



3 Years
01-16-2017, 12:00 AM

The smells of many wafted through the air around the shining green valley, lying before the monstrosity was a border to land owned by others. It was just like his family owning the mountains of his homeland, such power radiating around with uncertainty behind the curtains. Rusted eyes looking forward with strong feelings of destruction and sovereignty, glazed over with a newfound awareness as ears twinged atop blackened skull. -Who will fall?- It had been far to long since there was a chance he would become attacked.

There was a sense of instability within this terra-firma to the dark one, a paw spreading open across the border line in a rebellion. A cheshire like grin forming upon his features, glaring down upon the dirt as he drug his paw into it mud. Green blades rising up from their tiny roots, as he waited for his new found challenge or possible friend to approach.


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



6 Years

01-16-2017, 05:54 PM

Her life had begun to lull into a state of comfortableness. It was hard to imagine that not even a season ago she'd given birth to her children in the estuary. Now she was within the comforts of her own borders living with something she'd achieved with her own efforts. At first the adjustment was hectic - she'd never had to juggle the responsibilities of being a mother and being an alpha in Celestial. Now she just had to find a comfortable medium between both which was proving to be challenging. It was easier now that the pack was settling in to their new home. There was no meetings to call, no training to attend to, it would be simple until everyone got a bit more relaxed. For that she was grateful. She was going to do her best to ease her way into it.

Her children were already growing tremendously. She was aware that it was about time she sat down with Zell to work out a schedule. They would need to learn how to hunt and eventually some of them would most likely want to pursue other interests as well. She wanted to make sure they got an education that they wanted and she intended on starting early so they would be prepared by the time they were adults. Not that she liked the idea of them growing up so quickly, but she knew it was something she couldn't avoid.

Her border patrols were helping her physique. All the fat she'd obtained during her pregnancy had faded away. Her morning routine while checking the borders also included a run - she was already slimmed down enough to feel like she was comfortable with her own body once more. She'd just finished one of these runs and was finishing up on marking the borders when a scent wafted towards her on a warm breeze. It was foreign and masculine and immediately caught her attention.

She headed towards the scent at a trot as she let herself catch her breath. She felt better when she reached the dark and russet colored man, but her mood shifted when she saw the paw splayed across the ground right over the marked border. Sprigs of grass peeked from the mud, but she hardly cared about the fresh spring weather and the growth it brought at the moment. her eyes narrowed thoughtfully for a moment as she approached, but she kept her cool for a moment to assess the situation. She came to a pause, giving them some distance between them as she took a dominant stand, with her tail and head high.

"I wouldn't bring the rest of you across Lirim's borders. Your paw is already breaking one of the few rules we have and I'd hate to get off on the wrong foot so early." The pun certainly wasn't intended, but there wasn't any humor in her tone. She wasn't hostile either - she was merely giving him the opportunity to change their encounter around. He was the first wolf to show up on her land after the pack had been raised and she certainly wasn't keen on the first encounter being a sour one.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
01-18-2017, 02:04 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2017, 02:14 AM by Shrapnel.)

The unknowing of standing with one paw across the home of many is what made his day, provocation radiating from his body as black ears swiveled about his skull. It had been so long since he'd met another wolf on his journey, let alone one of pack that would easily possibly tear him into pieces. Twin lunar eclipses glaring deeply into the frame of the woman approaching, copper lips rising to a death like smile; before fading. -She makes threats-  A wicked fracture snapped through the air upon hearing the female's threats of not crossing, fangs glittering brightly like daggers in the fading sun as his tri tail hung between his legs like a statue. -Towards a fucking God-

'"Glaubst du, ich habe Angst vor deinen verdammten Drohungen?"'

It was his accent that grew more propitiate as he lashed out at the woman before him, unaffected by her potential rank in this place. He had never been one to care for someone's social status in life, only because in the end it was just a title to him and his family. Yes, he had earned the title The Butcher among his family for killing their servants like cattle, it had been very fitting for him since hundreds had fallen beneath his teeth. It was the manifestation that this female was no different to him in any way, even though she held that dominate stance in this moment. -Take her-

No, he would keep his paw right where it was at for seconds after she made her little pun about wrong foot, his features glacial as he gawked at her carelessly. The different eye colors in her sockets were probably the only amusing part of her body, besides that she was just barely bigger than one of his toys. -Make her one-  "Vut Makz you think gettin' off on ze wron foot iz a buad thing?"

It was one deadly question that could change the tides of her opinion on him, a homicidal glaze formed over the ghost like orbs as he looked into her dual colored gaze. There would never be anyone more dominant than he ever, he would refuse to back down in a stand off of brutish strength as well as will power.


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



6 Years

01-18-2017, 03:01 AM

Her posture didn't waver as she stared him down confidently. So far he was the first challenge that had come to her in a very long time and she wanted to seem impressive. Hell, Faite was impressive in her own way. To this stranger she was a nobody with a title she'd claimed herself and to her he was testing the waters with just one foot over her border. Even her approach didn't sway him from his spot and it caused her eyes to harden. Of course his words would ultimately lead her to her call of judgement. His actions could have been seen as some rebellious amusement, but how he spoke to her would seal the deal of her opinion of him.

Faite was a lenient creature. She could understand being merciful and she was a believer in second chances. It was in this moment that she had decided to give him a glimmer of one. After all they didn't even know each other. He hadn't been so bold as the fully delve further into her lands just yet so there really was no reason to jump the gun. Her threat had been laid down and she was willing to see how this went. A part of her despised the idea of this resulting in bloody conflict, but the other half didn't mind the idea. She was an alpha now and she was prepared to defend what was hers by right. She'd earned this and she wasn't about to let anyone spit on it.

And then he spoke.

'"Glaubst du, ich habe Angst vor deinen verdammten Drohungen?"'

Her ears flicked back at the strangers words that did nothing but confuse her. She'd learned a bit about Jorrvaskr's language when the female had briefly called Celestial home, but that surely wasn't it. It clearly wasn't Irish either and no words came to mind to relate the two languages. Would their conversation be like this or was he just messing with her? Surely this man had to know some English? He clearly wasn't a heathen. She could tell just by the challenging expression on his face that he knew what he was doing was wrong.

"Is féidir le beirt imirt an cluiche teanga mo chara"

She wasn't quite sure if he really didn't know English or if this was all just a game to him, but she didn't quite care. Her voice was calm and steady as she replied to him. She highly doubted he knew any Irish and it made her feel like she had an edge on him by knowing a second language.

Her dual-toned gaze scanned the larger wolf to get an idea of what he was thinking. He was unreadable for the most part and staring up at him was more than frustrating. She was used to having large wolves in her life. The father of her children was as large as her brothers, and there were many more wolves that had the size advantage. Normally she hadn't cared, but in a stand off it made her feel smaller than she actually was. It was hard to feel intimidating when the other was nearly a foot larger.

"Vut Makz you think gettin' off on ze wron foot iz a buad thing?"

So he did speak English! His accent was prominent which gave her the clue that he wasn't very good at it. It was still a relief that this might actually turn into a conversation, of course his words didn't exactly help things. They were just as rebellious and challenging as his actions were. She could tell she was going to have an interesting encounter - the question was, would it end in a fight?

"So is that your thing then? Going to pack lands and testing boundaries? If you're here to stir up trouble then I hope you don't bite off more than you can chew."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
01-18-2017, 03:35 AM

The standoff between them would surely escalate for he was not a soul to back down from a fight, especially not from a smaller female such as herself. Fire inside his gaze pounded through his thoughts as they broke free, noticing her unnerving willpower was exciting to him. Mammoth muscles flexing as he leaned just a tad bit forward placing his second paw on the line, he wasn't passed it yet and knew it would get a rise out of her somehow. -Attack and Die- To say the least she was an attractive little thing to him, his shadowed ears snapping to attention upon hearing that language.


'"Is féidir, ach ní an bandia álainn fhios ag an tríú cluiche?"' -Surprise Girlie-

It wasn't a highly known fact about him that his mother was the same heritage as this girl, his emotionless expression holding true to its deadly form. His cheeks slightly arching giving her a slight smirk watching her carefully, part of him wanted a fight on the inside. However, the other half of him dislike the idea of beating on a woman just yet his paw slipping back to his side. -Let me show you-

'"Warum greifst du mich nicht an, dann werden wir sehen, wer mehr kauen kann?"'

His accent made the irish sound off, but he was still highly fluent thanks to his mother as his demeanor held to his dominance. His words were toxic and uncaring as the demon lowered his threatening posture and stepped over her border, walking over to her his eyes lowering to meet hers. He knew full well what was to come from trespassing on this land, but oh how could he resist the temptation of messing with such a dominant female. -Do it-

"Vud the girl.. vant to learn ze dritte game?"



Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



6 Years

01-18-2017, 04:37 PM
ooc: For plot purposes this isn't an official fight, so no rounds, don't care much about defenses either. We can make this quick and painless c:

This wasn't exactly how she'd pictured her day going. Having a standoff on her border wasn't her idea of a good time, but there wasn't much that could be done about it now. With every second that ticked by she grew more and more tense. This male was either stupid or very brave, but she was leaning more towards stupid. She couldn't quite wrap her head around the thought that this was fun to him. This little game of minds wasn't enjoyable in the slightest, but now that it was started she was determined to win it.

Her ears flicked back against her skull and the hairs along her back bristled irritably as the male's muscles tightened and he moved his other paw to the border. He was literally toeing the line and Faite didn't appreciate it one bit. A warning growl rumbled in her chest, but ended abruptly as the familiar tones of Irish were repeated back to her. Her fierce gaze faltered for a minute as the realization hit her, but it didn't matter. It shouldn't have been that much of a surprise, it just changed things up a bit.

"Níl aon cluiche."

She wasn't in the mood for it. Whatever he came here for she intended on accelerating it. Either he was going to leave or they were going to fight and she'd make him leave. His smirking was annoying and insulting. He'd won nothing over her yet and his arrogance struck a nerve within her. His foreign language was only icing on the cake. She didn't understand him, but she supposed that was the point.

Her lip raised in a silent snarl as the male's threatening posture diminished and he stepped over her border. He was so willing to test the limits - she'd given him his second chance and he'd shamelessly tossed it to the side. Her her lowered and her chin tucked inward instinctively. Her tail lowered parallel to the ground and her muscles tightened as she took a balanced stance.

"Well if you want to play then lets play." She snarled.

They were so close now, less than ten feet between them, that she was sure he wouldn't be getting away from her so easily. Now that she'd settled on the fact that they were going to fight she sincerely hoped he wouldn't be running away. Such a disappointment wouldn't be tolerated. So she sprang at him with teeth wide open as she went for his face. She'd taken on wolves larger than him and come out on top. He had bitten off more than he could chew.

Her teeth aimed right for his unprotected eyes and both front legs raised off the ground as she aimed to wrap her paws around his neck in a vice-like grip. Her hind legs widened their stance to change her center of gravity and take on the brunt of her weight as her tail flagged out. If he wanted a game she'd show him how it was played.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
01-18-2017, 05:28 PM

There it was.

Just hanging around her body he could smell it, the scent he so longed to get from her since her arrival in this new land. Tendons shifting as a grin appeared across his maw, the testing of shallow waters had commenced and he was slowly winning. Twin red eyes twisting into a dark glaze, he could see the anger building up in her bi-colored gaze feeling a dark chuckle rise up in his throat. -Do it- It had been far too long since a female had snapped on him, even more latter that one had been able to give him the pain he so desperately longed to understand.

"Níl aon cluiche."

"Well if you want to play then lets play.

Her voice was like the voices in his head that never disappeared, oh how he wished she would play beautiful game of cat and mouse. Muscles rippling as he locked his stance in a pose that would be easy to launch himself forward, sovereignty never fading form his presence not even as she propelled herself forward. '"Ris cath I Léim, ionas go mbeidh sa Bás féidir liom a ardú"' The massive heart inside his body skipped a beat, ocular orbs dilating out of torment of his soul. Banner stiffening for his added balance as he felt his hackles rise, he wanted to feel it from deep within his body. -Hurt me baby- There was so many emotions and feeling running through his suicidal body, muzzle crinkling his eyes narrowing as his paws shoved in away launching him.

He was like a rocket streaming towards her attack, a lusting snarl filling his throat upon experiencing fangs against the flesh above his eyes.  His ears flattened against his skull as his tongue went to the back of his throat to avoid being bitten off. "If ya are goin to vite me do it harder!" His voice was like a tormented soul asking devil to cause it more pain, crimson blood running down his black cheeks making the rusted circles beneath his eyes darker.

'"Ja! Wunderbar Wunderbar"' A homicidal laugh split over his snarls feeling his lips curl upwards, massive jaws parting twisting sideways peeling his skin away from bone as he aimed to bite that pretty little throat of hers. -Taste my flesh!-

He had never been one to openly harm a female before, but her body was to delicious looking and he was a cannibal staring at his prey. His soul had the flames of hell behind him and he would show this female, she was the real one who'd bitten off more than she could chew. His blacked fur moving harshly in all direction as his memory recollected what it was like to be once again in combat, yearning for the taste of that sweet metallic liquid that was hidden beneath that flesh. So beautiful in a way that if he took too much she would die, but just the right amount would fill his burning hunger for the time being. -Eat me Baby-


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



6 Years

01-19-2017, 04:53 PM

Faite was pleased when the man clashed against her instead of shying away from the fight he'd so clearly wanted. He had some bite to back up all that bark. Her chest clashed against his own body and her teeth found a mark a little higher above where she'd originally intended. The taste of iron seeped on to her tongue as her incisors lashed at the male's forehead. It wasn't his eyeballs, but she was away of how much head wounds bled. The metallic liquid seeping from his wounds had a fair chance of streaming to his eyes and distracting him if she was lucky enough.

Her ears pinned to her skull to keep them from harms way and her muzzle crinkled into a fierce snarl at his words. So he wanted her to bite harder? Well she'd barely gotten started. Her grip had been successful and her paws wrapped around where his neck and shoulders met and rested in the are right before his shoulder blades. She could try and keep him locked in place as well as keep her balance. She didn't intend to get knocked over so early in the fight.

Her neck was exposed so she didn't keep her hold on his face for very long. Her tail angled out to balance her body out as she attempted to shift her head and neck to the right. She couldn't move very far due to their positioning, but hopefully she had enough flexibility and room to avoid him getting any damaging parts of her neck. His own bite overshot his original mark and instead pain and blood blossomed from the left side of her neck, lower and left down from her jugular, closer to her chest. Her own gaping maw sought out the little crevice where his cheek and tender part of the neck met. Her top incisors were aimed for the area just under his jaw and her bottom teeth just a little farther down the neck. At the same time she tried to shift her weight to the right, tightening the muscles in her left foreleg, and throwing her weight to the right in an attempt to drag his head with her and throw him off balance. She couldn't move all of him, but the head was an easy target to control the rest of him. Where the head went the body followed and she wanted to make him fall.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]