
Fate as you put it



3 Years
Extra large
02-06-2017, 12:06 PM
He was in a hurry to be touching her skin

The early morning brought song to his ears. The winged avians of the valley greeting the large man with vigor. Filling the air with song as he stretched his limbs and got up for the day. He hadn't done much just yet but also because he wasn't quiet sure what to do. Hakon knew there was a certain amount of... uncomfortable feelings being in a pack. His morals had told him he wouldn't dare step into a pack unless he was at the forefront. Hakon wasn't quiet sure why it bothered him so much, but being a loner also bored him.

Hakon tried to shove the thought off to the side. It was probably something along the lines of feeling like his freedom was compromised. The end of his tail flicked and he started to walk through the territory. Stretching his muscles and getting ready for the day to start. Who knows perhaps he could charm his way into the hearts of the people. He was certain that Zell probably wouldn't welcome that. He chuckled at the thought, then reminded himself he should be more respectful of the sire of Faite's children. Life was a precious thing after all.

© hyacintho of GS



6 Years

02-06-2017, 05:15 PM

Bird song filtered in and echoed through the den waking the russet and silver colored woman. An annoyed ear flick and a grumble was the only reaction given to the damn creatures. They weren't nearly annoying as in the Estuary, but she still wasn't fond of them since that experience. Birds had an awful habit of not shutting up which unfortunately had been the cause of many sleepless mornings when they woke her and her children up.

Her eyes flickered open to spot her five children all lying in a heap together still sound asleep. She hadn't spent enough time with them lately, but she certainly wouldn't be waking them up any time soon. She wasn't opposed to the idea of taking them on a border patrol, but she couldn't imagine she'd get much done with them coming along this morning. So as silently as she could the crept out of the den and didn't pick up her pace until she was well away from ear shot.

It was here she took the moment to shake the sleepiness away by stretching her limbs one by one and letting out a loud yawn. Her eyes blinked momentarily before a scent drifted to her nostrils. It was one of the more stranger members that easily caught her attention. She distinctly remembered the large man with the intriguing purple tinted markings - a wolf she hadn't gotten the chance to formally get to know yet. It didn't take a second thought to head off in his direction. Socializing seemed like a far better option that her morning run/border patrol.

It didn't take long to find him and she found her stuck out like a rather sore thumb from the rest of the landscape. She smiled softly at him as her tail waved lazily behind her as she called out to him in a friendly greeting. "Good morning Hakon. Are you settling into Lirim okay?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
Extra large
02-06-2017, 06:04 PM
He was in a hurry to be touching her skin

It turned out fate would grace him with a wonderful lady this morning. The chief herself as Hakon smirked and left his mouth slightly open. Giving a soft dip of his head out of respect for her. She asked him a hard question though. "Morning Faite - you're up early." he would joke at first. The larger man letting his muscles warm up in the sun as he flicked his tail from one side to the other in thought. "The best I can I suppose. One like me doesn't entirely know what to do with himself in a pack. Past experiences made it where I promised I wouldn't be in one unless I was at the forefront. Yet fate brought me here to you ma'm." Hakon gestured his head towards her for a moment.

Hakon did believe in going with the flow though. Whatever his life threw at him he would go on surviving out of it. He was young yet acted twice his age at times. His large paws spread onto the terrain as he then looked out once more. "Don't get me wrong I'm not thinking of usurping you or anything. You seem like a very beautiful strong woman." Hakon would then say as he watched her again.

© hyacintho of GS



6 Years

02-11-2017, 11:19 PM

The man greeted her warmly and she grinned softly at his joke. "Always. You don't get to sleep in with kids." She chuckled. She let her hind end dip towards the earth as she let herself fall into a comfortable sitting position. The early morning sun was warm and she could feel the slight heat on the more darker parts of her pelt already. Come summer time the place would probably get to sweltering proportions which was why she was glad she'd picked the Valley. The plains didn't provide any protection, but the hunting grounds were worth it.

She listened with genuine interest as Hakon answered her question. The fact he wasn't sure what to do with himself was intriguing to say the least. She knew she needed to provide some direction at some point and arrange some sort of event for them to do, but she'd seen how boring pack hunts and spars turned out. Either wolves didn't attend or it was given only a half-assed effort. She wanted her members to thrive and learn, but she didn't want them to be under dull and forced circumstances either. It was something that she needed to work on and until she did she didn't plan on holding any meetings.

The fact that he'd promised never to be in a pack unless he was at the head of it was an interesting bit of news. Not that she feared that he would try and challenge her for her spot, she could certainly handle herself, but the fact that he'd had such a poor experience from it was disheartening. Of course it was all an assumption that he'd had a bad time with previous packs judging by the way he mentioned it. Why else would you want to join a pack only as its leader?

"Well I'm glad that you decided to give pack life another shot. I promise I'll try to make your experience a lot more enjoyable. And trust me, I can handle myself in a fight." She grinned, unabashed by his compliment.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]