
achy breaky heart



7 Years

12-08-2016, 04:24 AM

For once in the past week or so, Bass hadn't got up at the crack of dawn to do his patrol. He lingered in his head until closer to noon, and once the ground had heated up a bit he finally rose to his paws and entered the chilly day. Shivering at the sudden cold air that wrapped around his pale fur, he squinted for a few moments before slowly making his way towards the borders. He decided that he would patrol the rapids first, making a beeline for the sound of rushing water. His paw steps weren't rushed by any means, his head high and alert as he kept his eyes on the horizon. The Primo did this daily, and it was so routine that he knew he was only half paying attention. His paws knew exactly where to step, easily avoiding the rocks and any other debris that may be blocking his path. His pure white ears lay still on the top of his head, his mind on other things as he stopped every now and then to mark the borders. It was hard to keep his head in the game as of late, not only grieving the loss of his friend but also on his kids that kept wandering away. He was starting to feel like it was him who was at fault, and he spent countless hours trying to figure out what he could do to make them come back. Of course he didn't want to force them here, but to just know that they were alive and well would be fine for him. The same went for his siblings, it was just him and Harmony now. There had been a time when he could hardly go five steps off of Abaven lands without running into another Destruction. But now? Where had they all gone? It was like as soon as his aunt and uncle lost their home they all vanished without a trace. The aging gentleman sighed, curving around a lone tree as he resumed his path. The whole not knowing thing was starting to get old, and fast. All he wanted were a few answers, and to know that they were all okay.



12-18-2016, 11:46 PM

The woman was out, trailing the border of her new home as well. Her nose was stuck to the ground so that she would know if there were any intruders or threats. Being the newest member of the pack, she need to study these things. The borders, the herbs of the pack lands, and eventually the neighboring packs.

She would rise her head when her eyes caught her Alpha before her, doing just as she was but without any thought in every step. She couldn't help but think of if there was actually something forbidden that came across the borders. Would he even notice? He had gone by so many times, it seemed like something Lyre would do at that point.

She approached him, first at a trot, and then back to a walk to catch up with him. Seeing that he wasn't necessarily in a happy mood but didn't see his troubles. "Is there anything I can help you with, Bass?" She was eager to ask. She wasn't making many friends here yet, but she was sure the time would come. Right now Bass was the closest thing she had.

Walk "Talk"



7 Years

12-21-2016, 12:46 AM

His frown pulled his muzzle down, his chin tucking towards his chest as another gust of cold wing ruffled his fur. He was so drawn into his thoughts that it took a moment to catch the scent of the newest member of Abaven. He stilled, looking over his shoulder to glance at the cream and honey female. A small smile was offered, but it wasn't hard to see that he was doing it just because it was the polite thing to do. His tail swayed behind him as she spoke, asking if there was anything she could help with. He didn't miss the eagerness in her voice, it was enough to bring a bit of sincerity to his diplomatic look. Bass turned to look ahead of him, at the expansion of the borders that stretched before him. It was such a huge part of his daily routine, and nothing usually happened, that the time flew as he followed the invisible lines that cut them off from the rest of the world. It had been awhile since he had had any company, turning back to Lyre as his ears perked up, turning in her direction. "I wouldn't mind some company during my patrol," he said softly, his shoulders rolling as his paws fell back en-route. She could choose to walk at his side or behind him, but it would be a lot easier to converse if she was at his flank. "Are you settling in okay?" He asked, a usual question for a new member of the pack. Even though it flew off his tongue with practice, there was a note of concern there. He did worry about how everyone fit in, and liked knowing if something was amiss. He had been keeping himself so busy lately that he forgot to check in on some of the newer members, he had yet to see Asha or Pyhrrus. The thought made him flinch slightly, but he pushed it away as he started at a slow pace.



12-21-2016, 08:42 PM

She happily joined him, walking by his side. She would feel honored by his interest in how she was settling in, she felt important to him in this moment. "I'm still trying to find a spot for my permanent den, not so sure where I would like it set up yet." She had just been living in a tiny little hole in the ground so she didn't freeze at night but it was just big enough that when she curled inside she looked like a ball of fur overflowing from it. She wanted to find a spot close to where some of the herbs grew but also not so close to the river for when it fled.

Looking back at the Primo, she sighed quickly, "I can see something troubling you. I saw this in our first meeting but I hadn't wanted to bother you about it." And she was interested in Bass' grief or whatever. She wanted to listen and help everyone in Abaven. "You don't have to tell me why though, I'm only a stranger. I just think you should know that you aren't hiding it very well." She knew much pain though probably not as much as the fellow next to her. Or at least different kinds and levels. She didn't want him thinking she was barging in on his emotions, but she was concerned for the way he was feelingĀ and felt sorry for him.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years

01-06-2017, 03:16 PM

He didn't slow his pace but Lyre met it with ease. He only paused to brush up against foliage or remark the borders, his ears twisting towards her as they moved through the border. Apparently she hadn't picked a spot for her den, and he nodded slowly. He had been pretty picky about finding his own place to rest, and it was pretty much the main hub of Abaven now. He called meetings on top of it, and watched his children grow there. "I think a majority of the wolves stick in the plains, I'm not sure if anyone has settled into the thicket yet since its the newest Abaven land," he offered, wondering if that would help her. There were a lot of grasses there, maybe it was a good herb hunting spot as well? He had no idea, it was something he always tended to avoid. Plants were gross and he'd rather stick to meat, thank you very much.

The conversation took a quick switch, and he couldn't help but chuckle as she saw right through him. It would seem that he wasn't as good at hiding things as he would like to think. "Let's just say that I've been through a lot during my years," he answered simply, shrugging his shoulders a bit as he paused to look at Lyre. She was a kind soul, he could see that. She just wanted to know what was going on with her alpha, and there was nothing wrong with that. While he didn't want to go into detail, he knew that he should at least explain a little bit of why the leader of Abaven was always in a glum mood. "It's mostly grief, I've lost a lot of wolves in one way or another. Death, or just having them vanish without so much as a word. The mother of my children is one of them, as well as my siblings and most my family members. It's been a revolving door of wolves and I'm just tired of having to say goodbye." He smiled softly at her, hoping that it was enough for her to stop worrying about him. Bass never liked to see others waste energy on him, he had a feeling that he was far too damaged to fix anymore. He had his kids and his pack, but even they tended to wander off. Picking up the border patrol again, he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as they walked. And what of her? Did she suffer the same pain as he did?



01-07-2017, 09:08 PM

Lyre did think about the majority of the wolves living in the plains. And she would have rather been closer to her pack mates and friends than on her own and exploring the rest of Abaven. She had all day to do that, and she would have a place to sleep in the heart of the pack.

She paused just as he had and tilted her head to listen intently to every word he had to offer. Her eyes narrowed to the softer of subjects, but she couldn't say she was left without the feeling. "I'm sorry you've had to go through that, Bass." She spoke from her heart, showing how much she cared for the man who offered her a home even though the two of them knew basically nothing about each other. "I understand the feeling of loss as well. Though just in some different ways. I've never had kids or a family, but I have raised wolves from illness as if they were my own. And I have seen many come and go." She was a very motherly figure to those that surrounded her and it wasn't something she would ever hide. She cared for the well being of other's and nothing would stop her in helping them.

"It seems like we could almost be on the same page. Most of my family and tribe members have disappeared without a word as well. I just try to keep living on life as if tomorrow will bring me something new..." And it was true. She had pain and suffering inside her but she never let anyone see it. She just kept looking forward day after day hoping that soon she could find some of her lost family. She continued to walk with him as he started off again, finishing with her last words, "Just know that I am here anytime you need to talk. I know it is sometimes it's easier to let loose how you feel when the person you are talking to can't talk back." She gave him a quick giggle, being sarcastic but also serious that he could come to her anytime. She could be a friend, at least one of the many the man probably had, that he could just let it all out before her and she wouldn't judge. Plus she was younger than he was, so hopefully if they two ever truly got close, he wouldn't have another soul resting on his mind.

Walk "Talk" Think