
Chasing shallow dreams



9 Years
11-11-2016, 03:46 AM

Where had she gone? He had never loved her, but he had given her everything she needed, provided for her when she needed a place to live and safety to birth their pups. Now she was gone, and his daughters were without a mother. Not only that, but Limno had deserted the pack when she had once been his second-in-command. He had asked his pack to trust her, and she had betrayed that trust, not only to him, but to the rest of them as well. It infuriated him, and left him with emotions he didn't know how to deal with. He had his two girls, whom he loved so dearly, but things had not played out the way he'd thought they would. So now he was searching for the mother of his pups, not knowing what he would do when he found her. He wanted to have her head for this, to track her down and destroy her, but there was more to it than just a burning sense of vengeance. He had to consider much more than simply revenge.

Fury coursed through his veins as he traveled, feeling like he was wasting time away from his pack searching for her when he could be spending this time taking care of those who remained. Instead, he was out here following dead-end leads, ending up further and further from home, in territory he was scarcely familiar with. By nightfall, Xephyris had come to the strange frozen lake. Well, at least he'd been here more than once. He knew what to expect as his paws crossed onto the ice. A peculiar glow began at his paws as his weight pressed onto the frozen surface, and he padded along carefully, winding his way through the naturally sculpted arches of ice. For a small moment, he felt more drawn to his surroundings than to the anger he held within, and hew as able to relinquish the hatred just long enough to enjoy the icy lake that glowed under his paws. Perhaps it was time to call off his search for the night, and just let it be. After all, if he didn't rest, how could he ever return safely to his girls?

Sighing, he gave in to the notion, and padded carefully along the lake's icy surface, making his way toward a resting spot he knew of just on the other shore. He would restore his energy through a good night's sleep, and make his way home in the morning. Set on his course, he noticed nothing out of the ordinary, and was head for the other side of the peculiar lake, blue-flecked silver eyes fixed on his destination...

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

11-14-2016, 09:55 PM
*Navigation - Kennocha Lake

Jaelle was pretty sure that she hadn't stopped blushing since the night that Xephyris had tracked her down in the oak forest. She hadn't gone back to Vyper just yet, afraid to run into Soliel. There was a seed of guilt in her belly for betraying the pale coated woman, but it had been an explosion of heat and oh so many emotions. Her tail swished behind her as her bells rang softly, her heat scent still lingering on her monochrome form. With a big sigh, she started to make her way back to the pack lands. She had promised that she would try to be there, and she had yet to meet her silver knights two daughters. It would be rude to not introduce herself, but there was still the question of what she was to the alpha. 'Mate' wasn't something that she could place on them, that required chains and her staying around forever. She couldn't do that, give up her freedom to explore the lands of Ardent. But what of him? Was he going to expect more from her now? Quickly shaking her head, she dug her nose into the scarf around her neck as warmth rushed up to her cheeks. She was thinking far too much on it, and with a snort she pushed everything aside. It wasn't hard when she stepped on the frozen lake, gazing down at her paw to see it glowing from underneath. Taking a pause, she leaned down to sniff at the ice, her brown and blue eyes wide as she eyed the blue glow. What on earth was that? It had no smell, and she was smart enough to not lick solid ice with her damp tongue. With a large grin she jumped a few feet in front of her, and as she landed the snow and ice at her paws lit up with the same glow as before. Letting out a wild giggle, she jumped again to do the same thing. Flopping over to her back, she rolled around as the light washed across her coat. Her bells chimed loudly as she spun on the lake, gleeful laughs pouring out of her maw. This was so amazing! Why hadn't she seen this before!?

After she had tired of rolling around, she rose to her paws and didn't bother shaking the snow that clung to her mottled coat. The bangles on her legs clattered as she stepped towards the outer rim of the frozen body of water. It was then that she saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye, glancing over to see Xeph moving across the open plain. She glanced at the lights that danced under his paws with ever move, seeing that his head was lowered. Her head canted to one side, a worried glance crossing her features. Raising a single paw, she took a step towards him and then hesitated. Did he even want to talk to her? They hadn't spoken since... then, and she was unsure if she would make things better on him. But his slow steps made her let out a sigh, her mind made up. Gracefully she danced towards him, her bells marking every step with a soft jingle. Her pelt was nearly white on top from the white powder that clung to her, her brows drawn in her hesitant mood. "Xeph," she called softly, a honey kissed whisper on the wind as she grew closer to his form. Her expression said it all, she was worried about him and wondering what was going on. The way his shoulders hung she could just tell that there was something on his mind. They hadn't spoken much, and she wondered if it was her fault that he was this way.

Quickly closing the distance, she did her best to not spread the scent of her season all around him again. That was the main reason why she had been slightly distant, waiting for winter to come and clear away her hormones. But now was not the time to turn tail and run. Aiming to rub her cold nose across his neck, rubbing the top of her head under his chin if he allowed. It was an affectionate greeting, but she saw no other way of doing so. She wasn't going to stand there awkwardly. In fact, it was rather surprising that she had gotten this far on ice without landing on her butt. Humming a soft, low note, she pulled back to study his face. Nothing else left her maw, there was no need to say anything. It was also partly because she didn't know what to say, or how to strike up a conversation. Jaelle wanted to apologize, to see if he was angry with her for being away. But that had been their relationship before, why would one magical night together change that? Her face flushed at the thought, her eyes half closed as she blinked at him. There was no tension in her body, and she aimed to gently bump her shoulder on his own. Feeling odd not saying anything, she cracked a small smile as the tip of her tail stirred. "Hey," came her mumbled answer, a bit of a laugh bubbling up in her throat. She didn't want this to be strange and awkward, Jae didn't want anything to be different at all.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
11-15-2016, 12:34 AM

Fixated on where he was heading, he hadn't noticed anyone else out on the lake. The snow was falling lightly around him, blocking out most other things and lending to the silent nature of this dark, cold but beautiful place. It was hauntingly charming in its own way, and he rather liked it. He was glad that his paws had brought him to this place. When he heard the familiar sound of bells calling out, he thought he must be imagining it - it must be a trick of the ice. He continued on without changing his course, nor his pace, silver eyes fixed on his resting place with a cold determination. That was, until he heard her voice, and he paused mid-stride and turned his head, his eyes catching sight of her form. Had it not been for her bells, he might not have recognized her right away, covered in a layer of snow the way she was. But when he realized it was Jaelle, a strained smiled broke across his maw, yet he worried when he saw the concerned looked upon her face. Why did she look that way? It wasn't because of him, was it?

Before he could figure out what was going on, she closed the distance between them and ran her cold nose along his neck, causing his hackles to rise as a pleasant sensation ripple down his spine; he closed his eyes as she rubbed her head under his chin in an affectionate greeting, and he nuzzled his muzzle over the top of his head with a low rumble sounding in his throat. He was glad she'd approached him and closed any distance between them, for he wasn't sure he could have done it himself. He was so closed off from his own feelings, and there was so much confusion in his life... he didn't know how to act. When she pulled away to look at him, his eyes examined her face as well, wondering what was going on in her mind. He hadn't seen her since their night together... how had she felt since then? He'd been so caught up in his own life, he'd hardly had time to think about it. But after all he'd promised her, he really owed her every ounce of his care and attention. And he wondered... she'd been in heat that time. Had she conceived? It was very possible... the thought sent a nervous thrill through him, but he knew only time would tell. This early on, even she wouldn't be able to tell.

Her voice came forth in one simple word, a somewhat awkward greeting, followed by a laugh that bubbled up in her throat. He smirked slightly, chuckling awkwardly. That's right, she had asked him not to let things get weird. Suddenly he understood what she had meant; things were kind of weird right now, weren't they? But it shouldn't be that way. A real smile spread across his maw, and he reached forward to brush his nose across her cheek. "Jaelle, what a pleasure to see you," he murmured softly to her, "I wish you'd come around more... how have you been?" At that moment, he inhaled, noticing her scent; was she still in heat? Memories of the time they'd spent together flooded to the forefront of his mind, and his tail waved as he pulled back just slightly so he could look to her duo-toned eyes. He really wanted to know what she'd been up to, and how she'd been feeling. Perhaps, if she was well enough, he could confide in her, but most of all, he would love to just be himself with her, as they always had. It was a cold, icy night, but the lake was beautiful, its glow somewhat eerie but also fascinating, and the light snowfall added a peaceful note to it all. It was the perfect atmosphere to spend the night together; everything here felt so far-removed from reality, and it was just what he needed. He hoped it was what she needed, too.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

11-15-2016, 01:19 AM

She was glad that he didn't pull away from her, his murmur making her smile as she pulled back. It was hard to ignore the awkward feeling that gripped at her gut, she wasn't sure where they stood at the moment. As much as she knew she should probably touch on that, she didn't want to. She just wanted to be herself, just with a little more touching than usual. She had removed herself from his coat, but it wasn't too long before he was brushing her cheek in a tender manner. Jaelle found herself growing bashful, not used to such interactions. Her eyelids fluttered as she blinked at him, a tender smile on her lips as her ears pulled to the side ever so slightly. He didn't say anything for a moment, not after her one line greeting to him. Soon enough he said his piece, telling her that it was a pleasure to see her. It sent a sharp thrill through her, his touch leaving small jolts of electricity on her skin. Honestly she couldn't wait until her heat was over so that she wasn't sent over the edge every time he touched her fur. He said that he wanted her around more, something that stabbed her in the heart more than he would probably realized. She pulled back from him ever so slightly, her dual-toned eyes searching his face. "And give up my wandering days just for you? Just how special do you think you are?" she said teasingly, and even though it was in a half-hearten manner it felt nice to act like herself again. A grin grew on her inky lips as she took a seat on the lake, still leaving the snow that she had shoved into her back. "And I've been around still, I haven't left the north yet. I've just been trying to clear my head, get out all my navigation bugs before winter sets in. I can tell you how much I am not looking forward to the chilly days," she said, quickly standing and making a path of glowing blue as she strut away from him. Running her tail under his chin, she looked over her shoulder to wink a brown eye at him. "Guess that just means we have to cuddle to keep warm!" Giggling, the woman took off at a sprint, a trail of blue seeming to fly under her paws like a beacon towards the man. She had a habit of playing tag with him, but honestly both of them needed to just forget about the world for a moment.

Trying to maintain her grip on the slippery substance, Jaelle knew that her luck with falling wouldn't last very long. She had made it this far without falling, but knowing her it wouldn't last long. She tried to cut towards the edge of the lake, her eyes set on a lone pine tree in the distance. But sure enough, her left back leg swept off to the left, her right towards the right, and soon enough she was skidding on her butt across the lake. The trail of glowing lights grew wider under the ice as the surface area had just increased. She tried to dig in her front paws, but she had been running to fast. A wild burst of laughter left her maw as she tried to slow herself down, her bells screaming out behind her as they hit the ice with a hollow sounding clang. A bank of snow was coming up, and Jae tried to lean towards her right to avoid it. But no, of course, she slammed right into it. Her entire body poofed into the snow, sending a drift of fat flakes below her. Great. Pulling herself up, she flopped to her side as a fit of laughter took her over. She was nearly pure white now, the snow clinging to her fur in large clumps from her little adventure. Her legs flailed wildly on the ice as she tried to regain composure, rolling on her back to peer up at Xephyris. Blue and brown eyes were swashed with delight, but they took on a more tender note as they searched for the grey man's gaze. That was quite the ice breaker, and hopefully not so literally.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
11-15-2016, 02:17 AM

His ears flicked back when she pulled away from him slightly, and his silvery eyes met her duo-toned gaze. Why did she look a little bit upset? She seemed... different, her demeanor half-hearted. He felt a pain in his heart when she spoke, and at first he thought she might be serious. But it occurred to him that her tone wasn't filled with spite; instead, her voice came in a teasing manner, and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He shook out his thick coat when he realized how much of a hold she had over him. With a chuckle at her words, he shook his head. "I'd never ask you to give up your passions," he responded, grinning as his thick tail waved back and forth. He shuffled forward and seated himself when she did, wrapping his tail around the base of his paws, settling in as she explained what she had been up to. He tilted his head. "What is it that needs to be cleared from your mind?" he asked lightly, although he wasn't sure he'd get an answer right away. Had their night together been on her mind, or was something else distracting her? But, he had to chuckle some more when she said that she was just getting the navigation bugs out of her system, so that she could prepare herself for the winter season. Did that mean she wasn't planning on traveling as much during the cold season?

Suddenly she stood and began to strut away from him, the lake glowing at her paws. Her bell-clad tail ran under his chin, making him shiver. He wondered if she was trying to tempt him once more, or if she had simply forgotten that her scent was still immensely enticing. "Guess that just means we have to cuddle to keep warm!" With that, she dashed away, and he smirked, more than willing to take chase. He rose to his paws and took after her, his booming laughter carrying over the ice, following the blue trail her paws left behind. Just like that, she had made him forget his woes, forcing him into the moment, and he felt elated all over again. If only he could feel like this all the time. As he chased her, he watched as she lost her footing on the lake's slippery surface, sliding out of control toward a snow bank while her bells clanged against the ice. He followed her, trying to slow down himself, but he was finding it equally difficult to change his pace, even if he kept his balance on his paws. He watched a puff of snow dispersed around her, engulfing her momentarily; just moments later, he went sliding into the same snow bank, snow covering the darker gray hues along his back.

He smiled and chuckled as he watched her legs kicking out as she tried to right herself, but she was too busy laughing to find her footing, and came sliding toward him on her back, the lake glowing in a way that somehow accentuated her beauty even more than usual. He braced his paws against the icy surface, standing over her slightly. He met her brown and blue eyes with his silver, blue-flecked eyes, gazing down at her as passion began to fill his eyes. "You know, it's pretty cold tonight..." he murmured with a grin, his coat fluffing out against the snow as he reached forward nip at one of her forepaws playfully. He just wanted to be close to her, so close, to press his face into her fur and have her, all of her. She made him feel differently than anyone else, and he just wanted more and more of it. It already felt like he hadn't seen her in so long. It stung somewhat, knowing that she would take off again, as was her usual way. But that wasn't enough to discourage him from the present, and maybe... maybe if something came of the time they'd spent together, she wouldn't have much choice but to stay at home for a little longer. He knew he could never chain her down forever, but if he could just have her for a little while... for now, he wanted this night with her. He wanted to escape the cold with her and share their body heat, just like the last time. But how did she feel about it all?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

11-15-2016, 04:48 AM

When he asked what needed to be thought on, she fell silent for a moment and tore her gaze away from his. She tried to shrug her shoulders in a casual manner, but her bubbling emotions stopped her from moving at all. Swallowing hard, she looked back at him with an almost sheepish grin on her maw, a low laugh leaving her charcoal lips. "I can't stop thinking about that night... with you," she admitted in a hushed voice, searching his face to see if it was the same. She hadn't been able to get him off her mind since that night, not that she wanted to really... "That and plans for the winter, I don't think I will be doing too much traveling if the snow gets too bad. How would you feel about having me in Vyper for a whole season? I have to warn you though, I get awfully antsy," the woman teased, trying to let him know that she was still happy. The reason why she kept thinking back to that day was because of how special it was, and just how much of a lasting impression he had on her. It didn't last long though, as she was ready to play a game. All this talk could get boring, and even though she wanted to ask him what was on his mind she knew that they both needed to burn some energy.

As she slid, she managed to glance behind her to see that the gray man was doing the same thing, her head tossing back as she laughed without care. She could have done without the mouthful of snow, but the fits of giggles that followed were hard to get under control. That was, until he stood over her slightly and looked down, saying that it was getting rather cold. She shivered, but it wasn't the chill that had her body shaking. Leaning up slightly, she playfully tried to grab his ear and pull it downwards, guiding his head to where her scarf claimed most of her neck. It would be warm there, and she wanted to feel the heat of him on her coat. It probably would be a good idea to shake all the snow from their coats, but she didn't really care about that at the moment. As the flakes lazily drifted to the frozen lake below them, she washed them in light by beating her tail gently against the ice. The blue lights scattered with each thump of her tail, her bells singing out in a soft rhythm. As her mismatched eyes searched his, a tender smile took over her features. She was trying to not spread the scent of her heat, but it was hard to contain just how happy he made her. "Now, do you want to tell me what's on your mind?" she whispered, as if she was afraid that if she spoke too long she would break the spell. The lights below them lit up their coats, tinging both wolves with a delicate shade of blue. If he had rested his head on her, she aimed to softly groom his face and ears, her tongue licking off the snow that claimed his gray features. She hummed softly as she did so, allowing him all the time he needed to gather his thoughts. Even if he just wanted to lay here for a moment, she was okay with that.

Unable to stay still for too long, her head turned to the side and flopped against the ice. Looking out across the lake, she tried to see if there was a small group of trees or some sort of den that they could rest in. But it was a large arch that caught her eye, and she wondered if they would be able to hide from the cold there. Thinking for a moment, she did one more sweep to see if there was a better option. It was hard to see too far though, the light was growing dimmer and the glow below them didn't light up too much. They might have to just cross back over there, there was only that lone tree behind her where they rested now. Peeking back at Xephyris, she waited until he said what he wanted before she made her suggestion.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
12-03-2016, 02:29 AM

So she had been thinking about their night together. He grinned mischievously, his tail swishing back and forth as she continued, telling him her plans for winter. A surprised but delighted glint flashed through his blue-flecked eyes when she mentioned that she might stay in Vyper for a whole season. He hoped that it snowed so much she couldn't possibly travel. Before he could respond, she had taken off, at which point, he took chase. As they collided with the snow bank, they laughed, and he found himself standing over her, looking down at her. It took Jaelle only a moment to reach up and grab his ear, dragging his head down to her neck, and he went without resistance, laying his head against the fabric of her scarf. He inhaled her entrancing scent, humming in his throat as a shudder rippled through his muscles. His body was quick to follow his head, lowering toward her, his chest sprawling across hers as he curved his spine to the side and shimmied his hind legs so that his hips could lay upon the ice. After all, he didn't want to crush her under his weight completely. There was only one circumstance in which he'd wish to smother her, but now was not the time, at least, not quite yet. The scent of her heat was extremely enticing, and there was no way he could ignore it, but when she asked what was on his mind, he knew he couldn't ignore that either.

Xephyris took a deep breath, pressing his face into her neck as she groomed him gently, enjoying her caresses more than he knew was possible. He felt like he didn't need anything else, like time had stopped and he could stay right here forever. But somewhere in his mind, he knew that wasn't reality. When she paused for a moment to look at their surroundings, he pulled back his head and mustered the words to tell her what was going on. "The truth is... Limno abandoned us," he muttered, his ears folding back and a scowl crossing his face as he looked to the glowing ice. His eyes darkened, and he realized his mood was affected by her disappearance more than he cared to admit. He hadn't ever had real feelings for her, but she was the mother of his pups, after all. Not only that, but she was supposed to be his second in command. Her sudden leaving without a trace left him without a partner to raise his daughters, and he felt he'd made a huge mistake in trusting her - not only to raise his pups, but to help with his pack, too. And what would the wolves of Vyper think? He'd appointed her as someone of authority over everyone else in the pack, and now she was gone without a hint.

For a moment, the silver-eyed man stared at the glowing ice, before his gaze shifted back to the gorgeous woman in front of him. He didn't want to drag her into the chaos of his life, but... perhaps in a way, he had already done so. It was undeniable that they had a connection, and that their lives had become intertwined. But did she realize that the more she got involved with him, the more she would be bogged down? The more she would be wrapped up in all of his drama? Yet she didn't seem to want to keep any distance between them, and for that he was more than grateful. As always, he felt like he could share his inner world with her, in a way he didn't share with any others. "I've been looking for her," he admitted, acknowledging that his attention was split lately, "But it's not for me, it's not that I miss her... I just.. my little girls, they're without a mother now. I'm only one man, I have a pack to run... I worry that I can't give them everything they need." For so long, he'd been able to keep his worries at bay, to face it all with strength and ignore any feelings of uncertainty. Around her, he felt like he could be honest; that he worried, that he might actually have fears and doubts. Yet, he knew that she would make it better, as she always did. She was so bright, optimistic and clever, and to top it all off, so very beautiful - enough to make all of his worries, fears and doubts melt away as quickly as they overtook him.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

12-05-2016, 12:08 AM

Jaelle smiled as he snuggled against her, his heat pooling around her and sending tingles across her body. She tried to ignore the surge of hormones that came with being in heat, just trying to enjoy the tender moment with him and not have it amount to anything else. She knew what could happen while it was her season, and she was not wanting to be a mother right now. Besides, this was a man who had pups with another woman and had quite a few pining after him. A wave of guilt crashed over her for what she did to Soleil, but she swallowed it back. She hadn't set out to do that with Xeph, it had been in the heat of the moment. They were both consumed by passion and the smell of her heat, unable to stop their actions. Her ears pressed back ever so slightly, but otherwise her feelings did nothing to mar her features. A gentle smile was on her lips as he rested his head on her scarf, and she set to work grooming his head. It was a peaceful silence that spread between them, her thoughts lingering on the more closed off area that she had seen. Every breath of wind sent a chill through her, but she didn't suggest the move right now. It was rather comfortable here, sharing what warmth she had left with the silver man at her belly. Humming softly as she worked, her tail tapped on the glowing ice as she created her own little song. There was nothing awkward about them laying here without talking, it was completely comfortable. What a rare thing to have, such contentment in a time of silence like this. She wouldn't push him at all if he didn't want to talk about it, they could just go explore the glowing lake. There were far better things to do, and she wasn't always the best with advice. Jaelle could be blunt at times, and her tongue often moved before she realized what she was saying. At times words just came spilling out before she thought any better of it. A faint smile touched her lips, there were a lot of things that were unsavory about her and yet here lay this man beside her, even with several woman pining after him. A part of her felt flattered that he had chosen her, but had he really? Last she knew Limno was still his secondary and mother to his children, and Soleil was still a part of his pack. But yet here they lay. A warmth spread across cheeks, lashes batting towards him.

Their moment was broken when she looked back from her little wander, saying that Limno had left them. A jolt shot through her spine and she would have jumped if her back wasn't against a frozen lake. Both blue and brown eye were both wide as she looked at him with a rather dumbfounded expression. Gone? With the girls back all on their own? Jaelle's heart sank to her paws, the words of Soleil echoing in her mind. She had said that there wasn't something right about her, and the monochrome woman had picked up on it too. She was just too overly nice and her random position as secondary had struck her as odd. Although, Xephryis was partly to blame for that as well. Not really knowing what to say, she just stared at him with her mouth opened slightly. Watching him she could see the anger that filled him, his muscles tense as his face pulled those deep frown lines again. It was a look that she had worked so hard to get rid of, and the desire to smooth over his wrinkles filled her. Shifting slightly, she moved her front paw to rest her cold pad against his forehead, pressing softly as if to replace the skin back to the way it was before. He fell quiet again, and still she said nothing. There was nothing that she could really offer him to make this situation any better. It was a cold, heartless thing to do, leaving children like that. It nearly broke her heart. In the troupe the kids had been raised by everyone, but it wasn't really something that she had seen here a lot. This must be so hard on them... the poor dears. She put it in the back of her mind to take them out sometime, get them away from all the emotions and just let them be kids.

Her silver knight spoke up again, saying that he had been looking for her. She wasn't really around pack lands often so she wouldn't have missed his presence there. It probably wasn't ideal though, not from what she had seen with these odd packs of theirs. Apparently he needed to be there at all times. Jae's nose wrinkled slightly, but reclined when he said that it was for the girls. Nodding slightly, she could understand that point of view. He had every right to be angry with her, to hate her for his sake and their children's. But who was looking after them when he was away? Surely someone within the pack had stepped up to take on that daunting task. She let out a small sigh, taking her paw off of him and tucking it towards her chest. "I was planning on sticking around more as it grew colder, it's rather hard to explore with the amount of snow I expect will come with this cold front. I could always keep an eye on them, although it's been awhile since I have been around pups. The gypsies all rose the kids together though, so I know enough. I don't mind doing that while you go out to do what you need to do." she said in a gentle voice. Her bangles ran further up her legs and she stretched them out, letting out a soft laugh as her bells chimed along with them. After all, someone had to help out, yeah? She did say that she was there to offer assistance, and she had yet to do so. "As for not doing enough, I am sure the girls understand. Someone has to make sure I don't trip down a mountain, right?" Jaelle asked with another laugh, her teasing voice nearly echoing through the glowing ice.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.