
Horrible Kids



10 Years
Dragon Mod
02-19-2017, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 12:46 PM by Enigma.)

Stiff. Cold. Silent. These were but a few things surrounding him today. The day was warm, and the closer he got to the volcano, it got even warmer. Perhaps the heat would melt the wolf's now frozen heart. But more than likely it would not. He was far gone. Any traces of compassion or mercy he had before were all gone. And it was evident in the dried blood that stuck to his white fur. Blood that was not his. It belonged to the unfortunate soul who had dared to cross his path. Someone who had stepped on his toes when they decided it was a good idea to try and steal his kill. So in turn, he had killed him. Enigma had never killed before. But after that, he wouldn't hesitate to do it again. It gave him a feeling of satisfaction. Of control. Of power. Was that how his father felt when he killed Arian and all the others in his past? He wondered.

His mother would be so disappointed in him, he was sure. But his father would be proud, wouldn't he? "Of course he would." He hissed to himself. He kicked over a rock as he wandered about the base of the mountain, tongue swiping out to lick away some of the blood that coated his muzzle, but he didn't bother to wash away what covered his neck and chest. His father had been the only one who truly cared about him. His mother too, but where was she? She left when Sin died...they all did. Paradox had vanished when Hellstrom was being attacked. And Forsaken had come and gone. Obscuro was out on his own now, and the rest of his younger siblings? He had no fucking clue. He supposed it didn't matter now...and he wasn't too sure if he cared anymore, either. He cared about one thing; to finish what his father had started.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


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4 Years
02-19-2017, 01:38 PM

A mountain of things lingered upon Ganta’s mind as the young brute traveled through the East. He’d meant to go to Fiori sooner, to see Roza and talk with Leo again... but things had taken an unexpected turn. He had seen Shiro again, lingering within Southern Boreas. He’d been shocked to say the least to see his littermate, and couldn’t quite grasp what had happened to him… No, her. Shiro had changed. He blamed Squirrel for that change… but could he really fault the mute male for what had happened to his sibling?

Ganta shook his head, attempting to shake off the thoughts that plagued his mind. He was worried, sure, but he wasn’t going to let worry and fear distract him from the path he wanted for much longer. He had to create Dragoste. Had to create that safe haven he desired for his friend, for all his future friends. The young man flicked his long mane back out of his eyes, gaze searching for a familiar landmark which might help him on his path towards Fiori. Directions… were not exactly the young man’s forte. Hopefully Roza could be a better navigator than he was. Sure he got where he was going… it just sometimes took longer than he wanted.

A brow arched as a familiar scent stirred in his nostrils. It wasn’t the scent of kin, but blood that drew him in first and foremost. He vaguely recognized Enigma’s scent, but only that of a relative of Sin. It had been so long since he’d seen his older brother that he’d almost forgotten him. Almost.

It wasn’t as if they had been particularly close… As for where the other two older siblings were now Ganta didn’t know or care. He was sure Forsaken was still causing trouble somewhere outside of Boreas and Auster. His parents were dead… Paradox was… who knew? And his other siblings?

Almost without thinking he followed that scent until his gaze landed upon the brute. It was then, and only then, that his mind made the connection that this was his brother. Ganta came to a stop, ears pinning back against his skull as he examined Enigma. “Brother…” His voice was quiet, almost as if he didn’t believe his eyes. He hadn’t seen the other since Sin’s death…

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod
02-20-2017, 07:00 PM

Engrossed in his thoughts, he almost missed the scent that wafted past his nose. Almost. There were many things in this world that the man did not forget, and scents were among those many things. His head swiveled to face in the direction he figured the scent was coming from, and no sooner did he see that foreign form approach. Of all the spawn his father had, this one was truly the most odd. He had no idea how such a thing had even come into existence, he was so different. So abnormal...unless his mother had some strange genes in her family, because his father's side had no such bizarre qualities like this that he could recall. Head lifted, ears lazily catching the single word that fell from the oddities lips. For a long while, Enigma simply stared without a word. He was as still as a statue, no movement save for the light touch of the breeze on his fur and the tiny bits of ash that stuck to him.

"Ganta." At last, he uttered his name. Still, he did not draw closer nor did he say anything else as he stared at him with a wild look in his eye. This creature bore no resemblance to him. Yet it still called him brother. What did that word even mean anymore? Forsaken had claimed the brother spot until he decided to keep disappearing. And Paradox as well. "Tell," He hissed, tail slowly beginning to lash. "How have you been?"

Speech Thought Others


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4 Years
02-21-2017, 07:18 PM

Enigma stood still as stone, did not draw any closer… though there was a look in his gaze holding a wild look. Ganta narrowed his silvery-white eyes, body tensing as he put up his guard. He was no fool, and wouldn’t ignore signs that his brother might do something. In a lot of ways Enigma reminded Ganta of their father… of Sin. The younger wolf didn’t flinch, nor did he back down, however, as he continued to gaze at his older sibling. Enigma and his littermates had never viewed him, Shiro, or Obscoro as siblings when they were young.

“I suggest you watch the attitude, ‘nigma.” The words rolled off his tongue easily, a cold, calm tone as he noticed his brother’s tail begin lashing back and forth. “I’ve been on my own, probably the same as you.” At least in regards to their family. Ganta flicked both ears back, his eyes narrowing slightly. If Enigma wouldn’t respond kindly then why should he? He’d been foolish to think his brother might care in the first place…

“All I wanted was to give you what information about our family I could. Now we can do this civilly or you can always turn around and I’ll shove the info right up your ass.” That cold tone continued, the brute’s claws digging into the earth as they sought purchase upon the ground. “I don’t care if you hate me, but we’re still blood.” Ganta hissed, almost mocking Enigma with the information. Yes… his brother was related to the freaky litter his father and mother had produced. What was he going to do about it?

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



10 Years
Dragon Mod
03-12-2017, 05:37 PM

“I suggest you watch the attitude, ‘nigma.” The alabaster male scoffed. Was this twerp trying to threaten him? He had no right to tell him that in the first place. The runt had taken off, disappeared along with the rest of them, and Enigma had been left to care for Obscuro on his own. This brats brother. "Oh? And who are you to tell me that, hm?" He snorted. If his brother thought himself so high and mighty, then he'd be obligated to put him in his place. He listened to the rest of Ganta's words, though he didn't care too much about what happened to the rest of his family anymore. He  had his own goals now, and that was to kill those who had torn his father apart. "Cocky now, aren't we? I don't care what happened to them anymore. If I see them, they're dead anyway. As for you, what happened to your blind brother after he went on his own hm? If I recall, I was the one who took care of him for seasons after the rest of you left him behind to die!" He sneered at Ganta, taking another step closer with his head cocked to the side. "Or maybe you pretended to care? Or maybe..." He paused for a moment, nostrils flaring as he detected the underlying scent of...another wolf? His gaze rose to meet Ganta's, his sneer growing wider. "Fooling around with Adravendi scum? How fitting of you."

He laughed, a low rumbling and gritty sound coming from the pits of his chest. Oh how funny this was. The feud wasn't over, and yet here this twerp stood. "Father should have killed you when he had the chance." He said nonchalantly, hackles prickling as he stared down his brother. He had half a mind to rip that weird long fur right off of his head. But maybe he'd wait to do that...for now, he was more interested in seeing how much he could piss him off, if at all.

Speech Thought Others


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4 Years
03-12-2017, 06:05 PM

Ganta’s lip lifted slightly as his brother asked who was he to tell him that. Who? He could show him who! The young male shifted slightly, a low growl building in his chest. “Dead anyway? Shows how much you cared for our blood.” Though the remark about Obscoro hurt, creating a sting, the young man did his best to shake it off. “Mother was the only sane one out of you lot. Such a shame she’s already raced off to join father at the Hellgates.” Ganta’s ghostly white orbs narrowed the moment Enigma caught the underlying scent of Roza on his coat.

“You’re treading on thin ice, ‘nigma.” He warned, his voice becoming more heated. “I happened to be looking for our other sibling, thank you very much, who no one seemed to care was even kidnapped. It just so happened I caught wind of mother on the way back, right before she jumped to her own death.. and ‘saken? Who the fuck knows where that bastard went. Or Paradox. But I suppose you don’t even care about your own siblings anymore, do you?” There was obvious anger boiling in his eyes now, tail lashing back and forth.

“…and for the record… Shiro is still around… and thinks he’s a girl.” Ganta wasn’t even sure why he was sharing the information now, but a twisted smirk appeared on his face as well. A smirk that was close to Enigma’s own. “Father could have killed me back then, yes, but now, if he could have tried I would have killed him.” The brute paused. “…and if you mess with her family I’ll tear you apart You’ll wish you were dead!” Ganta’s voice rose to the heavens. He didn’t care if his family considered him a traitor. He had a right to walk his own path. Yet, even then, he wished he wouldn’t need to spill his brother’s blood. He’d do it if he had to, but he would not make the first move.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



10 Years
Dragon Mod
03-14-2017, 11:26 PM

He heard the growl, and he had to admit it pleased him greatly to hear that he was riling him up. “Dead anyway? Shows how much you cared for our blood.” Enigma's teeth bared, "I cared about them until they left the pack, and father, to die!" He snapped, "Including you!" He had been loyal to them all, even going as far as caring for the blind one for the sake of his father until he decided that Obscuro could finally survive on his own. It was hard teaching a blind wolf how to hunt and fight and to fend for himself, but in the end, they had made it work. The news about his mother was not much of a shock to him. He should've known that she wouldn't stick around long in the world of the living without Sin in it. So she had gone to join him, and Enigma figured it was better for her that way. As much as he loved her and was willing to protect her through any means necessary, she was weak. He caught Ganta's reaction at the mention of the scent, and he smirked while a low rumble of laughter came out. "Am I? Don't tell me you're actually in love? How cute. Too bad it won't last." Truth was, he had hoped that he and the woman who had collapsed on Hellstrom's borders would work out, but when Imperium took her during the siege, he never saw her again. When he found out they disbanded, he had searched for her, but Takira was nowhere to be found. He had given up on the concept of love then, and didn't believe in it anymore. She had been the only wolf who he had come to really care for and who had somehow drawn out those feelings, but now his heart was encased in ice. He trusted nobody but himself.

He half listened to Ganta going on about the others, though he already had an answer for Paradox and Forsaken. If he ever saw them again, he'd bite the shit out of them for leaving so many times. They had grown up close together, but then they were torn apart thanks to the siege. "The day they abandoned father and everyone else, is the day I stopped caring." It was true. Call him crazy, but Enigma idolized his father as if he were a God. And while he was far from immortal, his father had done a great many things that instilled fear in some. And that was the way to go. When Shiro was mentioned, however, Enigma's head cocked to the side with a raised brow. What. The Actual. Fuck. One of Sin's sons decided he was a girl!? Disgusting! "Well, then. Looks like I have some eradicating to do, now don't I?" He laughed again. With his father gone, it was now his job to cull the weak from their bloodlines. Granted, he himself couldn't breed anymore, but that didn't mean he would allow others to muck up his fathers legacy.

Ganta went on, even going as far as to start screaming and Enigma relished in the fact that the little weirdo was so angry. His own tail lashed, eyes narrowed as he took another step forward, head and tail rising in a show of dominance. "Oh? And what are you going to do about it if I do, hm? You can blame that bitch Arian for all of this. And remember, no Adravendi is innocent after her family's stupidity! Just like everyone will always blame us for Sin's actions." He spat, eyes wild as his hackles bristled. "Don't you get it? They will always blame us. There's no running from it, so you'd best accept the fact! There's no running from it!"

Speech Thought Others


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4 Years
03-26-2017, 10:39 AM

“The pack was ALREADY gone. Father was ALREADY dead!” Ganta countered hotly. Oh yes he’d been there at that challenge when Sin was killed… and for what? To watch his already broken family shatter into more pieces as it fell apart. His lips quivered, his mind, body, and soul practically on fire at his brother’s words. “Shut up. You don’t know anything! It will last. She doesn’t judge me…” But even as Ganta spoke those words he remembered Kreft, how quick the other had been to turn on him…

“…and you won’t touch Shiro. Even if he’s a bit cracked now… He’s still stronger than you think.” Something about Enigma’s words had fear welling up inside Ganta. He could picture his father and the man that took his life… the man who had been Arian’s husband. He could see Enigma facing him like that, and honestly the thought made Ganta sick. Why couldn’t the past remain the past, and they all go on to a future? Why did it always have to be about spilling more blood?

“The faults of the father do not pass to the children unless they make themselves like him. I am NOT like Sin. I will not be cruel and take from those who don’t deserve such hurts. Father was cruel, cold, and a bastard. He got what he deserved, and one day so will you!” Why did it hurt so much when he said that though? Was it because some part of him still yearned for a normal family? He could feel hot tears prick at his eyes as he took a step back, fighting within himself about wanting to attack Enigma and just running out of there.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-06-2017, 01:52 AM

"And yet you fraternize with them! He spat with pure disgust. Granted, he did talk to Tornach...but that had been so long ago. He doubted they were friends though. He was sure they were both on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. One side of his lip curled in a wicked grin as he saw the doubt flicker in his brothers eyes, and knew that he was striking hard and deep. Good. That was how it should be. After all the bullshit, Enigma often knew where to hit and he would go after it relentlessly. He, after all, had nothing to lose. And tormenting his so called brother was giving him great pleasure. “…and you won’t touch Shiro. Even if he’s a bit cracked now… He’s still stronger than you think.” He snorted, tail lashing as he took another step forward, "Oh really? Then where is he? If he's as strong as you say, then why does he cower away in hiding?" He lifted his head, a wild smile on his maw as his eyes glinted with cold ferocity.

“The faults of the father do not pass to the children unless they make themselves like him. I am NOT like Sin. I will not be cruel and take from those who don’t deserve such hurts. Father was cruel, cold, and a bastard. He got what he deserved, and one day so will you!” He laughed. A wild, maniacal laugh. He could see that Ganta was faltering, and he was loving it. "You're wrong. Father may have dug his own grave, but so did those who went against us. Your beloved Adravendi's won't last much longer. One by one they will go, and if not by me then someone else. After all, I'm sure we're not their only enemy. He didn't know if there were others, but he was willing to bet there were more. After all, they were a family that had been around for some time, so there had to be. His tail curled over his back, eyes glinting as if he were challenging his siblings. "You're so naive. How sad that you think your little girlfriend will stick around. Once she realizes where you come from, she'll take off just like everyone else." He tilted his head a little, amber gaze glancing sideways at Ganta. "You are a bastard child, after all. And there's no changing that."

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


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4 Years
04-24-2017, 05:19 PM

Every word hurt… hurt more so because Ganta didn’t want to fight with Enigma. He would much rather they got along… but… he squeezed his eyes closed. Enigma was poking holes in everything he said. About Shiro… making him doubt Roza staying with him… Maybe he was naive… maybe he was just a fool thinking he could start a pack… but… If he didn’t have hopes and dreams then what did he really have? He took a slow breath, opening his white orbs to look upon his older sibling. He let out a low growl, eyes narrowed as he began to speak.

“I may be Sin’s child… a bastard child… but I’m going to change my path…” Why was it so hard to speak? Why was he faltering so much? “One day you’ll remember me, Enigma. I’ll be an alpha, but I won’t be an alpha of war. My wolves will be protected… and I will defend them all by my own fang and claw. Even if I’m naive… I’ll live and die for my beliefs!” Ganta’s voice rose with courage towards the end before the younger brute turned, shooting one last glare at his brother.

“I’ll make you see you’re the one that’s wrong one day, Enigma… I swear it.”

--Exit Ganta unless stopped--

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...