
Autumn Delights {Talis Hunt}



8 Years
02-07-2017, 03:59 PM
The pack had been quiet, Oracle had noticed. Wolves within Talis had fallen almost near silent during summer, and now that fall was here she hardly saw any change. Oracle rose from her den that fine spring morn with a light shining in her eyes. A sense of determination as she glanced around at the plains she had decided to settle in. Some preferred the castle… but the femme rather liked the openness of this place. Especially at night when the stars shown above like a million fireflies in the sky.

The femme took a small breath, her golden gaze shifting towards the direction of the castle’s grounds with a thoughtful look in her gaze. If she attempted to call the pack together, despite not being a high rank, would they come? Oracle mused this thought for a long moment, trying to make the best decision for the moment. She felt fairly certain that her nephew and sister might appreciate the gesture if nothing else…

But what could they hunt? She supposed that would all depend on the turnout that they got when the others arrived…

“You’ve been standin’ there a fairly long time, lass. Are you going to make a move or what?” Bubo’s voice cut into the female’s thoughts, and slowly Oracle lifted her gaze to the snowy owl sitting in the tree just outside of her den. She smiled, knowing the creature could be grumpy but, at the same time, warm hearted. “You know me, Bubo. Everything in due time, friend.”

The female turned her gaze back over the plains, flexing her muscles before starting to pad forward. As she expected Bubo took to the air behind her, calling out as if to tempt her to make a faster decision. “…and when will due time be, Oracle? When we’re all gray?” He winged down closer to her, eyeing the female curiously.

Oracle decided against saying anything further until she had traveled a good distance from where she denned. It was then that she tilted her head skyward, calling for the other wolves of Talis to join her. The howl had more than just a requesting edge to it, though certainly not the commanding air an alpha might hold. Well, if Dragon or Avalon showed up she was sure they could reinforce the call… and then if others didn’t show up there would be consequences.

Bubo landed on the ground near Oracle as she settled down on her haunches to wait. His own bright gaze fixed upon his wolfen companion. Sometimes it was hard to imagine the pair worked as a team… but they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ooc:: You have until February 15th before I post again. :3 Please try to attend~



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-10-2017, 03:32 AM

The male wasn't too happy as of late. It was late spring now, and he'd yet to make the trek back to Boreas to see where the fuck his brother was. More than likely still up North, which irritated the alpha. He was busy running his pack, and it seemed his sibling simply decided to continue whatever he had started with their mother and went as far as to disrespect even him. It was at this point that Dragon decided the jerk didn't deserve much. In fact, he didn't even want to give his brother the satisfaction of him going all the way back just to tell him to fuck off. But Kimahri had talked him into it, and so Dragon planned on making the journey in a couple days time. First, a hunt would do him good. He could get the energy he needed to make the long journey there, and once there well...he supposed he would have to see what happened. Assuming Lykos was even there. He wasn't going to try and track him down all over the damn continent.

So when his aunt called the pack together for a hunt, he was pleased that she had taken the initiative without having been told or asked. She was being proactive at least, unlike the rest of the pack which disappointed him. Then again, he'd been quiet too. The young alpha realized he'd been too engrossed in exploring the world around them, that he had failed to try and get the pack together to do things like a pack should. He would try to change that soon enough, maybe even call a meeting soon to address the issues at hand. With a soft growl, Kimahri sauntered past the wolf as he led the way towards Oracle. Once the pair arrived, Kimahri sat down nearby, unblinking gaze on the wolfess. "Hi Aunt Oracle! I appreciate you calling the pack together for a hunt!" Dragon greeted her when he approached, stopping for a moment as he then threw his head back to call the pack together as well. He hoped enough would at least show so they could bring down something big, whatever it might be.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years

02-10-2017, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2017, 06:23 PM by Steel.)

Despite the fact that Steel had been feeling rather somber lately, he wasn't foolish enough to ignore someone summoning him. Well, not him specifically, but the pack's hunters. Slowly he had gotten used to living here, in the plains, as much as he disliked it -- it was their home now. His children would not have the memories he did of it, of loss and heartache, and he would ensure only good memories came from this place. Slowly rising, he headed toward the call, not terribly familiar with the one who had issued it. Truth be told, though, he hadn't be as proactive as he should've been in getting to know his fellow packmates.

Trying not to feel too dreary, he padded across the plains, coming to settle down near the only two that had arrived. At least it was a nice enough day for a hunt, and feasting on something larger than a hare was going to be much appreciated. He already felt his stomach rumble in agreement as he offered a nod to the two wolves nearby. He hoped Esarosa wouldn't be much longer, and wondered if any of his children would want to join in. He figured they would be able to help, at the very least, even if they didn't have the most important roles in the hunt.



4 Years
02-11-2017, 08:54 PM

To be truthful the female hadn't spent much time in pack lands lately. She hadn't even explored much of the old continent (she'd really been too young) they were on and now they were in an entirely new place. Afrit's adventurous side hadn't waned in the slightest and she'd spent the majority of her time checking out every nook and cranny she could. Despite her thick coat and burly size, she definitely loved this place far more than the pines and that dingy mine that Ivalice had claimed previously. Now they had a castle and a beautiful plain that was absolutely perfect during the night time.

It was lucky that she'd been home for a couple days or else she would have missed the call. She wasn't familiar with the owner of the voice, but Afrit wasn't one to turn down something to do, especially if it was a group event. So she raced towards where she heard the call come from and stopped before she fully reached them. A mischievous look crossed her face as she noticed her older brother. If she was lucky he hadn't noticed her yet since she'd come up behind him. Her rump wiggled slightly behind her as her tail waved wildly before she attempted to creep up behind him before springing herself at him with a grin on her face.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



5 Years
02-11-2017, 10:32 PM

Kharnage had noticed a lack of, well, anything going on lately. He imagined Dragon's job of running the pack wasn't an easy task and Kharn knew he probably wasn't helping matters. He hadn't done much since he'd gotten here. He knew there were younger wolves to train, hunts to do, and he probably could have done with sparring someone, but in all honesty he'd hit a lazy spell. It seemed like everyone else had the same idea, until now that is.

The call got his attention for sure. Ears flicked towards the noise - it wasn't anyone important as far as he could tell. He wouldn't ignore it though. So the male pulled himself from his den and headed towards the gathering place only to find the owner of the call, Dragon, one of his younger siblings, and a man he'd seen around for a while. So far a very small turn out. It was the leopard that mostly caught his eye and he stared at it curiously for a moment. He had half a mind to ask Dragon what it was doing here, but it seemed like his litter mate was preoccupied at the moment.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-18-2017, 03:20 AM

Head lifted from her drink when she heard her sister howl. Head tilted for a moment, then her tail wagged when she realized that Oracle was calling the pack together for a hunt. Well well, this would be the first pack hunt since her son had taken over! She wondered if he was excited about it at all. Without waiting further, she made her way to the gathering, wondering who would be there and what they would be hunting. Dragon had outdone himself when he chose the plains, it was abundant with many different kinds of prey both big and small. Many of which she had never even seen before!

As she approached, she saw a decent sized group already gathered. She was optimistic that this hunt would be a success, and to top it off, she would get to hunt with Afrit! "Hello, dear." She licked her daughters head as she came to sit next to her. Pressing her shoulder into Afrit, she realized how much she was missing her babies. "Care to join me for a stroll later? Just you and me." She hoped she wasn't too late in making it up to her kids for being...absent, so to speak.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
03-02-2017, 10:04 AM
The first to arrive, which didn’t really surprise the femme, was none other than Dragon himself. She tipped her head towards the young man, a smile on her face. “Of course. Seemed like it was about time to do something of that nature, eh?” The she-wolf’s golden eyes had taken on a small shine, a sense of eagerness starting to fill her being. Slowly more wolves began to trickle in. A male she didn’t know and two of Dragon’s littermates… as well as her sister. That made them six adult wolves strong for a hunt… surely that could be enough to take something sizeable down for the pack?

The female mulled over their options. There was a herd of Takin that were migrating towards the castle area of their packlands. Perhaps they could make a good choice of prey? Her tail flicked thoughtfully as she gave a couple more minutes, yet no one else came. A bit of a shame… the pack seemed a bit quiet lately. But hopefully this hunt could be a good way to get some blood pumping for those who had showed.

“Thank you all for coming.” Oracle spoke in a calm tone, her ears perked forward as she looked at each wolf in turn. “I believe we’ve enough wolves here to take down a Takin, though we’ll need an able bodied wolf to scout ahead as we track the herd to pick out which target we’ll take down in particular.” A smile spread upon the femme’s face as she glanced towards Bubo, the owl deciding to take to the air.

“My companion, Bubo, can assist our volunteer in that. For now, let us move in the direction the herd was heading.” The female turned, glancing at the other wolves to see if they’d follow before starting to walk.

“Kharnage, right? How would you like to be our scout during this hunt?” The female asked, glancing to one of her nephews. She was sure there would be time to give the other young ones a turn in the limelight… he just happened to be the lucky pick of the day.