
You Only Zing Once


11-26-2016, 10:04 PM

How long had it been? Was it their second birthday? She had a hard time reminiscing from her childhood, and even seeing the haze of the day her brother hadn't joined her. But she couldn't forget the pain she felt after realizing that he was never coming. But what pained her more is what could have happened to him. Did Lel keep him as a captive? Did he kill him? And what was sad about the girl, was that her worst fear in the world was that he never wanted to leave with her. It was all some sick kind of twisted game he put on all their life. Did Lian ever love me?

Tonight the wind bristled at her pelt, in which she took hiding into the foundation of the once standing building. She hugged the wall, this way the wind would tunnel over top of her mostly. Dirt had compounded itself over the years and she had to hunch over to barely fit behind this wall.

Was it her home? No. Nowhere was. She had just found this island surrounded by the rivers slightly comforting away from her far away home in the northern lands. Where ever her paws landed that night was home, and she had grown used to the fact. Learning to live on her own was one of her hardest achievements.

Walk "Talk" Think


11-28-2016, 01:36 PM

He felt no regret in leaving his sister up north. He didn't care for anyone else but himself, and Ashelynn was only holding him back. The yearling had made it back to the mainlands, walking slowly through the range. The fiery boy wasn't really looking for anything in particular, just aimlessly wandering. He was by himself and that's how he liked it. Rolling his shoulders forward against the chill, he was nearly knocked off his paws by a huge gust of wind. He shuddered as the cold settled in his bones, whipping his head around to see if there was a shelter that he could hide himself in. The tattered remains of a building showed up in front of him, and he fought against the wind to try and make his way towards it. His tail was blown to his left as another breath of wind made his fur stand up. Pheonix hadn't been expecting to fight off a storm, but maybe he had to start paying better attention to things. Hackles raised, he finally was able to press his front paw on the odd, compact ground. Pulling himself up, he made his way inside as his belly hugged the wooden floor below him. His yellow eyes were squinted, trying to blink away the grime that had settled on his face. It took several moments for him to realize that he wasn't alone. His gaze widened as he gazed at the pale woman, she was older than him but hunkered against a wall to hide from the wind. Staying where he was standing, his claws dug into the rotten floorboards, unable to fight against the torrent that pushed against him. Pheo landed on his right flank, embarrassment causing a flash of anger to stir in his belly. Waiting until the gale let up, his ears pressed tightly against his head.

At last he was able to pull himself up, tossing a glare in the direction of the stranger. If she mentioned it he would chew her face off. Quickly the boy scrambled to the far wall, just in time to avoid being blown over again. The flame coated boy hugged the wall as he lowered himself, his front legs straight in front of him as his back ones kicked to the side. He settled on ignoring the other, the whistle of the wind erasing most of the sounds between them. The only reason he was here was because of the storm, it didn't mean that he had to socialize.



11-28-2016, 08:48 PM

She was stuck here thinking of her young days in the forest and in the ship. She had hated winter when her family was forced to move to their frozen shelter in one of the most northern parts of their continent. And then she grew to love the winters, and love the warmth of her mother, of Lel, and of Lian...

Just as her thoughts were becoming greater, a thud come around her just loud enough to go over the sound of the wind. She was facing the opposite direction of  how this flaming boy arrived, and in response she flashed him a sideways glare with a quick return of her of her eyes forward. The boy would make his way opposite of her and she would only move her eyes to take a peak of him. She had never met anyone of this kind of color. In fact, most wolves looked like her; black and white.

This boy hugged the other wall and refrained from looking anymore at her. How dare he, she was important. She was beautiful. Granted he was much younger than her but Zola wanted everyone's eyes on her, in any kind of way. So not too long after he found his place she turned her neck toward him and then dropped her self to the floor, back running against her wall and then spinning to put her belly facing the sky and partially facing him. She had been awfully lonely lately. She needed this attention.

Walk "Talk" Think


11-28-2016, 09:19 PM

Nothing was spoken, but the woman turned herself to face him. Her pink eyes gazed at him, but honestly he didn't blame her. He was the most outstanding wolf around, who wouldn't want to look at him? His coat looked like he was forged from fire itself, while this plain black and white wolf was... well, plain. He huffed at her, his ears still hugging his skull. "What?" he shouted over the wind, yellow eyes narrowing in on her face. While he was all for others staring at him, there was something about her that threw him off a little. Maybe it was because she looked almost... lonely? No, there was no way of telling. He just assumed so as she was here alone, but the storm could have easily driven other members in her party away. Pheonix's tail flickered behind him, his eyes never straying from her form. While he was still only a yearling, he knew what he liked. There was no thoughts of procreating or anything in that matter in his mind, but he knew what he liked and she wasn't one of them. But who knew, maybe she had a killer attitude that would make up for her boring appearance. Ashelynn wasn't too good looking either, but she was strong and bullheaded. And a butt, but that was another story. He doubted that the stranger would be anywhere near his level though, that was a pretty high standard to match. But, from the sign of the winds he had a feeling that they would be stuck here for quite some time, he might as well hear her out.



11-30-2016, 05:17 PM

Zola quickly rolled back onto her stomach and shot him a glare, almost in disgust that he couldn't say any thing other than "what?" PLUS an attitude? With fiery eyes she yelled over the wind, though her voice would have been just as loud if it wasn't being pushed away. "Excuse me?!" Flashing her head away from the young man as if she were to ignore him, her voice would quiet down slightly but she was still shouting, "Obviously you have no idea how to speak to a lady."

She had gotten this boy's attention, but it was not the response she was looking for. Any normal wolf would look at her as if she had four heads, showing her belly to strangers. And he seemed not interested as well. It was like a little voice inside of her head was screaming at everyone, "Tell me I'm pretty!" And she believed these feelings, everyone should kiss the ground she walked on with a river a drool following after them. Though she felt a little less important in the world next to this fellow, he was nothing like her, he was gorgeous. She may have even been jealous.

Walk "Talk" Think


11-30-2016, 07:40 PM

The younger boy smirked, his chin raising. It was obvious that he had gotten under her skin, her shouted words making him laugh softly. Looking around him, he seemed to be looking for something with his wide yellow eyes. When he saw nothing, he looked back to the stranger with an innocent tilt of his head. "Lady? I no see lady," he shouted in his broken manner, unable to keep the smirk from his lips. He may only be a year, but he knew how to be a little asshole alright. Laughing into the wind, the sound of it was nearly swallowed by the gusts. "Tell me when you see lady," he added, just to add some salt into the wound. Rolling his shoulders, his smile became more twisted as he stared at her. He was no ordinary child, a disposition shoved into his big fat head. He certainly felt like he was better than everyone else around him, after all he was born from the elements themselves! Who could be more powerful than him? Certainly not a scrawny, boring looking woman. She hardly had colour on her at all! All white with a gray face and back. Been there done that, there were a million over wolves that looked like her. But him, Pheonix? He was one in a million, no a trillion! Not even his sister could measure up to the stunning array of colours and patterns on his fiery coat, making him truly look like he was born from ash and flames. He was an Elementas.

Pheo snorted as he shuffled on his belly, a rush of air pushing him further against the wall of the depleted barn. His nails drew scores in the wood as he was pushed back ever so slightly, trying to hold his position firm. He doubted that the woman would be stupid enough to fight him, not in a gale like this. He didn't even know her name, but that didn't matter. He didn't care about her name, or about her at all. Her eyes were pretty though, he would give her that. He had never seen pink eyes like hers, his head canting in the other direction as he gazed at them with a hint of fondness. Pink wasn't his colour, but it was something that set the plain wolf out from the others. He flashed her a toothy grin, wondering just what she would do after an insult like that. If she could hardly handle a single word from his mouth, he had no doubt that she would be driven mad by his coy little game. "Tienes lindos ojos, pero eso es todo! Aparte de eso, usted es un aburrido, lobo normal que se parece a todos los demás!" he called, Spanish words rising to be heard. He doubted that she would actually understand him, but that made it all the more fun to shout things at her.



11-30-2016, 09:06 PM

"Okay you got me." Looking all sad and disappointed it was all an act. She would then jump up from her spot and high-step trot to his side of the wall so that her face was was now facing his as their bodies lined up with the wall. "I am Queen Leone! Of the... north..." She was going somewhere but then lost her touch with it. She didn't know the names of many lands, nor did she care. Granted she would like to see herself as a queen and she really was queen of herself and of where ever she lay that night. Her voice was definitely not entirely serious, but she was good at the start.

But then this boy started mumbling some crazy mumbo jumbo that Zola pulled her head back and looked at him with a raised eye brow. At first she thought that he was speaking quietly and the wind had cut apart his words. And not sure entirely she tilted her dark ears toward him "Say again?" looking down awkwardly at the ground before coming back up  to look into his scolding eyes she would continue, "I couldn't hear you because of the... wind...?" Any type of langue he could or would speak though was completely foreign to her. She didn't even know that stuff existed. Her dumb founded self probably wouldn't even understand if the man explained it to her.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-27-2016, 01:49 PM

He sneered at her as she stood, saying that she was some type of queen. Queen? Yeah right, she was nothing close to being royal at all. He wasn't startled by her random change of moods, nor her sad little puppy face. His golden eyes rolled, scoffing at the older female. Honestly he would have thought that he was older at this point, she was acting like a child. "Queen of lies," he muttered, his ears pulling forward as he studied her. She was an odd creature to say the least, and if it wasn't for the wind than he wouldn't have to be having this conversation. But it was all he had for the moment, so he just needed to roll with it. At least it was sort of interesting, but only a little. Lifting a paw to study the flame licked pattern on it, he let out a rather bored sigh as the Spanish words tumbled from his lips. Peeking up at her, he saw that she was pretty confused, as he knew she would be, but he just shrugged his shoulders when she said she couldn't hear him. Yeah right, she was just embarrassed that she didn't know what the hell he had just said. Oh well, she would have to deal with it.

Putting his paw down, he looked up at her with a raised brow. "You no know, it too above you. You cannot be the understanding," he said in his broken matter. He didn't care if he sounded foolish, he hated this common tongue here and just wished that he could find more wolves who spoke his language. Then he wouldn't have to droll on like some sort of infant who was stumbling their way through life. It was too complex of a way of speaking, and he didn't care enough to learn it properly. Ashe had always said that it would help them, but what did she know? She was stupid and probably still up north, she wouldn't be able to find her way back to normal lands. That was simply just natures way to weeding out the week. He didn't care if she died, even though the thought panged against his heart slightly. Nope, he didn't care. That was just the kind nature that Carletta had tried to force on him.



12-27-2016, 04:33 PM

Zola narrowed her eyes at the boy who had spoken a little more jibberish to her. Though it was English, it was not well and she would begin to understand what kind of situation she was in. She had no idea there were different languages, and she just assumed that something happened to him even younger than he was now that led to him not knowing  how to speak properly.

The howling wind would begin to slow and the woman looked up at the sky looking for trees to see their movement. Seeing as it wasn't almost hurricane winds anymore, she looked to the boy one more time before leaping up from the hole they were in, like a cat, and then walking along the edge, over top of him.

"I can tell that I am boring you." She walked on a straight, invisible line, paw after paw she would almost lose her balance and catch herself before falling back inside the old foundation. Looking back to the male she puffed out her chest as if it had never happened and continued, "There are many things I could show you, but the two of us find each other unworthy."She spoke with a sarcastic grin. She had never found herself in a position were a man didn't want to crawl on top of her. But this was a yearling, so she didn't expect him to even understand the concept. She didn't understand when she was with Lian but she did know what love was at that time. She had to admit that the flaming child before her was handsome though and she could only wish he was of age.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-30-2016, 02:52 PM

As the winds stilled around them, he stood up and made his way back to the harden floor above him. Yellow gaze was cast on her white and gray form as she walked along some sort of line. His eyes were narrowed, smirking as she nearly fell back into the ground. She had said that she was boring him, and he didn't argue with her. He had liked being alone, and now that he found himself with a companion of sorts he just wanted to leave. Although... it was a bit of fun to banter with her. Unlike his sister she didn't try to sit on him and call him stupid. The stranger didn't capture his full attention until she mentioned showing him things, his fire tipped ears standing upright on his head as he turned his features towards her. Trying not to look too excited, he tipped his chin up to try to look indifferent. "What you could show me?" he asked, his voice betraying his curiosity. He had never met someone like her, that he had to admit, but it wasn't always a good thing. If she had things to show him, he wanted to see. Phoenix had a thirst for knowledge for the purpose of being powerful, of knowing more than others and shoving it in their face. It did make sense though, she was older than him and had had more years on this earth to learn things like... the things she knew. Taking a few steps towards her, his eyes didn't leave her as she moved across the odd cave they were in. At least now they didn't have to yell at each other, it was hard enough to follow wolves when they spoke the common tongue. It was too hard to learn, and far more effort than the fire boy wished to toss into it.



12-31-2016, 08:47 PM

Ears perked to the boy as she rose her head and tucked her chin in slightly. "Do you know what it is to please a woman, boy?" She spoke with a continued grin. She was expecting him not to, though it was very well possible. She wouldn't go into teaching this yearling about the birds and the bees. Not unless he had some sort of clue or maybe if he begged. She did know however that due to his lack of English, she would have to show him. Which is what she did with all her men of course. Tease and show. She was very out there, but somehow to her this didn't feel a hundred percent right. But who was she to go by rules and traditions? "I don't believe you are ready for such things."

It was funny. Zola, the adulterous whore, now coming across someone who was too young? How did she become so old? It seemed like yesterday she was running away from home. She was an appropriate age difference from the male. It was just...weird.

Walk "Talk" Think


01-03-2017, 03:48 PM

His yellow eyes never left her form, now that she had his full attention there was hardly a doubt that she would lose it. Her chin tucked inwards towards her chest, Phoenix's still tipped upwards slightly. Her words left him confused for a moment, but the boy didn't let it show on his features. Please a woman? Please was to make happy, right? He hadn't been very good at keeping his sister happy, but there was some part of him that had a feeling there was a different meaning to the word. He had left Carletta before they could get a talk in that sort of manner, but he wasn't for a second going to let her think that she had a leg up on him. "Of course, I am not the stupid," he lied, the words slipping easily from his lips. His gaze narrowed slightly, and she went on to say that he wasn't ready for such thing. Phoenix's lips curled away from his yellowed teeth, a soft growl bubbling up from his throat. Who was she to judge what he was and wasn't ready for? She had no clue who he was, or what he was born of. He was a child of the gods! Born from the very elements themselves! His flame-dusted coat was enough proof of that, and the child believed it with every ounce of his being. He was made for greater things, this mere mortal woman had no control over him. Taking two steps towards her, his head lowered slightly as his hackles rose along his back and neck. "You no know what I do, what I can learns. Who you to say that?" The boy snarled out, his lungs filling with air. He would fight her if she pushed him, he had no qualms taking a chunk or two out of this wretched woman.



01-03-2017, 04:30 PM

She giggled slowly with a disapproving shake of her head. He was funny, demanding things he had no clue about. He couldn't even understand her correctly, though she had a hard time understanding him as well. Flicking her tail a little wildly, she would begin, "Oh, is that right now? Perhaps you can convince me to teach you."

She would then twist her paws into the hard ground's surface, digging her claws in for support. Eyes narrowed and ears pulled back as she curled her lips in a snarl. She stretched her tail straight back and aligned it with her spine for balance preparing for her attack. Tucking her chin, she scrunched her neck together and started to take off with spread toes, claws digging into the soil. Her knees bent as she came close enough to him that she would rise to her back legs and attempt to bite him on his right cheek, a little past the corner of his mouth under his eye. Her muscles tensed to their aimed collision, ready for him to snap back at her. She was not worried about the taste of blood, and not having a few scrapes herself.

Walk "Talk"

OOC: I'm not worried about defaults eve! I'd just be happy to get judged!

Zola vs Phoenix for Sexy times
Height: 35"
Build: Light

Attacks: Bite to cheek under eye lined with the corner of his mouth.

Defenses: Digging claws in for support, Eyes narrowed, ears pulled back, Lips curled, Tail aligned with spine, tucked chin, Neck scrunched, spread toes, knees bent, Muscles tense

Injuries: None


01-03-2017, 07:32 PM
The stance that the woman took was one that was not strange to him. Ashelynn and him fought often, but it was usually more for blood than play. A slow grin worked its way across his jet black lips, his head staying lowered and aligned with his spine, hackles still raised as his ears pinned tightly against his skull. His flame marked tail rose to align with his spine as well, his chin tucking into his chest. Phoenix stood with courage in his stance, his legs set an equal distance apart and each limb bent slightly. Golden eyes remained narrowed as he kept a careful eye on this strange woman. Fighting was a language he knew well, even for a yearling. Rolling his shoulders forward, he was ready for whatever she was going to throw at him.

As she charged, Phoenix stood his ground. He waited for his opportunity, having experience in fighting taller wolves because of his sisters height. As the pale woman reared, he grinned as he bunched up his hind legs, charging forward in hopes to slam himself into her chest. The top of his head was aimed for the center of her stomach, right where her ribs ended. He hoped to knock her onto her back, hopefully winding her in the process. At the same time Phoenix's right front leg lifted, his right forepaw snaking out in hopes of wrapping around the woman's back left leg, right behind her knee. He quickly attempted to jerk his own paw back towards his chest, hoping to hug her leg into him and aiding in his goal of knocking her over. His weight shifted towards his left to make up for his tripod stance, his toes spreading. Because of his moved position, the bite that she had intended for his cheek missed completely.

To say that he was being cocky was an understatement. He had no doubt that he would win this fight. It clouded his judgement, it just might be the one thing that would cause him to lose.

Round 1 of 2
28 inches
Build: Medium

Attacks: Trying to knock Zola back by ramming into her exposed stomach and trying to pull her left back leg from under her.
Defences: Head & tail aligned with spine, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, weight evenly spread, toes spread, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, legs bent.


A king is knowing no one can take this crown
It's so great, they can't cool me off when I hit the stage
Burning hot, the spotlight has spelled my name
Art by Arin ; Original Template by Layla


01-07-2017, 01:38 PM

As the boy ducked under her, She would then direct her teeth right in between the top of his shoulder blades, hugging him with her front legs. She made an "oompf" as his head collided with the center of her body but she would hold onto him trying to not think about it. She would notice as he tried to pull her off balance with her left leg. He would eventually succeed. Zola tried to continue hugging him and would then direct her weight to her left shoulder with the fall to her left side and hope that it would be enough to roll him back under her so that she could have the upper hand.

All the while she had her ears tucked tight back, her lips snarled, eyes remained narrowed. She swung her tail to keep even with her spine to help her keep balance as long as possible. Her back paws were spread along with her toes and dug their claws into the soil's surface with bent knees. She kept her neck scrunched and held her muscles tightly.

Walk "Talk"

OOC: Omg I totally forgot about this... was spending time with husband on his days off! Sorry eve! this is probably crap XD

Zola vs Phoenix for Sexy times

Attacks: Bite between shoulder blades, trying to roll him back underneath her

Defenses: Ears tucked back, Lips snarled, Eyes narrowed, Tail aligned with back, legs spread, toes spread, claws in soil, bent knees, Neck scrunched, Tense muscles


01-09-2017, 02:01 PM
Phoenix's head was able to collide with the woman's belly, the impact leaving a minor bruise across his forehead. He was so focused on getting her leg out from under her that he didn't notice her redirecting her bite, feeling the sting of her teeth as they sank into the flesh between the dip of his shoulder blades, directly above his spine. Yelping, he tugged his leg back towards him quickly and captured her left hind leg, holding it fast against his chest with his own right foreleg. He hoped to keep it firmly against him, leaving her with only one leg on the ground. With her standing on only one leg, he assumed that her tugging was her falling over. Too quickly he began to celebrate, but with her teeth firmly gripping his skin he realized that he had little options. His mind reeled as he quickly tried to think of something without losing a piece of his back. Her limbs hugged his sides, pulling him towards her left. She may be bigger than he was, but he had her on only one limb while he had three grounded legs. Gritting his teeth, Phoenix shoved all his weight towards his own left, parting his jaws and seeking to gain a hold of her back right leg. Lowering his own head to align with his spine, his teeth sought to lock around her hind right ankle. His top jaw aimed for the back side of her ankle, hoping to bite down firmly and pinch a nerve or tendon there, his bottom jaw seeking the other side of her ankle just above her paw. He was hoping to get a good, solid grip, hoping that he could in turn flip her over instead of the other way around.

Phoenix's toes spread, his nails clinging to the wood below him as his tail rose to align with his spine. His ears remained pinned and his eyes stayed narrowed, his lips pulling back from his teeth as he sought to bite hard into the female. Each of his grounded limbs were spread evenly, his weight more on his left side because of his own raised right front limb. His hackles were still raised, but he did not try to roll his shoulders forward in fear of further ripping his skin. Each grounded limb was bent slightly to fight against her pull, hoping that she wouldn't do too much more damage to his back. His muscles strained to fight against her greater weight, hoping that his bite would make her stop or even pull her towards his own left, where all his weight was resting. In the end, it probably would have been better for him to just fall, but Phoenix didn't fall for anyone. She would not make him bow to her.

ooc;; All good! We did agree on no default time so I wasn't worried. xD
Also I checked with Chrono, we agreed that Phoenix was able to hug her leg into his chest, that her bite is aimed for the middle of his shoulder blades along his spine, and that she is pretty much barrel rolling him.

Round 2 of 2
28 inches
Build: Medium

Attacks: Attempting to bite down into Zola's right hind leg, trying to keep her left leg hugged towards his chest.
Defences: Head & tail aligned with spine, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, weight on left side, toes spread, nails digging in, limbs bent.
Injuries: Minor bruise on his forehead, moderate puncture wounds between his shoulder blades, with risk of turning major if it rips.


A king is knowing no one can take this crown
It's so great, they can't cool me off when I hit the stage
Burning hot, the spotlight has spelled my name
Art by Arin ; Original Template by Layla

The Judge


03-05-2017, 05:02 PM
Zola vs Phoenix for Force Breeding | Dominance




8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • -2 you need to attempt this "Her knees bent as she came close enough to him"  you don't know that he's going to let Zola get that close
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • -2 how is raising on her hind limbs helping her attack?  Pheonix is much shorter than her, this negates much of her attack
  • Damage
3/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 bite
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • list injuries (even first round, deductions beginning second)


3/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner Fighter
  • +2 Novice Intellect
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Zola’s round one total: 41/62



10/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
10/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Damage
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 headbutt
  • +1 paw wrap +1 topple
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • list injuries (even first round, deductions beginning second)


3/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +2 novice intellect
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Pheonix’s round one total: 46/62




4/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • -2 you need to attempt this "hugging him with her front legs" -2 this also needs to be attempted "but she would hold onto him"
  • Godmoding
  • -2 You did not address Pheonix's paw attack
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
4/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • -2 where on his body is she trying to hug him with her front legs?
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • -2 I don't follow the motion with her left shoulder, is she trying to drop it on him?  Is she rolling off him?
  • Damage
  • -2 how much damage did the headbutt do?  Any bruising? Loss of breath?
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +1 shoulder… thing
  • +3 bite
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • list injuries (even first round, deductions beginning second)


3/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner Fighter
  • +2 Novice Intellect
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Zola’s round two total: 38/62



10/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Damage
  • -2 how much damage did her jaws do?
6/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 hold leg while opponent unbalanced
  • +3 bite +1 grip
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
8/10 for Injuries:
  • minor bruise to forehead
  • -2 moderate bite to space between shoulder blades


3/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner fighter
  • +2 novice intellect
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Pheonix’s round two total: 44/62


Zola: 79/124
Pheonix: 90/124

And the winner is...

PHEONIX! ZOLA must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Too old to matter

- By Lunarcat7