
give me forever for a while[PACK CHALLENGE]



12 Years
Extra large
11-17-2016, 11:56 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

His counter attack for Liar's eyes fell short of his hopes; Liar's teeth found their mark just above the point of his right front elbow, the canines digging ragged, moderate to severe lacerations into the area and staining the crimson fur with a darker red of his own blood. The tendon was nicked by one of those teeth, but he thought, in a quicksilver moment of attention to the injury, that he would be able to use the leg once all was said and done. Kavdaya would be able to tell him more clearly how bad it was. But he was pretty sure he'd be able to at least walk on it.

His bid for Liar's eyes fell short as Liar moved away; though it did land, and his jaws found purchase on Liar's right cheek. He sought to take brief advantage of this grip, attempting to give his head a violent shake, seeking to worsen the wound dealt before releasing his grip and tucking his chin back over his throat, jaws remaining slightly parted, silent snarl in place around still narrowed, chilled sapphire eyes.

His slam was successful, though Liar used it to shift their angle to near parallel, Liar's left side closer to Regulus' right side, though at a slight angle; shoulders closest together, rumps further apart. The slam left Regulus with a moderate bruise across the front of his chest. He ignored the pains and aches, the icy fire still coiling through his veins, mixing with the adrenaline thrumming through his frame, providing the energy and balm he needed to push on with fervor.

He caught sight of Liar's slight lowering and sought to move fast, - elbows and hocks bent to allow smoother, quicker movement as well as a lower center of gravity - seeking to pivot on is left fore-paw and shift his hind end to his own left in a quick, two hop bound, wishing to bring them swiftly into a rough face to face angle as he sought to drop sharply on the second hop, low to the ground, belly almost brushing the soil as he sought to support his weight in his squared haunches and left front leg - favoring his right foreleg to avoid damaging it further -, wanting to come in much lower than Liar, roughly chest height on the exotically marked male.

Regulus sought to lunge forward and upward from beneath Liar, just as Liar went for his bite - causing the exotic male's teeth to snap harmlessly on air just above Regulus's ears - twisting his head sharply up and to his right as his parted jaws sought a vicious hold on Liar's own throat, upper canines seeking to sink into the right side of Liar's throat, just behind his lower jaw, while his lower canines sought a similar placement on the left side of the tan throat.

His hind legs provided the thrust, hind claws digging into the ground for that added bit of traction and toes spread apart to further the propulsion and balance. He wanted to make this wolf bleed; to weaken him throughout the rest of the fight. Thus he meant to at least leave savage injuries in the wake of his teeth, and at most rip a hole in the jugular.

His shoulders rolled forward over the base of his neck, ears flat to his skull, his hackles remaining raised to their full extent down his back. His scruff was rolled into its defensive layer of protection by the awkward nature of his attack, his abdomen tightened to provide an extra bit of balance while his tail swept just above the ground, sending dust flying, though he was too low to really use the appendage for extra balance.

As he lunged, he sought to put as much force into the attack as he could, wanting to his left front paw snapping forward, his hind legs taking his weight as he sought to hook his left front paw around the outer side of the primary (Carpus) joint of Liar's right foreleg, wanting to jerk it forward and out from under him, intending to shake his balance. All the while, true to his mother and grandmother, and his great uncle Cormalin, he never once snarled, grunted, or hissed in pain, letting Liar make all the noise. He was reserving himself, concentrating.

The fight was far from finished, and he intended to wear his opponent down to the bone like he did to the deer he hunted. If Liar died shortly after, Regulus would have no remorse for it. The male had come to harm his home by seeking to steal it, and the smirk Regulus had caught on the males face told him the lack of care Liar had for the lives he intended to ruin. If Liar somehow won, there was no way any of the family in Celestial would want anything to do with him; in fact, no doubt some would want his head on a platter.

Overhead, the sky seemed to be preparing for its own battle; the sky darkened, black clouds that had been skulking on the horizon rolling in like the gods had come to see the fight. The wind picked up, howling across the field, the song pierced by the first real rumbles of thunder. Lightning flickered through the roiling black mass of clouds, and a cold, wet smell promised a torrent of rain forthcoming.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Liar for Celestial
Round Three of Six

Defenses: ...
Attacks: ...
OOC Notes: Due to lack of stating how severe the damage dealt by Liar's bite to the elbow was, I decided the severity. Halfway there! :D Doing great so far, Riv ^^

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



4 Years
Extra large
11-19-2016, 07:08 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2016, 05:59 PM by Karabela.)

A dusting of snow heralded the changing of seasons, in a few days she was certain they were going to get hit with a winter storm but in some ways it was a blessing.  They needed the moisture.  Karabela climbed around to the western edge of Fenrir's Maw.  Keen eyes scouted for any sign of movement as her nose tested the scents on the air.  So far, so good.  No signs of trespass or rival predators.  Though she'd heard coyotes now and then they stuck mostly to the steppe.

As she maneuvered further down the slope she heard a howl echoing out across the fjord from the battlefield.  This was no mere call for an opponent, it was a pack challenge.  A challenge for Celestial.  Karabela snarled in irritation as she strode toward the battlefield.  Of all the timing!  She'd just made a deal with the alphess of Celestial for a joint hunt between their packs for bison, if the alphess lost then it was all for naught.  Honestly, there was enough room in Boreas she wondered why the challenger felt the need to challenge at all.

She approached the gathering just as the fight began and she blinked in surprise at the two combatants.  Firstly she recognized the challenge, the man who had helped her with a bison found stranded in the Soulless Forest but he wasn't fighting Faite, instead he was battling a strange red male.  Karabela could only assume this was Faite's mate and fellow leader.  Her eyes remained fixed to the battle as its outcome would directly affect her own plans.  While she didn't hold a strong connection to Celestialshe hoped the Celestial leader gave a good showing and beat his opponent into submission.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



6 Years
11-19-2016, 07:13 PM

Liar knew with a larger opponent, speed was key. His mind blanked entirely and focused only on this. Gods he hoped Surreal was watching him, watching her son and him to see what would really happen. As Reg tried to move, Liar made sure to move with him though. Aiming his own left side of limbs to take a swinging bound in an attempt to keep them almost parallel. With his left side facing Reg’s right, as soon as his teeth failed to take purchase he tucked his head into his neck toes spreading on the ground. Regulus’ attempt on his throat missed his jaws hitting the edge of his nose leaving only mild scratches with his teeth, which made his eyes narrow on the male. Feelin the sheer impact of the bite, and glad it had not gotten his throat. With how Liar attempted to keep them slightly parallel Regulus’ left forelimb would only hit air, Liar’s ears pinned to the back of his head as like a snake he initiated an attack once more.

His tail kept level with his spine as he tilted his own head to the left. Jaws aiming towards Reg’s right side of his face on his eye. If Reg wanted to play dirty he would too - his upper jaw aiming more towards the bottom of Reg’s right ear and his lower fangs towards the right eye itself to blind him or to cause him pain. Keeping his shoulders rolled inward his hackles raised throughout the fight.  Scruff rolled forward he made sure that the skin around his eyes were bunched for more protection. Toes spread into the terrain his abdomen muscles tightened for balance and to protect the underneath of his stomach.  Keeping his joints slightly bent he was ready to spring to action.

Then Liar attempted to raise his left forelimb, his weight distributing on all other limbs. His right limbs aiming to be spread slightly farther to the right in case Regulus’ wanted to disbalance him.  His aim was to push it onto Reg’s right ankle to push it backwards. Hoping that it would trip the large male or at least do something. As he attempted to come down with force, he hoped to cause discomfort of some sort as well.

Liar vs Regulus for Celestial

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



12 Years
Extra large
11-21-2016, 03:42 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

His jaws missed their mark as Liar shifted his position with him and ducked away. He felt his canines hit, though, leaving a ridiculously mild mark behind on Liar's nose. Surely, he thought briefly, with a blow that hard, there would have been more damage... No matter, there was still a long fight ahead. He had no intention of submitting or slowing down.

His lunge for Liar's throat had brought him back to his full height, weight resettling on his hind legs and left forepaw as it came back to earth, the swipe for Liar's right foreleg having missed due to the shift of position Liar had pulled off. His chin dropped to cover his throat as his elbows and hocks bending slightly to loosen his joints, abdomen tightening to adjust his balance to compensate for keeping the weight off his right foreleg, and his tail swept out, level with his spine and arcing to his right to add to the balance. His ears pressed tighter to his head, scruff rolling into its defensive layer of flesh, fat, and fur as his shoulders rolled forward to cover his neck at the base and his head dropped level with his spine and scrunched back against his neck.

He saw the teeth coming for his face through narrowed eyes, and instinctively tipped his head away, to his left. Liar's upper canines carved a pair of moderate lacerations down Regulus' right cheek, starting just below the right eye and parting company from flesh and fur midway down his cheek, two inches above the lower jaw. That pain, like all the rest, was thrown aside into a compartment in his mind, firmly ignored, though he fed off the adrenaline provided by the strike, fur bristling to stand with his still raised hackles, giving him the impression of having puffed up slightly and adding a bodily barrier of fur to his defenses.

Regulus remained in motion, seeking to sharply twist his front half to his right as his weight rocked back to rest in his haunches, spine twisting as his tail flicked low to compensate as he pivoted deftly on his hind paws and sought to bring them into a rough 'T' position, with him acting as the leg of that T, Liar as the hat, paws landing squared beneath him, weight still resting in his hind paws and left foreleg. He sought within the next breath to drive the whole front of his chest into the central mid-point of Liar's left rib cage with a forceful shove, driving from his hindquarters, wanting to drive the breath from his smaller opponent and bruise his ribs as his slightly parted jaws opened further and he strove to drive a savage, forceful bite into the center of Liar's back, lower canines seeking a hold on the left side of the spine, his upper canines seeking to sink deep into the right side of the spine, wishing to pierce the spine and grab hold; and render Liar's hind end from that point down useless. Simultaneously, he sought to thrust his right shoulder forward and to drive the forward point of his right shoulder viciously hard into the soft point just behind the last rib of Liar's left rib cage, at the vertical center of Liar's body, wanting to further bruise Liar's left side, even if it meant he too would gain a few bruises in the process.

Liar's left forepaw would find only the hard ground, Regulus' right front leg taken safely beyond reach with his twisting maneuver, which would hopefully jar Liar's limb slightly from the forceful impact Regulus' ears caught the sound of. Regulus's left foreleg parted from the ground, his weight already balance in his squared haunches, and he sought to drape his left foreleg over the base of Liar's shoulders, elbow of the limb aiming to settle on the left side of Liar's back, the paw seeking to drape over the right side of Liar's back, claws seeking purchase in Liar's fur, though he would have been shocked if he ended up reaching skin, let alone breaking it. He sought to pull Liar toward himself - Liar's left - with this attempt at purchase, to prevent escape.

His hind paws' toes flexed, set equidistant beneath his hips, outer toes just outside the breadth of his hips, toes spread, claws digging into the ground for traction as he kept one narrowed eye on Liar's front end, always watching for clues of what the challenger might be attempting next.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Liar for Celestial
Round Four of Six

Defenses: ...
Attacks: ...
OOC Notes:

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years
11-23-2016, 01:41 AM

Liar would refuse to back down, he would use his speed and this man would know the kind of pain he could cause. His eyes still narrowed, his ears pinned to the back of his skull his hackles raised as his hair was on end. Ready to move at a moments notice no matter what. His three limbs spread and toes spread into the terrain with his scruff pulled forward. As soon as Regulus started to move in his shuffle so had Liar. His left forepaw missing it’s mark due to the changing positions it slammed to the floor and Liar immediately aimed his right set of limbs to make a bounding jump to his own right. Attempting to place them face to face with Reg’s right shoulder more towards his chest. His head tucked slightly to protect his throat as his tail followed in suit for balance. Stomach muscles tightening as he spread his paws and claws into the dirt to keep himself grounded.

Being so close made it hard to cause any harsh damage when Regulus bounded forward. His chest simply colliding with Liar’s own only sprouted mild bruising, however unable to dodge his bite it did miss its original mark. Reg’s jaws hit in a sideways motion towards his left shoulder just beyond the back of it. The left side of Reg’s face burying in fur as he caused a moderate wound but with major irritation from the pull of hair and skin away from the area itself. The man’s right shoulder would simply push into the left side of Liar’s chest just before it started to become liar’s left shoulder. Liar dropped his weight on his hind legs slightly, skidding back a few inches as he tried to keep himself from falling over. As Liar’s narrowed eyes and skin bunched around his face for protection he watched as Reg’s left limb followed up to pull him.

Liar would allow such a thing, changing tactics slightly as the man attempted to quickly rear up on his hind legs. Tail raising to balance himself as his front limbs sought to hug around Reg’s shoulders. Reg’s left forelimb would raise to rest on Liar’s left shoulder. Liar tightened his abdomen to protect it from any scratching. His back limbs spread and muscles tightening for balance as he raised his tail. Opening his jaws his head tilted to the right, aiming towards the middle of Reg’s scuff. Liar’s hope was to get a hold on it, or at least make him bleed as much as possible as he attempted to put as much force as possible into it. With that his shoulders rolled inward, front limbs aiming to grip Regulus harshly. Attempting to lock his position onto the Reg’s shoulders with Liar’s head facing Reg’s left side of his face. It may not have been as much as the larger man attempted, but Liar refused to lose ground.

Liar vs Reg for Celestial


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



12 Years
Extra large
11-25-2016, 01:21 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Quick his opponent might be, but speed wasn't everything. Particularly if you got yourself into an unsavory position in a fight with a larger opponent. Particularly one with an intent to seriously maim you. And speed would only get you so far in close quarters.

As Regulus had moved, so had Liar; thus, his chest drove into Liar's instead of Liar's rib cage, sending a fresh layer of mild bruising flowering across his breast, worsening previous bruises to near severe, though sparing the front of his left shoulder, which hadn't struck with the rest of his front. Additional mild bruising blossomed over the point of his right shoulder as he drove it into his opponent, pressing into the soft spot between Liar's left breast and shoulder joint.

His bite, while not meeting the desired target, was moderately successful, as he left a moderate injury, and felt fur clinging to his teeth and lips; however the success didn't come without a mild consequence, as a mild bruise encompassed his right jowl and cheek from the force of the collision. Nothing too hard to ignore. His tongue flicked quickly from his slightly parted jaws in an attempt to clear the fur from his teeth as he felt Liar's weight shifting back, and fore-end beginning to lift as Regulus' left front leg rested over Liar's right shoulder.

He sought to compensate in a flash of inspiration, abandoning that grip with the left front leg and letting his left front paw return to the ground, as Liar's front legs sought their hug over his shoulders. He sought to lower himself quickly, hind legs gathering and squaring further beneath himself, tail flicking against the ground as the downward movement caused Liar's jaws to catch only a fold of his scruff; not enough for a hold, though the canines sliced moderate lacerations into the scruff, toward the center of his scruff, tugging vibrant red fur free.

Regulus allowed Liar's front legs to grip him in the hug, welcoming it, though his lowered position meant Liar's front legs landed first around his lower neck before gravity and weight slid them to his shoulders; and the very moment he felt the grip tighten, he moved. His haunches thrust him forward and up, as he sought to launch himself up into Liar's upper half with a powerful drive from his hind legs, left front paw once more leaving the ground, wishing to take Liar up and off his feet completely and send him toppling backward onto his back, Regulus' shoulders rolling forward to guard his neck at the base, eyes narrowed, ears pinned into his ever-raised hackles, as his claws sank into the ground for traction.

Simultaneously, he sought to twist his head to his own right and send his jaws down to wrap around Liar's left foreleg, just below the elbow, wanting to get a hold and sink his teeth in to the gums, wishing to rend the muscle and leave irreparable damage, perhaps fracture the ulna and radius bones between his teeth.

Thus his left shoulder rolled even further forward in an attempt to guard his neck better on that side, the angle scrunching his neck back into his shoulders, rolling the scruff into a protective layer of fat, skin and fur, and tucking his chin automatically in his bid for Liar's left forelimb. His hind legs were squared, his abdomen tensed to balance himself, hind toes splayed for added balance and extra traction.

Rain had begun pattering down in sheets, drenching the combatants and observers alike.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Liar for Celestial
Round Five of Six

Defenses: ...
Attacks: ...
OOC Notes:

[Image: T8yHvja.png]

Vadim I


3 Years

11-25-2016, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 12:57 PM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

The rain had started just as he neared the battlegrounds, the smell of old blood considerably less pungent after having been beaten down by the first wave of the storm. Bloodied dirt clung to the gray fur of his paws as he kept a steady gait in his approach. He'd ran as fast as he could given the circumstances and he had no doubts that Amalia was on his heels. When they had arrived to the barren wasteland, he turned his head to look for his red-faced friend- though when he turned around his eyes immediately found themselves resting on the battling titans and their crowd of observers.

His chest heaved in a good pant as his heavy feet slapped against the beaten soil while he slowed his pace. His molten gaze was locked on the battling duo, checking already for wounds and assessing how tired each of them looked. He didn't expect to come back with them still fighting, and he couldn't imagine how tiring it must be. A sense of pride swelled in his chest just for a moment, he had no idea how strong of a fighter his dad was and whether or not he was on the winning or losing side of this, this battle was an incredible show of strength. The words of Amalia rang clear in his head, echoed by the words of Ramsay right before Vadim had left. His eyes found both of them for a moment before looking out to the crowd of Celestial supporters.

He still had conflicting feelings but that was a discussion for another time. What's done is done, and for now he stood strong while catching his breath underneath the steady beat of rain against his back. He stood back a bit from the crowd, if only to act as a protective shield for Amalia and if Amalia hadn't already found his side, he'd find hers and offer her his warmth while they stood together in the winter rain. "Thank you."

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



7 Years
11-25-2016, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 01:51 PM by Amalia.)

She clung to Vadim's side as they made their way to the battlefield, the bundle of herbs grasped tightly in her jaws. The closer they got the more she felt her heart ache. The last time she had been here was when Arian was killed, and the memories flooded back. She lagged behind, blue eyes wide as she looked around at the clashing bodies, the family on either side of the battle to make their positions known. Her heart hammered in her chest, eyes pricking as the sting of tears was felt. A shuttering breath broke through the silence, and she froze where she was standing. The leaf in her mouth fell as she shook slightly, never taking her eyes off the two fighting. But it wasn't the red male and Liar, it was Sin and Arian. She saw her crippled sister fighting for her life, falling on the muddy ground in front of her all over again. Ama's ears pinned tightly against her skull, her small body shrinking back as she fought to regain control of herself. It was only when she felt Vadim press into her that her head snapped over to him, a soft smile touching her lips. But it wasn't enough to erase the evident pain and suffering on her face, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. "Well then, no need to thank me!" the tiny healer said, working her best to keep her tone chipper and soft as it usually was. "It's my duty as a healer. I don't know if any healers came with the other male, but I will be more than happy to look both over," After all, the Adravendi's were her family in some way or form.

Amalia quickly shook her head back and forth, trying not to look to hard at those fighting. She hated battles, hated challenges for others home. Her dark blue eyes scanned over the members of Celestial, trying to see if there was anyone that she knew. No one caught her eye just yet, but it had been awhile since she had spoken to another Adravendi. Her ever present smile was on her inky lips, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. The woman was trying, as she always did. Leaning gratefully on the big ball of fur beside her, a soft sigh left her. The healer hadn't even realized that it was raining, she didn't feel the steady drum of it hit her back. For the moment, she was numb to everything else. Imagine that, a battle where she was someway related to both sides. Would they even notice her, sitting here nearly hiding within Vadim's fur? She didn't think so, everyone was intend on the battle; the fight she wouldn't dare look at again.




6 Years
11-26-2016, 02:30 AM

Liar knew a hold was probably a long shot, as soon as his teeth punctured but wasn’t able to get what he wanted. He let go  and tucked his chin further into his chest. With his weight dropped on his hind legs, paws spread for traction and his tail for balance. His abdomen muscles strayed tightened to make himself more able to stay where he was at. Reg tried to ram upwards as Liar welcomed this since his front limbs grip had slid. The man’s attempt to topple him would be for nothing however, as Liar attempted to use his forelimbs and the push to back up by a few inches. The push only spotting mild uncomfortable feeling from his chest as he aimed to put his forelimbs flat on the ground once more, but to immediately drop himself low to the ground under Regulus head.  The red male’s jaws would catch wind of his left shoulder near the top. Tearing away skin and fur in a moderate half inch wound flaring with irritation and bleeding but would fail to keep a hold. Liar kept his eyes narrowed and his ears pinned to the back of his head. He redistributed his weight on all four limbs, as well as curling his lips back to bunch the skin around his eyes.

With his hackles raised and his scruff scrunched the male then sought to retaliate with his lowered stance. Again always making sure he knew a way to at least get himself out of harm's way. He sought to bring his shoulders up with force, aiming his left shoulder to crush into Reg’s throat directly in the middle. Wanting to choke the man out or catch him by surprise. Liar’s head tilted to his right, jaws wide open as he aimed for Regulus’ left shoulder where it connected with his chest. Aiming to get a vicious bite in as he spread out his toes clawing at the dirt for more traction. Adrenaline kept the man going, as well as numbing any pain that he may have had. He could still go a long while. His shoulders rolled inward for traction as he kept himself lower to the ground but prime to change his position as any moment.

Liar vs Reg for Celestial

ooc: only one more round to go! Keep up the good work bri ^^

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



12 Years
Extra large
11-27-2016, 02:11 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

It was interesting, how a hard upward and forward shove from lower than your opponent only served to push him back a few inches; particularly if your opponent happened to be smaller than yourself. The thought was there and gone, as Regulus compensated swiftly upon feeling Liar's front legs slipping down.

His bite was only mildly successful, leaving moderate injuries, and missing the original target altogether, but the crimson Archangel was already in motion, since no grip had been gained, twisting his upper body swiftly to his right (Liar's left), seeking to land his front end to Liar's left - his left shoulder facing Liar's left shoulder, about a foot apart - his weight resettling swiftly to all three most able limbs, his right foreleg still favored to avoid further damage to the injured tendon. The upward thrust of Liar's shoulders thus missed his throat, finding only air.

Regulus' chin tipped quickly downward to guard his throat, ears resolutely pinned to his skull, nestled and almost hidden in the thickly raised hackles that encompassed the whole of his spine from the base of his skull to the base of his tail, which held level once more with his spine as his head dropped level with his back, neck scrunching back into shoulders that rolled forward to guard the base of his neck, the action rolling his bleeding scruff into its reformed layer of flesh, fat and fur, jaws parted slightly and jowls raised in a still silent snarl, glazed sapphire eyes narrowed and watchful slits of protection in his face.

Those eyes saw the bite aimed for his shoulder, and he swayed sharply to his own right, right hind leg sliding forward and further to his own right to compensate for the lack of weight in his right foreleg, tail arcing to his left for added balance as his abdomen tightened, hocks and elbows bending for smoother movement. Liar's teeth carved mild lacerations into the outer side of Regulus' shoulder, but gained little more damage as the evasion played out.

Regulus remained in motion, hind end seeking to take a bounding leap, attempting swing his hind-quarters around to his own right as he pivoted sharply on his left forepaw, seeking to bring them into a rough 'L' position - nose to Liar's left shoulder, weight resting swiftly back on all three limbs once more as his toes flexed, spreading apart once more for a more secure grip in the by now slick footing, claws seeking hard ground and traction through the rain birthed mud.

His hind paws shoved forcefully into the ground, seeking to propel him forward and slightly lower, seeking to slam the front of his whole chest hard into Liar's left outer shoulder, squarely in the center, wishing to use his strength and size to destabilize Liar and bring a few more bruises; simultaneously, his head tipped outward to his own left and ducking marginally lower, slightly parted jaws parting further with deadly intent, seeking to capture the left side of Liar's head in his jaws; his upper canines strove to sink into the point just above Liar's left eye, while the lower canines sought a more sinister placement; just behind Liar's left lower jaw-bone, in the soft point that thrummed with the pulse of the jugular. He sought to puncture the throat enough to seriously bleed the exotically marked challenger, while gaining a grip that would permit him to effectively control his opponent and put the biting end out of commission.

Lastly, his left foreleg snapped forward, weight quickly resettling in his hind end, as he sought to extend and send his left foreleg across the front of Liar's left front leg, wishing to hook his left forepaw around the carpus joint of Liar's left foreleg and jerk it toward himself, while seeking to lunge forward and drive the whole of his right shoulder into Liar's left side, just behind his left elbow, aiming to trip Liar and send him crashing down front end first to the mud with the shove. It was time to end this.

Despite the fatigue of a long journey, with the adrenaline and cold fury chilling his veins, he barely felt winded. Part of being large and steady meant you had stamina to go long and hard for more extended periods of time, and when you were pissed enough, that just added to the energy. He would go as long as it took to ensure that this male either never rose again from this fight, or shuddered at the mere thought of ever trying to challenge for Celestial again.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Liar for Celestial
Round Six of Six

Defenses: ...
Attacks: ...
OOC Notes: And that brings us to the final round of an epic fight. You did well Riv!

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years
11-27-2016, 05:37 PM

Liar was hardly pissed at this event. His moral wasn’t low and at that it was a thing of pride. The wolves around them didn’t know how he felt about Celestial. His connection with them and their birth mother Surreal. In fact the male had half been expecting to fight Faite - which to him was the more logical of the two in his brain. Calmness helped in a battle, anger fueled mistakes. Even if he lost… he’d move onto the next thing. However, the exotic male g wasn’t about to give up. Adrenaline still pumping through his veins - his endurance kept up and so did his quick nature.

His ears kept pinned to the back of his head, face snarling in a vicious state where the skin around his eyes and face bunched making it harder to get a hold. His green eyes narrowed and as his jaws snapped on the right shoulder he would quickly straighten up and distribute his weight on all four limbs his toes spreading in the mudding dirt making it far easier to ground himself. As his tail leveled with his spine his hackles remained raised and his jaw tucked towards his chest. Rolling his scruff forward to make it difficult for a hold - Regulus was now moving and so would Liar.

Liar would subsequently use his back left leg to swing his body to his own left. Seeking to place them at a parallel angle as Regulus went straight for him - placing reg towards the center of liar’s chest. Reg’s chest missed scraping across his left shoulder causing moderate bruising as the bite that he previously aimed for the man's left side of his head would hit his chest as Liar pulled his head back to make his turn. Seeking to place his left shoulder to face Reg’s own right. The wound on his chest would be moderate fur and flesh bleeding out but not too much as the lack of bone and everything there though should Reg pull away it could make the damage slightly more severe. Liar made it known that he refused to be maimed - even if he lost he had pups to look after. With how he changed their position Regulus’ left limb would hit nothing but air and with Reg’s head near his chest Liar would go for it.

Liar used his front forelimbs to push himself back a few inches, opening his jaws he aimed for the portion of Reg’s throat that connected with his jaw on the right side. Seeking to tilt his head to his own left and just behind Regulus’ right jaw he wanted to bite down. That part was sensitive where the flesh was. Hoping that he could get an uncomfortable hold and perhaps choke the man out with his lower jaw aiming closer to the underside of Reg’s throat. With how close his left side was to Reg’s right he made himself tuck in his head for the close proximity. Tail following suit for balance. Lastly Liar redistributed his weight on his last three limbs as his left raised into the air. Hoping to smash down onto Reg’s own right paws to break toes and pin the other male’s position. He rolled his shoulders inward and tightened his abdomen muscles for more balance and impact.

Liar vs Reg for Celestial

ooc: and that's that folks! Good fight Bri ^^ Wish you the best of luck this was a lot of fun.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-06-2016, 07:51 PM

He'd heard the howl. But he was in no hurry to get there. Greed had been the only one to stay with the pack, not entirely willing to follow his father into something he didn't believe he could achieve. The old man had done nothing but talk about this and the other. And though his sire had mentioned about wanting a pack, Greed didn't think he was capable. Especially after he had questioned Liar the night they talked in the mines...Greed was damn sure that Liar had made an excuse of sorts to hide the fact that he was too weak to challenge Avalon at the time.

When he finally arrived to watch the fight, he was sort of disappointed to see a lack of blood. However, his attention quickly drew away until he found his siblings, eyes narrowing at each of them. Why did they even decide to follow him in the first place? All he did was talk and make promises that would never happen. Just like their mother. He cast a judgmental look towards them, cold blue gaze falling once more on the fight at hand. Perhaps he didn't come to watch his father win...he wanted to see him fail. Perhaps more for the fact that Greed truly didn't believe his father was the king he once claimed to be.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
Extra large
01-20-2017, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2017, 08:41 PM by Karabela.)

Keen eyes focused on the battle, taking in the opponents and their moves, watching carefully for the outcome.  She'd had hopes to continue her dealings with Celestial but the abolishing of the pack could change all that.  Granted, she at least had a fair amount on her plate to keep herself and Ivory Ridge busy but she hated it when effort failed to bear fruit and so she would continue to watch the battle.  It was a long and vicious cycle, neither wolf was willing to yield and she would pause in her watching to gaze at the others gathered, the intense looks in their faces before turning back wondering who would be the one to fall.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

The Judge


03-05-2017, 11:25 PM
Firstly I am so very sorry for the long wait. Secondly, if there are mathematical errors feel free to let me know, I figured you guys would want me to post as fast as I could so being as it's midnight I may have made numerical errors. Again, sorry it took so long!





7/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts -0
  • Godmoding -0
  • If/Than Statements -1
  • Excessive Movement -1
  • Realism -1
7/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -1
  • Positioning -1
  • Directions -0
  • Movements -0
  • Injuries -0
9/10 for Attacks:
  • chest slam +2
  • shoulder to windpipe +3
  • bite to spine +3
  • paw across shoulders/weight +1
5/5 for Defenses:
  • Lowered center of gravity
  • chin tucked to protect throat
  • claws digging in
  • tail level for balance
  • ears flattened
10/10 for Injuries:
  • No Injuries


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • Pack Wolf +1
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

REGULUS’ round one total: 46/62

Round 1 Notes: Many of your issues in this round stemmed from the same initial problem - you put Regulus in a position that a lot of his movements after didn’t make sense. With his right shoulder aimed for Liar’s windpipe, he would be much too far to the left for him to lift his leg over Liar’s shoulders. You also made the mistake of assuming he closed the distance when he leaped to the side “at the last leap”. Clarity-wise, keep in mind that it can be very difficult to read long, involved sentences. I had a difficult time following some of Regulus’ actions since they were written in a run-on sentence structure. Also - I didn’t mark you down for this, but you had Regulus come to the battlefield straight from a long journey and burying multiple wolves. Muscle fatigue would have an effect on his abilities even with adrenaline to boost him. Be careful to be realistic in terms of what your character can do.



6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts -1
  • Godmoding -0
  • If/Than Statements -1
  • Excessive Movement -1
  • Realism -1
4/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -2
  • Positioning -0
  • Directions -0
  • Movements -2
  • Injuries -0

4/10 for Attacks:
  • bite to elbow +3
  • stomp +1
5/5 for Defenses:
  • legs equally spread
  • tail level with spine
  • chin tucked
  • ears pinned
  • hackles raised
10/10 for Injuries:
  • no injuries


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • Loner +0
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

LIAR’s round one total: 35/62

Round 1 Notes: Many of your deductions came from clarity. You aren’t very clear about a lot of things, such as which right limb you are attempting to pin, but additional issues with realism lowered your score. Remember that your character is six inches smaller and a great deal lighter than Regulus, so it isn’t realistic to expect there to be any damage or immobility from just putting Liar’s paw on Regulus’. Additionally, if it was the forelimb you were going for, that limb was in the air still as far as anyone knows at this point so any attempt to pin it assumes Regulus has put his paw back to the ground. Elsewhere, you had quite an issue with clarity of movements - when you said he took a stride with his left leg without specifying a direction, it implies a forward movement which made no sense with your intended result. You also have his forelegs “pressed on the terrain” which implies that there isn’t any actual movement of the limbs, so it’s unclear whether he’s actually moving or if he’s leaning backwards and to the left. It’s hard to follow. Remember that any time you make a movement that affects your enemy or assumes his/her position, you need to make it an attempt. Try to proofread before you post fight posts to be certain you are using the correct words, as in many of the cases I had to puzzle out what the word actually meant. Also - I didn’t mark you down for this, but Liar is up there in age, and you have in the past portrayed him as having bone aches and slowing down from age, yet in this fight you have him springing around like a young jackrabbit. Be careful to be realistic in terms of what your character can expect to do.




7/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts -1
  • Godmoding -1
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism -1
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -2
  • Positioning -1
  • Directions
  • Movements -1
  • Injuries -0
5/10 for Attacks:
  • bite to eyes +3
  • chest slam +2
5/5 for Defenses:
  • eyes narrowed
  • chin down to guard throat
  • ears flattened
  • scruff bunched up to protect spine
  • lowered center of gravity
6/10 for Injuries:
  • light bruise -1
  • Severe injury to elbow -3


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • Pack Wolf +1
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

REGULUS’ round two total: 36/62

Notes for Round 2: Your major issue this time was in not addressing one of Liar’s attacks. Since you didn’t make it clear whether the attack landed or if your own attack was a counter, you left it open to interpretation by the reader and this resulted in points being lost from both powerplay (for ignoring an attack) and clarity (for it being unclear what your intention was with the attack). Your other major problem was his movement towards Liar after Regulus’ round 1 attack failed. You have him twist towards Liar, but then from there it is unclear whether he also turned his hindquarters to face that direction as well, leaving his positioning uncertain after that which also affects the clarity and possibly the realism of his attack. It is also unclear what part of Liar’s shoulder is being attacked. A minor issue you also had was that it was unclear that your timing for the chest slam was an attempt, as it seems to assume that Liar’s paw has not struck the ground at that time. Once again it was a bit of a struggle to read some of the longer sentence structure. Although it is certainly good to include details, if you do not break the details up into digestible chunks your clarity will suffer.



6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts -1
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement -1
  • Realism -2
6/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements -2
  • Injuries -2
3/10 for Attacks:
  • attempting to keep grip on elbow +1
  • bite to throat +2
5/5 for Defenses:
  • eyes narrowed
  • hackles raised
  • scruff scrunched
  • ears pinned
  • limbs spread
6/10 for Injuries:
  • moderate bite wound on face -2
  • moderate bruising -2


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • Loner +0
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

LIAR’s round two total: 32/62

Notes for Round 2: A lot of your issues this round was related to movement. Pay attention to how you word movements, as a lot of these ones I couldn’t picture what you meant. “Twisted his rump to his left” for instance, is not very clear about how this movement is taking place. Realism was also a big blow to your score here. Make sure that when you name a defense it would actually defend the way you claim it would - it isn’t more difficult to grab a scruff when it’s bunched up (easier in fact) nor does bending their joints to be lower protect their neck. Both are valid defenses - neither do what you say they would. You also have Regulus’ shoulder slam helping Liar’s pivot, but he is pivoting AROUND his forehand so being hit there would just stagger him, not help complete the pivot. It would only help if his weight were on his hindquarters and he was moving his front half instead. Remember, wording is important - you have Regulus’ bite “Clamped shut” on Liar’s cheek but no mention of what damage was caused when he pulled away from Regulus’ grip (implied by the wording) nor did he attempt to escape it.




6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding -1
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement -2
  • Realism -1
9/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Injuries -1
4/10 for Attacks:
  • attempting to worsen grip +1
  • bite to throat +3 (severity attempt)
  • hook to the leg +1
5/5 for Defenses:
  • chin tucked
  • lowered center of gravity
  • ears pinned
  • shoulders rolled forward/scruff rolled
  • hackles raised
5/10 for Injuries:
  • severe tendon laceration -3 (judge assigned)
  • moderate bruising -2


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • Pack Wolf +1
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

REGULUS’ round three total: 37/62

Notes for Round 3: You were much better in this round. You had two major issues. The first was that you had way too much movement going on in your post. You have him shaking the grip he has, then pivot him 180*, drop him, then raise him up again, and have him bite again. It’s a lot going on that your opponent doesn’t have time to respond to. Your second major issue centered around Regulus’ wound. You lost both clarity and PP points on that one, first for failing to specify how bad the wound was (it can’t be moderate to severe, it has to be one or the other and realistically, a wound to a tendon is severe) and then for ignoring it when you attack. Realistically, Liar’s much smaller height would mean Regulus has to crouch down quite far to attack in that way, so the lunge you describe would absolutely need forepaws to balance him unless Regulus had the craziest core strength of any wolf alive, so when he lifted his uninjured foreleg to attack, that left only his (severely, should be currently unusably even with adrenaline) injured leg for balancing his weight.



8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding -1
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism -1
6/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -1
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements -1
  • Injuries -2
4/10 for Attacks:
  • bite to face (maim) +3
  • foot thing +1
5/5 for Defenses:
  • tail level with spine
  • ears pinned
  • hackles raised
  • scruff rolled forward
  • toes spread
8/10 for Injuries:
  • Moderate wound to nose (judge decided) -2


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • Loner +0
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

LIAR’s round three total: 37/62

Notes for Round 3: You also did much better this round. Your biggest issue was in responding to Regulus’ attack. You aren’t really clear which part of the nose he got scratches on (the leathery part? The top? The side of the muzzle? Remember that the nose leather is very sensitive) nor is it realistic to get minor scratches from a wolf bite. Remember that an adult canine’s teeth are actually pretty dull (not small and sharp like a puppy) so scratches aren’t realistic damage from them anyway, but additionally to have been “feeling the sheer impact of the bite” implies a much harder impact, especially from an attempted maim. With those two matters together I felt as a judge that not enough damage was taken from the attack, and assigned the extra damage. Your only other major issue was with one of your attacks, the stomp with the paw? I had very little idea what was going on with that one. It didn’t seem like it would be a very effective attack as described, particularly with the size difference, but I do appreciate how difficult it is to find attacks in odd positions like that. Just make sure to be more precise with your wording so the reader knows what he’s trying to do - instead of trying to “push it” onto Regulus’ ankle, maybe “slam it down” into Regulus’ ankle, showing that you’re trying to use great force. You do say later that he attempted to come down with force, but breaking it up like that is confusing and I had to reread it a few times to get what was going on.




6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements -1
  • Excessive Movement -2
  • Realism -1
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -1
  • Positioning -1
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Injuries
7/10 for Attacks:
  • chest slam +2
  • shoulder slam +1
  • bite to spine +3
  • paw grip +1
5/5 for Defenses:
  • claws dug in
  • narrowed eyes
  • ears pinned
  • throat covered
  • scruff bunched up
8/10 for Injuries:
  • moderate lacerations to face -2


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • Pack Wolf +1
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

REGULUS’ round four total: 41/62

Notes for Round 4: You may have noticed a missing point that wasn’t mentioned in any of the sub-categories. After consultation this point was removed for unsportsmanlike ooc behavior in the post due to an unnecessary level of cattiness regarding the previous post. The comments were in no way necessary to the post or the character. Onto the post itself: a major problem I had was that it was issues with the realism for Regulus’ movements, first to turn towards Liar with as little room between them as there was, and also to be positioned where he was. With the size difference in length, if Liar were presumably by Regulus’ head in order to bite his face, and assuming that Regulus were actually far enough away to pivot on his hindquarters toward Liar, if they were roughly perpendicular Regulus’ chest would be at Liar’s hip. That discrepancy in positioning left things a little confusing for me as to whether he was at an angle to Liar or not. There were a couple issues with attacks or movements depending on the success of a previous attack or movement as well.



7/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding -1
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism -2
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -1
  • Positioning -2
  • Directions
  • Movements -1
  • Injuries -1
4/10 for Attacks:
  • bite to scruff +2
  • attempted forearm grip +2
?/5 for Defenses:
  • throat covered
  • claws gripping
  • eyes narrowed
  • ears pinned
  • hackles raised
6/10 for Injuries:
  • moderate bite wound -2
  • mild bruising to chest -1
  • mild bruising to left side of chest -1 (judge added)


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • Loner +0
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

LIAR’s round four total: 33/62

Notes for Round 4: I had an extremely difficult time working through Liar’s initial movements. Not knowing how he was moving (I couldn’t figure out what you meant by using his right limbs in a bounding jump - was he sidestepping or was he pivoting or jumping all four feet sideways? It took me a while to figure out) it was difficult to figure out his final position, made more difficult by it being said that Liar was facing Regulus’ right shoulder while the rest of the post made it seem they were face to face. The amount of damage Liar took from a much larger wolf driving into his chest was unrealistic as well, so damage was added to the attack that landed without any stated. Regulus is six inches taller and much heavier, so the power from his hind legs would be quite a lot even without distance to work up to a run. You need to keep in mind those size differences. There were issues with your attacks as well, one of which also stems from forgetting the size difference between them. You have Regulus get his arm around Liar, which would put his head (and scruff) pretty far above Liar’s, but he attempts to bite the center of Regulus’ scruff (over the back of his neck). Having allowed him that leg hold you also have Liar rear up and attempt to wrap his own legs around Regulus’ shoulders, but there isn’t a way Liar could do on his left side with Regulus’ elbow on Liar’s shoulder.




10/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
10/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Injuries
5/10 for Attacks:
  • full body shove +2
  • maim attempt to foreleg +3
5/5 for Defenses:
  • eyes narrowed
  • ears pinned
  • hackles raised
  • claws dug in for traction
  • hind legs squared
5/10 for Injuries:
  • mild bruising on chest -1
  • mild bruising on right shoulder -1
  • mild bruise on cheek -1
  • moderate lacerations in scruff -2


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • Pack Wolf +1
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

REGULUS’ round five total: 43/62

Notes for Round 5: … well this round went pretty well for you. I don’t really have a whole lot to add except that you’re taking more damage than you really need to and point out for everyone’s benefit how much it would help scores to work on skills.



6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding -1
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement -1
  • Realism -2
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -1
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Injuries -1
5/10 for Attacks:
  • shoulder slam to throat +3
  • bite to shoulder +2
5/5 for Defenses:
  • paws spread
  • eyes narrowed
  • ears pinned
  • hackles raised
  • scruff rolled
7/10 for Injuries:
  • moderate wound to shoulder -2
  • mild bruising to chest (judge added) -1


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • Loner +0
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

LIAR’s round five total: 37/62

Notes for Round 5: Your major problem this round was that Regulus’ attacks came simultaneously - at the same time - but you responded to them as though they happened one after the other, which dropped your score in several categories. It also made Regulus’ bite land somewhere it should not have if it had happened at the same time as his shove, so that confused matters as well. Additionally, you lost points in realism concerning Regulus’ initial shove. Remember, Regulus is six inches taller and much heavier than Liar - having all that weight thrown him when he’s on his hind legs (an unnatural and precarious position for a quadruped even with being able to balance his forelegs on Regulus) wouldn’t just result in mildly uncomfortable feelings and easily backing up a couple inches.




7/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism -2
10/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Injuries
4/10 for Attacks:
  • bite to forearm (maim, grip) +4
  • chest slam +2
  • hooked foreleg +1
  • shoulder slam +1
5/5 for Defenses:
  • ears pinned
  • hackles raised
  • tail level
  • eyes narrowed
  • claws dug in
9/10 for Injuries:
  • mild lacerations -1


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • Pack Wolf +1
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

REGULUS’ round six total: 43/62

Notes for Round 6: You lost another point overall for this post, which has unnecessarily ooc and rude commentary on the last post. On the post, your main issue here was realism. You seem to have struggled a lot to work his movements around his injury realistically. You made a really good attempt but had some issues. Several of his movements (his leaping pivot, his shoulder attack after lifting his left forepaw) his balance would have been severely compromised without his right forepaw on the ground.



8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism -2
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks -1
  • Positioning -2
  • Directions
  • Movements -1
  • Injuries -1
4/10 for Attacks:
  • bite to throat +3
  • paw stomp +1
5/5 for Defenses:
  • ears pinned
  • eyes narrowed
  • evenly distributed weight
  • toes spread
  • hackles raised
6/10 for Injuries:
  • moderate wound on chest -2
  • moderate bruising -2


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • Loner +0
  • No unhealed event status +2
  • No unhealed fight status +2

LIAR’s round six total: 34/62

Notes for Round 6: This post was quite confusing at first glance. It is unclear how he used his back leg to move, or where he was positioned when he stopped moving, partly because you have Regulus’ bite hit Liar’s chest which is quite a bit lower than where Regulus is aiming, and too far out of reach unless Liar backed up when he moved to be parallel to him. Again, keep in mind the size difference between the two wolves. It’s unlikely that a wolf six inches smaller would have the weight to pin down a larger wolf’s paw, and even more unlikely to break toes just by stomping alone. You also don’t mention which paw he lifts, or which paw he is attempting to stomp.


REGULUS: 246/372
LIAR: 208/372 + 5 fight pass from donation = 213/372

And the winner is...

REGULUS! LIAR must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


It’s been so long, you’ve long since healed. And since you probably would prefer not to wait for the results any longer, I shall dispense with any further formality.

- By TEA



12 Years
Extra large
03-07-2017, 10:37 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

In the end, it would be the Archangel that rose above the threat. He felt the give as the older male fell away. He knew he’d won. He let his opponent fall and stepped away, teeth still slightly bared, hackles lifted. A snort huffed through his nostrils as the chilled sapphires bore into the exotically marked male. By now, some connection at the back of his mind had clicked into place. Something from before his mother had raised Celestial’s standard. About Arian being chased by a strangely marked male.

His mother had defended Arian, and she had told Regulus about the encounter, given him a description of the male, and the name. It had been long enough ago that the memory hadn’t been brought to the surface upon the initial sight of the male. But now? If he was right, this was the bastard who had made a promise to Surreal never to harm the family. And yet, here he was, challenging for Celestial, which was about as harmful as you could get to a family without killing one of them. “The Liar lives up to his name. If I ever see you again, I will exact the same punishment my mother promised you should you break the promise you made to her.” His voice was level, cold, and carrying as he turned away, dismissing the failed challenger with a flick of his tail.

Sapphire eyes swept the surroundings, finally taking note of all that had gathered. Mostly his family. Judging by their expressions, Tornach and Baine had heard about their mother, perhaps just now. There were a few unfamiliar faces, and one familiar, but… not quite right. Epiphron? No. Aunt Pip’s left wasn’t dipped in black. And she had a white ear. But this one was clearly related, if much smaller and missing most of her tail. And… Solveiga. Despite everything he’d been through for the last who knew how long, the sight of the little healer gave him a thrill of relief. At least she was alright. And she was what he needed right now.

He closed the distance, careful to avoid putting weight on the injured foreleg, and embraced the little healer, holding the hug for several heartbeats if she allowed it, before drawing back. His eyes turned to Tornach and Baine, the chill in the fathomless blue depths having fallen away, and the control breaking enough to fill his eyes with a few rebellious tears, though only his family and Solveiga would be able to see them. He wasn’t sure what to say to his siblings beyond “I’m sorry we couldn’t save her.” The loss was still too fresh, too raw to really know how to approach the subject, especially near strangers who supported a wolf who had just challenged for their family’s home and failed.

"Tá mé ag dul ar ais go dtí an chríoch. Ní féidir liom seasamh a bheith amuigh anseo ar bith níos faide, agus ní féidir liom brath linn a bheith i measc cairde anseo." He said, shifting to the family tongue. He didn’t look forward to the long trek home, with an injured leg, and every muscle aching to the bone in his body. He hurt, from the physical to the emotional levels. His language shifted back to the common tongue as he glanced down at Solveiga, offering a wan smile. ”I’d be happy for you to come home, if you want to.”

The storm above had petered out to a dense drizzle, veiling the Field in a misty haze. He stepped away from Solveiga, heading south toward Celestial’s lands, keeping his tail above his hips, and trying to moderate the visual limping, a mental ‘ow, ow, ow..’ chanting through his head as he went. He paused long enough to dash a lick over Baine’s brow if she allowed it and to look directly at Tornach, who hadn’t seen their mother since… Gods, since she’d started Celestial.

"Bhí sí ag iarraidh a dhéanamh cinnte Lig mé a fhios ag gach duine; loves- sí grá dúinn go léir. Agus theastaigh uaithi a dhéanamh cinnte a fhios agat, deartháir." His voice shook, but he made sure the message was delivered. Tornach, most of all, needed to know that their mother had never stopped loving her thundercloud.

He continued on his way, wanting to run, but knowing better and taking his time. It was going to be a long walk home.

-Exit Regulus-

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
03-08-2017, 06:21 PM
I just wanna be by your side
The petite woman felt as though she were on pins and needles during the entire fight. She had very little experience with these sorts of things, so as she watched it was very hard for her to tell who had the upper hand. But then, almost as quickly as it had begun, it was all over and the winner became clear. The opponent fell away, leaving Regulus victorious, and Solveiga couldn't fight back the grin that came to her face. She waved her cream colored tail high in the air as her chest swelled with even more pride. He had done it. He had won, and had secured a safe future for Celestial in the process. Heavens above, she was proud of him. She wanted to leap for joy, hug him and congratulate him.

But, apparently, he had the same idea.

Their eyes met, and hers widened as he closed the distance between them. He came to her before anyone else, and he embraced her. She was so touched by the gesture that she didn't care in the slightest that he was dirtied by blood and grime. She melted into the embrace, closed her eyes and smiled. Her eyes were filled with more light than before, and she watched him as he pulled away and addressed the others. When again Regulus looked down at the little healer, her heart did a strange little flip at his words. Home.
He wanted her to come home.

Solveiga liked the sound of that, but at the moment it was too soon. She still hadn't given herself the proper time to grieve and return to her old self again. Or whatever self she was going to be after all of this. So she looked up into those sapphire eyes and smiled a bit, saying, "I'll be there soon. Get lots of rest, Regulus, you were amazing today." Then, after a nod at the others, she walked back in the direction she had come. Not quite the direction of Celestial. But she'd be on her way home soon enough.