
The way we do



8 Years

Trick 2019
12-06-2016, 02:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2016, 02:30 PM by Tealah.)
Moving the pack to this area had been an instant relief to the thin-coated young Ancora. He was, he decided, meant to be an Auster wolf. He still didn't know what to think about Dragon being the alpha, though. He figured he'd reserve judgement, though. After all, he wasn't any older or more experienced than Dragon was despite the rank he now held. He didn't know how Dragon would take to running a pack, for all he knew the leadership role would push his feckless brother into being a great alpha.

Either way, that wasn't the issue on his mind at the moment. He had a whole continent full of new prey animals to learn about hunting. He hadn't expected to become a full hunter so soon and though he was pleased that his mother had believed him worthy of the rank he was worried he wasn't trained enough to warrant it. Quite frankly, needing to learn it fast enough to provide for the pack was stressful, though Gryphon was making an effort to rise to the occasion.

Right now he was crouched in the high grass of their new home, observing the movements of a herd of blackbuck does grazing the still-lush grass nearby him. He'd been there long enough that they had relaxed, though every time he moved their heads would shoot up again so he refrained from shifting his weight despite the fact that his left paw had gone numb some time ago. That was all right - he wasn't really here to hunt right now so much as he was just observing and learning more about them. They were fairly small, but he wouldn't want to tackle one of them by himself, not if they were anything like the deer up north. Plus they looked wicked fast. He thought a two-wolf ambush might work for them, and wondered if Esarosa was up to a hunt. Well, maybe not. She had her work cut out for her with her and Steel's litter running around in a new set of lands. Well, he'd figure something out.



8 Years
12-07-2016, 04:53 PM

Charm was still trying to adjust to these lands. Though knowing she couldn't slack off was what really made her get out of her den in the morning. She'd decided to den in the plains rather than the castle considering she would much rather be outdoors. Though the fledgling knew it wasn't logical for her to den out here. Away from most other wolves - away from her family, but she still had. The small girl happened upon Gryphon it seemed. Stopping when she realized the scent of an animal filled her nose. She knew Gryphon as her older brother from another litter, brother to Dragon - but really she'd never interacted with the man or bothered to care at the time. Carefully she remember what her mother and father taught her about hunting. So she was quiet when she approached him.

"H..hey Gryphon. What are you doing?" she asked rather innocently and quietly as she looked up to him. Charm didn't mind helping hunt, she was small but she knew how to do that much. At least maybe then she could prove to someone she wasn't so useless. Of course Charm would never express her doubts no worries out loud, not to a wolf who probably didn't care oh no. Still, she wanted to know a bit more about her family if it meant anything at all.




8 Years

Trick 2019
12-20-2016, 09:04 AM
Gryphon continued to watch the blackbuck herd intently, so focused on them rather than his surroundings that he was unaware of anyone approaching, though he did wonder what had the does moving around so restlessly with their ears flicking towards him. Surely he hadn't done anything to alert them? They were settling now anyway, though there was still wary glances his direction.

The sound of a girl's voice next to him put his hackles on end, and had his leg not been quite soundly asleep he might have jumped at the unexpected noise. He swiveled his head to stare at the slight yearling next to him uncomprehendingly for a moment before his green eyes narrowed in irritation. Oh great, it was one of the replacement pups, Avalon's love-spawn she'd carried for Vereux. It had been pretty easy to avoid them up north since they'd been too young to leave pack lands and Vereux had kept them pretty close to him, but now that they were yearlings and he was dead the munchkins were everywhere. Apparently this one thought some family bonding was in order - Gryphon disagreed.

"What do you want?" he hissed rudely, shifting away from the girl as subtly as he could without alerting the deer he was trying to observe. Just his luck, that one of Vereux's kids would show up instead of a trained hunter.



8 Years
12-21-2016, 02:40 AM

This.... THIS was what she got for trying to be friendly? Charm really didn't get it, she didn't understand why all this was happening. As a young girl she felt like her whole world was falling apart. This was supposed to be one of her brothers right? Family liked each other right? Suddenly she fell into a submissive pose. Her ears pulled back to the back of her head and she started to cry as her tail tucked between her legs. "I just wanted to see if you needed any help?!" she hissed back, but it was more of a mixture of sadness rather than out of anger. "Fine, I thought family was supposed to be nice to each other if they're in the same pack. I don't want to be here if it's with a meanie like you." she would still keep her voice low. Wouldn't want to ruin HIS hunt.

Subsequently the emotionally hurt girl shut her eyes and ran in another direction. She didn't even want to hear what he had to say. She was only trying to be nice and he had snapped at her like.... like she was some sort of heathenish creature. She would open her eyes only to see as she let her paws carry her as fast she could away.

-exit Charm unless stopped-




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-08-2017, 02:50 AM

He was out on a patrol today, the male lumbering along one side of the border furthest from the herd that his brother was watching. Dragon, however, was unaware that his sibling was somewhere nearby. That is...until he heard a faint voice. Turning his head inland, he spotted Charm's small form running across the plains. Stopping in his tracks, he watched her until she disappeared, and he wondered why she was running like that. Confusion set in, and soon the male would head in the direction she had run from to see what had happened. His pace wasn't hurried, and when he neared the area he had seen Charm come from, he slowed. He saw Gryphon lying on the ground seemingly watching a herd of...what? Some sort of deer? Was his brother hunting? Had Charm disturbed that? He wondered...Quietly so as not to alert the prey to his approach, he lowered himself to the ground and nearly crawled towards Gryphon's side. "Hey Gryph...what was all that about?" He was curious, though he probably wouldn't be surprised with the answer. He knew his siblings weren't very fond of their half siblings, but it wasn't their fault either. In fact, Dragon wasn't quite sure who to blame...if anyone. His mom had tried to find happiness, and that fell through the floor when Vereux had distanced himself after the kids were born, and then died shortly after. It was all so confusing...though he did try his best to make the younger ones feel like part of the family, regardless of his misgivings.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Trick 2019
02-24-2017, 12:17 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2017, 12:18 PM by Gryphon.)
Gryphon nearly growled in disgusted and uncomfortable irritation. Oh great, now it was crying. "You aren't my family," he snapped at her retreating back as the girl blundered away, startling the blackbucks into flight. He cursed savagely at the sight of the bounding deer, then rolled his eyes. Great, as if it wasn't enough that she'd tried to force family bonding on him and scared away his deer, she was probably going to go bawl to Avalon about how mean he was. Well, good riddance.

It was only by grace alone that the blackbucks settled back into grazing again a short distance away, and he was able to crawl - clumsily, since his leg was asleep - up to the same distance as before.

He hadn't even gotten his brown hackles to settle back down when the brat's place was taken by Dragon. Gryphon gave a faint grunt of satisfaction - his brother might have been more the fighter than a hunter, but at least he wasn't some dumb kid. His bad mood wasn't improved by Dragon's question though, clearly about the kid running off in tears. "Oh, her," Gryphon growled in scorn, green eyes glinting in anger though he kept his voice down. "Apparently she thought I should be fawning over her because she's family." He bit off the word with a snap, as though cracking through a stick. "I disagreed, she took off bawling and nearly scared off the prey. Clearly, Vereux had a little too much leeway in raising the brats."



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-26-2017, 12:27 AM

He almost regretted asking Gryphon about what was going on, because he clearly wasn't happy at all. He frowned as his brother answered, but could he blame him? He didn't think so, but sometimes he wondered if his littermates would ever get along with their half siblings. He bit back a sigh, but didn't really press the matter. He wasn't going to force them to get along or like each other, but in the end if it came down to it, they did have to work together in the future when it came down to it. Even if they didn't acknowledge the younger litter as family, they were still pack mates. Maybe it would be something he'd have to address in the future, but for now he wouldn't press it. He mentioned Vereux, and to be honest, he had no idea how Vereux treated them or what he did with them during his time before he died. "Probably, I honestly wouldn't know. I wasn't all that close to the guy if at all." He shrugged. The guy was dead and gone now, his kids left behind with their mother just like they had been.

Though he thought about it a moment, and figured maybe the male did have more time with them since their mom was busy running Ivalice at the time. Then again, the girl that had just ran off crying always seemed to be with Vereux, seemingly being coddled and sheltered. Obviously. She was pretty soft, and quite frankly he expected Okami to have been that way considering her shy nature and near sightedness. He cleared his throat, shifting his attention to the deer ahead. "So, what're you doing?" A change of subject, though he was truly interested in what his brother was up to.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.