
The Basic Necessities



9 Years
11-13-2016, 08:34 PM
ooc: Okay this is open to anyone, not just healers and we will be starting with basics.
- I will hold 1 rule for this thread, if you do not reply by the due date your post will be skipped and keep in mind if you do not have four replies to four of my posts you won't be able to claim skill points.
- Will be doing a minimal of four rounds!
- Due date for my next reply is Wednesday November 23rd

It was finally time to call together the training. It had been a few days since the meeting and Storm was finally ready for the training lesson. Up until today she wasn't sure how she felt since she was new to the pack and didn't know everyone she didn't know if she would be taken seriously or not, but she had to try. Who knows she may be pleasantly surprised by the turn out. She wanted to be sure she was doing things right, this was her first attempt at being apart of a pack and she wanted to do things right. Today though she found herself a little more excited and as she gathered together her herbs and took them to the spot she chose, she walked with a slight happy hop in her step.

She had started early this morning with carrying her herbs from her den to her spot, she had quite a few so it took her a few trips. Once this was completed she took the time to sort them and lay them out so that she knew which is which without shoving her nose into the bundles. It would save her time since she personally could not see them. She had enough in each bundle to hand out to whoever showed up so that they could look, feel, smell, and memorize what the herb was. Her large bundles may be too overkill, but it was how she originally learned back before she lost her sight. Once she felt she was ready she sat behind her bundles of herbs as Jack dropped the last of them off and perched in a tree above her.

Lifting her head the silver women let out a long calling howl, summoning anyone who would like to be at this session.

"Talk" "Blackjack" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times

Finch I


4 Years

11-15-2016, 01:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2016, 04:43 PM by Evelyn.)
*Navigation - Home Turf

She knew that she wasn't exactly a healer, but she did know a few things about herbs from when Starling would teach her. So when Storm called out for the pack, she lifted her head and stretched out her resting body. Civetta rested on her head as they started to pick their way from the lake in the plains, easily spotting the dark woman resting in the dry grass. A small smile touched her lips as she trotted over, letting out a soft woof to let the blind woman that she was approaching. Her tail wagged behind her as she settled down in front of her, as Civetta looked around for her scary crow companion. The song bird wasn't too fond of the big black crow, but she didn't say a thing as she rested between Finch's paws.

Seeing that she was the first here, Finch couldn't help but smile larger. She was hardly ever first these days, often distracted by other things. "Hey Storm, thanks for doing this. It bet it puts my father's mind as ease," she said tenderly, curling her tail around her flank as she eyed the older woman. Bass often stressed far too much, having someone to hold healing lessons was hopefully letting him settle down a bit. "I'm Finch by the way, and I have a little bird companion here named Civetta. She's a finch too!" The woman explained, laughing softly and she poked her nose against the tiny bird. "She's a lot smaller than your crow, but don't tell her that," it was a mocked whisper, something that made the song bird let out a small thrill. "I am not that small!" the bird chirped, and Finch could only laugh. In the birds mind, she must think she was an eagle or something.




5 Years
11-15-2016, 03:17 PM

Renhett was excited for this, having to do nothing for a while since she was sorting out her emotions was a pain. A tail wagged behind her as she grabbed some mint leaves. As a gift for the one holding the meeting. She was sure it would come as some use. As the monochrome lady started to make her way to meeting. It seemed one of Bass's kids were already here. Charging straight up to storm though she placed the mint in front of her with a friendly smile. "I wasn't sure if this was okay, but I brought this mint with me." Renhett wagged her black tail for a moment. "My name is Renhett it's nice to meet you too. Sorry if I seem a bit too excited." she laughed a little bit.

Renhett would then return to the crowd to where she could find a seat. She didn't think the teacher would take so kindly to Renhett being so close. As it was she was carefully searching over the both of them to read them as she usually did. These were Abaven's members, as someone who knew something about mental health. It was important to keep tabs on them right? So that in the end she could help them.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-16-2016, 12:45 AM

She knew this was coming. A group training for the healers. As much as she disliked crowds of any sort, especially when she barely knew those that she should have grown up knowing, she had to admit...she was on edge. Painfully so. The girl sighed, trying to calm her already racing heart as she made her way to the gathering. Storm was her mentor now...and as nervous as she was, she was fully willing to attend every meeting called by the woman. How else would she learn? She was craving knowledge, and work take every opportunity she could get.

She approached the small gathering, tail slightly tucked as she looked around with uncertainty. She shuffled over to Storm, ears half pinned as she gently touched Storm's shoulder with her nose, letting the blind woman know she was here. "H-hi miss Storm.." She greeted shyly, retreating then a few steps back to give her some room.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
11-27-2016, 05:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 05:18 PM by Storm.)
- Due date for my next reply is Monday December 5th

As she waited she could feel the butterflies pick up in her stomach almost giving her a rather sick feeling to her stomach. She tried to shake it by adjusting the sitting position she was in, but it gave her vary little relief. She was nervous because this would be the first healer lesson that she would lead instead of learning from. Her nomadic family clan would hold these regularly, but Storm would always be watching and learning from it and after her sight was list she would listened and smell the different herbs. Things had changed so much when she lost her sight and she never thought she would ever be able to be in this position. It did give her a bit of excitement that she could potentially leave a lasting lesson the the minds of the one's who showed up.

Her ears pricked as she heard the approach of the first student. Jack dropped down from above and landed beside Storm, quietly sitting there and waiting for things to begin. Storm's tail began to gently wag in a greeting as the other female woofed to let her know of her approach. The other women found a seat in front of her and Storm's ears perked as she began to speak. The silver women smiled at her words. One of Bass' daughters was the first to arrive and it made her feel much better. She was glad to hear that Bass would be pleased also and she was happy to provide this service to her fellow pack mates. She introduced herself and Storm was happy to hear that she too had a bird companion.

"Thank you and it's nice to meet you Finch and Civetta. Blackjack is the name of my companion. I'm glad you both could come" she replied with her tail still gently wagging.

Storm heard another approach and the bold young women marched right up to her and placed something right in front of her. The silver women lowered her head to the herb and gently took in it's scent, quickly recognizing it as mint. She smiled and nodding to the young women as she introduced herself.

"Thank you Renhett it's appreciated and thank you for coming," she replied.

The last student rolled in and Storm was happy to learn that it was her apprentice. The young female seemed uncertain and shy. She almost felt bad and knew she would definitely need to have some one on one lessons with the young girl and hope she was more comfortable that way.

"Thank you for coming," she replied.

All who wanted to come were here and Storm gently pulled the mint plant back away from the pile of the other herbs. She then pointed her muzzle towards the first of four bundles of herbs. When she did that Jack hopped over and grabbed one of the plants in that pile then hopped over to Finch and placed it in front of her. He did the same with Renhett and Quake. Once done he hopped back over and sat beside Storm. Storm sat a little straighter and cleared her throat.

Alright to get everyone started this is the first herb we will start with. I am a hands on learner so take a look, feel it, and smell it. This herb is called Marigold, the leaves are most commonly used. When applying it on your skin it will help to heal burns, cuts, bug bites, and sting. The plant could also be chewed to help with gum discomfort and sore throat," she said.

"Talk" "Blackjack" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



9 Years
Dragon Mod
12-04-2016, 06:35 PM

One ear flicked when Storm thanked her for showing up. She was glad she did, even with how nervous she was. She didn't really sit near the others, choosing instead to sit a fair distance away from the other two. Red gaze watched as Storm's companion picked up a bundle of orange colored flowers, and her curiosity was immediately piqued. When Jack put them in front of her and when Storm started to explain it, she would in turn check it out. It was interesting. She didn't know that flowers could be used as medicine! Looking up after Storm finished explaining about the leaves, she wondered if the actual flower itself did anything. " it just the leaves that h-have a use? Or c-can the flower itself b-be used too?"



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Finch I


4 Years

12-10-2016, 10:48 AM

Finch smiled when Storm turned to her, waiting as two more wolves showed up. She greeted Renhett and Quake with a smile each, settling down on her rump until the meeting got under way. She wasn't exactly a healer, she knew enough from Starling to assist if things got messy but it was never too late to learn a bit more. So when the darker woman pushed an orange flower forward, she leaned closer to give it a sniff. Oh! This was actually one she knew, and once named marigold it was enough to confirm it. It had been one of the first herbs that her brother had showed her since it was such a pretty flower. She turned to Quake when the younger woman asked if the flower could be used too, which made Civetta hop off her nose and on to the ground, taking a few steps towards the red eyed wolf. "It looks pretty in your fur, look look!" the bird called, and before the wolf could stop her, she grabbed the marigold flower and flew over to Quake. Landing on her head, she tucked the flower behind her ear before soaring back to Finch to inspect her work. Nodding her tiny little head, she ignored the soft scolding from her canine friend. "What? It looks good!"

Finch shook her head back and forth, tsking her tongue. "This is a training, Civetta. Bring the marigold back to Storm and apologize." Honestly, sometimes she felt like she was taking care of a child. With careful blue eyes she watched the bird return the plant, a soft tweet leaving her beak as a way of saying sorry. She was just trying to have fun!




9 Years
12-11-2016, 08:46 AM
- Due date for my next reply is Sunday December 18th
- btw so sorry for the typo guys!

It wasn't long after her explanation that Quake spoke up making Storm smile. Her question was a vary good one and mentally the silver women growled herself for not being clearer in her last set of words. She was happy to see the younger wolf's interest in learning the trade and Storm was happy to teach her what she knew so in turn Quake's knowledge would grow. Quickly the silver women realized her mistake and blamed herself for being nervous. Finch's companion began to speak up and her words amused the healer. So didn't mind it at all, it was always better to have a little joking during learning. In fact when she was younger it often helped to keep her own attention since pups tend to get rather distracted easily.

"Vary good question Quake and I apologize I didn't state my words correctly, this is the first time teaching and I admit I'm a little nervous. It's not the leaves that are commonly used, it's actually the petals themselves." she said. "So let me fix my statement. This herb is called Marigold, the petals are most commonly used. When applying it on your skin it will help to heal burns, cuts, bug bites, and stings."

Jack hopped over to Storm again and she pointed her nose to the next plant to learn from. Jack hopped over to the fuzzy, pale green plant and began to pass it to the three before them. This plant he was passing out was called Lamb's ear one that was found in their own pack territory, another one that was somewhat easily found.

"Now ladies this next one may look familiar because it can be found in our own Serpent plains. This is called Lamb's ear a plant that has it's own particular feeling to it. If you feel it you will know what I mean, the plant is covered in small soft growth that makes everything vary soft to the touch." she began. "This plant is another one that is good to use for minor scraps. It can act as a bandage a vary good one I might add. And if you crush the leaves up they help with swelling and irritation of small wounds."

"Talk" "Blackjack" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times