
Last Three Letters


11-12-2016, 02:30 PM
The young man hadn’t thought that he’d be returning to these lands after leaving with Topaz. His heart still ached for the three legged wolfess… but alas what could he do for her now? He had no idea where she’d gone, if she was still alive… all signs pointed to the worst possible fate. Matthias gave a heavy sigh, wondering if his love had met with his mother in the stars. Matthias missed his mother… Raelyn had truly been a wonderful wolfess from what he remembered. If only the arrangement between her and his father hadn’t ended on such a sour note… would she still be here too?

The forest he traveled through now reminded him of when he first came upon Auster. He could still picture Topaz, the happy moments they shared. How his heart ached for her. Or perhaps his heart ached for love in general. Matthias had been alone ever since the two of them got separated little over a year ago. He was so tired of being alone… He had thought of seeking out Bridget, Chouko, or even Alec… but what could they do? Were they really the answer to ease his loneliness?

Matt looked up towards the canopy of the trees as rain began to filter down between the leaves. He’d suspected for a while now that it was going to rain… and had hoped he might find shelter here among the large trees. But even they let a bit of rain in, Matthias realized. He came to a stop behind the large trunk of a blackened oak. The tree appeared as though it had been struck by lightning. He shook his head, nose wrinkling at the the thought. It couldn’t be a pleasant thing be hit by…

So captured in his thoughts Matthias was he didn’t pay much attention to the things surrounding him. The young Barnett laid down at the base of the tree and closed his bi-colored eyes. Perhaps he’d feel a little better after some rest…



6 Years
12-02-2016, 01:06 AM

ooc: set before the challenge ^^
He took some time for himself. Something that he often did and it helped a lot. There were times a wolf just needed some time away and needed to meet someone new. That or just simply explore as he was doing. Carrying him away from the falls and to this place full of giant - old oak tree's. Although a storm was brewing and with the threat of a storm meant the thread of fire. Making him flick his ears back in a bit of irritation. Hoping that Marina and his children wherever they may be were safe and out of the rain that had begun.

Liar stopped when he spotted a rather outstanding male though. He stood out from the rest of the world like a sore thumb. Though the colors weren't quiet Marina itself, Liar seemed to be in the mood of interacting with such wolves. Colorful, their personalities at times had been that way as well. Liar made his way up to the side of the male and lightly pushed his nose into his side. Whether to startle him it wasn't, though it probably did.

"Sorry to disturb you, do you mind if I rest here as well. There isn't much room from the rain so we'd have to stay close. It'd also keep you warm." his green eyes glinted in the dim light a little. An adventure, meeting a stranger in the rain like this. Liar silently wondered what would come of such a meeting.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.


12-18-2016, 10:55 PM
The young man was more focused on his troubling thoughts than the strange her nosed his way beside him. At least until he felt that particular nose. Eyes flashed open, startled, bi-colored orbs shifting to the other man. He was uniquely colored, uniquely patterned… but he was not the wolfess Matthias still longed for deep in his heart, hoping he’d see her again. But what were the chances of that? His thoughts took a bitter turn before the young Barnett rested his head on his paws. “Sure…” A light sigh left him.

“I’m afraid I might not be the best company, however…” The brute closed his eyes again, ears flicking back against his skull. He missed his family… He missed Topaz. He was lonely. He snuggled into the other male almost subconsciously, giving a soft whine before opening his eyes again.

“S-Sorry…” He apologized. The warmth of another was something he’d desperately missed.