
New Incubus Family



1 Year
11-23-2016, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2016, 06:44 PM by Luna.)
Family Tree

All appearances and personalities are up for negotiation/discussion.

(If this surname is already in use, it can be altered)

The Incubus family began seventeen generations back. When their founding stock, Incubus was found alone on a
dangerous path by a flea ridden ragtag pair whom had been ousted from their own natal packs for being slim,
small and odd with their penchant for nibbling on the weak, the sick and the recently dead of their own kind.
The pair at the time felt themselves incapable of producing offspring and decided that instead of eating the medium
sized pup they'd take and raise him as their own son. Little did they know that he would begin an empire built on
their values and give a home to all dark souls without a home. But only if they were loyal to him and none other.

A year after they'd taken in their adopted son, the pair managed to have a litter of one. It wasn't actually planned,
but they'd taken the risk nevertheless. A daughter whom Incubus later took as his mate.

Since then as generations passed and Incubus himself succumbed to old age at the ripe old age of thirteen years,
three months and thirteen days things began to change. The Incubus family now very rarely takes in insiders.

They also scoff at packs that are run by those without the blood of the ancient Incubus flowing through their
genetic pool. If it is known they each try to mate to their own third cousins, or even first cousins when opportunity
allows. If they do allow outsiders into their gene pool it is usually pups they find and either steal and foster or
find and adopt to grow up to become a mate with one of their families own true Incubus blooded whelps. However
for the most part they view those without Incubus blood flowing through them to be a separate species and thus
akin to coyote or fox which they find to be delectable at meal time. They enjoy the taste of non Incubus wolf
meat while others only like to lap up the blood like the fables of the vampyr. They don't consider themselves
cannibals, but other wolves no doubt do.

The family is a vicious lot, but loyal to their own. It is rare to find one living the loner life without one or two
of its family to sidle along with him or her. But their main goal is not to rule, but to find a home for their entire
clan. They vote on whom leads every third year even if they are but a group of loners - someone gets to lead
them. But every change is always voted on by the masses - as long as they have the blood of the ancient Incubus
coursing through their veins and they are at least a year old. While they may not seem all that ambitious to lead
they are ambitious in wanting to take over every single land and pack to expand their own empire. And why not
when their families have grown so large since the first true ancient Incubus within their own lineage decreed they
go forth and prosper through procreating.

Most of the time an individual does not choose his or her own mate. Or they have a beloved, but they must create
pups with someone else to strengthen the lineage. A great majority is fine with this as it has been their tradition
for several generations. The strongest, most vicious, but most loyal to family is mated together to produce the next
generation that is hoped to have similar values.

It matters not how small, or large, or beautiful or odd looking. As long as they have the Incubus blood running
through them, they are welcomed. Unless they betray the way of life, for which a death sentence is oft given.
If they live to have pups the family would do everything they can to take the pups from them and raise them as
communal pups belonging to the entire pack - as they do with all pups.

In fact every male and female two years and older each pup born into the clan is considered a mother and father
to all pups even if they're not biologically born from them. And thus all pups one year eleven months and younger
at the time of a litters birth is considered brothers and sisters even if they are close or distant cousins. In this way
it is hoped to create long lasting bonds between the older generations and the newest generations.

Most sport brown, yellow or orange eyes. To the Incubus family these are the special eyes, particularly yellow for
the most ancient Incubus as they know him had yellow eyes while his mate had brown and orange. While they
accept all manner of color, these are sacred eye colors to them and often sought after in a potential procreating
mate. Black and brown is considered sacred fur, especially when they accompany each other for Black and brown was
the fur color sported by Incubus himself from which all members of the Incubus lineage descend. His mate had the
much rarer pure white coat for she was an Arctic Wolf whereas Incubus himself was a Timber/Mackenzie Valley mix.

Outside their family circles they are loyal to none, but are cunning and witty enough to act, to lure others into a
false sense of security no matter how long that may take before finally putting any plan into motion.

Those who have been fortunate enough to become a part of the family outside their lineage have had to suffer
through a year of arduous tasks among other things to be welcome enough and allowed to have a litter with
their beloved. Those who don't make it are kept by their beloved as their love-slave but not allowed to have a
litter with them. Unless somehow they finally manage to prove themselves to the leaders or are granted special
permission by those who claim to have had visions from their ancestor, Incubus himself.

Females will not, or are at least unlikely to give up their surnames for they wish the Incubus name to remain
prominent. Or if they take anothers surname their pups still get the Incubus surname with their sires surname
as one of their middle names should they have any middle names at all.

As for what types of names this family has, here's a large number of examples.

Abaddon, Abdiel, Abduxuel, Abigor, Abraxas, Adramalech, Adriel, Adze, Aeshma, Afrit, Agaliarept, Agares,
Agramon, Agra-bat-mahlaht, Ahazu, Ahpuch, Ahriman, Aka Manah, Akatash, Aku Aku, Alastor, Aldinach, Allocen,
Allocer, Alperer, Alu, Amducias, Amducious, Ammit, Andras, Andrealphus, Andrephalus, Andromalius, Angra Mainyu,
Angrboda, Anini, Ankou, Ansitif, Apaosha, Apasmara (good for a dwarf name), Apollyn, Apollyon, Apophis,
Ardat-Lile, Ariel, Arioch, Asag, Asakku, Asanbosam, Ashtaroth, Aspis, Astaroth, Astarte Astovidatu, Aswang, Aulak,
Avnas, Awar, Aym, Aynaet, Ayperos, Az, Azanigin, Azathoth Azazel, Azza

Baal, Bael, Bajang, Baka, Balan, Balvala, Bana, Bannik, Banshee, Baobhan-Sith, Baphomet, Baron Samedi,
Basilisk, Bathin, Beelzebub, Befana, Beleth, Belial, Belphegor, Bergmoench, Bernael, Bifrous, Bilu, Bilwis,
Blutschink, Bodach, Boggart, Bogie, Bohten Dayak, Bolla, Botis, Bune, Bushyasta, Butz, Byleth

Caacrinolas, Cacus, Caim, Canaima, Caym, Cham-Er, Charmo Vetr, Charon, Charun, Cherufe, Chil Gazi, Chimaira,
Chordeva, Chumbaba, Chumur Deli, Churel, Cimejes, Cluricanus, Cresil, Crocell, Curupira

Daevas, Daityas, Danag, Danglathas, Dantalion, Dantanian, Dearg-Due, Deber, Deumos, Diablos, Dibbuk, Dogai,
Dowardiru (good name for one with giantism), Drak, Dre, Drude, Druj, Duppy

Flauros, Furfur, Geryon, Gomory, Haures, Illuyanka, Imdugud, Impundulu, Indra, Inguma, Ipes, Ipos, Iya,
Jahi, Jaldabaoth, Jeretik, Jestan, Jezebeth, Jigarkhvar, Joetun, Kasdeya, Kobal, Lahash, Leonard, Lilith, Lucifer,
Malphas, Mammon, Mastema, Merihim, Moloch, Mullin, Murmur

Naberius, Nicor, Nybbas, Nysrogh, Obyzouth, Oriax, Ornias, Ose, Paymon, Philatanus, Popobawa, Pyro, Quingo,
Rahab, Raum, Rimmon, Ronwe, Semiazas, Shabriri, Shax, Sonneillon, Sorath, Stolas, Succorbenoth, Succubus,
Sytry, Thamuz, Udl, Uezuet, Uhaml, Ukobach, Ukopach, Umibozu, Ummar, Uphir, Uvall

Vajrapani, Valafar, Valefor, Vanth, Vapula, Vassago, Vaya, Vepar, Verdelet, Verin, Vetis, Vila, Vine, Virikas,
Virolac, Vishap, Vodnic, Volac, Voval, Vrita, Wall, Wasco, Wendingo, Werzelya, Wichan Alwe, Wolba, Wraith,
Wrukolas, Wutr

Yachemi, Yama, Yama-Onna, Yamale, Yan-Gant-Y-Tan, Yara-Ma-Yha-Who, Yatsh, Yipon, Ymir, Yukki-Onna, Yush,
Zaebos, Zagan, Zarich, Zepar, Zipacna, Zmeu, Zombie, Zozo, Zu, Zupay

Lady One and Lady Two are first cousins once removed to Gentleman One and Gentleman Two. They are first
cousins to Bro1 Sis1 and Bro2. They are fourth cousins to MaleOne Inbus whose first cousins are MaleFive Incubus
and FemaleFour Incubus.

MaleOne Incubus is fourth cousins with SisterOne, SisterTwo, SisterThree and BrotherOne.

The three sisters and their brother are second cousins to MaleOne Incubus, MaleFive Incubus and FemaleFour

The following are only references of what they look like.

NOTE: They can look different than the images below entail.

[Image: Two-Wolves-Oct-29-2013-2.jpg]
Lady One (Two Years) and Lady Two (Two Years) whose species percentages are as follows:
93.695068359375% Timber
6.28662109375% Arctic
0.018310546875% Mackenzie

Lady One App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Two Years
Gender: Female
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Appearance: Wolf in Back, but as long as they appear to be identical the entire design may be altered to your own satisfaction.
Personality: This she-devil has sociopathic tendencies and only has room in her heart for her littermate. She
has a never ending bloodlust and thus her maw is often drenched in red. Any offspring she has she's unlikely to take
care of well, if at all.
Future plans:
RP sample:

Lady Two App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Two Years
Gender: Female
Alignment Lawful Evil, or True Neutral
Appearance: Wolf in Front, but as long
as they appear to be identical the entire design may be altered to your own satisfaction.
Personality: This is one lady who abides by the laws governing whatever pack she's in, well perhaps as long
as an Incubus runs it. Whereas her littermate would cast out her own pups she is likely to take care of any she has
along side that of any nieces and nephews. The only true loyalty she has is first and foremost to her littermate and
then to the Incubus family.
Future plans:
RP sample:

Ref Image
Bro1 (Three Years), Sis1 (Two Years) and Bro2 (Two Years) with Sis1 being the dominant of the three. Whose
species percentages are as follows:
93.695068359375% Timber
6.28662109375% Arctic
0.018310546875% Mackenzie

Bro1 App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Three Years
Gender: Male
Alignment Neutral Evil
Appearance: The male on his back, but their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color in
Personality: This male is the most timid among the Incubus family. However don't let that fool you for when
it comes to those outside his lineage he has a mind like a steel trap with cunning to boot. He tries to maintain the
peace among his family even if it means he's the one who takes all their aggression upon himself. Furthermore
he can't stand to see any of his family members take new blood as a mate. He has his eyes set on LadyOne.
Future plans:
RP sample:

Sis1 App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Two Years
Gender: Feale
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Appearance: The wolf in the center standing over the other two, but their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have
at least one color in common.
Personality: This she-wolf has a devious mind and can act so well that few see her betrayal coming. She is
a top contender among her family to be the head of the Incubus family, her only true rival that of LadyOne whom
she's not above killing if she has to, but prefers not to spill Incubus blood if she can help it.
Future plans: She is betrothed to MaleTwo or o MaleTwo himself proclaims.
RP sample:

Bro2 App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Two Years
Gender: Male
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Appearance: The male on the
, but their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color
in common.
Personality: This male is patient and just as ambitious as his littermate. He prefers to act in such a way he's
only above the ranking of one might think of as an omega. But in truth he's hiding a far more deadly design as he
secretly plots the assassination of any who get in his way. Unlike most of his Incubus brethren he's fine with
bringing about their annihilation though much prefers to hire assassins if were such a thing a possibility. Of course
he'd keep all of the females, not his sister, as breeding stock to continue his lineage if he were so able.
Future plans:
RP sample:

SisterOne (Four Years), SisterTwo (Three Years), SisterThree (Two Years), BrotherOne (One Year) whose
subspecies percentages are as follows:
75.018310546875% Mackenzie
12.53662109375% Arctic
12.445068359375% Timber

SisterOne App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Four Years
Gender: Female
Alignment Neutral Good
Appearance: The female to the far left, but their
colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color in common.
Personality: Of all the Incubus family thus far she is the kindest of heart, but remains as fierce as any of
her siblings and cousins. And is perhaps the most likely to fall for someone outside the Incubus family itself. This is
perhaps in part due to having to raise her younger siblings herself as their father never had time for them and
their mother only gave them milk and no other attention.
Future plans:
RP sample:

SisterTwo App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Three Years
Gender: Female
Alignment Evil
Appearance: The second wolf from the left, but
their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color in common.
Personality: Anger and disappointment have been her lot in life. Her biological parents she disowned in her
heart if a heart she doth have. Her mind is fractured into three other sub-personalities and she at times suffers
from anxiety, especially when her eldest sister cannot be found. Anyone who dares harm her elder sister will no
doubt suffer her eternal wrath and damnation. Of course anyone not of Incubus blood appears to be a main course
on her dinner plate.
Future plans:
RP sample:

SisterThree App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Two Years
Gender: Female
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Appearance: The wolf third from the left, but
their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color in common.
Personality: She respects only her two elder sisters and none other and treats her younger brother like he's
still a pup in need of guidance. What's more however any wandering pups she spots she feels the need to pup-nap
and keep for her own as slaves to do her bidding and any who do not may find themselves minus an eye, an ear, a
tail or a limb or at least so full of scars they're too hideous to behold. And she's not above picking them upon
adulthood to pair off with each other so she has a continuous supply of slaves to which only the one she finds most
gorgeous will be allowed a betrothal to a pup of her own should she have one, or that of a niece or nephew.
Future plans:
RP sample:

BrotherOne App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: One Year
Gender: Male
Alignment True Neutral
Appearance: The wolf to the far right, but their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color in common.
Personality: He's quite annoyed by his sisters who treat him like a pup. He wants to escape the Incubus
family though remains proud of his name. He's torn in two by his desires though is but a single personality. He
feels new blood would actually help their lineage rather than hinder it, but his sisters will hear nothing of it.
Which so infuriates him he takes his frustrations out on those he comes into contact with be it a fight or forcing
them for his own pleasures and gratification - it matters not to him their gender.
Future plans:
RP sample:

[Image: wolves.jpg]
Gentleman1 (One Year) and Gentleman2 (One Year) whose species percentages are as follows:
84.320068359375% Timber
15.66162109375% Arctic
0.018310546875% Mackenzie

GentlemanOne App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: One Year
Gender: Male
Appearance: The wolf on the left, but their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have at
least one color in common.
Personality: He loves the ladies and sometimes the gentlemen be they of Incubus blood or not. What he
enjoys most is a willing macho cist for he is himself a sadist, but the one who has a bit of love within his heart or at
least a form of caring to ensure his pet or slave's good health. However any pups born not of an Incubus female
or one accepted by a majority of the Incubus family is likely to be killed by his own teeth.
Future plans:
RP sample:

GentlemanTwo App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: One Year
Gender: Male
Alignment Evil
Appearance: The wolf on the right, but their colors/designs may be altered if you so choose as long as they have
at least one color in common.
Personality: Think of a personality crossed between Scar/Shere Khan/Ikky Vikky/Brokenstar and the sith.
He is after all highly ambitious and not above using his brother in his schemes as if he were himself a puppet
Future plans:
RP sample:

[Image: Wolves2.png]
MaleFive (Three Years) and FemaleFour (One Year) whose subspecies percentages are as follows:
37.53662109375% Arctic
37.518310546875% Mackenzie
24.94068359375% Timber

MaleFive App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Three Years
Gender: Male
Appearance: The wolf on the left, but their colors/designs may be
altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color in common.
Personality: He is a warrior, a knight, a protector. He feels it is his duty to see that none of the Incubus
come to harm at the paws of outsiders. More than that he feels the need to protect his younger sister whom upon
the death of their parents he himself had to raise from the time she'd barely been weaned. Though he seems cool,
calm and collected there is a breaking point where he may well go into Berserker mode.
Future plans:
RP sample:

FemaleFour App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: One Year
Gender: Female
Alignment Good
Appearance: The wolf on the right, but their colors/designs may be
altered if you so choose as long as they have at least one color in common.
Personality: She is a serene soul content to frolic among the flowers or snow. She has a dreamy look on
her countenance that sometimes one might wonder if she is even of the world. Even her voice is soothing and
melodious like what one might imagine an angel to sound like. She is oft daydreaming and seems to have no
ambition, but there is ambition within herself yet to unlock and blossom, for she dreams of being the fairy queen.
Future plans:
RP sample:

[Image: 611397cbb6d24ac1f2fa2fd1c4f8e8eb.jpg]
MaleOne (Two Years) whose subspecies percentages are as follows:
37.53662109375% Arctic
37.518310546875% Mackenzie
24.94068359375% Timber

MaleTwo App
OOC name:
Name: ??? Incubus
Age: Two Years
Gender: Male
Alignment Evil
Appearance: This fellow, who looks a lot like their ancestor, Incubus himself.
Personality: Highly aggressive and believes not in love nor in friendship. Only in the continuation of the
Incubus lineage and proclaims too that he is Incubus himself reincarnated.
Future plans: Since he was a pup he proclaimed that Sis1 is his future mate, betrothed to him.
RP sample:

Other possible designs for Incubus family members
[Image: 1GkcfWP.png]

Feel free to make some alterations, but most, if not all of the Incubus family falls in the Evil alignment with few
if any outliers.

Any questions?



9 Years
11-23-2016, 01:21 PM
um, you posted this in adoptions so i take it you want this family to become a reality in the world of Ardent. Most of us here do our Adoptions through an application process so that we can see how the character would be played by the person trying to adopt them. I'm not saying you have to do that yourself but if you could make it more clear as to who you're trying to adopt out to people and how you would like them to be played that would be helpful.
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]



1 Year
11-23-2016, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I've edited above.