
Gonna Eat You Like a Virus {AW}

Mercy I


5 Years

11-07-2016, 01:14 AM
*Note to self, set before thread with Elias

She had lived beside the forest of fog, it wasn't something that she batted an eye at anymore. She couldn't deny the chill that sunk in under her skin, but she was used to it at this point. Her life seemed to be a constant circle of pain, lust, and anger. A little chill wouldn't scare off the world-weary dame, and on this night it was exactly what she needed. The thick forest nearly swallowed all the moonbeams, sending her into perpetual darkness. She stumbled through with as much grace as she could, keeping her violet eyes on the land before her. Twisted roots sought to trip her up, the undergrowth pulling at her alabaster fur. As sure footed as she was, she nearly face planted a few times. A low growl vibrated in her throat, and she knew that her wandering was pointless. Hopping over a gnarled stump of a tree, she landed in a small clearing with a small patch of moonlight pushing through the canopy above. It was as good as she was going to get, walking a tight circle around it as she peered into the darkness. There was a glint of yellow eyes that caught her attention, her inky lips flipping upwards to expose her glistening fangs. Whatever it was vanished as soon as she growled, throwing her world into silence once more.

The pale woman took a seat on the cool ground, looking up through the break in trees to eye the crescent moon that hung in the sky. The ever seething rage that seemed to control her burned hot in her belly, her nails digging into the earth below her. Ears flicked backwards and clung to her skull, eyes narrowing into fine slits. She had spent ages searching for her brother, and she was about to just give up hope. How the fuck could he just leave her like that? They had loved each other, and shared a den most nights. It all went south when he let that bitch Esti in, she had been fully intent on stealing him away from her. But he tossed her words back at her, saying that he was allowed to sleep with others if she could. That was the very thing about her though, her little hook; she didn't like to share. Mercy enjoyed the company of many, but those close to her she didn't want others to get their paws on. She felt like that with Gethin, even though she had been around more than a few times since they met up. He was always hovering, he was twisted around her paw quite tightly. It was... different, not something that she was used to. Usually it was just one night that she spent with a wolf, and then the next morning she went on her way. She liked blood almost as much as she liked sex, but not everyone appreciated her methods. One night was enough for them, but she was forever needing more. Nothing sated her endless hunger, her masochism life style nearly devoured her. It wasn't like she wasn't in control of herself -- as much control as the fiery girl could handle -- but there were times when her emotions got the best of her.

Sighing, her breath fogging before her, she wondered if it had all been a lie. Had Revenge ever cared about her like he said? She could never imagine leaving him like he had her, with no warning at all. He was just... gone. Her lips twitched as she tried to push it away, but she had toyed with the floodgates one too many times. The memories of them together came rushing into her mental movie player, the reels rolling on and on across her minds eye. He had been so angry when she came back all cut up from her fight with the tiger, she had let it fester a little bit and it grew infected. She had never seen him display so much raw emotions, even more so towards her. Mercy's slightly longer tail curled behind her, angry when she felt the sting of tears in her eyes. She was going to be a year older next season, another year without him. She knew that she would just forget him, it was pretty obvious that he had done the same. Shaking her head, she shattered her stone like stature and tore her eyes away from the moon above her. Blinking, she tried to readjust to the darkness of the woods, sniffling angrily as a single tear rolled down her face. She leaned down and rubbed her face against the inside of her leg, tearing away the tear from her face and mussing up her fur. Grumbling, the scarred woman's claws bit further into the ground. Fixating on a single leaf, she glared at it like her life depended on it. Fuck him for this, for all of this. It was his fault, all his fault that she felt like this. She couldn't wait to get him off her chest, he had dug his own grave and she was done with him.

Or at least... that's what she told herself.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-07-2016, 04:49 AM

Prey had been pretty scarce as of late. And he was sure it would only get worse when winter came. The drought that wracked the lands had only served to drive the prey away, which was why he was more determined in the pack moving to Auster once the time came. Unless of course, he could find other lands that might be better suited for them. Stocked with water and prey to keep them going for the coming season. That's what led him to the south this time, scouting out anything he might have missed. Still, he felt like even if he did find something here, it wouldn't amount to the beauty he had found within the castle and the starlit plain he had found. Those images still danced in his mind. The lands there had left such an impression on him that he had been unable to forget. Then again, there were a lot of things he never forgot.

And this was one such thing.

He trekked carefully through the forest. One that wasn't entirely foreign to him since he had lived so close to it once upon a time. Before the pack had fallen. It was all history now, and he didn't have any attachment to it like Lykos had. They weren't even born there, so it wasn't ever his home. There was a lot he had learned from his mother when he had gotten back from his trip, and it seemed she was finally opening up about their father and the history surrounding that. It was something she didn't like to talk about he knew, but he was glad he knew now. What he did know, was that if he ever saw the bastard, he would surely give him what he deserved. But before he could think about the things he wanted to do to the traitor, a scent suddenly crossed him.

He paused where he was. Nostrils flaring as he tried to figure out who it was. The scent was mildly foreign to him, but at the same time...familiar. It took him a moment, but he finally figured it out. It was the same scent that had trespassed. The same scent that was all over the scene of the fight, and even the same scent that he had smelled around Lykos the few times he had passed him. Was this the same wolf who had deliberately sought to break apart his family?

Only one way to find out.

He tracked her scent for a good few minutes, and finally he would find her. She was sitting near a tree, seemingly staring at something but he didn't know what. His approach wasn't all too quiet, but he hadn't made an effort to hide himself either. In a way, he wanted her to know he was here. Green eyes looked her over. Her coat nearly glowing in the light of the moon. He was confused...what the hell did his stupid brother see in her? It was both her fault and his that Lykos had ended up where he was now. But that was his brothers dumb ass fault too. Still..."What're you sniffling about?" He hadn't missed the sound earlier. Was she scared of the dark? Or something else?


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.

Mercy I


5 Years

11-18-2016, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2016, 01:09 AM by Evelyn.)

The pale woman kept her eye on the single blade of grass, her ears flickering to alert her to someone's approach. Quickly her purple eyes narrowed in on the brown male, her nostrils flaring to take in his scent. What hit her nose made a slow smirk spread across her lips, her head tipping up. He asked why she was sniffling, but she completely ignored him. It was pretty clear to her that he was part of Ivalice, and even more so that he was a son of Avalon. Snickering, she pulled herself up taller and forgot about all her own woes. This was a lot more interesting to focus on, after all. Looking him up and down, she had to say that he was rather plain and boring compared to his siblings. Kharnage was tall and had a grumpy sort of demeanor that she liked. Lykos was brooding and a quick learner, and she had a bond with him from the get go. That only left two others, Gyphon and Dragon. Thinking back to what his gray brother had told her, she would put prey on the fact that this was Dragon. But why would he approach her, of all wolves? Surly there mother came back covered in her scent, as well as the markers that she had so pleasantly put on their borders. A single black marked brow rose, perhaps he wasn't as stupid as both brothers had claimed, or maybe he was more foolish than them all. "How is that pretty new scar of your mothers doing, Dragon?" she questioned in a sickly sweet voice, her head canting towards her own left. Mercy's lower lip protruded in a pout, but her eyes sparkled with mirth. This was the distraction she needed. "Did you come to get a matching one, or just a lovely chat in the moonlight?" her voice was the same overly smooth tone as before, her her lips curling back to reveal her fangs. She was in an odd mood though, she wouldn't attack him right off the bat. No, she always was one to like a dance before dinner.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


11-18-2016, 01:56 AM

She could never just walk through a field or a simple forest or some shit, could she? He carefully picked his way through the mist and brambles, just following Mercy by scent at this point. He had given up trying to keep her within sight, especially with this heavy mist hanging around. Did he have to follow her to make sure she was alright? No. Was he going to do it anyway? Yes. Was he mildly regretting it in this moment? Maybe.

His ears twitched at the sound of an exchange of voices, even though he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. His brow raised at the scent that reached him. He could be wrong, but it smelled quite similar like the scent that had been all over Mercy when he found her after that fight. Curious, he picked his way through the frustrating foliage a bit faster till he finally reached Mercy, his blood red gaze landing on the brown male across from her. He came to a stop at Mercy's left side, standing slightly behind her like a bodyguard or a shadow. His coloring blended into the night as it was and Mercy certainly didn't need his protection so perhaps a shadow was a better term. He quietly settled on his haunches while his hard gaze remained on the other male.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-02-2016, 01:06 AM

She stood up, setting herself as tall as she could. But even then, he was still an inch taller. He watched her move, keeping his visage unreadable as well as his body language. This had to be Mercy. And before he could even doubt that thought, she confirmed it. He stared at her with a sort of stony expression, though made no indication that he was angry or riled. He did wonder how she knew his name, but he knew who the culprit for that was. Even more reason to no longer trust that traitorous rat. Lykos had proven well beyond anything that he could not be trusted anymore. "She's healed quite well in fact." He responded with slight amusement. "I guess you didn't do as well as you thought you did." He lifted his head, eyes never leaving hers as his tail flicked against his hocks. He wondered what this woman would try to do. What made her tick. But just hearing the way she talked, he was forming his perception of her.

The way she spoke...well, he couldn't say he found it very pleasant. But that was probably because he was too young still to be pulled in by her charm. Or...lack of it. Her pout and questions made him unintentionally snort. The young male looking away for a moment as he tried to keep himself well controlled. "Right. I didn't follow you all this way. Unlike Lykos, I'm not interested in old ladies." He looked at her from the corner of his eye, wondering how she would react. And then he straightened out again, the scent of another followed by movement catching his eye. A male probably around the same size as him, though it was a bit hard to tell since the male stood behind Mercy. Green met red for a moment, wondering if they were both going to try and gang up on him. Based on what he had learned and heard about this woman...he would stay on guard. "So. Have you seen Lykos since then?" Oh. He couldn't wait for her to find out. His gaze returned to her, though remained alert in case the male or anyone else tried to surprise him.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.

Mercy I


5 Years

12-02-2016, 01:32 AM

Mercy had to pause when he tossed an insult back at her, amused at how quickly he had reacted to her quip. Raising a paw, she acted like she had been wounded by his words, before placing it back on the ground and slinking towards him like a snake. "Oh no dear, your mother couldn't do that kind of damage if she tried," the woman cooed, tipping herself in a manner that the scars on her back gleamed in the dull light that was able to penetrate the thick canvas. She was proud of the scars that she had gotten, but the one that she left on Avalon's shoulder would be a constant reminder that she wasn't strong enough to even beat a loner. She was an alpha of all things, and she wasn't even able to fight off one little trespasser. Her lips curled up in a toothy grin before she took a seat. His next words made her spine tingle slightly, her purple eyes narrowing at Dragon. Salmon tongue flicked out of her mouth to lap at her inky lips, a breath of air hissing through her teeth. There was no doubt that she was an easily agitated wolf, but she needed to watch herself slightly. She knew she was strong, but she wasn't stupid to piss off the pack even more to get wolves after her. There were enough wolves she knew that were out for her blood.

She was about to make a comment when she felt a familiar presence at her back, looking over her shoulder to gaze at Gethin. Ah, her little shadow. Tossing him a wink and a grin, she flipped back to gaze at the boy with a slightly raised chin. "From what I have heard from two of you boys, there is a lot of dislike between you siblings. What a shame to place that hate on another... innocent bystander," she said, honey practically dripping from her lips with each word. "Lykos doesn't follow like a blind dog, that's what I admire in him. Kharnage seems like a strong minded fellow as well, and yet both wolves left your mothers pack," she only guessed that Kharn had left, they had talked about it when they had met. "So, little puppet, why do you follow Avalon? Since you don't like old ladies," Mercy flashed him a wide grin, a snicker following.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


12-02-2016, 02:25 AM

Gethin's gaze caught the attention of the brown male across from them for a moment and a small twitch of a smirk touched his lips. He glanced toward Mercy then when she looked back at him for a second, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest at her wink. Gods, she was always a sly one wasn't she? He sat quietly while he watched the pair of them interact. From what he could gather it confirmed that this was a son of the woman Mercy had fought. Interesting. It was a bit like watching a show. Mercy's banter was always interesting as it was, but to see her in action, unleashing her silver tongue on someone else was pure entertainment as far as he was concerned. It did all make him incredibly curious though. He could slowly piece together the pieces from what Mercy said, but he wondered how she had such a connection to this family. Were they part of her old pack at one point? Or had life just crossed their paths? Perhaps he would ask her about it later. He didn't dare interrupt for the time being. No, he'd just sit back and watch unless this twerp got any ideas. Gethin knew Mercy could fight him off easily, but if he was being honest he was getting a bit tired of cleaning up her wounds all the time. Maybe he'd trade places with her sometime and he could get pampered and fixed up. He smirked a little at his own thoughts before he made himself refocus on the conversation.

"Talk" "You" Think