
Broken Down and Waiting for the Chance to Feel Alive


12-26-2016, 06:30 PM

The girl traveled so far up north, it was unreal to her. But she wasn't anywhere near the ship she grew up in. Instead, she found herself in the Red Forest where she was basically born in. She didn't remember most of it, but vaguely. It was a time in her life where she wasn't sheltered and didn't feel like the world was always out to get her. She actually acted like a pup for the little amount of time her family had spent here. And she was also angry. Angry that something that could have made her a better wolf was so easily taken from them. She would have probably had a different life, her and Lian may have left earlier. If she wasn't so scared of the world outside the ship she would have had a better life.

She walked through the tall forest, looking straight up at the massive trees surprisingly remembering them just as they were. Stopping, she closed her eyes wishing she could go back. She wished she could spend one more night with Lian.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
Extra large
12-27-2016, 06:19 PM
How many times... A wicked grimace contorted the woman's dark face, low growl slipping from inky lips. How many times had the brown fur-ball managed to interrupt a perfectly good sleep. Too many. Enough that Mara frequently blamed unrelated incidents on the little ball of sunshine, rainbows and unicorn farts. It made her feel better to know that everything annoying all stemmed from one cheery source. A wolf who she was now making a desperate attempt to avoid. If she could just run far enough, maybe Velia would get tired of tracking Mara and just go look for her master alone like a good little girl. The thought alone was enough to make Mara want to gag.

Slinking low to the ground while moving as fast as possible she made her way through the massive trees, too busy making her escape to bother taking in the sights and enjoying the view. She didn't have time for shit like that. Mara needed to hide. It was for a good cause. The cause of sleep, a noble cause even a lazy lump like her could get behind. She inadvertently grinned in amusement at her own thoughts, glancing around to see if she was being followed yet. If she was, her pursuer was doing a fine job of hiding.

Emboldened by the feeling that she'd escaped, she slowed her pace, sauntering along with a feeling of pride at her accomplishment. Ditching that dirt-colored pain in her rump was cause for celebration. Perhaps, a nap. Yet before she could further consider her options she'd find a stranger up ahead of her, seemingly gazing at the massive living sticks that were reaching skyward all around them. Uninterested in joining in such ridiculous pursuits, Mara opted to continue walking, approaching without trying to conceal the sound of her paws. There was no point in pursuing stealth right now. She was not interested in scaring someone or causing them to leap at her because she'd made herself a threat. So loudly it was that she walked, not preceding her arrival with a greeting but rather just walking up to and past the other wolf without bothering with words. Mara even went so far as to pass the wolf just a little close for comfort, and definitely closer than was polite. She'd be interested to see if it would spark irritation in the other. Though Mara was not specifically seeking a fight, she was also clearly not bothering to try and avoid one either.


12-31-2016, 08:38 PM

The sound of crunching would irritate the woman in herself. With eyes closed, ears swiveled to the sound. Brows scrunched but even as the other woman came swooping by her, she wouldn't be startled or even flinch. A wicked grin stretched her maw as the girl was making her way past her, practically bumping into her and pushing her over. Instead, Zola would rise to all fours gently and let out, "You're awfully in a hurry there." Taking a step towards the girl, not interested in knowing names or whatever else there was that friendly wolves spoke to each other, "Off to the next adulterous man are we?"

Zola had little politeness herself and didn't care for anyone but Zola. She believed herself a princess and those should cower or bow to her. Okay, maybe that was a bit much. But she liked to play the part. She didn't have much to do anyway. So why not have a little fun?

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
Extra large
01-03-2017, 01:53 AM
Well then, wasn't this just a helluva treat. Mara slowed and came to a stop, turning to face the woman. Disdain contorted her features as she eyed the pale female who'd spoken in such a flippant way. Normally Mara didn't really bother speaking with anyone she happened to run into. There was never any reason. However, this sassy creature who seemed to resemble snow stained with dirt had decided to initiate a less than friendly interaction. Who was Mara to simply walk away? Maybe she'd get to further stain that pale coat. Ooh, now there was a nice idea.

Blinking half-lided amber eyes she slowly responded, "What an unnecessary comment. I suppose that speaking the obvious takes less effort than an original thought though, hm?" Her voice betrayed her lackadaisical nature, words stretching out a bit as if she were forcing herself to speak when she'd rather be asleep. Honestly she was amused by her own words, considering she herself preferred to not go out of her way to expend more effort than she needed to for anything in life.

She decided to take a seat now that she'd been caught in this interaction. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest course of action when likely irritating a stranger, but Mara was hardly known for wisdom. When the woman made a quip about her being off to see a man Mara snorted loudly, annoyance and disgust mixing with the already present disdain. She'd never bothered with the opposite sex before, or any others in general. When sleep and a good fight is all you crave the desire for partners however fleeting tends to suffer or not even exist. "You know, you really shouldn't talk about yourself that way." Mara smirked.
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.


01-03-2017, 01:53 PM

She would sit as the woman sat, showing that there was no fear to show her. It was funny how most should have feared Zola, but she was only under the bodies of males rather than ripping them apart. She fancied the boys, and hated the girls. She wanted to be the only one seen and of course that was impossible. So why not at least try her best to make the rest of them ugly.

"Oh, Darling, Please. I embrace the way men feel about me." She rose her chin, showing the left side of her face.  "Nothing to hide here."

She relaxed herself again, looking back at the woman with her half-blinked eyes just as she had done to her. Eye brows raised as she would speak, "I suppose you aren't half-bad looking yourself. Why try and hide what you do for men?"Of course she knew that the girl wasn't doing as she was, she couldn't smell any testosterone on her pelt. She couldn't say the same for herself but she didn't care. She enjoyed the life she was living and wouldn't be stopped until, well, a child came. That actually wouldn't stop her but that would definitely anger her. She was just looking for some fun today, trying to get under someone's skin.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
Extra large
01-06-2017, 10:45 PM
Smirking slightly Mara eyed the dirty snow wolf, hardly surprised by the response she gave. The woman didn't have to say a word about men for everyone who came within a mile of her to know she was used to their company. The stench of males surrounded her like a thick fog. Gross. Snickering she replied, "I suppose one who stinks like a common whore would have to embrace such things." There was a glimmer in Mara's eyes while she awaited a reaction from the other wolf, hoping to get some sort of annoyance or anger. It was fun to irritate others and insult them, especially since just about everything pissed Mara off to no end. She figured it was only fair that those around her had to suffer too once in a while.

Another loud snort, accompanied by a toss of her head and a harsh laugh that hit the ears a bit loudly, "Ha, well that's a first!" No one ever referred to her in such a... positive light. Usually it was all rather negative, though that was to be expected since she wasn't the most pleasant of creatures so there really wasn't a whole lot about Mara that was deserving of any nice words. Though she hardly expected to ever get anything above this new standard of 'not half-bad' because frankly she wasn't the most attractive of females and at her age and with her habits it was probably all downhill from here. Not that she gave a rip. "Men don't like me, love. They seem to sense I'd be much more inclined to rend their flesh from their bones than to give them a shot at mine."

Sliding into a bowing position she allowed her front limbs to stretch out, yawning and holding her stretch for a while. Glancing around she considered what to do once she was able to rid herself of this new pest. For the time being she wasn't quite ready for more sleep. Maybe she'd just keep moving for a while, and put more distance between herself and that other pest. Now that she'd remembered Velia a new sense of urgency took over. Getting away from that brat was priority one, staying here too long would mean there was more chance of her pursuer catching up. Now that just couldn't be allowed to happen. Rising from her prolonged stretch she decided escape was more important that wasting time bantering with the stranger and unceremoniously turned to start trotting on her way again, half-tail waving lazily behind her.
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.