
Baby, it's COLD outside {AW}

Erebos I


6 Years
01-17-2017, 02:37 AM

He had completely and utterly lost himself.

His brother had gone missing, and at times he nearly forgot his own name. Beau had been the only thing keeping him connected, but without him at his side he had slowly slipped back into madness. There was a crazed, hollow look in his eyes as he looked around the foggy forest, twitching at every sound that echoed back to his ears. This had become his hideaway, his grave that he would slowly rot in. Lilya's ghost walked beside him, she had fully manifested after about a month of him being gone. She was rather silent though, mostly the other voices torturing him. He didn't have the strength to fight against them, and they were hungry.

'Come my pet, you know you want it just as badly.' Aletha cooed in his ear, making him growl softly. Glancing over at Lili, he could see the smile on her maw. She wanted it too, they all did. Blood, blood. His body craved it, ached for the ground to be soaked in crimson. Erebos could feel it in his bones, the call of lust. His teeth grit together as he tried to push it all away, but the soft brush of fur against his once again brought his eyes to the female at his side. Her head was tilted to the side, a look of pleading in her ghostly gaze. They all wanted it, they just needed him to make the first move. 'Come now sweet one, don't push us away. We're all you have now...'

'Even your brother abandoned you,' Eunike chimed in with his gruff voice, another growl ripping out of the males jaws.

"No, no he would never do that. Not Beau. He wanted better for me." But his words were useless, Lili's laugh making him freeze in place. She hardly ever spoke, but even her breathly laugh commanded his attention. Turning over to gaze at her, he saw the wicked grin on her maw. It was pointless, he wasn't strong enough. Not any more. The only way to stop them was to kill again, to bathe them in someone's blood until they hungered once more. Nodding his head, Erebos resumed to walk again. The misty shape of Liliya ghosted his flank, sniffing the air for anything that he could tear his teeth into.

'Soon, dearest... Soon.'


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Fox

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.



2 Years
01-18-2017, 09:02 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2017, 09:50 PM by Xavier.)

His body lay low against the brush, the faint whispers of other wolves lingering in the air.  His ears twitching, circling as he listened in.  Also listening in for the sound of predators, but what could be worse than running into the wrong wolf at the wrong time.   He shook his head, his pelt sending dust that had collected into the air, moving with the breeze of the night air.  He took in a slow breath, taking in the scents that lingered near.  His eyes darted back and forth, heart beating faster and faster.  Xavier nervously gnawed on his paw, nipping at each pad, licking the dirt clean in between each nip.  

He glanced at the male, head tilting as he acted as if another was present. Ignorning it he began stretching his neck out, he let out a soft bark.  Warning him of his presence, standing to his paws, hunched over as he growled.  His eyes locked on the male present, the hairs on his shoulder standing up.  Taking a few steps forward, with a heavy step.  He focused his energy on him, ears shot forward.

Walk, "Talk" Think



4 Years
Extra large
01-20-2017, 08:26 PM

If she had any sense at all she wouldn't be returning to this spooky place but having had incredible success discovering an entangled bison in the fall she couldn't help but scout it out again. Perhaps this time she'd actually have a chance to explore the terra without getting sidetracked. Besides, she needed to scout out some possible territories for the joint hunt between Fiori and Ivory Ridge and there were plenty of good hunting territories in the south. Though, Leo would probably think her crazy if she suggested the Souless Forest. Besides, this was a place where one finished a hunt, not started one.

Long limbs moved gracefully through the knotted, tangled underbrush. Her ears were sharp, listening for the sounds of potential prey. It felt good to be back out and wandering now that winter was over and she was grateful to her aunt Birna for watching the pack during her absence. She'd have to be sure to bring the sour, old woman something back in return. But what? She gazed about her at the murky green of the forest. Some moss? Karabela snickered. Oh yes, Birna would just love that

A soft bark caught her attention and her head swiveled to find the sound, fixing on a scarred male in the brush. Movement caught her eye and she turned to spy another man, an older one with mismatched eyes. "Oh, hello there. Who might you two be?"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



2 Years
01-21-2017, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2017, 02:08 PM by Xavier. Edit Reason: no longer wanted original post )

His body lay low against the brush, the faint whispers of other wolves lingering in the air.  His ears twitching, circling as he listened in.  Also listening in for the sound of predators, but what could be worse than running into the wrong wolf at the wrong time.   He shook his head, his pelt sending dust that had collected into the air, moving with the breeze of the night air.  He took in a slow breath, taking in the scents that lingered near.  His eyes darted back and forth, heart beating faster and faster.  Xavier nervously gnawed on his paw, nipping at each pad, licking the dirt clean in between each nip.  

He glanced at the male, head tilting as he acted as if another was present. Ignorning it he began stretching his neck out, he let out a soft bark.  Warning him of his presence, standing to his paws, hunched over as he growled.  His eyes locked on the male present, the hairs on his shoulder standing up.  Taking a few steps forward, with a heavy step.  He focused his energy on him, ears shot forward.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Erebos I


6 Years
01-25-2017, 02:52 PM
Hey Anchor, can you please post in maintenance asking for your post to be deleted? Thanks!

It took too long for him to realize that he wasn’t alone. Ears twitched as he eyed the mottled male who was staring at him, his lips quivering upwards. They threatened to curl upwards as he kept staring, but a soothing coo from Liliya stilled him. Quickly he glanced over at her ghostly figure, a brow rising. It wasn’t often that they allowed him to be calm, generally they scream at him for blood. Confused by everything, he whipped back around and narrowed his pink and blue eyes at the stranger. Was he trying to challenge him, standing there staring at him like this? Remaining silent, his paws clenched as his nails bit into the soft earth. With the voices quiet after having been loud for so long, he felt off. It was too soon for his mind to catch up with everything, so he just stared down the stranger. What was he to do? With no guidance and his sane mind gone, Erebos felt like a shell of a wolf.

It wasn’t until the female entered the scene that things started to go again. Liliya pushed against him, growling in his ear. 'She wishes to take you away from me! But you’re mine, mine!' she cried, making the white marked man flinch away from the sudden appearance of her voice. She spoke the least, but had the most influence on him. Dropping his head, he sucked in deep breaths as he tried to push her away. But her ghostly form started to nip and pull at his skin, each bite like a stabbing tooth into his flank. Whining, his eyes closed as the woman’s voice rang out. 'Kill her, kill her Erebos! Spill her blood and bathe in it! We will dance on her for wanting you! I know she does, I know she wants to take her away. Would you let her do that? You’re mine, MINE!'

Her calls were unraveling the last of his sanity, and his head flashed up as he eyed the strange woman. A slow, manic grin spread across his lips as a dark chuckle left his lips. It wasn’t hard to see that the man was mad, trapped within his own mind. His eyes were bright, but there was a certain fogginess that clouded them. Flashing his teeth he glanced between both wolves. He wanted to kill, to feed his love some blood, but he wasn’t that daft. He knew he was outnumbered.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Fox

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.



4 Years
Extra large
02-03-2017, 06:28 PM
ooc: booo… Raba was gonna bite him xD

Karabela stood confidently, tail aloft as she eyed the duo. She was an alphess, a leader, and she let her confidence show in her stance. Battle was in her blood and with one siege under her belt she felt fairly confident that she could defend herself from this pair if they decided they wanted a fight but she hoped that wouldn't be the case. She'd just been wandering, looking to get away from the burdens of leadership for awhile. It would be a shame to return blood-stained.

Her golden eyes narrowed as she watched but she kept silent. Judging from the look the man with the mismatched eyes was giving the other they didn't know each other and were not allies. Well, that evened the odds a bit. The mismatched man turned away from her and Karabela's head would tilt to the side. "I didn't interrupt something did I?"

The man would chuckle darkly as Karabela raised an eyebrow and smirked. Oh goody… a crazy… seemed like she might not get out of this encounter unscathed after all though she was pretty sure she could outrun him. Her smirk dropped suddenly as her lips curled up over her fangs, her eyes glinting coldly as she snarled. "Get ahold of yourself fool. I will not hesitate to eviscerate any that threaten me."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king