
darkling, i listen



9 Years
01-21-2017, 09:57 PM

The witch's grievous gaze feasted upon the moon. Observing each visible crater upon the milky surface. Those crimson orbs wide, for everyone to view. Her form was at ease, sitting upon a bent tree trunk. The giant tree sprouted from the earth and climbed upward at and ark before dipping down again due to the massive weight of its various limbs. Perhaps lightening struck it once, causing its natural will to bend into such a form. Yet, she found it to be a lovely throne for the evening. The trunk was thick enough for the lady to sit easily upon her fat ass. Her fluff encumbered tail wrapped around her right side, the tip resting at her forepaws. Her pads kneaded the bark below, enjoying the rough feeling upon her callused skin. Her head was pointed high, to watch as the moon smiled down upon her. The Gods and Godesses whispering sweet nothings into her ear in those moments. A sickening smile twisting upon her ebony lips as her neck craned slightly to listen. Images of her everlasting fortune slipping into her mind. A bloodied throne made of ice. Her king sitting at her paws as she reigned with such prestige. Servants bowing down, salivating at the very sight of the demoness.

Quickly the bitch snapped out of it, her head whipping to the left as the sound of a twig snapping met her perked ears. Schon rolled her shoulders, a little pop being heard through the now silent forest. Her age peaking through in those moments, but the woman thought nothing of it. For, a creature decided to impose upon her thoughts. The Queen stood from her resting place, the thick of her fur dancing as a breeze happened upon them. She was within the outskirts of the forest and the bare trees gave little protection from the elements. But, many little feins roamed these woods. The beast easily leaped from the tree trunk, allowing her paws to meet the ground with a foreboding thud. The serpent began to slither her way through the forsaken trees, her bleeding gaze slowly weaving its way through the roots and low hanging branches to perhaps spot the infiltrator.

The search was lazy, driven by nothing but a snap. For she was merely begging for some sort of action. Within her time back she had met few that brought much interest to her, she was even beginning to abandon hope when it came to these cursed lands. As her paws carried her along, little crunches could be heard as she took each step. There was no subtly when it came to a gluttonous heathen bounding through the thick of old snow. Yet, she cared not to hide her existence. The babe was well fed from her previous meal and was practically inviting an altercation. Her tail was held high, a dominating flag. Those ears perked and her gaze slim as she moved to press the left side of her body against a tree. Rubbing herself against the trunk, allowing for the bark to tickle her winter kissed skin like an itching whisper. She let her eyes shut for a few moments. Allowing for her entirety to be taken up by the gentle pleasure. Suddenly, the girl would allow herself to fall to the ground. Her eyes opening to spot the moon once again as she laid now at the base of the tree. Her back was to the trunk and belly outward. The bitch let out a dramatic sigh, returning her to prior state of observing the moon in lonesome.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



4 Years
01-21-2017, 11:48 PM
You're so cynical, Nacrissistic Cannibal!
Got to bring myself back from the dead!
The northern region of Ardent was fast becoming home to the spectral woman, she enjoyed the frigid temperatures and nearly year round snows. It made her feel as though she had truly escaped the persecution of her home pack, without actually leaving her real home. The monochrome queen makes her way through the woods today, her stomach pinching with hunger and Corvus scouring the area for any edible creature. Her kohl rimmed ears perk up as she catches the sounds of an excited magpie. Searching the skies, she spies his grey and ivory body circling above a particularly massive tree. It was twisted all the way up to the top, the curvature of its trunk making it stand out in the forest. This was good, for her, it would be easier to find what he was going on about.

Rose colored gems are pinned on the twisting giant, her dark black paws moving over snow and leaves without so much as a whisper. She cupped the terrain with her pads, the odd way of stepping learned from the snow leopards of her home. Watching them she learned how to do all manner of things. Making her way through the forest of creaking and swaying trees, Vianni keeps an eye on Corvus and his position in the sky. She took her time, walking leisurely along the snow, marveling at her ability to keep silent. The dark woman loved this about herself, but now was not the time to dwell on her magnificence. Through the trees, Vianni spots the back side of a wolf, Corvus circling almost directly above her. The bird was quiet now, seeing his wolf-mother close in on the strange wolf. Pausing for a moment, Vianni waits for an opportunity to move in.

The tan female hopped down, once she is occupied, the spectral queen makes her move. Without any form of protest from the terrain, Vianni's motions are fluid and silent. The snow beneath her paws doesn't dare to make a sound about the mad woman's weight, and within no time, she is on top of the tree's massive trunk. Watching with pale rose colored glasses, Vianni tilts her head as the other woman throws herself down and stares at the night sky. The moon was beautiful this evening, but Vianni was not here for that. Corvus lands in the top of the tree, keeping quiet as he winds down for the night, or waits for his friend to make dinner. It could go either way, really. While the strangely marked woman on the ground studied the sky, Vianni observed her.

It would be fun to stir things up with this wolf. Smiling wickedly as she reclines on the tree trunk, Vianni tilts her head then calls out to the wolf on the ground.  "It's pretty tonight!" With any luck, the other canine would be scared and Vianni would get some entertainment before dinner. A tinkling laugh escapes her regardless of reaction and she stares boldly at the tanned beauty. This would be fun, or at least that was the plan. This could also get bloody, which was perfectly fine with the masked devil. Time would tell, either way it would pass the hours of sleepless night away.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



9 Years
01-22-2017, 09:29 AM

The monster was content with her viewing. Despite her manic behavior she found solace within her lonesomeness. For, when she was around others it was truly tiring for the most part. The bitch had a reputation to uphold, that does not happen with simple conversations and fucking flowers. Her eyes graced the Moon with the crimson gaze. Limbs and trunks marred her view, but she saw enough of the vibrant orb to admire its existence. Her tail was fluffed out to the side, the very tip twitched ever so slightly. From a far perhaps the woman looked simple. A Wolf admiring a higher being, like they usual did. Without a howl, but in supple silence she could do just the same. But, one would truly be a fool to think such a thing about such a erratic bitch.

The bellowing pang of perky vocals met her multi-toned ears. The woman did not move, for her entire body was still despite her twitching tail. Her lips would slowly creep up, the inky flesh quivering into a mild snarl as she ran her tongue across her yellowing fangs. The rusty cogs in her mind churning. It took a few moments but her lips would then slip downward. to cover her teeth once again before slipping into the sweetest of smiles. The sweet voice of this infiltrator caused for her to wish to mimic such a thing. Her head would slowly turn to the point at which her ruby visage was in the earthy tone girl's direction. Her bloody eyes ravaging the female who decided to speak so freely, taking note of her stature and fur coloration. Schon's nose twitched ever so slightly. Within her mind she was yearning to tempt this fool into a fight, wishing to inform her that disturbing someone in such a way was rude. Yet, she would decide to play before she would do such a thing.

The Finnvi remained laying upon the ground, allowing for the light snowfall to litter her pristine pelt with little alabaster freckles. Her brow was raised ever so slightly before her venomous tones escaped her salivating jowls. "It is pretty every night." Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, her annoyance peaking through just for a moment before her eyes slipped towards the moon. "The Moon graces us each evening, have you not noticed?" Schon rolled her eyes, "The Moon is of the prettiest of things that touch this forsaken land, therefore instead of speaking through its nightly reign I enjoy observing in utter silence." Her attention flicked back to the opposing woman, allowing her smile to grow into a wicked thing. Her fangs flashing ever so slightly and the frequent drool slipping from her rigged jowls per usual. Suddenly the hulking babe would get up from her resting stop, not bothering to shake the snow off for her winter pelt was still in full force. The Queen moved to slowly step towards the bitch on her perch before sitting below with her gaze pinpointed directly upon this pink eyes. Her head tilted ever so slightly. These next tones were more sweet, a prismatic shell of her former elegancy. Yet, venom still laced each syllable in a soft hiss. "Do you have a name, precious little dove?" Her eyes were wide and inviting, allowing for only a mild trace of curiosity to seep through. Yet, the being was merely asking to further play the game.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



4 Years
01-27-2017, 02:46 PM
You're so cynical, Nacrissistic Cannibal!
Got to bring myself back from the dead!
There it was, that heavy change in the atmosphere that let Vianni know just what she had stumbled upon. It was in the lady's voice, the slight narrowing of her bloody eyes, the way her fangs would flash dangerously while she spoke. A subtle challenge to a dangerous game that they younger woman was more than willing to play, as a princess it was her job to become a queen. This one had definitely seen better days, if the drooling was anything to go by, but that did not mean she was to be underestimated. Having already lost a meal due to that one fatal mistake, Vianni was not keen on doing the same thing again. Partaking in the honeyed poison that was the stranger's voice, the hellish girl actually smiled, flashing her own ivory teeth and waved her tail.  "I am still new to this place, I was unaware of your custom. Forgive my intrusion, but, since tradition is broken...perhaps, I could gain your company for a while?" There is nothing in her tone or face that betrays her intentions, even scooting back and laying on the crooked trunk of her perch when the other rises to stand, as if to give the other female room.

Meeting the crimson gaze of the other without flinching, Vianni felt her pupils dilate sharply. Focusing on the creamy woman, those dulcet tones making the dark princess want to vomit on the feigned innocence. It was easy to feel when you had come in contact with a monster, there was always something in the air. A certain tension always seemed to creep up one's spine when they were around, and it was easier still for a wolf of Vianni's particular persuasion to pick up on others of her own kind. The stranger asks her name, and Vi gives her a sweet smile, those dusty rose eyes never wavering from the lower woman's gaze.  "I do have a name, actually." Purposefully leaving out the statement that held her name, Vianni draws out the conversation with the female. This stepping around questions would either enrage or elicit further questions for her to sidestep. Either way, she would have fun with this one.

 "Talking" | Thinking
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.