
My Path Has Lost Direction Somehow


12-01-2016, 05:35 PM

He had a feeling. A feeling from his gut, as most others would say. That was such an absurd thing to say, at least in his mind. What kind of feeling comes from your gut? A burpie, a poopie, but definitely no emotion. Who thought that up?

Anyways, he had this feeling in his gut and he just knew he was at the end of his road. The smell was very faint, and not necessarily his scent. The smell from the man he saw from a distance in Covari, that is. It was so odd because it was just a hint, a linger that almost made him question if he had made it or not. But he did.

Standing close to this border, but not over it, the large man sat back on his haunches and lifted his front paws as he sung a howl across these lands. To whom? He had no clue. But he was sure someone would come. This was a pack after all.

He was in for really no surprise, he had been through so much already. But the others would probably look at him in awe. He had no father when these other wolves had one. At least at one time in their lives. The ruby man had shot off the radar from everyone, including the ones he actually loved. Was Amarant a part of this group of loved ones? Maybe he could have been. But those days were long gone and would never happen.

Walk "Talk" Think



9 Years
Athena I
12-02-2016, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2016, 09:17 PM by Leo.)

Leo listened to the howl that came from the border for a moment before he turned toward it to answer it. There was certainly nothing new about answering calls. What did interest him a bit was that the call wasn't specifically directed toward him. That made him extra curious to see who it was. He made his way toward the edge of the mangrove and once he got closer he spotted the black and white man sitting there obviously awaiting someone to come greet him. He didn't recognize the man, but the spotted pattern across his back made Leo raise even more questions. He knew it was impossible for his family to be the only one with this trait, but... "Hello there," he said in greeting with a small smile, stopping a few feet from him. "I'm Leo Adravendi, the alpha here. How can I help you?" He wondered if anyone else would join them since the man had left the call open to anyone, but he kind of hoped he could find out who this was before they did at least.

"Talk" "You" Think


12-03-2016, 05:24 PM

To no surprise, the Alpha would come to his call. "Hello." Amarant would cut off rather short but not rudely. The king already knew this, but Leo was not the one he was looking for. Amarant's pale eyes would look into the distance behind him as if someone else would show up too. His neck craned around and his chin stretched up though it was in a very relaxed manner. Coming back to a more easy level, Amarant would look back at the Alpha.

"I'm looking for a boy... Or a man... I don't know." Caeto wasn't a boy when he had seen him at the meeting, but Amarant was. "He looks like me but like you. Your color but my spots." The ebony boy wouldn't really put two and two together to see that the man before him was the brother of the one he was looking for. "Have you seen someone like that here before?" He was going by his nose but what his nose couldn't tell him was that it was the family that it was giving him; not the actual brute himself.

"Oh, I'm Amarant by the way. Amarant Sovari-Mathias." The man had grown used to this name by now. He remembered so clearly the truth this his half-sister, Isolde, had put out. And he would go on every day forever hyphening the last name that he was given so much later than he was born.

Walk "Talk" Think



9 Years
Athena I
12-03-2016, 05:57 PM

His expression grew a bit confused as the spotted man tried to look past him, like he was expecting someone else to come. Sure, his call had been open for others, but who in particular was he looking for? He got his answer as he began to describe the male he was looking for. A combination of the two of them, his russet coloring with the other man's spots. Leo's brows pulled together with thought as he tried to decipher who he was talking about. He couldn't possibly be talking about his father, his father was much more red than himself. Perhaps it was Caeto? But he hadn't seen Caeto in-

His thoughts came to a halt when the man finally introduced himself, hearing the last name that Leo had long dropped from his own name. He blinked with shock, a bit taken aback by the revelation. "Mathis?" he asked softly, not quite believing it. So this... He knew very little about what his father had done. He had never asked his mother about it, not wanting to bring it up. But now it seemed that one of his half-siblings had come to his front door. "Let me... Let me reintroduce myself," he began after a moment. "I'm Leo Adravendi-Mathis. It seems we must be half-brothers. And to answer your question, no, I haven't seen Caeto in years. Amalia is the only one of my siblings that lives here."

"Talk" "You" Think


12-03-2016, 06:26 PM

"Mhmm." Amarant would quietly respond to the questioned named. But as the man started over and reintroduced himself with some explaining, Amarant narrowed his eyes and tilted his head a little bit. After he was done speaking, minty eyes would look the man up and down before realizing that this was Caeto's brother, and had to be Isolde's too.

Suddenly, he jumped nearly out of his skin, his chest touching the ground and his butt up in the air for a second while shouting, "I knew it!" Rising back to all of his paws, he would look to the sky with amazement and walk around a tight circle.

Amarant was by far more excited that his "brother" in front of him. It may have even startled the man. But Amarant had spent all these years alone with no one but himself. Colten was long gone, so was Cohen. Even if Leo didn't want him a part of the family, Amarant did. He didn't even consider the possibility that this could upset him in anyway. Amarant was the one without a father his whole life.

"Oh, and it's just me. I come here alone." He responded to the fact that it was only Leo and Amalia. He was in complete awe. He was starting to think that Isolde and Caeto were all just a part of his imagination. He was never really able to settle down as a family after all.

Walk "Talk" Think



9 Years
Athena I
12-07-2016, 09:41 PM

Once he clarified that Mathis was actually part of his name as well he saw the other man eye him carefully for a moment. Did he not believe him? Then all at once he exploded with energy and dropped into a play crouch before spinning in circles. Leo's eyes went wide and blinked with confusion as he watched him. He'd never seen someone quite so excited about something before. Meanwhile Leo was still trying to get over the fact that a half-brother had appeared out of nowhere. He would have been happier if it wasn't for the fact that his father had cheated on his mother. He was a little bit of a momma's boy that way.

It wasn't Amarant's fault though. He tried to remind himself of that. Either way they shared half of a blood line and it was rude of him to hold some kind of prejudice against him, especially when he seemed so over joyed to find him. Leo smiled a little more easily now that some of the initial shock had worn off. He nodded simply when Amarant mentioned that he had come here alone. So he didn't have any other siblings or the like with him he supposed. "Do you... have somewhere to stay?" he asked, wondering if Amarant had come here looking for anything other than just looking for his long lost siblings.

"Talk" "You" Think


12-07-2016, 10:04 PM

The boy was partly taken aback by his new-found brother's offer. Though deep down inside he knew this is what he was looking for. All this search for Colten and then for Caeto, YEARS of searching, the moment the russet man asked him if he had somewhere to stay he knew the purpose to all of it. To have a home, to have a family.

"Well, if you didn't mind... I mean..." Amarant was suddenly all awkward and at a loss for words. "If you have room and are willing to take me, I would love the opportunity to get to know you and the rest of your family." His once happy-go-lucky was now serious but a wave of his tail slightly led behind him. "I am a strong defender and would do anything to help anyone in need, regardless of my blood line." Amarant was an extremely friendly and caring wolf, honest through every word. "If you have a Hunter position I would take kindly to that." With a smile upon his maw, assuring the male that his feelings would not be hurt he would speak his last words, "I understand if you can't though."

Amarant would find some other way to see them, even outside of the lands. But he would  have much rather woke up beside them, den to den, and know that he could build his home once again.

Walk "Talk" Think



9 Years
Athena I
12-14-2016, 08:10 PM

Leo was a little surprised by how serious Amarant became all of the sudden as he asked about having somewhere to live. He still wasn't sure how his mother might react to this, but he couldn't just turn him away. No matter how Amarant came to be, they were still brothers. Leo was sure Amalia would be thrilled, she always was. His children wouldn't know any different. Of course he was going to offer his half brother a home. This was why he kept the pack going, wasn't it? To have a safe place for his family to stay?

"We always need more hunters," he replied after a moment, giving Amarant a small smile. That was certainly the truth, but more so he wanted Amarant to feel needed. His personal issues shouldn't effect Amarant's life here. "Jackson is one of my nephews. He's been working really hard to build up our food stockpile. I'm sure he'd appreciate the extra help." He motioned with his head toward the territory behind him. "Come on, you have a lot of pack lands to explore and family to meet. I have four children and Amalia has five here as well just in nieces and nephews alone!"

"Talk" "You" Think


12-14-2016, 10:47 PM

"For what it's worth, Thank you." He spoke from the heart to his new brother. "I'm glad that I can start anew somewhere." Amarant  would then trek into the lands of Fiori, knowing that he couldn't be any happier than he was now. He had a family, even if it took time for them to get to know him. He wasn't a dislikable person and he would be sure to show his loyalty one day, he knew it. He couldn't wait to meet these nieces and nephews... How big was his family anyway? He was in for a big surprise himself when the time came. He was so used to it being just him and Colten. And Eirik too of course, but it always seemed so small. Pack life would better him yet again, this time in a loving-family type way. Not the way he felt bound to Kylar in his last one. He needed to let those feelings go. They were all gone, Kylar, Colten, and he would never see them again. He would make his family here and now.

-Exit Amarant-

Walk "Talk" Think