



9 Years
01-19-2017, 02:53 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2017, 04:32 PM by Schon.)

ooc: this thread contains extreme gore, language, and more. read at your own will.

A grimace fell upon those crusty lips as she viewed the ship. The metal creation that the Gods must have thrown upon the land. Perhaps it was some sort illustrious throne room once. A throne for one of the man Goddesses that once walked this wasteland. Yet, now, it was surely grim. A chunk of foreign compound rotting away from the constant wind and snowfall. Fortunately, the snow was less now that spring was arriving. Though, that rarely seemed to bother the relentless blizzards of the north. The monster hated the south, but at times she truly despised the north. It was nearly as stubborn as the bitch herself.

Her massive paws fell upon the crunchy snow with ease, there was no sign of urgency as she moved her way toward the mass before her. Eventually she found herself face to face with it, allowing for herself to slither up the deck towards the entrance to what was once the cabin. Her claws flicking against the hollow metal with each step. Alerting anyone who inhabited the depths of the tomb she was arriving with little 'tinks.' She escaped the snowfall as her body was consumed by the ship. Sliding down the stairs with ease, for it was not the first time the being had stepped upon this creation. Long ago when her mother brought her to these lands she ventured this monstrosity. Only with a little more curiosity. But, the woman was notorious for being sucked in by the pretty things in the world. This being one of them.

Soon enough the woman was making her way down a hall, rather carelessly. Schon had a lack of fear for her surroundings. Within the north there was little that would creep upon her. Any sort of big cat would inhabit the rocky peaks surrounding them leaving the only threat to be other Wolves. Yet, she was not frightened by her kind. The feign wore no target and she could hold up in battle. Therefore, she sauntered around the corridors within the frozen ship with a lazy look within those ravenous eyes and her head low.

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



3 Years
01-19-2017, 03:57 PM

The silvery veil of light that shown through the whole in the overhead shimmered, heavy snow falling through layering the room in a thick coat of snow. The creaking of the ship had begun to sway despite the calm seas, due to the wind outside but that would not silence the growls of torment. He stood in the steel room snarling his murderous gaze beamed into the steel spike that had been blown open on the wall. -More- Steel met flesh as he shoved his skull against the jagged blade, feeling the tingling sensation as his skin was split along the sides of his face.

It had become a habit lately of hurting himself that was becoming a grand addiction, think strands of dark red spilled upon the white blanket melting it. The feelings of ecstasy peaking the edges of reality as the sixth stroke of the blade cut between his ears, blood and snow falling off his face in a slow manner. His tri tail stiffening as his skull lifted into the sky letting his crimson liquid flood over his eyes and down his neck. A maniacal laughter flooding from deep within that was loud enough for only those in the room to here. -Harder-

Waiting just enough for the sensations to calm before he slammed his head straight into the spike, feeling it pierce one side of his scruff exiting the other side. The stab wasn't deep enough to be one fatal one, but it was enough to get a rush out of his soul of bestiary. He was a sadist and masochist all in one; having become both Master and slave before his eyes. Shattered mind hidden beneath the curtains of a good looking body. Muscles shifting as he backed away from he jagged spear slowly, letting the feeling flood his spine causing him to shiver lustfully. '"Ich brauche mehr! Um die sündigen Taten des Selbstschadens zu fühlen, reicht nicht .. Feed ... Ich muss füttern."'

There was a look in his eyes as the baritones of his voice jumped, darkened and faded outwards looking up onto the moon yearning to taste something. There had been so many women whom had teased his senses of hunger, yet none had truly satisfied his unquenchable thirst. A red serpent snaking outwards to catch a dark strand of crimson that hung like drool from his russet colored lips. -Feast upon them- Twisted thoughts filling his black mind that only fueled his want to feast upon wolven meat once again. It'd been too fucking long!

Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



9 Years
01-19-2017, 04:31 PM

Her paws fell upon the deck like war drums. The sound rang through the hollows below, wafting into nothing after a while. Her lips were parted ever so slightly, it was a technique she found herself doing often. She allowed for the scents around her to slither their way between her yellowing fangs onto her pale tongue. Lingering their long enough for her to taste the air around her. This time.. she tasted the metallic scent.. the sickening scent. Blood. The woman began to step with a bit more pep. Her hear remained low and her tail was level with her back. She weaved through the corridors. The murderous sound of a discrete banging filled her tri-toned ears. Her right lip curling as it twitched up to expose her salivating jowls. As the scent grew closer, drool dribbled from her lips. Attaching itself to the dark fur upon her chest.

A familiar flare of tones filled her ears. The dialect the creature used, the words. Her eyes nearly rolled as she carried on further towards the room in which this disastrous being spilled from. The fur upon her neck stood up, tickling her sensitive skin with the undying anticipation of lust. His words repeating within her mind, driving her mad. Yet, her crimson gaze finally met the Wolf. She rounded a corner into a room. Snow flicked in slowly through a window, peppering the room with an alabaster tone. But, something horrible stained the snow. Pools of the metallic liquid that ran through their very bodies. Blood. Her eyes fallowed the scene before finally resting upon the man. Her lips were curled up in a complete snarl to expose those disgusting chompers. The woman took a step into the room, allowing herself to come in contact with the the first few drops of blood she could. Schon lowered her head to floor level, knees bending slightly. The monster would then allow for her pink tongue to roll from the chasm in which is slept. She lapped at the crimson liquid, her eyes wide as the taste met her tongue. It was as if she could feel it running through her body. Coating her mouth and throat with such a beautiful sensation..

Finally the beast raised her head, allowing for her attention to slip towards the dripping fool before her. Schon's booming voice would enter into the air, using the same dialect she had known from the powerful roots of her family. "Wir müssen euch ein Festmahl vorbereiten, kleine Taube." The beast would slither towards the heathen, leaning in to extend that same tongue to meet with the crimson drool that hanged from his muzzle. if he allowed her, she would lap at it before letting her tongue to retreat into its rightful home. Schon allowed her lips to curl into a gentle smile rather then a snarl. Her eyes narrowed slightly observing the creature. Her same confidence was evident, she was not afraid. A fight with a deranged fool may even be fun for her old bones. She would eat him alive. The female moved to stand face to face with him, her lips parted as she panted ever so slightly. Even if the monster appeared calm on the outside her mind raced with the opportunities. The power that was held within the room, it radiated as if it were an undying heartbeat of demented souls. Schon graced him once more with her illustrious voice, returning to the germanic verbiage. "Wir werden töten. Scheiße. Verbrauchen. Ich verspreche." The lady would then tilt her head as she stared into his ravenous eyes. A tiny little snicker slipped from her lips as she allowed for her paws to flex ever so slightly. Her pads soaking up the blood that pooled around them. The fur between her rough pads becoming saturated with the rotting liquid. Her gaze would drift downward, looking to the blood. A sickening twitch of her lip could be seen as her right paw began to play with it, patting the liquid gently to watch it ripple.

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



3 Years
01-19-2017, 05:39 PM

The voices in his mind sung their violent song as the blood red down his face and chest, skull craning backwards as he let out a homicidal howl towards the silver light. This was just as a white female had entered the room causing his skull to snap, the thick life splattered across the floor and the bulkhead to his right. He had never seen so a woman stroll into the same room as a hellion participated in his deepest desires, lunar eclipses watching as she licked up snow and his blood off the floor. -Whom dares- His flanks and chest flaring outwards with the rapid shallow breaths hitched inside his lungs, pondering what this woman dare wanted from such a Prince of Darkness as he.

""Wir müssen euch ein Festmahl vorbereiten, kleine Taube."

Her words filled his ears and rolled around in his mind, the words of feast overtaking all he'd ever known, feeling her tongue lick across his muzzle. His own fleshy serpent would snake out quickly licking some of his own crimson off her tongue, before she was able to retract it in a deadly kiss. Blood oozing over his eyes that remained open as she spoke once again, filling his ears with her harpy like voice. "Wir werden töten. Scheiße. Verbrauchen. Ich verspreche." A horrendous grin spread across his hematic covered muzzle, chuckling in a blood curdling tone as he took a step towards the white queen. -You will be mine-

'"Also, was Sie sagen, ist. Wir können dann töten. Wir können in die Schwächlinge Blut und auf die Leiche ficken. Endlich fertig, wenn wir es verbrauchen!"'

He was a man of savagery and brutality that took pleasure in such acts, but the fact that this bitch before him brought up such topics caused him to burn. The flames of lust igniting inside him as his heart pumped the blood out of his body, his face's fur becoming matted down from the amount of his own ooze. Snow that fell in landed on his face giving him a more sinister look, a twisted look for a fallen king was the more fitting term. He would walk forwards with power radiating from behind him, stopping mere centimeters from her body, neck craning down as he looked her in her monstrous eyes. '"Lass uns gehen"'

It was like a command and a plea upon thinking of such crimes that they would commit, so many sinful acts could be unleashed this dark night. They would and could become the more twisted Yin-Yang both walking on the side of complete darkness, with no chance of light showing through. Soaked lips curled upwards with sovereignty glaring at the girl before him eagerly, yearning to see what her next action would be. -Me and you- Thoughts twisting and turning for each second that he stood there stock still.

'"Also, meine weiße Königin. Wer sind wir auf diese blutige fucking night jagen!"' His baritones were ready for the blood shed that was surely to ensue, especially once she spat out her command. There they both stood a queen and her bloodied king for now, if fate would decide to keep it that way; if not oh fucking well.

Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



9 Years
01-19-2017, 10:30 PM

It was a revolutionary moment within Schon's life. As of late she had been so horribly bored. Nothing to do but to wander the wretched lands, meeting faceless beings with only mild interest. A lack of beauty seemed to resonate within the lands. For when she first came here there were such monsters of power, Gods and Goddesses walked the lands with ease. Now, it was nothing but a bunch of damn flower pickers and those who only wanted to be more. But, they were not. It was truly pathetic to watch. Yet, now, the woman laid eyes upon a truly pretty pretty thing. A ravenous demon soaked in their own blood. A feign so riddled with their own monstrous thoughts they slammed themselves upon a spike, ripping open their own flesh for pleasure. The thoughts brought a severe shiver down her nearly arched spine as she continued to witness the being first hand.

As her tongue lingered upon his muzzle his own shot forth. The two saliva covered tendrils met for s long moment, the heat of their breath intertwining. Her bodice seemed to shudder as this contact came to be, therefore the woman allowed the fleshy bit to slither its way back beneath the toothy cage it lived within. She merely observed the creature, her chest raising and lowering quite dramatically. Her porcelain breath filling the surrounding air. Mixing with the light snow. Suddenly the brute took a step forward, attempting to close the distance between them even more. The beast then leaned forward, attempting to press the left side of her head into the side of his left neck. Allowing for the blood to taint her creme colored fur with ease. The perfect contrast of alabaster and crimson. It would be that of an endearing nuzzle, to feel the warmth of his body but to embrace the blood that gushed from his upper regions. Her eyes shut as she felt the liquid seep into her pelt. A visible quiver of her jaw could be seen as she retracted. What came into his vision was a woman reborn. No longer that silent and solemn hag. But, she had a taste of what she truly aimed to be.

A fucking Goddess.

The blood soaked babe took a single step back, allowing for his baritone vocals to fill her ears. Her smirk grew, those yellow fangs flashing in the moonlight with ease. Her own tones lifting from her inky lips. "Unsere Schritte sollen angelassen werden, hübsches Ding." The behemoth then moved to his right, attempting to slide her body against his as she walked along. Her tail would attempt to slither across his chest as she did so. The woman attempted to allow as much of the crimson liquid to saturate her fur as possible. Soon, Schon neared his rear, looping around to his left side. Her eyes rested upon the wounds upon his head and hackles that still pumped out blood. She let forth a soft growl, more of a hum then anything. It was not of a threat, but of pure pleasure. Schon would lean up slightly, craning her neck the point in which her muzzle would near the wounds. That familiar tongue would slither forth in attempts to lap at the wounds. Now, this was not an endearing movement. This was very much for her own gain. If allowed the beast would began to consume the fresh substance, pressing her body against him as she leaned into the wound slightly.

Finally, the suckling bitch would back off, her face now dripping with the ebony beasts life. She snarled gentle, a rippling noise that bellowed through the room. A familiar mixture of drool tainted with that thick crimson coloration dribbled from her lips. It looked as if she had literally swam in a pool of it. Her breathing was heavy, panting almost. Her eyes full of lust as she would move to be shoulder to shoulder with the opposing male. Her muzzle pointing upward ever so slightly to began speaking sweet nothings in his direction. "Wir finden unsere Beute und wir werden schlagen." Schon would then press her right shoulder into his, allowing her tail to flick across his rump. "Bei mir bekommst du jeden verstörten, verrückten, verdammten Gedanken, den du durch dieses rätselhafte Häuptling deines Herzens liebst, Liebe."

Suddenly, she drifted away. Bounding forward to gain a little distance between herself and the man. The smirk still stained her lips as she turned to face him. They were now about four feet away and just slightly in front of the door way but still inside the room. The being lowered down onto her haunches. Sitting in the pool of blood, her tail would move to wrap around the side of her right leg. She tilted her head to view the man. Her smirk turning into a wicked smile that would haunt even the darkest of fools. Her head was raised high and her ears were perked. It was a dominant pose, one she wore well. The creature would then slick her lips as she did so often before the next burst of her now filigree vocals filled the haunted room.  "Ich bin Schon Finnvi und ich werde Ihre Königin sein." With only a beat of a pause, she was not finished. "Du wirst mein König sein. Wir werden diese verlassenen Länder regieren, so dass jeder einzelne dieser Heiden sich vor unseren blutgetränkten Pfoten verbeugt. Leckte den Schmutz zwischen meinen fucking Klauen verkrustet." Her eyes would narrow, tempering his every move in those moments. This was not some sort of mateship she was asking for. It was a test. If the woman was going to reign once more she needed power. If she could have some sort of mad murdering son of a bitch to use at her whim, why not? Therefore, she slithered the thoughts of a throne within his mind. Planting the almighty seed of power itself. Her head lowered slightly, watching him. "Lassen Sie jetzt, wenn Sie diese Forderungen ablehnen. Bleiben Sie und haben alle diese Wünsche, von denen ich sprach, zum Leben erweckt."


"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.