
Cold can stain, but fur can wash up[joining]


06-24-2013, 02:44 PM

The girl didn't do very well in the cold, and to top that off it was winter. Though Eren herself was sure that she'd be fine if she simply trained herself to become used to it, and even then she could find other ways to get warm could she not? She was a smart wolf, and no less than an ordinary either. She had nothing special about her, not that she would say was special anyway. Black and gray fur over a medium sized body of thirty inches in height. Her cheeks were laced with gray strange of fur, as well was the top of her head reaching down her back. What was most to be caught about her though, was her odd glowing sea green eyes. In all this snow, it made her seem like a black ghost of death coming to haunt this pack. Eren was far less than a ghost though, and even though the girl was mysterious she sought nothing from others. If they wanted to make the effort to be her friend she'd be loyal, but only if she got so close to them. She had trust problems, but because she was afraid they'd leave her behind. Her family had never cared about her, so she tried her best to care for others. Even if she could, the girl saw herself as untalented, with no goals for the best of her, and just trying to survive the days upcoming on her mental calender.

The snow was soft under her paws as she trudged along, ears perked as to listen to any source of noise in the day. This place seemed strange, it was so thick, maybe it was because of the mass amount of wolves that lived here? The girl stopped at the edge of the borders, wagging her tail slightly so that she could calm her nerves. She whined slightly and took in a deep breath, what was the worse that could happen right? Eren raised her head and let out a sharp bark. Her voice was small, and quiet with thin lines of nervous in it. After that she sat down with a thump in the snow, tilting her head. Respect was key right? That was what wolves would give her if she gave it to them, after all she bared no ill will to anyone and even when they did something wrong it was hard for her to hold onto a grudge. Not unless they kept doing it over and over again. The only odd thing about her was her sadism, but only with the dead and injured. Though to do it on a living wolf, well that would have been a dream come true. Only if the wolf wanted it though, she wouldn't dare have risk to lose a friend like that. How come her family had been so different from her? Why was she so different, Eren wasn't sure. Yet, it was best to make what she had, and continue on to be of some use to herself.

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 03:29 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle paused in his usual patrol of the snowy wilderness. He was in the southern reaches of the great Glaciem territory, and on this day he was quite certain he caught the scent of a stranger upon the borders. Female. Young. Alone.

Interesting. A possible new recruit, perhaps? Or maybe it was someone else who needed help? Hell, he'd be happy to see anyone so long as they weren't another one of those psychotic murderers he'd been having to deal with lately. No, wait. Scratch that. He'd love for it to be one of them. He had a score to settle and his thirst for vengeance would at least be alleviated with a little tainted wolfsblood.

Gargoyle moved into a swaybacked trot, and then a lope as he headed to the border. The she-wolf came into view, she was a decent sized wolf with a ghostly fade to her grey-black fur. Eyes the color of sea glass peered out at the snow. Gargoyle did his best to match gazes with them, trying to decide what kind of soul had trasped upon his borders. ?What bring you to the Glaciem borders, stranger?? he said in his toneless rumble.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-24-2013, 04:47 PM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

Eren didn't let her tail wag, she often did that when she wanted her nerves to go away. A smile rose on her face though, someone a bit nicer had come to greet her. At least she hoped he was nicer then the wolves she had seen before. Giving a bit of a muffled sigh she dipped her head. "Hello sir, my name is Eren, I came here to join Glaciem." Eren knew that often tests were held to see if a wolf was worthy of joining a pack, but she was nothing special. She was very good at tracking, and could figure murders out if she had enough time with just the crime scene. Yet, every time she got comfortable and started to show off, someone would leave her behind so there was no point anymore. Nor did she want to waste the energy. The best she could do was be herself at times which wasn't entirely lazy but just distant from the rest of the world.

Eren's smile vanished as she stared blankly at the male, he was well fit for this kind of weather. While she was cold already but didn't let it show, the little warmth her fur gave her was uncomfortable. She must get used to it was her mentality. Otherwise she would never survive here. Glaciem seemed to be the most lax pack here, she wasn't interested in being super noble, nor being super evil. She was just looking for a place that would be of some sort of protection and wouldn't leave her in the dust when she did something nice for them.

~but you take that to new extremes~

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 05:15 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


"So I gather," the brute rumbled tonelessly. "In which case, you'd be looking at your Chief. My name is Gargoyle." The wolf's neck was arched and thick, his legs stood apart and steady with an easy balance. Most alpha's would've completed the natural dominance look with a curled tail, but thanks to a crazy-butt she-moose, Gargoyle didn't have his anymore. Neath his thick winter coat ran a maze of other scars, many deep enough to kill, but his movements were supple enough to show that they'd healed up just fine. His tattered left ear was the only outward sign he had from the time he'd been ambushed and left for dead in the middle of the frozen wastes. It was the little things - his scars, his posture, that could be read by another warrior with an experienced eye. They told a dangerous story.

But what was this she-wolf's story. Gargoyle's eyes were all he had to help him decide whether this wolf was worthy of his pack - or if she was some sort of spy. They'd been having trouble enough with Amenti lately, and they were a whole pack of spies and assassins. If it were just his own company, he wouldn't mind taking a risk and getting to know a stranger, but he had other lives under his protection. Many of them injured. Many of them young.

He looked the fae over curiously. Going by her coat and her scents, she was a rogue and had been for some time. Still, she was well fed, apparently she knew how to fend for herself. A lone wolf in good condition is a rare hunter. That added to her favor at least. And while she had shown subtle signs of nervousness in his presence (which could mean a healthy respect for packs), she was still plenty brave enough to stand there and exchange words.

"Well Eren, Glaciem is always happy to add another hunter or warrior to their ranks." He flicked a military gaze over her muscles. "My guess is that you are capable of both." He shrugged. "But such skills can always be taught. What's more important to us is your mind. Are you the sort of wolf who can appreciate authority? Who can value her packmates and swear to protect them?"

He rolled his massive shoulders and, gathering his hind legs, sat down in the soft pillow of snow. He'd become more or less immune to frostbite a while ago. "We're something like a family here," the beast added. "We look out for eachother. Once we let someone in, they have our trust and our fellowship." He cocked his head. "A rare thing these days."

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-24-2013, 05:33 PM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

A rare trait indeed, Eren had tried so many times to be the kind wolf everyone could depend on, but as soon as something bad happened the blame would be plastered all over her even though she had done nothing. Much less avoided the contact between her aggressive brothers, and her mother who had become an empty shell because her daughter was a strange one. Was she honestly that strange? She was scared at the moment, these questions she didn't know how to answer very well. As she lowered her head a bit and pulled her ears back. The worst that could happen was get rejected correct? She would make the most out of what came, and the current thudding of her heart she wouldn't be surprised if the male could smell or even hear the stress piling out of her. Eren took in a deep breath and flicked her ears forward. "I've tried very hard with my own family to be someone that everyone can depend on. As you said it's a rare thing these days and well." Eren stopped for a moment, he was the chief he didn't have time to hear about these things. Then again he was a wolf exactly like she was. So she began again, "Yes, I can be as loyal as ever, I'm simply afraid of being left behind sir. I've spent my time learning everything I could so that I could be of use, but even my own mother refused to look me in the eyes. I have little experience when it comes to wolves other than my family but, I really really want to learn."

At times Eren could be uncaring, but that was only towards certain others. She was a nice wolf when it came down to it, but she didn't want to push herself to the limit in which she would end up hurting herself and others around her. Perfectly aware the three year old wolf was full of energy. Though she wasn't one for fighting, she was good at thinking excellent even. Trust and fellowship? Then she would do her best not to betray that trust, and hope that she could trust them. Try her hardest, if the worst happened what more than a broken heart would she have?

~but you take that to new extremes~

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 06:01 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle remained seating, calmly watching the girl as she spoke, hesitated, and then spoke again. At some level she was intimidated. Well, good for her, that meant her sixth sense was working well. If she'd known a fraction of the things that Gargoyle had done in his past life, she'd probably have tucked tail and ran. Then again, she had an edge to her gaze... maybe she had seen some things too.

But if Gargoyle had learned anything over the years, it was that just about everyone had something or other to hide. Some dark secret or regret or pain. That was the way of the world. Best thing to do? Find some other damaged wolves and decide that you cared enough to stick together. For all Gargoyle knew, that was how the first pack had been founded. Glaciem was a convent for saints, it was a shelter for sinners. If saints were there too, it just meant that they cared that much.

The she-wolf Eren, spoke of loyalty and of past problems. She delivered her lines bluntly, like she didn't care, but there a pathos in the sad strength of her voice. Or at least that was what a more comtemplative wolf such as Crusade might have thought. All Gargoyle knew was that this wolf had soul, a hurt soul, perhaps, but one that needed a family.

"-I have little experience when it comes to wolves other than my family but, I really really want to learn."

"Well come on then," Gargoyle simply. He raised himself to his paws and angled his head towards home. "I'll give you that chance to learn. There's a lot of good wolves here, Eren, take the time to get the know and them and train amongst them - and I think you could have a worthwhile home here." The words were delivered without flavor or cadence - much the way he had said his first words. There was a strictness to Gargoyle's expressions and speech, but not to his heart. He wanted to see this she-wolf find a place to call her own. And besides, he liked her spirit - she could make a fine Brave with a little training.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-24-2013, 06:14 PM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

Eren stood up when he spoke, there may have been no tone in his voice, but words were what counted right? She hadn't even noticed his lack of tail until now, because appearance wasn't much on the girl. Personalities were what was important. The ghostly appearance on her face lit up a bit as she shyly stepped across the border lifting her head up to sniff the air. A great tracker would take in all her surroundings as it would be where she was living from now on, but this snow was just so soft.

She then turned to Gargoyle and smiled wagging her tail back and forth. "Arigato Gargoyle-sama, you've made me the happiest wolf in the world at the moment." She laughed a little bit. Then noticed she was being a bit rude since she broke the barrier between a higher ranked wolf. She frowned a little and lowered her head and ears. Hoping that she wouldn't be scolded. Showing bits and pieces of her personality could always end in disaster.

~but you take that to new extremes~

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 06:58 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle was taken a little off guard, not by her display of eagerness, but by her language. It'd been a long time since he'd heard words such as those. But they weren't pleasant memories - they were from back in his dark, youthful days in the mob. One of the other murderous captains had a speech pattern just like that. He was a shifty eyed bastard, rarely ever spoke at all, but his kills were quick and clean as anything. The two males had had a sick sort of comradery.

Gargoyle shrugged off the memory. Different time. Different life. Different him.

Didn't matter anymore.

In a way, Glaciem had been his second chance too.

Gargoyle dipped his head in return to Eren's gratitude, and then, turning, began to lead the way deeper in the snowy hills towards the distant mountains and the pack cave beyond.


Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done