
Breaking away!



3 Years
01-13-2017, 12:24 AM
It had been a daunting trip, one I had never thought to make before. Perhaps, it was simply because I had never before had a thought to leave my birthplace. Nevertheless, I have made it to dry land, if one could call it that. Before me, all I saw was snow despite what my instincts told me. It was a fair bit warmer from my homelands, and for that I was thankful. Every now and again, a frosted patch of green would announce that spring had, in fact, sprung in random against the stark white of the rolling tundra. I felt at home, as though I was walking through the southern part of my home territory. I suppose I missed them just a little. I only wanted to be free, to be able to call a job as I see one. I wanted something no assassin had wanted before me. My time to step into of the shadows was here, and I wished to become the best kept secret of this new place. I am an artist by nature, one with a distinctive and memorable face. My art is murder, and my mask is never out of place.

Speaking of, I had noticed that the white of my pelt nearly disappeared against the white of the tundra snow. A small smile crossed my lips, I know the darker shades of my face, the dark rims of my ears would help hide me against rock. The black of my eyes and nose would also aid in camouflaging myself should I choose. But, despite my teachings, I like to present myself. I like seeing the knowledge of what is about to happen wash across the gaze of my contract. Some mock me, because I am small in stature, but this is a grave mistake. Most make this error until they realize I have won. The dainty pads of my paws, shielded from the cold by long fur between my toes, find the frozen snow comforting as I make my way inland.

I do not make a habit of howling for company, but at present, I had no other alternative. I needed to know what this wonderful icy landscape was called. There would be other knowledge to gain as well, should I come across a native. They could be quite useful when it came to information about location. It wasn't that I was nervous about calling others, as a rule I did not enjoy announcing myself. My main job was to stay in the shadows at all costs. In this case, I had no true rules to follow. I only had to keep what I agreed with, though it took me a while to discover this little treasure, I liked my privacy. Tilting my expertly crafted head to the sky, I let melodic notes slip from my coal painted lips, sending an inviting siren song out to any wolf who would answer.  

 "This is talking." | This is thinking.



2 Years
02-03-2017, 06:39 AM

It seemed going to Vyper hadn't been as fruitful as she had wished. The wayward princess most definitely hadn't felt at home there. Also soon discovering her mothers pack had moved from the north for some reason Yona found it hard to stick to the pack lands. How did one go about living in one place for such a long time. Since she was a pup she had been up and about despite her mothers pack origins. Her fathers were a little unknown to her, but the thought of him also brought a pang of a needle into her heart. He was a good, clever man. Didn't deserve to die the way he had. Throwing the past behind her though she knew she would always move forward. Sighing, she did know however that soon enough she would have to tell Jaelle or Xephyris of her wantings to leave. She knew she hadn't been a part of Vyper for long but it was apparent that pack life was not what the nomad was fit for.

So her paws had carried her far from the borders. Into the north to this mountain like area, the white snow that covered it was in a thin layer due to the spring. However she almost blended in, if not for her black marks giving her away. Yona wasn't so much concerned over how she looked though - she didn't care much for hiding. As such when her nose caught the scent first of the other woman her gait stopped and she curiously lifted her ears. She did not move as she spotted the other, another white woman. As a smile crept across Yona's face the generally friendly woman was not afraid. She was always eager to meet strangers, as she was knowing that in her troop they came across many people from many cultures. She herself had the art of many languages so far unneeded in this place it seemed. Regarded she started forward, but in a hopping manner where she showed no threat towards the other canine.

Once she was sure that they were within earshot, she stopped. "Hello there, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Yona." Yona did not hesitate to introduce herself. Believing she was rather good at reading others as well she would simply be careful of what she said and did. There wasn't to be any fighting today, as Yona didn't feel like returning to pack lands with some sort of stupid explanation of her journey's to the outside world. Not that for any reason she felt like she had to explain it to them anyway. Packs were units of family, but her nomadic troupe had felt more like a family to her then whatever that had been... A rouse. Of course Yona could see what Jaelle saw in Xephyris. He cared deeply for his kids and that was the reason Vyper existed. It of course... was not for her.
