
Island Paradise



4 Years
02-16-2017, 09:38 AM

Sigleif had been staying on this island for quite some time. It wasn't that she couldn't leave, she was just... disinclined. Her family had scattered to who-knows-where months ago. That thought was a heavy blanket on her mind, weighing down her actions as well. She had searched tirelessly for moons, wearing her body ragged until finally, she came to this place. The autumn sea had been calm when she swam the narrow gap between the it's shores and the mainland. She was fascinated by the crumbling stone ruins, had spent days upon days excavating for treasure. All the while knowing how much her siblings would enjoy doing the same. She paused in her walk to frown down at the ground.

Spring had swept through her island with splendor, reinvigorating the plant life and prey, and in turn returning strength to her. Now summer had arrived, a season of warmth and plenty. Sigleif rolled her shoulders, appreciating the way her muscles tensed and coiled. She was certainly recovered, so what other than an urge to escape reality was keeping her here. Even if her family was gone, it was a reality she needed to face. And in her heart of hearts she did not feel right not searching for them. Sig took a deep breath and returned to the ruins she had been sleeping within for so long.

Wooden beams had long ago collapsed against a stone wall, and over time forest debris had amassed to make a very snug roof. Her den site was surrounded by low, crumbling walls on almost every side which helped to keep unexpected visitors at bay while she slept. She had dragged the carcass of a small deer just within the wall, which would certainly keep her fed for the next few days. Oh well. Sig took a deep breath. Okay, tomorrow then. It was too late now to make the passage back and find an adequate place to sleep. Besides, Sigleif had grown rather attached to this island of her own, and cherished one last night of sleep in her den. She would return, one day. She and her whole family would dig for treasures on the beach.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-16-2017, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2017, 01:58 PM by Razor.)
Navigation: Daager isle

Razor had been silent for the most part in his pack. He was certain perhaps at this point Sabriel was quiet annoyed with the male. Well for his parting thoughts with Alfred - and his heart breaking under itself the boy wanted some time on his own. His own ignorance and inability to confess himself was probably the worse fate brought upon anyone. Even now he could scent his brother and his family - yet here he was. Probably didn't even have enough wits to take care of the young girl he had adopted as his own and eagerly so. It brought him to this island, after a short swim and a quick dry of his gray fur he sighed. The first day of summer brought on warm weather. It was better for his lungs no question - he wasn't feeling so out of breath and so achy. Though that didn't go as far as to say he was cured - the male had always been a weak one. Three years old and others had hoped he'd grow out of it but it seemed permanent. Razor would never be able to live the life of a normal wolf that was for certain.

In his thoughts however he stopped, seemingly noticing he had almost disturbed someone's home. If it was one thing he knew it was many were not as kind as he. Not that it bothered him much, Razor was a thinker a millennial. He used his head more than any knowledge of healing or fighting. He put his faith into his gods and moved on from there. Concentrating more on being himself than anything else. Putting those things aside it seemed Denki had led him here for some reason. He noticed a deer hanging in the walls though from his point of view there was only a portion. A smart contraption really - it was like this wolf did indeed enjoy their privacy.

After pondering that, the small boy would swivel his ears forward and sniff around the entrance some. Digging in the rather fresh scent of a female, she was in there now. Razor winced - half expecting to meet dagger-ed teeth for snooping, but he had only been curious. "I'm sorry to have intruded ma'm. I'll leave now if you want me - I just couldn't help but to notice this abode you've made." Razor wheezed out loud, lifting his head to take a final look at it. A wolf had to have some sort of knowledge to create this - what he wouldn't give to get his paws on that. He was after all - a man who gathered knowledge.




4 Years
02-16-2017, 02:27 PM

The last thing Sig expected was to hear the sound of a voice. The had gone quite some time without crossing paths with another wolf, and to say she jumped would be an understatement. Her her knocked against an outlying stone and she hissed out a curse under her breath. She winced, grumbling as she turned towards the sound. What in the gods names... It was a male, his coat mostly grey, his demeanor... nonthreatening. She blinked at him and frowned. "Wha- Oh, this?" she asked, gesturing around them with a paw. "Didn't make much myself, but it's home," she said with a sigh. It came out somewhat sadder than she intended, and again she cursed herself. Feeling moved to explain, Sigleif went on, "Well, it was. Tomorrow I'm returning to the mainland for an extended stay."

She stood and moved out of her shelter into the makeshift courtyard. She shook bits of leaf litter from her brindled coat. It really was a marvelous place. "You want to have a look around?" She offered, turning and jerking her head towards the rear of the fallen structure's remains. Part of the wall had collapsed onto another outbuilding, which could be scaled for a marvelous view of the forest and the distant sea. "After all, from tomorrow on this place will be vacant. It'd be nice to know someone is keeping it up." She raised a brow at the nameless male. Truth be told, this place had been infested with raccoons and woodrats when she had first arrived, and Sig figured it'd be much easier to run off one wolf than those tiny demons again. She suppressed a shudder... Never again.

The island did make for a marvelous home, though! It was also overrun with the small deer which inhabited the other islands, and several other small mammals as well. She expected that at one point the island must have been connected to the mainland, as it was well stocked with a variety of prey. The ocean was a bountiful mistress as often as it had delivered her savage storms, but the place truly felt like home to her. "So what's your name, stranger? I'm Sigleif," she offered, hoping to draw out more information. How had he wound up here anyways? She half expected angry pursuers or bounty hunters to trail in his wake, but she supposed only time would tell.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-16-2017, 02:45 PM

He let his ears flick as he heard her stumbling about in there his blue eyes only taking note as she came into his view. Breath taking really - if he weren't how he was he could fall for women like this. Alas Razor never really had felt that way about wolves - regardless of gender mating got past him easily. Not only that but romantically, he only held interest in men. Which for many he hadn't really thought of it being a big deal. He couldn't imagine a wolf thinking of it harshly but it was a unneeded detail he didn't necessarily share. As such, she explained how she didn't make all of it. Well he would disagree slightly. "Sometimes it's the presence of a wolf that makes something truly remarkable." Razor wheezed as he gave a soft smile to the woman. If she got to know him, she'd come to know he was accepting of all. Simply put if he were alone he could be compared to a monk. If not for where he lived, for a while he'd been afraid to leave pack lands. That was until now.

"I could visit from time to time to handle it if you wanted. You see I'm part of a pack - but if I weren't this place I would entirely consider living in." Razor would begin at first. Taking in a deep breath - happy that the summer would be bringing him more mobility. "A tour would be nice, Ma'm." All instances aside - his blue eyes shone with the curiosity of a newborn pup for sure. Razor was the least dangerous wolf of any - although that made him a target for many nefarious things he knew that. Just he would rather live his life how he pleased, and reap the consequences than have the gods be angry with him for not following the path he felt was intended for himself. As of now he already knew - Itsume was watching over this lady and protecting her as she did all females. Truly special her children were. Razor smiled and made sure his attention locked on Sigleif.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady. My name's Razor, I hope we don't remain strangers forever after all. Friends did start as just that, strangers." he chuckled slightly painfully. One sad thing about himself is that he knew he was going to meet a short end. He didn't have the life span of his other companions. He gave himself a couple more years even, though his family could always try to convince him otherwise. "I live in a pack called Fiori, at the lover's mangrove and sunset falls. I'm a scholar there, I study the stars and my gods. Considering I cannot hunt, fight nor heal that's the best at what I'm doing. Studying and praying." Razor probably made it known by now that if she really had wanted to hurt him she could with no repercussions. Well aside from the ones she'd get from his family - but from himself nothing.




4 Years
02-16-2017, 03:50 PM

Sigleif got the sense that this male was somewhat of a smooth talker. She gave him a second look over her shoulder, and she supposed he was handsome enough, but not exactly her type. Luckily she got the sense it was as much his personality as anything else. He offered to come by every now and then and check in on the place. That drew a genuine smile from her depths and a chuckle. "Thank you," she said. "I pay my debts, as well," she added on afterwards. This place meant a lot to her.

"It's nice to meet you Razor," she went on as he did. "And I don't have many friends. Forgive me, but I must find out what's become of my family and I find it quite difficult to maintain friendships. I never forget a face though," she said with a shrug. He couldn't fault her for being honest. Friendship wasn't an easy commodity to come by for her, an apparent curse on her family name. Still, she would be grateful to Razor for the aid, and it would not get forgotten.

As far as packs went, she could only shrug. She knew little about the politics of the land, and it did not concern her. Her family was all the company she needed... when they were all together, at least. That was the tricky part. Sig hopped up onto the broken wall, scrambling up until she could jump onto the wide supporting wall. The ledge was plenty wide enough to walk across, and it raised them up amongst the trees. Far on the horizon, the sea glittered. "Sounds like a quiet life," she said honestly. It was not one that would suit her, but she would not openly pass that judgement onto him. Whatever suited him was his own business after all. "I have no one profession or duty. I seek my siblings. Perhaps once we are reunited I can relax and focus on a passion, but for now it's not an option." She shrugged, quietly shamed that she had spent so much time recovering her strength and fortitude here on the island. She had wasted a lot of time when she should have been out there. It was behavior she would condemn until she found her family. She could only hope he would understand... and that the view might distract him a smidge.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-16-2017, 04:15 PM

It had never occurred to him that she was a year younger. The both of them in turn, seemed mature for their ages. Perhaps it was just the world that birthed them - Razor knew experiences made a wolf who they were. It wasn't always who their parents were but also other factors as well. Razor was thankful for that smile that appeared on the ladies face. It meant that he had at least to some extent helped her in her day. He knew many wolves struggled with themselves and this one was no different. She thanked him and he dipped his head - he'd have to make sure to come here from time to time then. Make sure that it was okay and perhaps one day he could point a loner in it's direction that would enjoy living here.

Sigleif went on the mention how she didn't have many friends. Hard to maintain a friendship when she had other things to attend to. As Razor's blue eyes shifted over her he looked around the place one more time. "Just because I haven't spoken to my brother in a year doesn't make us less of friends. To you Sigleif, you're a friend under the same sky as me. Doesn't matter if we don't meet until I'm on my deathbed, kindness doesn't go unnoticed with me. That or even just being who you are and who you want to be." he smiled and flicked the end of his tail a bit. For a moment he wanted to apologize for himself. He was spiritual and often he didn't feel it was right to express that to others unless they were open to it. Highly considering how his religion worked he could care less on what others believed in. Everything was valid in the eyes of the trio.

"Well I hope Denki blesses you in your Journey. I know how it can be looking for family. My sister... she's a wild child I haven't seen in some time - not a big fan of my family in general she is. I say how it is now, your family is your passion. If you tell me your siblings names I'll keep an eye out, tell them I saw you if I run into them." Razor offered as his eyes gleamed. He hated it when families were torn apart for one reason or another. His mother had gone insane and died in a death match. His father avenged her and soon vanished, came back only to vanish once more. His sister Holly bore a hatred or her brothers and his sister epinone had been lost to Auster. Jackson was thankfully in Fiori with him and Riv.... well Razor found it hard to ignore the man's scent on the willow's border that with his children. So at least he knew his larger brother was also safe.
