equally spread as his toes splayed across the dry terrain. His tail leveled with his spine and his chin tucked towards his neck to protect his vitals. Ears pinning to protect themselves from purchase his eyes narrowed on his opponent as his lips curled back. The skin around his face bunched around his eyes, making it so that should Regulus want to grab  him there it would be difficult. The smaller male would bend his joints at the elbow as he made sure that he was robust. Against a bigger opponent he needed to be fast and try to use his own weight to his advantage. Liar’s hackles raised and his scruff rolled forward to bunch up the skin to make a hold more difficult. As finally his shoulders rolled inward he would react faster as everything was depending on this fight.

Regulus would step to Liar’s right but, just as fast,  Liar took his back left leg and took a stride to push himself to have them facing at a slight angle. His front forelimbs pressed on the terrain pushing him back and to his left quickly having Reg’s impact miss him completely and hopefully the momentum would catch the large red male by surprise. As Regulus’ jaws opened the large male would miss his mark. Liar heard the snap shut of the large wolf’s jaws barely scaling his own right shoulder - left with nothing more than a few missing hairs.

As Reg’s right forelimb lifted it couldn’t possibly reach his left shoulder from the position they were in. The half foot taller male’s limb would fail to hit its mark as his right was now facing Reg’s right forelimb. That was when Liar went for it, like lightning his jaws opened and tilted to his own right. His mouth aiming just above the right elbow of the red giant where the tendon was. The male’s hope was to cause irreversible damage to the tendon so even if he didn’t win the other would be left with a reminder.

With full force he lifted his own right forelimb redistributing his weight on the other three limbs. Aiming to smash into the male’s same right right leg’s paw at the base where it connected with the limb, either to cause more pain or to hold the limb in place as he went for his vicious bite just above the right elbow. Liar kept his ears pinned and his body lowered at his joints. Ready to spring anywhere at any time to show the larger red male just what it meant to have speed. His goal was not to throw the male but to cause as much bleeding and pain as possible until he decided to give up.

ooc: Best of luck bri I drew a little diagram. Liar is green and Reg is blue(lol) Click
Liar vs Regulus for Celestial

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



11 Years
11-14-2016, 07:43 PM

As if things weren’t hard enough… as if it wasn’t bad enough his sister, his other family members had just been laid to rest… The man bristled at the howl. Now his home was being challenged for. He wasn’t sure if Kalliope would try to make it to the battlefield or not… but Cas knew he had to get there. He had to be there to try and support his family.

Sadness was washed away by anger. Raw anger at the thought his entire world could be crumbling down around him. The thought of losing his home… his family being separated again… not to mention Kalliope… {and the fact she was pregnant, not that Castiel knew yet}. Castiel couldn’t bear for that to happen. As he raced towards the battlefield he willed with all his heart for Regulus to win.

Cas arrived to find other members of the pack present… as well as a female who definitely wasn’t from Celestial. A supporter of the other side? Cas came to a stop, the blood and fur already beginning to fly. His gaze shifted to Regulus, willing his nephew on. He had to win this… right?




4 Years
11-14-2016, 08:15 PM

Ramsay wandered, unsure of where to go, the only certainty in his heart was that he wanted to be with his family, and he wanted them to succeed. When he heard his father's call for a challenge, a ripple of excitement pulsed through his body, causing his hackles to raise. It was like a jolt of electricity had ran its course through him. With his black-tipped tail flicking high into the air, the youngster took off at speed, heading for the battle-field on long, lean legs. When he arrived, many had already gathered, no faces that he recognized. Were these wolves all supporters of the pack's leader? He hoped that at least someone here was on Liar's side. If not, he was here. Olive green eyes cast over to the interesting rainbow-coated lady; from the looks of it, she had her eyes on his father, but there wasn't anger in her eyes like the rest of them. She must be on his side. Ramsay wondered who she was, however he wasn't confident enough to approach her. So instead, he seated himself about 10 ft. from her and watched as the battle ensued. He would remain silent, wanting to do nothing to distract his father, and dug his claws into the ground as he willed his father to win. He had to win. This was his dad. He was going to establish a home for them all, right?


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



12 Years
Extra large
11-15-2016, 02:18 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

For all the rage he felt, the chill in his veins kept his head cool, the crimson Archangel's mind ever quick and ever the tactician. As he came in for impact, he spotted the shift of Liar's body as the exotically marked male shifted his hind end to his own left - Regulus' right - , bringing Liar almost nose to right shoulder with Regulus, and effectively allowing Liar to escape Regulus' ramming attempt. Regulus felt his jaws snap shut on air, but refused the frustration wanting to cloud his focus, his ears catching the faintest ripping noise of hairs pulling away from his opponent's coat.

Even as his right foreleg rose - a useless attack now that Liar had effectively gotten out of reach for the attempt - he sought to correct his forward momentum, the weight originally balanced on his left foreleg and both squared hind legs dropping back into his haunches to effectively set the emergency brakes, hind toes sretching apart as his hind claws sank hard into the dry earth, traction and balance put together while his tail swept low for added balance as he sought to lift his front end from the ground a few inches and use his spine's natural flexibility to twist his body sharply around - almost back on himself -, his upper half driving to his right - Liar's left -, toward Liar, as he sought to tip his head to his right and send his parted jaws down in a savage, lightning fast strike for Liar's face, wanting to sink his upper canines into Liar's left eye, and plant his lower canines into Liar's right eye, seeking to thoroughly blind the male and gain a savage, gruesome grip on his skull by the eye sockets.

Liar's right front paw struck out for Regulus' own right front paw, but because the leg wasn't connected to the ground, the attack did little more than buffeting the right side of the main joint of Regulus' right foreleg, leaving a light bruise. Regulus sought to propel himself with a forceful shove into Liar's right shoulder with the whole front of his chest, using the gathered tension in his hind legs and haunches to lend him power, wanting to shake Liar's balance while he only had three legs to work with, his own left forepaw seeking to return to the ground to add to the forward pressure he was trying to exert, and to better his balance once more, though the majority of his weight still rested on his hind legs.

The crimson behemoth's defenses remained for the most part intact; his eyes maintained their narrowed expression, jowls raised and face wrinkled into a silent snarl; his chin tipped toward his chest already with the steep nature of his bid for Liar's eyes, effectively guarding his throat, and his ears remained resolutely flattened against his skull, nestled into the bristling hackles that rigded his spine from the base of his skull to the base of his tail. His neck was scrunched back into shoulders that rolled forward to guard the sides of his neck at the base, sending his scruff into a protective layer of fur, fat and muscle, guarding his vertebrae and nerves from assault. His abdomen was tensed to add to his balance, joints bent for looser movement and a lower center of gravity. His tail moved as a rudder, sweeping level with his spine when needed.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Liar for Celestial
Round Two of Six

Defenses: ...
Attacks: ...
OOC Notes:

[Image: T8yHvja.png]

Vadim I


3 Years

11-15-2016, 02:49 AM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2016, 02:52 AM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

The sound of the challenge barely met the boy's ears, he'd been far off from the battlefield and exploring the East for prey while attempting to clear his head. He had high hopes for Auster, though he'd honestly had it in his mind that they'd be constructing their own pack, having no idea that they'd be preparing to challenge to take on another. When the sound of his father's challenge rang through the lands, it took him some time to answer the call- his weight slowing him down some as well.

When he arrived, jaws of his father and his red opponent were already snapping at one another. Vadim took in a sharp breath as he searched the crowd full of unfamiliar faces until falling upon the rainbow woman he now knew as Marina and his brother, Ramsay. He didn't quite hold a look of pride but rather astonishment as he made his way over to the two, concern riddling his features as his eyebrows narrowed and he looked to the both of them. "How long have they been fighting? Who are they?" Widened, molten gaze peered out to those of the Celestial family.. he couldn't help but wonder what they would all think of this. They did not look happy in the slightest, but who would be when someone came threatening their homeland like this? While he believed in his dad and his heart yearned to follow, a lot of questions were raising in the young man's mind.

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



8 Years
11-15-2016, 05:00 PM
I just wanna be by your side
Since leaving Celestial, Solveiga had been wandering on her own, trying to take delight in exploring the way she used to. But it had been a while since she felt real delight, and even the most interesting of discoveries seemed empty. She had found herself wandering east, telling herself that she needed to truly get away from what she considered home for a while. And that home was, of course, Celestial. She gravitated toward it, toward the memories and the people who had once cared for her. Did they still care for her? She wasn't sure.

But fate seemed determined to pull her back regardless. She had traveled miles and miles from Celestial, but suddenly a call rang out from the battlefield nearby, and she just knew who it was meant for. Regulus. But he was gone. Wasn't he?

Unable to resist her curiosity and the persistent feeling that she had to support the pack she cared about, Solveiga turned her path toward the battlefield. She quickened her pace to a brisk lope, ears pricked as she heard the sounds of voices nearby. Several others had gathered to watch the fight as well, and through the smell of dried blood she could tell that many were her former pack mates. She approached the fight, her heart doing flips in her chest when she saw the crimson male fighting and defending his pack. Had he returned home, to find her already gone? Had he even noticed her absence? Of course not. The girl tried to sternly tell herself he had more important things to worry about than their brief friendship, however meaningful it had been to her. This challenge, for example. That was something worth worrying about. But Solveiga had confidence in Regulus, and she knew he would be able to defend his family and his home. Her heart swelled a bit with pride as she watched him fight, and she smiled a little for the first time in days, or perhaps even weeks. She was glad to be here, silently supporting him and the wolves that she still considered to be family.



6 Years
11-16-2016, 01:13 AM

Ooc: Since Regulus did not acknowledge Liar’s bite to his above elbow tendon - it’s assumed that Liar got the purchase.

Adrenaline pumped through his veins. His eyes kept narrowed with his hackles raised, scruff scrunched forward to protect his back. His ears pinned against his head and he snarled - the skin bunching around his face and eyes for further protection. As such Liar’s right forelimb slammed back onto the dirt, all four limbs spread and his toes keeping spread into the dirt for traction as what his paw pads were made for. Liar’s jaws were clamped shut on Reg’s right leg just above the elbow, where Reg moved he attempted to keep such a grip before letting go as soon as Regulus went for his eyes.

Liar took his left legs and scooted three step to his own left right limbs following suit. Eyes keeping narrowed as his tail swept to his right to keep his balance. Reg’s jaws clamped shut on his right cheek just below the ear - missing his eyes as he felt a half inch wound start to moderately bleed. This wouldn’t deter him no, the smaller male would come out of this like he usually was with pride on his chest. As Regulus tried to slam his front into Liar’s right shoulder, Liar tried to use this to his advantage. His paws still splayed his abdomen muscles tightened for better balance and ready action. As he took his left forelimb he attempted to twist his rump to his own left - aiming to place them at an almost parallel direction but leaving a good half foot between their rumps. Reg’s slam to his right shoulder forwarded Liar’s momentum, though leaving moderate bruising in the process.

As such happened Liar opened his jaws at that very moment, his joints bent at the knee trying to place him slightly lower. Aiming his jaw for Regulus’ throat he hoped to get a hold his lower jaw towards the windpipe and his upper jaw towards Reg’s right side of the neck. Liar’s aim was to deprive the large male of oxygen or at least disorientate him. As his limbs stayed spread his joints were bent at the knee, therefore protecting his neck where it was lower. His ears pinned and eyes narrowed he made sure his whole body was spring ready should the other go for his head. As his shoulders rolled inward it made it an even more difficult task to get a hold of his scruff where it was scrunched up with his hackles raised.

Liar vs Regulus for Celestial

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Marina I


7 Years
11-16-2016, 06:45 PM

Marina watched, feeling a knot in the pit of her stomach at watching the wolves fight. She couldn’t help but wonder… why did Liar challenge for an existing pack? Surely he’d have enough followers to build a pack from the ground up? Marina was worried for him, as well as worried for the little ones in her belly. If Liar was seriously harmed during this battle.. she shook her head. That was something else that the female couldn’t understand. Unless there was more to this challenge then met the eye.

“They’ve not been fighting long… and I’m afraid I don’t know that pack…” Marina gave a soft sigh. “I’m sorry I don’t have a lot of answers, Vadim… but know that I’m here to support your father no matter what happens.” Her gaze slid to the other wolves.

“Just as they would support their leader. The real question here is why your father chose to challenge. I suspect there is more to this than we know.” The femme gave a small shrug.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



4 Years
11-16-2016, 11:48 PM

Ramsay did not fail to notice when is brother made an appearance, approaching both he and the rainbow-coated femora. He was disappointed when his brother's attention seemed to be focused on the female, and the woman in return seemed to know his brother and respond accordingly. They spoke, exchanging information, to which Ramsay paid attention. A snarl crept upon his maw, drawing his lips back from his teeth, feeling he would have a moment to speak when the rainbow lady was finished speaking. Olive green eyes turned toward Vadim, with whom he'd once been so close, but in this moment he felt like a stranger. "Our father is securing a place for us to live," he snapped, ebony-tipped tail lashing for a moment, "He's fighting tooth and nail to make sure no one messes with us." Although initially his comment had been directed at Vadim, his angry gaze had turned to Marina. His brother had merely asked what was going on; this woman seemed to be questioning everything his father was doing, and he didn't like it.

"I believe in our dad..." he rumbled, his gaze turning to the fight at hand. It had only just begun, and there was much to be determined, but he believed that Liar stood a chance. He wanted his father to win, to show the wolves of this continent that they weren't weak, and that there was no chance of messing with them. He hoped that his brother would be able to see that, and he certainly didn't want this unknown, rainbow-coated woman to spoil that, or to even plant seeds in his siblings' minds.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!

Marina I


7 Years
11-17-2016, 11:31 AM

Ahh so the young one near her was Liar’s brood as well. Marina should have suspected as much. Her red and pink gaze shifted to the boy, a frown on her features. “Let me tell you something, young one.” The female raised a brow. “Pack challenges do not go well. Just because you may win this battle you could start a war. Your father is securing a place for all of us to live, yes, but it may come at a cost. These wolves…” She motioned to the Celestians. “Could just as easily rally when it’s all said and done. Get help from other packs and come after our own.” The female gave a soft snort.

“I respect your father, but it doesn’t mean I have to agree with every decision he makes. As you two do not either. I am saying that taking a pack challenge is chancey is all… rather than building from the ground up. It starts you off with enemies. I know because I too once held a pack.” Marina shook her head, turning her gaze back to the fight. “I am not afraid to fight them either, should that time come. It is just something to think about.”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

Vadim I


3 Years

11-17-2016, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2016, 12:20 PM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

He'd been so perplexed by the lack of answers even Marina seemed to have for him, so for a moment the youth stood there with wide eyes watching the fight as his father seemed to land a hold on the other man's elbow. He couldn't help but think about the similar hold Ramsay had on his own elbow in their fight, and for a moment he couldn't help but stand in awe of the similarities between his father and his brother. When the unhesitating response of pride came from his brother, he understood why. He remembered how Ramsay couldn't help himself when he'd chosen to pick a fight with him, it was as if the snarl itself was a sickness that Ramsay couldn't remove from his features in that moment. Was Liar the same? Vadim knew he once was, though he was under the impression that his father wished to correct the evil he'd committed in his past, though choosing to build a kingdom on spilled blood hardly seemed like a promising start to the young heir. What worried him even more was that Liar hadn't explained anything to them about it, not even to Marina. There was no comfort to be found, only this test of trust as everything hung in the air- and for all he knew, his father could be killed in this fight and the rest of them would be left at the mercy of the very wolves they stood here with as onlookers.

His shoulders were becoming heavier by the second as all the "what ifs" ran through his head, and he couldn't help but glance to Marina's swollen stomach when she mentioned that she was not afraid to fight these wolves. She was in no condition, and in turn he looked to the other wolves standing in support of the other pack and began to do a head count. "Marina is pregnant, Ramsay, with our father's children- with new blood in our family." He looked to his golden brother, his face relaxing some though his eyes were wide with concern. "When father wins, it will be you and I standing to protect that new blood- not Liar. He will be wounded. It will be you and I against the eight of them." He nodded in the direction of the other wolves, only one of which even looked remotely as young as the two of them in his opinion. "We are not prepared to go to war, and I know you are proud of our father's strength but he just threw us into something that we did not ask for- that we are not ready for and that is just providing that he wins. What do you suppose will happen if he loses?" He was reluctant to believe that Ramsay would be interested in helping support new mouths, but he was hopeful. Vadim didn't have the heart to abandon Marina even if Liar lost this fight, he would be there to hunt for her and them.. though this was not the path to glory that he'd had in mind for their family. He wanted them to be respected, not hated. Slowly, his rage was building- he could not believe Liar did not at least talk to them and ask for their say.. it involved all of them! A low growl leaked out of his chest as he watched on, until he gained control of it and quieted before looking to Marina. "I need to speak with a friend of mine, please stay safe. I will find you no matter what happens," he glanced to Ramsay, prepared for him to be unwelcoming though he didn't care. "You as well, brother."

Providing neither of them would attempt to stop him, he'd turn to leave- regardless of whether or not their father won- if he were to live, he'd likely need a healer and there was only one that he trusted enough to find in a moment like this. He didn't want to bring her into this war, but he needed her advice something fierce. Now more than ever.

**exit vadim
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