
You'll Never Know The Psychopath Sitting Next To You [AW]



8 Years
Chrono I
12-12-2016, 12:10 AM

The wind wasn't strong, even on this shoreline. But it was bristling. Fur stuck up in all kinds of directions alerting the woman that she shouldn't be out here, it was time to go back into the Lava pit. She had grown very used to the warmth of Hell's River, and coming out during the winter time was probably one of her worst ideas. But she needed to get out there, she needed to help herself nestle her way into someone's heart. Or put someone into hers, it goes both ways.

She had been rather lonely. It was funny, she finally comes out of her hole and not a single wolf to be seen. They must have all joined packs or had some sort of sense that the winter would be harsh. "They're all dead sweetheart, it's only you and me 'till the end of the planet." She shook her head, trying to escape Charon's words as normal.

Trees lined the beaches here, yet they were frozen over from continuous flooding of the ocean. Every step  she took ice would be crackling and splitting under her paws. She knew this caused no real threat and besides, there were no wolves around to be alarmed. On her adventure, her eye caught something hidden, poking out slightly between cracks in the mud-ice. A leaf from a Boneset, though not salvageable ever. She raised her head in disappointment. This wasn't just the off season for herds; it was also difficult to find herbs in most places. She had taken an interest in healing years ago, it being the only thing she could study independently. She retired from Sparring long ago and had no intention on picking it back up unless someone had threatened her. As most could see from her eye she was no stranger to the skill.

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon" "Voices"



3 Years
12-12-2016, 07:12 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2016, 07:19 AM by Arborick.)
(12-04-2016, 10:55 PM)Arborick Wrote:

It is all the same, only different.
He had a most peculiar affinity with the sea; his odor identity even melded with the shore and salt air became his permanent scent even long after he left the shoreline. His presence was camouflaged until either he transpired for eyes to witness or until his sheer weight cracked the frigid waters that pooled. This was surmised to be the way it would go down. The shoreline wasn't skirted in granular sands, but rather a marsh that was incredibly malleable once it grew cold enough. Footprints were cast from mud, ice frosting the pools from which it made until the entire proximity of the beach was laden in uneven and even sharp mud-ice. It made quiet navigation far more difficult, and if he miscalculated a step and placed a large paw into the print rather than the rim it would crack audibly.
It seemed he wasn't the only one who's problem manifested, distant crackles and shattering alerted him of another animal. It was of wolf, whom coincidentally had lingered nearby.

Even for the beach the wind was at bay and allowed noisess to travel. From upshore ice shattered, though accurate clarity lost in the bitter air. He sought to discover what another soul would be doing out of the realm of shelter on a bone chilling epoch. Heavy set appendages geared forth, deftly picking around the labyrinth of mud as he went, the occasion splitting of ice alerting the other of his approach. He was well equipped for this type of weather; a plush coat that never shed easily withstood the winds of winter that seemed absent today, though despite this it kept out the chill. His chocolate hued eyes fixated upon a form, and as he drew closer it only gave him clarity. He was certain his own bestial form was apparent to the wolf now standing opposite of himself, about twenty yards set between the two.

"Is it the gentle ebb of the tide that draws you near? Or do you simply wish to become one with the land by means of freezing?"

Bold, deep baritones sounded from within his broad chest, reverberating upwards until it left his mouth. His question was rather sarcastic, but it was emitted in good spirits. He was not malicious, unless provoked, but aspired to draw an interest to himself. Connections were the most promising thing on the planet, and being of diplomatic nature he would seem to collect favor with other, even if unaware. His eyes remained soft, lion like form remaining upright in a dignified stance, as reclining on this would be rather uncomfortable. A singular pinna erected atop his blunt skull, keen to the wolfs motions and gestures incase this encounter was to go sour.




8 Years
Chrono I
12-12-2016, 01:37 PM

Slightly alarmed by the man's presence, she pulled her ears lightly back onto her head but then relaxing them limp, sitting sideways on her skull. She eyed the man, unsure if she could trust him though his speech was so calm and kind. Still, there were other wolves with evil intentions that came across as friendly on purpose. Chione had a serious nature, and though her voice lead her on to do evil things she was never like that. She was devoted and loyal and Charon could never truly take her away from that. At least not anymore. He had done so much to her as a child that completely destroyed her life And she could never get that back.

"I just decided... to get out." She explained with no big detail. Her voice just implying that that she had been cooped up. But who hadn't this time of year? "You're one to ask that question." She spoke sarcastically. She was out here and so was he, "You and I must be the only crazies to be out in this weather."

It was very odd that she decided to escape her hole in this season. Especially since she came from Hell's river but even before that she lived all the way in the south-western corner of this continent. The cold weather really wasn't her thing but yet here she was. Looking for dead herbs and running into strangers for once.

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon" "Voices"



3 Years
12-12-2016, 02:31 PM
(12-04-2016, 10:55 PM)Arborick Wrote:

It is all the same, only different.

It didn't take long to note her gender; curvaceous and utterly feminine, sporting a estrogen prone odor that did little to distinguish her age. His eyes ran across her form, softening in admiration for odd yet stunning markings. She was flecked in ebony spots, cream and white fashioned a base and within her skull sat two gilded irises, one clouded, injured, he wondered if it functioned. When it did not follow the other as she reinstated focus, it was known to him that the eye had failed her and saw nothing but opaqueness. She was most likely accustomed to others peering at her, though he tried to make his once over with haste as to not offend her, lest she assume his intentions.

"To get out? And you chose an area without wind break? I suppose you have your reasons."

Vocals erupted from his interior, articulation ever fluid and rang with masculinity. His jaws clasped shut with an audible clacking noise, and his shifting eyes found her own pair once more.

"I mean no offense m'lady. Just odd is all. Don't you feel the cold?"

There was something unusual about her, her couldn't put his finger on it though. It was nearly suspicious, she seemed sensitive, in tune and weary. He was well aware he was not the most welcoming sight, but this was something...more.

"I suppose we are a bit crazy, but I've always thought of the shore as a home away from home. Even it's scent has clung to me in permanence. Are you here alone?"

Perhaps that came out wrong, rather than sizing her up he simply was inquiring if she belonged to a pack or not. He was hellbent on gathering information about them and collectively understanding how this realm worked. He left it alone however, hoping it did not come across as interrogation. He advanced towards her, slowly placing his scopic paws across the raised portions of frozen mud, ceasing his motions when he arrived feet from her. His breath was slow, easing as he no longer saw her as a direct threat. Twin optics grew more elliptical in shape as he eagerly awaited her answer.



8 Years
Chrono I
12-14-2016, 02:48 PM

She looked out past the trees at the ocean, "I'm not a fan of the water." She responded to his statement of the shore being a home from home. Remembering years ago when she looked the sharpened rocks in the eyes from a cliff's edge. She would look back to the male, "Though sand isn't too bad, I prefer for it to be much warmer than now. Just happened to come out today." She grinned slightly. She was also aware of his quick look over her, ignoring the fact that he was in a rush and not trying to think of it at all. She had grown accustomed to this. Either that or she was just used to having no contact at all.

"Why don't you show him your pain, darling. He notices it, he needs to feel it."

Chione would drop her eyes to the ground for a second, returning back to the male. She had gotten much better with Charon's voices, though it was still impossible to ignore him completely. "Yes, I am alone." Quietly, not trying to sound like she was in distress, "I haven't seen my family in three years, almost four. Not sure if they are even still on this continent." She never knew how much she would miss them until now. She truly knew what it meant and felt like to have no one.

"They left you sweetie, they're all dead."

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon" "Voices"