
Most wonderful time of the year



9 Years
11-19-2016, 08:59 PM

She had been rather impressed with the training session and the turn out she had. She hadn't expected so many to show up and honestly it made her feel good that she was able to share her knowledge with that many minds. Hopefully within another month or two she would be able to gather different herbs and enough of them for another lesson. For now the women was taking the day to relax. Who knows maybe she would even get the chance to spend some one on one time with one of the pack members. She was hoping to get to know some of the pack members on more of a personal level and create some new relationships. Since this was now her home she wanted to hopefully become a sort of family with the rest of the members in the pack. Also for the first time since she was a young pup she was completely alone. Jack had decided to do some exploring on his own and felt comfortable doing so knowing that Storm would be safe. She had to admit she was enjoying it, though blind and unable to see where she was going, it was getting rather easy for her to navigate the pack lands.

Moving through the grasses the silver wolf took an easy pace as she moved forward through the thicket. Nose twitching as she took in the scents around her. These pack lands did smell rather heavenly to her, thick with the smell of different foliage. It was early in the morning and a light wet snow was on the ground, but it didn't bother the women much. Her linage came from more thicker coated wolf breeds and already her lush, thick, and silky winter coat was in. The hair between her paw pads has also thickened and grown in length to keep her vary warm for winter. She found a nice spot and flopped down onto her stomach soaking in the beginning of winter. The feeling of the light snow reminded her of home, her family, and her adventures as a child. She missed them, and often wondered what she would be doing now if she would have stayed with her roaming family clan.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



7 Years

11-23-2016, 06:08 PM

Bass nearly turned up his nose and stayed curled in his den that morning, a sludgy snow still coating the ground. It was cold with the added bonus of being wet, something he didn't feel like tackling right now. His joints ached slightly though, and instead of sitting around like an old man he knew that he had to get to work. Sighing, he pushed himself to his paws and walked out into the world with a groan. The sun reflected off the thin blanket of snow on the ground, causing the aging gentleman to squint his eyes as he left the warmth of his sleeping spot. Huffing, his breath clouded before him and he made his way to the borders. Not many wolves were up this early, his paws seemed to be the first to crunch through the frozen top layer of snow. It wasn't until he neared the thicket that he saw another set of paw prints, the scent telling him that it was Storm. Perking up slightly, he trotted after her trail so that he could go and check in on the newest healer in Abaven. Bass was quite pleased with her, she had shared ideas at the meeting as well as holding a training for everyone. For one so new to be involved that much already made his heart swell. Perhaps there was hope for his pack yet. Licking at his dry lips, he slowed as he saw her silvery form, his approach pretty well heard as he crunched through the top layer. His paws were wet from the slush underneath, but it was nothing new during this winter.

His tail swayed behind him as he tried to match the healer step for step, turning towards her with a smile on his lips. "Hey Storm, you're up pretty early!" he woofed in his deep baritone, in a rather chipper mood now. It was a stark contrast from the bitterness he felt when he first woke up, wanting nothing more than to sleep some more. Shaking out his pale fur, he looked across the whiteness of the thicket, most of the grasses weighed down by all the rain they had been having most afternoons. "Has the late rain storms brought about any more herbs for you?" While Bass wasn't all too fond of plants and the like, he knew their use. Having been so dry during both the spring and the summer, he had a feeling that pickings had been rather slim. But did they perk back up now, or was it too late?




9 Years
11-27-2016, 05:48 PM

She soon got up from her spot and began to move forward again wondering if she could find something to occupy herself for a bit. With Jack away she had no one to talk to, which didn't bother her to much, but she didn't want to grow bored. She decided that maybe a trip to the herb den to check on the drying herbs would be a good idea. She wasn't aware that she was being fallowed until he caught up to her and she could hear the heavy paws in the snow. Her ears pricked as she felt the heat of another close to her side and she lifted her head and moved her ears to listen. Tail began to wag and a smile formed as the familiar voice and scent hit her all at once. Happy that he joined her on this early morning. She figured he must be up to start his daily duties when he came across her trail of prints.

"Good Morning Bass, yes getting an early start to my day. You as well I suppose?," she replied.

It was nice to have some company and a break from the morning silence. It seemed most of the creatures were a little lazy this morning, that or they were too comfortable to leave their beds. He spoke again wondering how the plants were fairing in this kind of weather.

"I'm surprised but it actually has been. Pickings have actually been decent with these late rains giving me a good run at making sure I'm stocked to get us through the winter," she said with another smile. "Have the borders been quiet for your patrols?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



7 Years

12-02-2016, 03:02 PM

Bass nodded when the darker female flipped the question back to himself, but then remembered that she couldn't see that. Nearly cursing out loud, he took in a sharp breath before turning to gaze at her. "Most mornings, yeah. But it's been getting harder and harder to get out of my den these days, cold winter mornings are not my favorite thing," he left out his stiff joints, because as she was a healer he didn't doubt that she would try to shove some sort of herb concoction down his throat. The aging gentleman's nose turned up at the thought, the tip of his tongue poking out. No thanks, he was fine with just a quick stretch and then to go on his way. Harmony knew first hand how terrible he could be when it came to plants and crap, he wasn't about to change now. His ears flickered as she went on, saying that there had been a late bloom. That was good he supposed, he knew how hard it was to find much of anything when the winter months rolled in. He just hoped that next year would be better with prey, all of them were lacking in weight from the harsh summer and autumn, only to be thrown into winter without much time to prepare. Perhaps he should call a hunt soon and see where that herd had wandered off too before a real dump of snow came to claim them.

"The borders have been rather quiet, but I don't blame anyone for not showing up. It's been pretty icy in the mornings and not much better with all the slush in the afternoon. That's why I have been getting at my patrols sooner so I don't have to slodge back to my den with soaking wet paws," he said with a small chuckle, looking around them to see where they were headed. The grass gave way to a small clearing, one that he had used for meetings before when mud claimed the plains as well as the rapids. Stretching out his legs, he trotted forward and jumped up on a rock, scrambling for a firm grip on the slippery surface. He was able to see a bit farther from up here, looking for any signs of prey. It would seem that the cold had driven them away as well, and he made a note to check back closer to the afternoon when the ice started to thaw. Shivering ever so slightly, he jumped back down onto solid ground and turned back to Storm. "Sorry, I was just checking to see if the white tail herd had moved through here. No signs yet though," he said casually, his tail wagging slightly behind him. "Did you have any plans for today, Storm?" Bass asked, wondering if there was anything that he could assist her on before he had to return to his patrols.




9 Years
12-04-2016, 05:42 PM

Her ears perked as he spoke and she nodded. She had to admit there was times she didn't want to get up and leave the den in the morning. She was much smaller and lighter and even with her age the stiff joints hadn't really hit her yet and even though she loved the cold season she still felt like staying in her den some mornings. She smiled lightly at him.

"I agree, even though the winter is my favorite season these cold mornings make it hard to leave the warmth of the den," she replied.

They moved along and she could tell by the slightly warmer air to her one side that they were moving in a pretty equal pace. She shivered lightly finding the warmer company on this chilly day was delightful. She missed having this kind of closeness and friendship with other wolves, like she had with her family. She missed how warm the den had been with other wolves especially at this time of the year. Jack stayed in the den with her, but the raven didn't produce much body heat and feathers were not the same as fur. She missed it, but she didn't have another to share her den with, someday perhaps she would.

"Yes I was hoping this wet weather in the afternoons would change, but it seems winter really doesn't want to fully bloom yet. This slush and mud is not pleasant at all," she replied.

The warmth left her and she heard claws against stone. Pausing the silver women cocked her head to the left. It sounded as though he had jumped up onto a rock, but what for? Was he looking for something in particular? Waiting the silver wolf didn't know what he was up to but gave him time to do whatever he planned to on the rock. She heard him jump back to the ground and smiled, tail wagging slightly. She then understood what he had been doing on the rock as he explained it.

"Did you consider the options of land nearby? Not to claim but to search for game for the winter?" she asked curiously.

She didn't want to seem like she was trying to push ideas on him, but simply have a friendly conversation. She didn't know if Bass was always used to the pack life, but with her family being travelers they constantly had to move to be able to find the sources they needed. She just wasn't sure if the idea came to Bass at all.

"Today.... Well I really didn't have any plans, just taking a slight break from herb hunting. The company is nice though" she replied with a smile and wag of her tail.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



7 Years

12-08-2016, 03:45 AM

Bass chuckled when she mentioned mud and slush, it wasn't the worst that these territories had seen. Floods, mud slides, and an over abundance of rain had nearly pushed them out of their homelands already. He didn't doubt that more would be thrown their way, but still he remained as solid as he could through it all. He had learned a lot in his years, and even though he had been fond of the idea of retirement he wouldn't ever just give up on Abaven. It had been a nice thought though, to not have to worry about any of this. He would be at a loss of what to do, but still he would have more time with his kids. How long had it been since they had all sat together to just talk? Probably the meeting where he told them that Wren had left for good. The Primo's ears twitched back slightly, a somber sigh leaving his lips. Had it really been that long? It felt like it could have been yesterday, but the days were seeming to blur together faster and faster these days. Licking at his lips, he pushed the thoughts away and instead focused on checking on the herd.

Storm offered up some advice, asking if he had scouted the outer territories. "It has crossed my mind, yes. Even with three lands there just isn't enough to sustain us anymore. I followed a herd into a nearby wooded area, but didn't go much further than that. If we want to take down any big game though, we'll have to find it. Usually the deer stick around here, but with food being so sparse for them it only makes sense that they moved on," he said, folding himself to his rump as he looked across the grassy thicket. Even in winter it was pretty, the slush didn't completely ruin it all. He glanced back at her when she said that she had nothing planned, just resting from some herbs. He hummed in agreement at the company part though, it was nice to have someone to chat to. He just usually went about his business, checking in on the others from time to time. Rolling his shoulders, a yawn parted his jaws just as he was about to ask a question. Shaking his head, he scattered the thoughts of sleep and focused on the darker woman once more. "Have you been able to talk to Quake at all yet? She was quite heartbroken when one of my sons, her old mentor, took off on all of us. From what I've seen she hasn't been able to bounce back just yet... but her uncle is trying his best," In all honesty he was worried for her, and hoped that having someone else teach her would boost her self-esteem and confidence. Kakashi wasn't a healer, but bless his heart he had been giving it his all.




9 Years
01-12-2017, 07:10 PM

She hoped that the spring would be much better on the lands. Praying for good weather so that the deer would come back and be abundant for the pack. She hated the thought of not having any substantial food for the pack to eat, things would get rough if they didn't get better soon. Bass had to have a lot of stress riding on his shoulders, worrying about the lives in his pack. It had to be a lot and the Storm felt bad for him. She knew that he loved to lead his pack even if she had only been around him for a little while. The women listened as he explained, his reply to her question. She understood and it made sense as to why the deer were leaving. They were loosing their food source and would have to travel to find a new food source. They needed to survive and their instincts were kicking in.

Softly the women would sigh remembering the days here family where on the move with the animals. Though it was her favorite season the winter was rough on everyone even when you were as prepared as you could be. She could never be in his paws, she could never handle all the stress of worrying about everyone's lives constantly. She had to worry on everyone's health, but survival is many more factors then just health. Ears perked as he spoke of talking to Quake. The girl was hard to bring from her shell and despite calling for her she had vary little time. The girl was struggeling.

"I have. She is vary quiet and stuck in a shell, but I will try my best. I don't give up easy," she replied.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



7 Years

01-13-2017, 09:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2017, 09:33 PM by Bass.)

A sad sigh left his lips when she spoke about Quake being so withdrawn. She hadn't been like that as a child. Shy, sure, but not so withdrawn like this. He made a note to talk with her. Bass wasn't sure if he could do anything to help, but maybe more wolves checking on her would show her that they were all here for her. "I'll be sure to go and speak with her. I don't know if it will help any, but I'll do my best." Shifting where he sat, he tapped his tail on the earth a few times as he looked across the horizon. There were so many troubled wolves here, and just just wanted to scoop everything away and make it all better. Unfortunately, he couldn't. Letting out another sigh, he shifted his gaze for a moment to Storm. "Thank you though, Storm. I really do appreciate you trying."

occ;; Such a crappy post, I'm so sorry. D: It physically pains me to post this but I just... -flails-




9 Years
01-15-2017, 08:11 AM

She nodded at the man's words. It may just help, a familiar face and possibly a father type figure. She wasn't sure at what the relationship between the two were because she didn't fully know the past of the girl. She didn't know all that she had been through or even what she would endure in her years to come. Storm wasn't so keen at giving up yet, she would continue to try with the girl in hopes that she could form some sort of relationship with her. If the girl had an eagerness to learn Storm wanted to help her expand her knowledge.

"It may help, your familiar to her and she may be more inclined to open up to you. Although I do not want to give up if she has any eagerness to learn I want to help her expand her knowledge and become a great healer. I know that when I buried myself in learning it helped me to cope with being blind and I'm hoping it will do the same for her." she replied.

Storm was certainly up for the challenge and would not give up. Like Bass she herself desired to help others and wished that she could get rid of any horrible memories, dreams, anything to make others feel better. Ears perked as he thanked her, her tail lightly thumping against the ground.

"Your welcome Bass," she replied with a gentle smile across her face.

She shifted her weight slightly ears pricked forward as she thought over what to say next. She really didn't feel like going back to her den, or wandering the territory on her lonesome. She had been here for a decent amount of time yet she still didn't feel like she new it as well as she should. Maybe Bass knew of some locations she had yet to explore. It also made her wonder exactly how long the pack had been in these lands.

"How long has the pack resided in these three territories?" she asked curious of the packs history now.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times