
double rainbow



4 Years
10-09-2016, 05:09 PM

Lux's steps are big when she moves. It's easier that way. You come off more elegant, more in charge. She's perfectly in control of herself, has a handle on all the things she thinks and all the things she feels. It's the mind of a general, one that knows exactly who they are, what they're doing, and where they're going. Hey, sometimes you need to fake it until you make it. Lux truly had no clue where she was going, but it was easier to pretend she did. The fall was pretty enough as it was, and she was able to cope with not having anyone to lead. She's able to deal with being on her own. Supposedly, she could do this.

Crownguards could do anything. Lux clings to her name like a child to their blankie, and it's easier to cope in this way. Coping mechanisms, you see, are important. Lux's blankie has been her army. Now that she's left that behind, this is where she's at. This is how she copes, how she handles. She's unshakable. There's nothing she can do about it, other than cope. Other than go with it.

As the final spark moves toward the redbud nook, her breath slinks from her lungs. It's beautiful. It's more than beautiful, and she's drawn in like a moth to flame. It was as if the entirety was on fire. The fall colors were erupting around her, and Lux realizes just how beautiful this place can be.

i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
Plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



10 Years
Extra large
10-21-2016, 10:47 PM
This was close to where she'd grown up. There was a good chance that somewhere, deep in her head, there were memories of this place. Long limbs drew the phantom forth, head held between her shoulders. The goal was not to be seen, simply to observe. The brilliant hues of fall did nothing to disguise her pallid form among the landscape. Neutral expression only served to alienate the fainthearted. Moonstone optics scanned the trees, admiring the myriad tones of red and yellow. No two leaves looked exactly the same- like snowflakes. A few decided to fall from the cradle of the branches above, twirling delicately to the ground to rest with their brethren. They crunched beneath her paws all the same. It was music to her ears. A soft smile played upon inky lips. The ivory dame plodded haplessly over the crisp foliage, making a point of stepping on as many as possible. It was a delightful, childish moment.

The low branches of the young trees posed a rare opportunity to practice the skills she'd learned from that blue furred boy some time ago. First, to find the right tree. It took a few moments of wandering, scrutinising each one in turn. Finally, a sturdy bough, low to the ground, presented itself. The tree it was attached to seemed appropriate as well. Rearing up on her hind legs, she braced her forepaws on the branch. Her claws scraped gruesomely against the bark, twisting her features with a cringe. Now, for the back feet. The first rose from the ground, and sought purchase on the rough surface. Her pad rested firmly. With a moment of hesitation, she wondered if there was anyone nearby to witness a possible failure. Craning her neck, the ghost glanced about for the familiar figure of a wolf. Nothing. She lifted her other foot, and teetered for a horrifying second before it found its place on the branch. A bark of delight left her mouth, tail wagging. Fantastic!

A lupine scent met her nostrils. Female, somewhere close. It was a good thing she didn't fall on her ass, then. The dame took a moment to look around again, with a little more focus. There, among the golden rays of light and falling leaves. A similarly golden form, strutting through the trees with an abundance of bravado. Oh Gods, she thought to herself with a roll of her eyes. This would undoubtedly be interesting to watch.

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4 Years
10-22-2016, 01:26 PM

She's a little lost on the inside. It's hard for Lux to cope when it comes to being on her own. She hasn't done this in a while, this being alone thing. Lost, a bit, in her own thoughts. Small but powerful, stacked muscles and a fluffy coat. What a weird combination of things for someone to be, and yet here she is. Here she is, there she goes. Overland, through the redbud nook, looking for something. Looking for anything. There are late fall berries still growing, as the frost hasn't been super hard yet. Judging by the direction of the wind, unless someone is hiding, she's alone. Lux is tired of being alone. Still, she wanders.

And then there was a bark. It startled her, as the final spark had assumed she was alone. Still, she turns to the source of the sound and picks up a light jog. There's a grace to it, something curious and bright as she does. Someone was barking, but at ground level... what? Lux stops once more to sniff for someone else. As the wind shifted there was certainly someone else out here, but for now? What the heck?

As she starts to roll her eyes, the girl catches someone. Her head cocks to the side, looking into the tree. "How is the weather up there?" Try to be funny. Right. Be friendly. Smile. Lux could do it all, honestly. Okay, she could try to do it all, and do some things more proficiently than others.

i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



10 Years
Extra large
11-28-2016, 01:39 AM
ooc. I'm terribly sorry about the wait! D:
casually slips into the wrong tense

The little dame takes notice of the ruckus, obviously. Who wouldn't? She comes ambling over, seeking something on the ground. To be quite truthful, the ghost finds great joy in being as enigmatic as this. How many wolves has this female seen in a tree? No doubt quite few. It takes a moment, but she catches on. Optics roll upward, landing upon her pallid form upon the bough. Lips part to offer a remark, which ends up being quite drole.
"How's the weather up there?" she asks, which is something the phantom has heard all too many times. It's most likely a reference to her perch in the tree, but could just as easily be a quip about her height. Regardless, the faintest of smiles crosses her face.
"Probably a bit colder than down there, if I'm in keeping with the joke." she offers in reply, tail wagging just a little. She eases her rump onto the bough, and cranes her neck to keep her mercury gaze focused on the other wolf. The spark of bravado remains, as curious as ever.

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