
Over and Over


12-18-2016, 10:23 PM

The female felt her heart aching. She had no idea where Ravine was. She hadn’t seen him since last season and was worried sick… but what could she do? She’d tried looking for him, tried looking for her children… and in the end all she had was poor little Tiny. The pygmy jerboa felt sorry for his adoptive mother as well, sensing her distress. But she could not shake the feeling that something was drawing her aging body towards the battlefield. There a pack might claim her… or someone else. But the female was tired… and worried. She needed some sort of security, some ally, before she lost all will to continue on.

Her paws settled on the bloodstained earth, feeling Tiny shift atop her head. The aged she wolf wore a worried frown, concern shifting to the little one she still had. How long did their species live? He already seemed so old… the female tried to put on a brave face though, speaking in a soft tone. “Mama is going to test her luck here, Tiny… maybe we’ll find some new friends to hang out with while we look for Papa, okay?” The female’s single eye scanned the horizon before she tilted her head back and let out a howl for whomever might come.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



6 Years

12-19-2016, 04:27 AM

She wasn't quite sure what had brought her here. Maybe it had been on some unconscious level that she'd found her paws leading her to the battlefield. She'd found Rin as well as others here so perhaps that was the reason? She had kids, a few pack members already, but she had two territories to fill and high-hopeful dreams to go with them. Scouting around the battlefield certainly didn't seem like a bad idea while she was here. Potential loners always wandered through here as well as those looking for spars.

She certainly wasn't here for a spar. Some fat still lingered from her pregnancy, but overall she'd slimmed down. As much as she wanted to spend some time getting into shape once more now was not the time. She still had borders to patrol and pack members to familiarize herself with. Not to mention her own children and her sister. She had a lot on her plate so the fights would wait until another time.

It wasn't long until she heard someone. It seemed like someone was looking for a home after all. She padded along until a female, smaller than herself, and lighter brown in color. The surprising part was the amount of scarring she had littering her body. Ears gone, eyeball gone, and tears in the skin. Her scars were comparable to Elias' and that was certainly an interesting accomplishment.

"Hello." She called out with a small smile as she came to a stop not too far from the other woman.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


01-15-2017, 09:22 PM

Akemi felt her heart pounding in her chest, a sick feeling washing over her gut. She felt guilty about being here and yet… what was she to do? Ravine had been missing for a fair amount of time… surely he’d understand her desire to be stable while she searched for him? Even though he waited for you, becoming emaciated, always hoping you’d come back…’ Akemi shifted her paws on the ground, wanting to go hide in some sort of hole. She felt badly… but who was she kidding? Fiery nature or no she was getting older… and sooner or later the protection of a pack might benefit both her and Ravine…

A low sigh escaped Akemi just as a voice broke over the air. She lifted the tattered remains of her ears and glanced in the direction of the other female. Single orb shown with a tad bit of nervousness for a brief moment before she found her courage once more and stood firm. “Greetings.” The female took a small whiff of the air.

“You are an alphess, correct?” Her tone was calm, casual as her son focused his gaze upon the new female. “My name is Akemi Miu Shinonome. This little one is my son, Tiny. We are… seeking a home.”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



6 Years

01-16-2017, 07:34 PM

Faite tried to shove down the pity that she couldn't help but feel as she stared at the tattered woman. She was slightly older, about Kavdaya's age, and yet they were worlds apart. Where Kavdaya was a healer and didn't have a scar on her body, this woman had been in so many fights - that much was obvious. More than her fair share it seemed, but overall it made her more interesting. Was she an experienced fighter or was she just a chew toy? That much Faite did want to find out, but it seemed too personal a question to ask at the moment.

Instead she focused on the woman as she asked her a question. A small smile tugged at her lips as the woman greeted her. Her gaze shifted to the tiny creature she was with before it turned back to the woman again as she asked her a question. "I am." She answered easily. It was still a weird concept, but she was sure she'd get used to it in time. "My name if Faite Adravendi. It's nice to meet you both." She found it a little odd that his name was Tiny, but overall it was amusing. It was very fitting for such a small companion. "Perhaps you could tell me a bit about yourself and I can tell you a bit about my pack if it interests you?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
01-26-2017, 05:06 PM

The man felt horrible when he found himself lost and on the wrong side of an avalanche. All he could do as he wondered along the blood stained land was how he was going to explain his absence to Akemi, would she forgive him for being gone so long? He wondered if he would even be able to find her now that he had been gone for nearly an entire season. Sure he had waited for her, but he didn't expect her to do the same. She had more than just herself to think about, even though her fiery temper had kept her alive this long he didn't want her to put herself or Tiny in any danger. Hell he was sure she wouldn't allow anyone or anything on the planet to hurt him just like Ravine himself would never allow anyone to hurt either of them.

It wasn't long before his white ears were swiveling atop his dark skull at the familiar sound of her voice followed by a not so familiar one. He couldn't pick out exactly what the love of his life had said, but as he got closer he could hear the other woman's answer almost perfectly. The name Adravendi was familiar to him, but he had never met this one...none the less she was the least important creature to him at the moment. That role was held only by his wife and adopted son. He would pick up the pace a bit. "Akemi, Tiny!" he would call out happily and relieved that they were both healthy and safe. He would stop only when he was at the small woman's side and close enough to plant a kiss on her cheek. "My love I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, I only meant to be gone a day or to and then found myself lost and on the wrong side of an avalanche in the northern part of Boreas." he just let the explanation fall from him. There was no way to sugar coat it, all he could do was hope she wasn't mad at him.



01-29-2017, 06:35 PM
The she wolf before her was indeed an alphess, and a kinder soul it would seem. The small female gave a soft sigh as the other asked about her, knowing that even at her age a pack still needed able paws. It wasn’t like she wasn’t capable, Akemi reminded herself. Things were just harder on her without her mate by her side… but things could be okay in time, she thought. She just had to have faith that Ravine was going to return… and Gods above she hoped that would be sooner rather than later.

“I am a hunter, as well as a fighter. Don’t let my small size fool you, miss Faite, I like to be active.” Akemi managed a small smile. She had a big personality for a she wolf of her size! Some had doubted her before, and sure she’d been in a hunting accident before… but Akemi wasn’t going to let such things keep her down. “I--” She was going to say more when she heard a familiar voice, remains of her ears twitching as she turned her head towards her beloved.

Ravine! Thank the stars he was alright. The female would have wagged her tail if she still had one, feeling her heart go out to the male. “Do not apologize, my love… It’s alright. Though…” She glanced at Faite a bit sheepishly. “I’m afraid I’ve a small problem now. I was seeking a home while we searched for you… but… I don’t know if that is something you want?”



6 Years

02-06-2017, 12:18 PM

Faite's ears swiveled as the woman explained with a small smile that she was a fighter and a hunter. She knew by experience what it felt like to be underestimated because of size and she'd taken great pleasure in proving them otherwise. After all height wasn't everything, nor age for that matter and Faite wasn't overly worried about the small woman's capabilities. Everyone would have time to prove themselves and until such time she liked to give them the benefit of the doubt. Besides, an older wolf would at least help balance out the amount of children the pack currently had. The youngsters weren't quite ready yet to be useful.

She didn't get the chance to address the other female anymore when a blur of black fur raced up towards Akemi. Her head cocked to the side as she watched the pair and Faite couldn't help but suddenly feel like a third wheel. It was like watching something that she wasn't supposed to, but she hadn't quite finished her conversation yet either. She listened to the words exchanged between the two and smiled softly to herself when she realized what was going on. So they were reunited lovers? She waited patiently until Akemi had finished speaking before she felt like she could comfortably say something.

"You both seem to have been through a lot lately. If you'd like you both could accompany me back to Lirim, my pack, and stay for a few days to rest and if you decide you like it you're more than welcome to stay."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]